Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/206801-crush-act-1
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Teen · #206801
a sad story about teens.a guy likes a girl so much that he ends up killing her.
> genre:teen drama

> main characters: stella evans,jack myers,stan mccallister,chelsea love,
> yustina lee,rebecca lee,robbie cappello,ian tingle,mr.gomez,mr.evans(michael),mrs.tingle(josephine),larry wayne,roger peck,natalie gellar..

> chelsea: yeah,see you at school...you too.

(hangs up the phone)

> mrs. love: who was that?

> chelsea: a friend.

> mrs.love: what did he say his name was?

> chelsea: you don't have to know.

> mrs.love: chelsea, i was just wondering if i knew him. is he-?

> chelsea: no.you don't know him and he doesn't know you.good night.

> (goes up the stairs)

> mrs.love: chelsea! come and get this.

> chelsea: (stops) what is it?

> mrs.love: i don't know. it looks like a letter. oh,maybe it's from the studios.

> chelsea: you wish.

> mrs.love: what's wrong with you? why are you being snappy today?

> chelsea: sorry,i guess school has effect on me. just thinking about new teachers, new people, and having to go to the same old juvenile detention center 5 days a week makes me sick.

> mrs.love: don't worry. it won't be that bad.
you want me to drop you off at school tomorrow?

> chelsea: and be the center of attention?no thanks.

> mrs.love: should i give you the keys? you can drive.

> chelsea: yeah,right. i can drive,but people would complain. you should know better than to allow your 16 year old daughter to use your benz.

> mrs.love: ok,chelsea. then,i can't help you there.

> chelsea: i never asked you to.

> mrs. love: look,you want some cookies and milk?

> chelsea: no.

> mrs.love: how come? you love grandma's cookies.

> chelsea: i ate too much throughout the summer,mom. 4 and a half pounds
of it to be exact.

> mrs. love: then,what about some koolaid?
hawaiian punch?

> chelsea:look,mom. it's ok. i see that you're trying to lighten me up,but
i think i'll stay this way for the rest of this day.(takes the envelope)
thanks,anyway.(goes up the stairs)

> (mrs.love's voice calls "good night,chelsea!")

> (chelsea rolls her eyes)

> chelsea: yeah,mom!(slams the door of her room)

> (her room is very neat and decorated in pink and white)

> (she rips open the envelope as the phone rings)

> (she scoops up the phone leaving the envelope on the bed)

> -(a male voice)hello.

> -(a female voice)hello?

> chelsea:(quickly covers the receiver and yells) i got it,mom!

> (into the receiver)hello.

> -was that your mom?

> chelsea: not that it's any of your business,but yes.

> -she has nice legs.

> chelsea: excuse me?

> -i said she had nice legs.

> chelsea: how did you know,i mean, how do you know?

> -it's a very nice view.

> chelsea: who are you?

> -i don't know. do you know?

> chelsea: yeah,jack myers.

> -look out the window.

> chelsea: jack,it's you, right?(looks out the window)

> -can you see me?

> chelsea: not a thing. where are you?

> -..now,do you see me?

> chelsea:(opens the window and leans out)quit joking. i'm not in the mood.

> -why? did someone hurt your heart?

> chelsea: no,it's nothing like that..look,who the hell are you and where the hell are you?

> -i'm somebody that's in a place where i can see you.

> chelsea: ha,so you can see me.what am i wearing?

(looks down at her pink sweatshirt and pants)

> -..nothing.

> chelsea: good guess,but i'm sorry.

> -damn..oops.wrong girl.. aha! there you are..in pink.
> chelsea: shit,you can see me.

> -uh huh..and underneath that..black underwear.ooh~you have a nice body,too.

> chelsea: you know what? let's see each other at school,tomorrow. i gotta-

> -we're gonna see each other? don't you think it's a bit too early for that?

> chelsea: shut up,jack.

> -what if i wasn't jack? would you still meet me? is jack your boyfriend?is he good to you?

> chelsea: oh,yeah. i saw that movie.it was fun,but haven't you had enough horror flicks? aren't you tired of them? you have an immature taste.

