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by reaper
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2068959
you think being human again after so long in a computer would be more of a challenge.
One way trip

Pain, I knew it was coming. I had thought I was ready. I wasnât. I tried to cough up more of the fluid and was thankful when my new lungs expelled the last of it and drew in their first breath.
Breathing was good. I remembered that much from the last time I was human at least.

As I got my breathing under control. The pain faded and I became aware of the cold meatal floor that I was laying on. There was also the sound of the maturation tank dripping excess fluid on to the floor with me. It had flushed my new body out onto the floor, effectively dumping me face down. Stretching me out of the fetal position that I had held for so long. This new position minimised risk of drowning in the excess fluids but it wasnât very comfortable. Unfortunately I wasnât able to do anything about it as my mind and body still needed time to properly synchronise.

The lights hummed above my head but I dare not open my eyes till I finish adjusting myself to my new senses. This wasnât like the virtual reality training. I had no problem with learning about gravity and being human again. But being human after existing so long as a computer program was painful.

So I lay there, listening to the hum of the machines around me identifying them from the schematic I had downloaded and direction that the sounds originated.
For example I knew from the plans that the room was small barely more than a closet for the maturation chamber and the supporting machines.

The door hissed open in front of me. The new air flow bringing in a new sent that was weaker then the smell of the abiotic fluid but my new body was the best we could make it. So I knew that this new smell was more natural then the hash chemicals. Not having deemed it important to list olfactory scents, I had no idea what it was but that would come in time.

âHow long are you going to lay there?â the voice that spoke was female and very fermi lure. It was the voice that had given me life and purpose in the machine. It was the voice of my boss if you will. âHuman bodies arenât cheap you knowâ¦â

She would have gone on but I managed to choke out a sound, that was meant to have been a word but was merely the sound of my new vocal cords stretching for the first time.

âThatâs itâ¦keep trying to talk⦠youâre not going to be able to for a few minutes yet.â

I knew that much from the tutorials. So I grunted at her again. She sighed and began to remove the excess fluid from my body using a towel. I thankfully dint have to do anything except keep trying to talk. Witch was getting easier, or at least I was able to make the sounds I was trying to make.

Now no longer in danger of drowning. 7135. Flipped me over to dry my other side. Thatâs not her name but her ID number witch for a computer program is faster and easier to process I would have to start calling her by her given name now that I was human. Kelly. It was in her file witch I had downloaded to my human bodyâs memory. There was limited space and naturally I couldnât compress the data too far or my human brain wouldnât be able to access it. So 93% of me was still in the computer.

I had prioritised my job requirements and the abilityâs to carry them out but that left precious little space for me. The only good thing about it was the stuff that was missing wouldnât be missed as I dint know what it was now.

Kelly slapped my face⦠hard. I knew it was part of the birth but still it caught me off guard. âOwâ I said. Happy that it came out right at least.

âIâve got most of it off but you will still need a good bath later⦠for now you need to start moving your legs and arms, be careful your mussels are fully developed and readyâ

I nodded and started the stretches. Happy to find these actions pain free. Mostly because I did not like my earlier experience with it but also because I dint want to go thru the long rehabilitation program to fix any problem that could have gotten past me as I ran the safety checks.

I focused on the movement as I had found it difficult to judge the power that I needed for each action. As such it was easy to over shoot or under shoot causing me to lose balance or bump into the screen lined walls around me. Annoyed I refocuses my efforts.

My diligence in this mater payed off and I was soon able to get myself into a more comfortable seated position.

âAll rightâ Kelly sounded pleased with herself as if she had anything to do with my new body coordination âyour looking goodâ

âThanksâ my first word. A little ruff still but definitely English.

Kelly gave an encouraging âok you can talk⦠now shut up before you do any damage to your vocal cordsâ

I did as I was ordered, wondering how I got into this mess. Being the lowest of the low in a computer I was expected to do nothing. I was literally a backup for a backup. I was only on this ship because I was lucky enough to have the right skills that were required. I should have spent the entire trip⦠for lack of a better word⦠unconcise.

I should never have gotten any time in a robot body let alone a human one. It still confused me as to how I got selected for this assignment.

Kelly taped away on one of the screens. Probably checking my vitals or giving the crew instructions.

Now finish with my breathing, stretching and talking. Finally I was ready to open my eyes⦠or at least I tried to but I found they dint respond. I frowned. (Felt my face in voluntary move into the frown position) that natural response dint scare me half as much as the fact that I had no eyes.
No eyes would be a huge problem. As a new body would have to be made and this one disposed of. Logically I knew that I would be fine, just another two weeks in the pod and another download. But emotionally my survival instincts kicked in. this body dint want to die and it tensed as I waited for Kelly to tell me the bad news.

âHere let me wipe your eyes lids again, there probably just stuck together with abiotic fluidâ

My heart sounded louder to me as I waited three heart beats.

âTheir try againâ Kelly ordered

I opened my eyes. The room was bright, too bright so I shut my eyes again. This had been expected but as with everything else it was becoming more evident that the training I performed in the computer was not as realistic as it should have been.

I sighed and opened my eyes again. This time my eyes adjusted better to the dim lights. I took in the room. It was just as it had been in the Sims at least. Slimy abiotic fluid covered the floor and myself. The displays on the screens around me made little to no sense. My brain dint need to know about growing humans so I dint add that to my limited space. Still it annoyed me that information was their yet I was lacking in skill.

