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Every year the seven planets celebrate the Alien race that stopped a war. |
Planetary Peace “Welcome everyone,” Havlin could hear a large crowd already gathering along the tour path in front of the Observation Lounge he sat in, “To the Tour-of-the-Planets Peace Tour.” “The Tour is scheduled to start in about half an hour,” Havlin kept glancing down at the notes in his lap, “And it’s going to represent all seven inhabited planets in our Solar System.” “Our planet of Evon joined Space Exploration four hundred years ago.” Havlin looked at the six other Announcers seated next to him. Three on each side. “We didn’t even know of the existence of any other inhabited planets in this Solar System – especially another human one.” “They didn’t know about us either,” Havlin dropped his notes when he adjusted himself in his chair, “or about each other.” He scooped down to pick them up. “Even though four of them, including the other human world, were more advance than us they hadn’t started Space Exploration,” said Havlin. “When they discover our existence they panicked.” “What worried them the worst was that the two human planets were at opposite ends,” Havlin spoke into a large letter ‘J’ attached to a silver ring around his neck. “They feared, why we still don’t know, one of us colonized the other.” “It probably happened centuries ago.” Havlin had six small monitors in front of him. Each one had the face of one of the other Announcers there. They also had monitors in front of them too. Havlin saw they were talking to their people too. “Then something happened to one, or both, of the planets to revert it to a pre-spaceflight time.” “When they found out about what they thought was a connection a disorganized War broke out.” A thin cord connected each monitor to a single connector. Next to that connector another cord connected to one of Havlin’s ears. “Each planet fought the other six for total domination over the whole Solar System.” “A war that lasted almost a hundred years,” said Havlin. “It only ended thanks to an Alien from another Solar System.” “She helped us to have peace with each other,” a picture of that Alien hung behind the Announcers. “Every year since then we have this celebration to honor her.” “Evon has been selected as Host Announcer for this Celebration-of-Peace this year,” Havlin smiled as he saw the Tour was about to begin, “And it looks like that Tour is about to start.” ==================== “As each display walks, or hovers, past I will describe it to you,” said Havlin. “What type of display it is, and what planet it came from.” ‘It’s hard to believe there is no road, street etc. beneath those displays,’ thought Havlin. “Next is a hoverer representing the planet of Kallic.” Kallics had heads like birds - but no feathers. “They used to be able to fly, and that’s what the hoverer is displaying.” “The planet of Winom is still pretty primitive – except for they ability a space travel.” They might look like humans, but they are a light blue in color. “Their primitiveness is what their hoverer is all about. “They may look like big strong ugly beast, but there are also a lot of scientist on the planet of Chalvis too,” said Havlin. “That’s what their hoverer is displaying.” “another one from my home planet of Evon,” said Havlin. “We have several different sporting events on our planet, and this hoverer is showing most of them.” “The other human planet is called Norfa.” Havlin could see their Protective Suits a little as they moved around on their hoverer. ‘Everyone out there has one,’ thought Havlin. “They got hit the hardest during The War, and their hoverer displays that.” “Rothum is a friendly planet.” The Rothums also looke human too, but they were red in color. How red depended on if they’re male and female or young and old. “I think that’s what their hoverer represents – their friendliness.” “Next one going past right now is from the planet of Othuim.” The Othuims had a lizard like head, and what looked like scales all over their body that move in rhythm a couple of seconds. “they are a fruit and vegetable planet, and it appears their hoverer is showing them harvesting their favorite vestibule.” “The Chalvisians are hunters, but they aren’t your normal hunters,” said Havlin. “They have the technology – but their hoverer shows that they still use old fashion weapons with their hunting.” “Norfaians have a lot of sporting events too - and like Evon they have cheering teams,” said Havlin. “The latest hoverer is showing them doing some of their routines.” “There a lot of fighting happening on the planet of Winon, and the next hoverer is showing one of those fights.” Havlin diverts his eyes from that hoverer a little. “I hope I’m wrong about that display because it’s so violet.” “This one is my favorite, and not because it’s from Evon too.” Havlin leaned forward with that one a little. “It’s because it shows us in our first spaceflight.” “Othuims used to live in the water,” said Havlin, “And their hoverer is displaying how they rose out of the water to live on land.” “I like this one too,” said Havlin. “The hoverer is showing that the Kallics are a very fast running race.” “There have been a lot of music, both verbal and non-verbal, today, and we are seeing one more from the planet of Rothum.” Havlin bobbed his head from side to side to the music. “The last hoverer of the day is showing the Alien who helped us stop the war before it killed us all,” said Havlin. “We never have known what Race they are.” “Now that the Tour is over here we Announcers will take a tour of each planet showing the celebrations that are going on there over the next month,” said Havlin. “We will visit several cities, towns, villages etc. for one week before we move on to the next planet.” |