> -really? it's true that i may be slightly obsessed,because i watch too many. i wouldn't say it's immature.who said blades and screams were immature?

> chelsea: i did. look,the night is getting darker,get some sleep.

> -i'm not sleepy ,at all. i want to talk with you more.

> chelsea: and i don't.

> -i can stay up all night..as long as you're with me.

> chelsea: um,i'm impressed.

> -how about continuing out chat about scary movies? or..

> chelsea: how about saying "good bye"?

> -uh uh. it's too early to be sleeping..oh shit.

chelsea: what's your problem?

> -my problem? you know what your problem is? you are irresistible,babe.

> chelsea: what?

> -congratulations. you just turned me on.

> chelsea: oops. my mistake.

> -do you mind if i climb into your bedroom window?

> chelsea: you've gotta be kidding.

> -no? i've got a better idea. we can cyber. right here,right now.

> chelsea: um,let me think about that..no.

> -come on. i know it's none of the physical stuff,but it's a lot more emotional and erotic.

> chelsea: but i thought it's what people do that don't have the guts to do the real thing.

> -ah,so you want to arrange plans.

> chelsea: i never said that.

> -i know.

> chelsea: bye.(hangs up)

> (the phone rings almost right away)

> chelsea: fuck off! you disgust me...(makes a face)oh,i'm sorry mr.dolan. i didn't expect-uh,yeah,something like that...(moves away from the window)hold on..(calls out)mom! it's mr.dolan on line!(sighs and goes up to her dresser)

> (takes a brush and brushes her blonde hair)

> (changes into a pink silky robe and looks into the mirror witht a satisfied look on her face)

> chelsea: you have a nice body.(takes one of the lipsticks from the dresser and puts some on,the color is a reddish color)(makes a sophisticated face)you are so irresistable.(turns on the radio)

> (ricky martin's 'she bangs' is playing)

> (chelsea suddenly sways her body to the music and does a sexy latin dance)

> chelsea: (singing) she looks like a flower and stings like a bee,can's recall in history,she bangs ,she bangs!...

> (the phone rings once and twice,but she doesn't seem to notice)

> (a faint voice calls her name twice,but she keeps on dancing to the music)

> (chelsea's mother opens the door and is surprised to see her daughter)

> mrs.love: my god,chelsea..what are you doing?
> chelsea:(startled and breathless,she stops and lowers the music) just dancing,mom.

> mrs.love: someone's on the line. he wants to talk to you.

> chelsea: who?

> mrs.love: i don't know..(looks at chelsea a little akwardly) you'd better save dancing for tomorrow and go to bed,now.(leaves)

> chelsea: i will.(picks up the phone) hello.

> -was that an invasion of privacy?

> chelsea: it's the psycho guy. i'm not surprised.

> -a little breathless,aren't we?

> chelsea: you saw me.

> -you dance pretty well. where did you learn that sexy hip swivel?

> chelsea: real funny.(goes up to the window again)

> -where were we?..ah,the horror flicks and the sex.-oh,look what we have here. are you using one of your ultimate plans for seduction?

> chelsea: what are you saying?

> -red lipstick and a silk robe..i believe you have nothing under it.

> chelsea: you're sick, you know that?

> -no,i'm not. i'm perfectly normal and healthy..that's why i'm feeling a familiar urge of thrusting maleness and i want to give it to you.

> chelsea: ...(a cool gentle breeze brushes her face,her blonde hair in loose waves)

> -i want to take you out into my world,a place worthy of your beauty..
and i'm willing to give you every essence of my body,and soul.
i give you my heart for eternity...

> (a silence passes them as the song 'i need you tonight' plays softly on the radio)

> chelsea: well,if you say it that way..any girl would want to jump to you,but,i'm not any girl,jack. flattery isn't my weak spot. sorry.

> - damn. you mean one of my best love making secrets don't work? i'm obfuscated.

> chelsea: unfortunately,yes. for me, it doesn't.

> -i'll tell you something. you are blonde,beautiful,smart,and i love your attitude as much as your dancing skills,but i feel like fucking and you seem very inviting right now. could you be nice enough to help me out?

