Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2068240-War-and-Deception
by Cherry
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2068240
Beginning of a story line I am testing out.
A gown of crème and pearls, veil of sheer silk painstakingly sewn with beautiful lilies of the valley. Attendants had seen to applying rouge to my cheeks and finger dabs of perfume to my most intimate areas. My hair was brushed to a glossy chestnut sheen and intricately braided to the side. I stared at myself in the mirror, my dark eyes haunting my pale face.

Sixteen years old and getting married. Father insisted it was necessary for his alliances and mother claimed that I would “grow to love him”. Doubtful. I had found my love already, Lord Francis Caville. He was close to Father and stayed at court almost throughout the entire year despite is many lands and elegant castles. I asked him once why he did not try to distant himself more from the hectic world of court. Father needed him but not so much that he has to be by his side at all times. Lord Caville replied that he could not bear to be away from me. That was before there was anything more than cautious glances between us two. Then during the Spring festivities the Lords decided they were up for a game of ‘Chase the Hare’. For honest ladies and gentlemen, a fun game of tag for the treat of an innocent kiss, but for the mischievous an almost too good to be true excuse to hide from watchful eyes and be with your lover, if only for a few moments. That was the first time Francis ever touched me.

We ran through the maze my Father had so proudly had made on his castle grounds. A magnificently large maze of () trees with gardens, statues, and fountains throughout. Caville found me in a shaded corner that I had hidden myself in. Purpose of the game is to try not to get caught but the purpose of my game was to test his fear. Would he be too afraid of the King to love me? Without hesitation he rushed to me and gave me all that he could of himself in that moment, taking all that he could of me. His caress soft against the tops of my breast, his mouth warm on mine. He slipped a hand under my skirts and for a moment I panicked. A man had never touched me before, in any way, and yet here he was fearlessly making me shudder in ways I never even knew I could. Suddenly we heard laughter and quickly composed ourselves to continue playing the “game”. No words spoken, just mutual silent satisfaction as well as lust and envy for future opportunities.

We later made use of the servant passages and always met in his room which was almost always blessedly free of interruptions.
Our last meeting had been there. After Father had announced his decision to marry me off to the King of Limerac to the council, he came to me, distraught. I didn’t know myself what to think or do. Father had yet to tell me of his decision to do this to me. I know I should have expected it, I suppose I just let myself dream that I would eventually be able to suggest to father my own wishes. However, I am his first and only daughter. I am a political pawn who does not get to love or do what her own heart desires. Francis said he would give everything up, take me to Gasconia. I knew better though, that would only result in his death, if not immediately, the eventually after being hunted down, only leading to my own heartbreak, one worse than I am now facing.

Five weeks later we received the response to my father’s marriage proposal from the King of Limerac. Two weeks later, myself, my King Father and Queen Mother, along with the Kings council which included my beloved Lord Caville, all boarded ships to my new home to prepare for my wedding and my father’s new alliance treaty with the Limeracians.

Despite the danger of it, we still continued to see each other once we reached Limerac. Being the bride to be of the King, I was constantly being watch and judged, to be sure that I was fit for marriage. Somehow we always managed to avoid being caught, though whenever someone gave me an odd look or glanced at me too boldly, my heart stopped fearing that they knew, and if they knew…then who else?

Every day we have said goodbye to one another, never knowing if the next day or the day after that, all the days leading up to this terrible moment, which one would be the last time we were together alone. It was this morning. In ways it was both wonderful and heartbreaking. How terrible it feels to be with the one man I truly love and then merely hours later be standing across from one I have never met.

How odd a tradition I think. How unlikely to ever lead to anyone’s happiness. Here, they believe that if it can be avoided, a man should not meet his future wife until they are both before the priest. It is thought to keep away temptations, fears, and uncertainties. Ironically all it does for me is lead to just those things.

“Oh BaBa, you look beautiful!”
My mother’s nickname for me ever since I can remember. Somehow it always manages to put a smile on my face. Just as quickly, my smile fell.
“Sweetheart, don’t be down. We all go through this, and as a result, we get beautiful children and happiness. Have no fear. You will endear your heart to his over time.”

Sighing I said “I know Mother. I’m just nervous is all. I will be alright.” Glancing out the window to see the set of the sun I asked “Is it time?”

“Yes Dear, it is”.