Delicate figures touched my jaw and ever so gently swivelled my head to look into Kellyâs face. I had seen her thru cameras thousands of times, looked at her profile picture. Yet the site that greeted my new eyes, was by far the loveliest thing I had ever seen in this life or my last.

The expression on my face must have been something because her hand cupped my head and held it still as she came closer.
She was close enough that I no longer smelt the abiotic fluid more strongly than her sent.
My body reacted as if playing out a subroutine. We kissed, I was kissed⦠she kissed me.

I was surprised to say the least. Not because in brain limited on space somehow someone had added kissing. But because I was kissing her back and I was sure that I loved every Nano second of it.

We broke apart. She let her hand drop to my shoulder. I dropped my gaze. Shame moving blood into my cheeks. She was my boss, my superior. We had a job to do I couldnât let my self be distracted from that.

Yet as I looked down I was still totally focused on her⦠she was wearing a skin tight suite that was moulded to her body like a second skin. Probably chose that so as to not get covered in abiotic fluid. Whatever the reason I loved the way it accentuated her perfect figure. From her neck to her toes she was perfect. Even the round form of her pregnancy was beautiful.
âYour pregnant?â my mind had final registered this anomaly. Her file had no mention of this.

She giggled, and I found my confusion once again subside in the face of this new love. Dame these emotion were chaotic. âYou noticedâ she said it as if she was surprised it took me this long. âYes Iâm pregnant, or at least my body thinks it isâ

I looked up into her eyes again as I waited for an explanation.

âThere is no featâs in my womb. I built this body to have these measurementsâ¦â That at least corresponded with my data file. It showed her stomach line to be 55.5 inches around. âThis is the size I would be if I was having twinsâ

I nodded dimly. Really what did it matter if her body looked like this or that I found her more attractive for it.

âNow that thatâs out of the way letâs get you washed, dressed and feed. I remember how hungry I was when I was born.

She took me by the hand and I got to my feet. It wasnât difficult to stand or walk. I found myself once again happy that the training had at least helped in this manner.

I was lead thru the corridors into the main bathroom. I could have found it on my own since I had the map but I liked the felling of Kellyâs hand in mine so let her lead me.

The main bathroom was basically a very large bath sunk into the floor about 6m around with taps and nasals of veering size and type hanging off the walls or from the cycling. To one side was a pair of sink and single toilet. It had obviously been designed for long term practicality and comfort buy someone who would never use it obviously. I knew there was no other toilet on board the station. I imagen that we would have to make arrangements to share this space.

The sound of water interrupted my thoughts as Kelly activated a tap and began filling the tub. Satisfied that the water was to her likening she stated to strip off her skin tight suite

âUmâ¦â was all I managed to say. Yes I was technically naked as I was just born. But I saw no reason as to why she was now also.

âLimited waterâ she said over her shoulder âwe bath togetherâ

I knew nothing of the water system, other than it was rescaled. So what she was saying could be true but then why not bath separately.

Expertly Kelly lowered herself into the tub. Completely submerging herself in the water. I idly wondered how deep it was, before she suffused on the other side of the tub âdo I have to give you an order⦠or are you going to join me?â

I moved forward, not because of almost being ordered. But because nothing sounded better than a wash right now.

It was heavenly to slip into the tub. The water was just right and my skin loosened up quite a bit as the layer of left over abiotic fluid.

âUm Kelly⦠oh sorry miss Kellyâ I really had no idea how I was supposed to address her. She was my superior but then again we were going to be working closely with each other and formalities were kind of pointless when there was only the two of us.

Kelly slid over to me and lent her belly against me as she spoke âyou will address me as: mum, mummy or Mumaâ

âYes⦠mumâ I said formally not shore as to why she wished to be addressed as such.

âNo not like that, like a baby to their motherâ

âOhâ¦ok, mummyâ I tried it and found that Kellyâs face relaxed into a smile. All of a sudden it dint seem silly or weird. If it got her to smile I was all for it.

âNow do you know what job you will be doing from now on?â she asked as if just realising that I might not have fully prepared myself for the position.

âWell. We are on a spaceship that is taking mankind to a habitable planet 147light years from earth. The ship is maintained by robots witch are controlled by the crew in the computer like I was. There is one⦠two living humans on board. As the backup if something goes wrong.â

âCorrect⦠and do you know what job you have now?â

âTo be your babyâ I just blurted it out, but as I sat there I realised it was true. I reviewed my job files and there it was, after all the emergency procedures. I was to fill the role of baby to Kelly.

Kelly giggled again as she took my left hand and place it gently on her belly, using it to slowly rub cyclicals.

âWe have been in space for 3 daysâ she explained âthe crew is a bunch of one and zeros in the computer, it dint take me long to reprogram a bio-regenerator to upgrade myself. Then find the template and profile I had added before we leftâ¦â


âThatâs right, YOU, you will be my baby girl, this ship our home. Till we get where we are going.â

âBut surly the surplusâ¦â

âTaken care of, this ship was designed by me remember for this very purposeâ

âHow did you get this past the builders?â

âThe builders were robots controlled by people in a computer, it was almost too easy⦠but thatâs in the past what matters is our future⦠now lay back and let mummy clean her baby girlâ



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