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Winner of the January 2016 Scary Animal Tales contest |
WORD COUNT: 916 Hearing car doors slam, I ran over to the window and peered out. Yes, my owners were home. Now for the terror to begin. They walked through the door, home from their lawn care work. They were dirty and looked really tired. Just how I wanted them to be. My plan will begin with attacking my housemate, Patches, the one who should be the alpha. But she's sick and our owners don't even know it. They can't understand why she's letting me run all over her. I hear them dig into the dog food and know they're going outside to feed the dogs. I ran into the kitchen to watch. Oops, mom dropped some food on the floor. Oh, dad opened the door and a piece of food got stuck. The scraping noise snaps something inside of me. I leap onto Patches, bite into her neck and she cries out. Just before mom tries to deal me a blow I run off into the darkness of the bedroom. While dad goes out to feed the dogs, mom puts tea on to brew. I peer out at her from my lair, watching her every move. Once dad comes back into the house mom decides to search for me. As soon as she steps into the dimly lit hallway I jump onto her legs and slice at them up and down. I hear her scream and run back into the shadows. Dad runs over to see what's going on and I strike mom again. She screams louder this time as blood runs down her legs. Lucky for me she's wearing shorts. I love the way my claws sink into her skin. I narrowly miss getting snagged by dad. Now he's on the warpath, but he decides to help mom first. Mom sits on the sink while dad gets a washcloth. I rest just inside the blackness and plan my next onslaught. Mom is crying now and they're talking about what could be wrong with me. Nothing's wrong with me. I am finally being me. I've played nice ever since they took me in thinking I was a sweet little kitten. Well the true me has appeared and I feel fabulous. They didn't know it but I noticed instantly that Patches was sick. I could smell it. She tried to keep her position and I let her for a while, but no more. I'm in charge now. Mom has band-aids all over her legs and sits on the couch while dad looks for me. He'll find me alright. Just a little closer. I growled real loud and thrust myself onto his legs. I couldn't get as good of a grip because he wore jeans but I did get a couple of claws through them. He let out a yell and I ran into the other dark bedroom. Then he jumped forward and slammed the door, leaving me stranded in the room. They won't leave me in here for long. They'll feel bad for me and let me out soon. After what seemed like hours the door slowly opened. There was mom and I could tell she was scared. She looked around but didn't see me. Suddenly dad was next to her with food and water bowls. Apparently I'd been banished. That's okay. I'll be even more angry tomorrow. Just wait. The next day I could hear my owners walking around but they hadn't checked on me yet. That wasn't very nice of them. They'll reap the ramifications of that very soon. Eventually I see the door gradually open again. There's dad looking for me. I storm forward and push past him. I'm on the prowl for mom. Ah, there she is next to a cage. Well she won't be able to catch me to put me in that thing. She reaches for me but I'm too slippery and run past her, just out of her reach. What is she doing? I'm the one in control here. She thinks she's so smart. Somehow they corner me. I've never seen mom so determined and courageous about anything before. She's scaring me a little. Swiftly mom reaches out, grabs me by the scruff and shoves me inside the cage. I got a few slices into her arm before she could get it out and slam the door. I heard Patches laughing as she told me that she'd never seen our parents so tough before. "Adios you little shit." This isn't so fun anymore. I don't like this cage. It's driving me crazy, it's so small. I throw myself back and forth against the sides and growl, but it doesn't work. I can't get out and now I'm in the backseat of the car. Mom is crying again. Something isn't right. What's going on here? Uh, oh. I don't like what I'm smelling. "Drive by that building. Drive by." But we didn't drive by. I can hear and smell the terror that lay before me. I hear others talking about the new cat. They're not saying nice things. They're calling me names and saying how they can't wait to get to know me. "No, don't leave me here! Don't leave me here!" They walked out the door. They didn't look back. Clearly my plan didn't work out so well. Sick little Patches is still the alpha after all. I wonder how long it will take me to get through the ranks here? I can smell the fear...or is that coming from me? |