I took myself in one last time though the mirror then turned around and headed for my carriage that would lead me to what I could only feel was my doom.

Chapter 2

The King gently lifted the veil off my face and I saw him for the first time. A swarm of thoughts were going through my head but overall I was feeling relief. He looked so kind and stood erectly in a way that even standing so close, made him appear gallant, though thus far apart from standing, he had done nothing to earn that description. His hair was a cool sandy blonde and his eyes were a brilliant bright blue, not the kind that are shocking, but the kind that draw you in so that you cannot stop staring at them. I realized that I was and moved my eyes to focus elsewhere and caught that his smile was magnificently warm. Before I knew it, the wedding was over and the party for us had begun.

We finally said our first real words to one another as we entered our wedding dance. He had me spinning with ideas, prospects, questions. I found the only things I really knew how to respond to were the questions and even then, I was so nervous with my new husband that they were severely lacking answers.

“Are you Okay Adeline?”
“I’m sorry your majesty, I’m simply slow to adjusting it seems. It’s all just…very fast and overwhelming.”
“Please, try not to be overwhelmed. Pretend for a moment that we are not husband and wife, that we are courting as you do in your father’s kingdom. Perhaps that will make things easier for you, at least for a bit?”
I laughed, “Your majesty, with all eyes on us, how could I possibly pretend that we did not just get married?”
The King sighed, “Very well then. In that case, you are now my wife, my queen, and you must call me Darian”
“Of course…Darian”.

Before I knew it we were sent off to bed. I first had to go to my own chamber first to have the servants free me of my gown and let my hair down. I was also given a light washing and fresh perfume scented with rose water. I draped myself in a robe of sheer cotton that tied down the front. A gentle pull of the ribbon would reveal my supple breasts. Part of me was excited for this new part of my life. The other part of me was my aching heart for Francis. I had seen him at the wedding party. He wasn’t even pretending to be happy, instead he had gotten himself drunk to the point of having to retire early, at the risk of offending two Kings it was a terrible thing to do. Fortunately my father has an even temper and if King Darian noticed or cared, he hid it well.

I was led to the Kings chambers by two guards and left before a great bed draped with red silk and luxurious furs. King Darian came around the corner dressed in a fine red fur trimmed robe. He was kind. I had expected him to look me up and down like some men do to women but it appeared as though he was as kind behind closed doors as he was before a crowd.

Trembling, I watched as he calmly came up to me. Gently caressing my cheek he put his lips to mine and the breath escaped my body as he pulled me close. I knew I should not want this, should be angry, upset with the forced position I have been put in. How could this man I just met so easily make me want him despite my love for another?

Chapter 3

Sunshine spilled in, warming my face and peaceably waking me up for the morning of my new life. I rolled over to find the King was already out of bed and gone. I rang for servants to bring me my gown, washing water, and a light breakfast of soft bread, currants, and butter.

I was sitting at a large desk sitting across the room, eating my breakfast and reading over some messages that had been left for me before I had awakened that morning. Two servants had brought in a selection of gowns for me to choose from. I decided on my rose colored gown adorned with light blue rose vines and they were putting the other two gowns together to be put back when the King came in. He strolled right over to me and gave me a warm kiss.

“How are you this morning my queen?” he said with warmth.
“Wonderful” I said. “I apologize for not completing these tasks in my own chambers, but it would put me at ease to be able to exit fully composed. I pray you do not mind.”
“Of course Adeline.”
He seemed to be hesitating to say something.
“Is there something you wanted to ask me your majesty?”
“As a matter of fact yes. And please, my dear, please remember that I am not just your King, but also your husband. Leave ‘Your Majesty’ to our beloved subjects.” He smiled and turned around to butter a piece of bread.
“I apologize. It will take some getting used to.”
“Yes well, we have time”, he said chuckling to himself. “I was curious if you would be interested in not implementing the usually favored separate chambers? I see no reason that we could not continue to share mine. You would be here most nights anyways, or so I would hope.”
I thought quickly about it, surprised that he would make a decision such as this already. Not even a full day having been wed. “If it would please you, I would be glad to share the space.”
“Adeline, I do not request this just to please myself, but also to please you. After all, what are you doing now if not sharing my chamber for more than what is expected?” He turned to one of the servant girls and requested that all of my belongings be brought here.
“Now my dear, as King, I realize I do not have the luxury nor the freedom to give us a proper wedding tour, but, I do have plans today to take you on a delightful little picnic. Is this acceptable to you?”
“It sounds wonderful.”

