Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2066865-THE-LIFE-OF-DANNY
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2066865
"The life of Danny" is a story Danny my pet. The best pet I ever met.
I was ten when my dad got me a little puppy. I love the puppy so much that I named it Danny. Gracefully, Danny grew to become my first and my ever pet companion.

Danny taught me lots of things--from loving to sympathizing.

Observing Danny, I realized there are pets that could be more than human friends. The first thing a learn from Danny was loving. This Danny taught through his cheerful and compassionate care and demonstration.

Whenever I was going out, Danny shows he was willing to go with me. He could run after me while swigging his tail to and fro. He could stare me in the face perhaps to read-up approval or disapproval from my eyes.

Once I say, "Go back". Danny could turn in disappointment; folding his tail, he runs back into the house. At such moments, I could feel Danny's disappointment. But that does not stop Danny from welcoming me back to the house. He could jump at me, wiggle his tail, while at the same times shaking his body. All this demonstrates he was happy to see me back, even though I didn't allow him to go out with me.

The lesson Danny taught me here is that friends could and will sometimes have disagreement. This however should not affect further relationship. So when those dark face of disappointments and disagreements show up. We must be willing to forgive even without being asked to do so.

Again, I could sometimes scold Danny. But no matter how often I scolded him, he never buy into the guilt thing. Instead he ran right back, and wiggling his tail, he slowly advance toward me. This is the way Danny makes peace with me and that tights our friendship.

Danny was loving, honest, loyal and respectful.

Danny taught me to let others know when they've invaded my territory. He taught this either by a simple growl or a barking. Sometimes, however, when you are push too hard even by the close friend or family member, a bite could make them come back to their senses.

I learn to exercise every day just as Danny run, romp and play daily.

The lessons are endless. some of the lessons includes; when you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body. When it's in your best interests, practice obedience. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm, but stop when you've had enough. And most of all...when someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

The unfortunate however, happened one day. I had traveled for a one week program. On the last day of the program, I began to feel lonely. I could not understand myself. "What is happening" I could ask intermittently. The feeling was so strange that I loose out on the day's fun.

The program eventually ended. When I came back, I was expecting Danny's welcome back as usual. unfortunately, I didn't see Danny.

When I enter the house, the first thing I was told is that Danny was dead.

"Danny dead? What? How? Why? When? Where? What happened to it........." I rant in disbelief.

"Danny ate poison" my younger brother reported.

Oh Danny! I could write no more. My heart bleeds just the same way it did the day you left. I could imagine you sitting by me the way you were use to doing sharing my pain. Unfortunately, you are no more. I miss you, Danny. Rest on, Danny...till we meet again.
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