Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2066742-The-Things-We-Do-for-Love
Rated: E · Fiction · Thriller/Suspense · #2066742
We've all lost our discipline at some point. Sometimes we just can't help it.
Try as he might, Mathew just couldn't place that chirping sound. Was it a bird? No, it wasn't a bird. Then he remembered what his father had told him. It was a mountain lion. Suddenly, the darkness became fear and the road home became isolation.

"How could I have done this?" Mathew thought, rubbing the reins between his thumb and forefinger. The rough texture of leather always made him feel good, but not now, not this night.

"Wait!" Mathew thought, elation flooding in. "Tawny isn't nervous." Horses always get nervous around mountain lions. But was it true?

Mathew struggled to control his fear. "Oh, come on. It's true." He grimaced as he realized he'd said it out loud.

Tawny threw her head to the side and glanced back, as if to say, "Were you speaking to me?" Mathew smiled as he realized Tawny didn't have a clue he was scared. He felt better; it was a good sign.

The wagon creaked forward as Mathew snapped the reins. With every bob of Tawny's head his unease lifted. He hadn't heard the chirping sound in a few minutes just the rustle of a leaf or two.

The road finally broke from the woods and flat ground lie ahead. He was glad that the harvest was over. Two weeks ago the field would have been covered with six foot corn stalks.

Finally, Mathew could see his small homestead. He realized he would be sleeping in the barn tonight with Tawny. The path from the barn to the house was only about twenty feet, but tonight it looked more like a mile.

Once inside the barn, Mathew relaxed. At that moment, he swore he would never get caught after dark ever again. Not even for a girl who could kiss like that. Well...hopefully not.

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