I made my way down to my chambers. The servants would take some time moving all of my belongings to the King’s chambers. Due to the picnic, I now needed to change into appropriate riding boots, don a hat, and my favorite supple brown leather riding gloves. Suddenly I stopped in my tracks, for in front of me was Darian. How was it that I was thinking about a picnic with my new husband while he looked disturbingly heartbroken? I wanted to reach out to him, hold him, tell him that he would move on to someone more suitable, both in love and in station.

I strode up to him and attempted to make it appear as though we were both engaged in normal conversation. It would not be unusual at most times. At my father’s court I was allowed the freedom to speak to anyone I wished, and at least for now, I hoped that that was still the case here.
“Queen Adeline, you look absolutely lovely”, he said, almost too faintly to hear.
“My dear Darian, you look dreadful. You cannot let yourself fall this way. It is improper and could possibly be telling to those who are not blind.”
“First off, if you want to avoid being known, do not speak to me and address me as ‘Dear’. From here on out I am now Lord Caville. Secondly, how am I not to be this way? Not only did you marry another, but I saw how you looked at him. You are intrigued if not besotted already. I am simply tossed into the wind by your dainty little hand. Now, leave me be and be on your way. The ship for your father’s court departs at noon, so with any luck, you and I will never see one another again for as long as we live.”
He stormed off. As much as it hurt me for him to say those things, I could see that he needed to do so. Painfully obvious closure was all it was, and reasonably…understandably, necessary.

Four months later…

I sat down at our morning meal of poached goose eggs with parsley and a beautiful assortment of fresh fruit and cheeses. I began by nibbling on a star fruit, something not found in my home kingdom and strangely delicious as it was uniquely beautiful. Darian was ignoring me, going over his political correspondences. Apparently the uncharacteristic peace that had taken hold over his land was “busy” work. I took a small bite of the eggs and my stomach tightened and lurched. I couldn’t even swallow it. I attempted to spit it out into my linen cloth but it was not hidden well enough.
“Is something wrong with the taste?” Darian had looked up from his papers and looked somewhat quizzical.
“Forgive me, I think my stomach may be ailing me. Perhaps I should retire for a while to get some rest.”
“Yes, do. I’ll fetch the surgeon to see you as well. Perhaps he will have some drought to settle things down.” He went back to his work as I stood up to go.

How could he do that? The first few weeks in my new home, in my new marriage, he was the most unbelievably loving man a woman could hope for. Especially a woman in my position. Arranged marriages often left the woman wanting, or so I’ve heard from the women here at court. After a little while, his charm began to drag and he cared little and less about me more and more. I suppose it’s only to be expected. I spent what he considered the necessary amount of time warming me up to him, and then returned to his usual work and attitude. Not that it was bad or unlikable, but merely, indifferent. I suppose I should be grateful. For the most part, I only had to spend time with him at night and occasionally at meals if he was not busy with his council or out hunting. The rest of the time was my own. I managed to quickly develop friendships with the other ladies at court, granted I use the word “friends” lightly. Around here, if you are the queen, no one befriends you unless they are looking for favors, but, a friend is time not spent by myself. Apart from that, it was also the only way aside from servant’s chatter, to hear gossip. I liked to try and pick up anything that I may hear back from my father’s court or my husband. The gossip had been blessedly free of suspicious mistresses thankfully. He may not be the most attentive husband, but he is mine.

I made it to our chamber and requested the guards and servants not to enter. I was suddenly feeling very hot and shaky and did not wish to be observed under those circumstances. Pride, it’s an evil necessity when you are the queen. Rumors of a frail royal never lead to anything good. I laid down on the chase and closed my eyes, only to realize that rest was not working in my favor. Then the guard knocked and announced the surgeon had arrived. He came in, a rather good looking middle aged man, carrying his box of ointments, herbs, and other questionable items. I never have put much faith in these doctors. I always feel they mix a bunch of stuff together and hope for the best.

“Your majesty, I am Liam Stanford. I was requested by His Majesty to come attend to you this morning. May I ask you what ails?”
His simple kindness made it easy for me to comfortably respond, despite my usual uneasiness around unknown people.

© Copyright 2015 Cherry (smn2344 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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