> chelsea: mock,mock,mock.

> -fine. how about a date and 'hellraiser'?

> chelsea: no.

> -'hellraiser' and a date?

> chelsea: look,there are things in this world that i try not to bond with,and unfortunately, sex and horror movies are a couple, just to name them.

> -i don't get it.

> chelsea: if you had any ounce of effort to watch the nightline, instead of concentrating on soft core channels,you would know,but, anyway,here's the old news. a kid in LA killed his own mother after watching the famous, wes craven produced, kevin williamson written, teen-slasher-flick,that started the stupid phone call series,like you're just doing. does that explain everything?

> -but,you're misunderstanding something. it's not the movie that makes psychos and murderers.the motive and intent is always somewhere else,unexpected. it only expands the human mind,as in imagination.

> chelsea: right,and that leads to curiosity,provoking minds,and then eventually leads to the result of some kind of awry event.

> -jesus,how do you think movies are made?
obviously,people make them.
and, do you know why or how these murder stories are extracted from their brains? of and by the human nature. us, people, are born to kill.
some people just happen to have less restraining power to win over their desires.those few are the killers, if not, the killer-to-be's.

> chelsea: haven't you heard of the doctrine of innate goodness?

> -i won't agree with you on that. all people are demonic creatures.they're just wolves in sheep clothing. but,that's how we are.i'm not being bitchy over it. we're all full of sin. and desires. like all beasts, we can't live without eating, sleeping,fucking,killing,etc. and frankly, i found out that human are no better than a dog. because we can't get enough of what we want. because dogs don't whine and complain about their condition,nor do they kneel and bow to one another-you know what i'm saying. anyway,we live in pain because of desires,and that's the punishment god is giving us.-killing each other. god is punishing us.

> chelsea: since when did you become jesus in his teens?

> -i'm just telling you,as a matter of fact. teenaged jesus was a fag,no offense to god.

> chelsea: whether it's the truth or not,i'm against it. same thing with sex.

> -it's called lust.

> chelsea: it makes me sick.

> -do you happen to know how horror flicks and sex are alike?

> chelsea: let me see..they both are capable of corrupting. correct me if i'm wrong.

> -wrong. go on.

> chelsea: who needs horror and terrorism in their lives? the world is horrible and terrifying as it already is. believe it or not, the main spring of activity is the movie,itself. it's always the same-chasing after pretty virgins and stabbing them. sex is practically the same,just there's different tools required.and sex is not so fantastic or thrilling. in the movies they show you only the good parts. that's not real life. in real life,you get tested for HIV's or STD's and pregnancies. behind the screen,nobody uses any kind of contraception.they don't show you people getting tested. i mean, take a look at kids today. they live and die for it..it's so nonsensical.

> -i guess you're not one of today's kids ,huh?

> chelsea: ..well,i'm different.

> -you are? hm..i can see why. but,why?

> chelsea: that's just how i am.

> -really? i want to find out, myself. so,when do we meet? i decide we'll have an interesting time together.

> chelsea: wait, where exactly are you?

> -why do you wanna know?

> chelsea: well, you've been on the phone with me for quite some time and i just came to wonder why you would sneak out at night and hide somewhere in the bushes, making prank phone calls..unless you have a serious case of insomnia.

> -if i do show up, will you let me in your room? i'm kind of cold out here. maybe you can fix me some hot chocolate and spare me some room in your bed? i can give you the bill.

> chelsea: they have nice other places for that. try 'best western'. there's one not that far away. you'll just have to walk half an hour. sweet dreams,jack.

> -but my name isn't jack. oh, you never mentioned your name.

> chelsea: drew barrymore. good night.(hangs up)

> (there's a rustling sound from the bushes as a dark figure leaves, meanwhile, the window of chelsea's room is being closed and the curtains down)

> (chelsea walks to the bed and starts reading the letter)

> (letter reads: pass this to 5 people. if not sent within 1 week you will die)

> chelsea: (looks for the address,but is nowhere to be seen) crazy.

> (the crumpled white sheet is dropped into the waste basket)

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