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Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2066740
A Short Story about the value of upholding respect plus better character as the moral
Upon a time surrounded by a technologically brilliant nation, and in a suburb of east Chicago Illinois was the story of an innocent young man who was presented with an utmost difficult fight against foreign invaders of ghastly alien figures who indeed ruined his life of normalcy. Fletcher Faulkhorn was a normal eighteen year old smart, outgoing, decent and proud as a young man could be. He was respectful of his family plus friends as well, and to add he was a straight A student plus a thriving senior at Northern Mountain High School. He had a great interest in socializing at the Drama Club that he frequently attended plus was an aspiring screen writer. He was well organized plus stood with strong good posture. It was a cold early winter on November 29th 2050 he had no siblings and lived with his parents, on that day when he got home after the short walk the most abnormal occurrence happened to him and his family that would ever occur. As he came into the well kept and tidy living room and made his way to sit on a soft regular chair he sat on, and said hello to both his parents who were already home at 4pm, his feelings seemed to sink. He began to look out of the window straight in front of him with noticeably an expression of utmost fear and misfortune. Fletcher looking out started to speak frantically plus silently he said "Mom I see the oddest sight I have ever looked at it appears to be a monster of some sort with the form of a skinny human dressed with the head of a hammerhead shark." Then Fletcher began to cry and in crying he literally began to sob his eyes out pouring down tears of sadness plus distress. His mom who was from Arabia, Azula Faulkhorn said, "Son you have never spoken to me that way are you okay you are worrying me, oh no! Look son your breaking out into a sweat!" His father an American man, James Faulkhorn said "Boy! I'm scared your always such a good son stand up and look at me now!!" Fletcher said no!!, because Fletcher continued," I think I'm going very crazy, and whoa!!", he continued,"The hammerhead shark looking form just vanished into a blob of real smoke!!" Then his father James grabbed Fletcher by his shoulders and said "Son we have to take you to Mount Martin's Psychiatric Hospital", and Fletcher began to cry and yell loud at the same time. The three got into the hybrid station wagon they had in their garage and went down the road somewhat about half a mile to the Mental Hospital they knew of, which was a place of individuals who had severely lost their mind and were no longer sane or rational noticeably. After parking into the parking lot of the hospital which had just about five or six spaces left they pulled Fletcher out as he still trembled and made odd sounds of being disturbed or bothered by something real unusual, and the three entered into the lobby. Fletcher said, Dad where are we!!! "Don't you yell at me!!! boy!!!, said his father in return.The parents took him as he still trembled face to face to the nurse in the lobby, and she apparently knew the young man had lost his mind just looking at him. The nurse said, "Right this way please we are going to check him in with the doctor." Eventually the nurse led them to the office of Mark Dimini the head psychiatrist at the mental hospital, a well experienced doctor. He said to the three, "Have a seat, and please do not speak before I do, standard practice, your son here does look very shook up and frantic." As soon as the doctor had said this Fletcher started to yell and eventually make an inhuman growling sound such as that of the lion grrr to the top of his lungs. The doctor then said, "This is absurd I need to give him a tranquilizer shot to calm him down." Then the doctor went to the cabinet and prepared the needle and went over and gave him the medicine shot after battling to pull out his arm, for he was acting very unruly. The young man had now for sure lost his mind as he shook there in his seat even after the shot making odd noises of unruly affect and nature. The father wiped a tear from his eye and said, "What could be plaguing my boy he is no longer himself." Then the two parents agreed they had bills to pay and explained to the doctor we need to be off for the next few days for hope that he gets well, and even as they explained this Fletcher started talking about waterfalls and paths to deserts and all sort of extreme nonsense. "Very well," said the mother and the two went out of the hospital as they held each other and both sobbed. The Doctor who was well experienced with young men who had gone mad decided to gather his most skillful hospital officials and get ready to straight jacket Fletcher and take him to the highest level of the mental hospital and the most spacious room the room 946 on the top level five of the hospital where the most severe cases of insanity were handled by them the doctor and his trusted well skilled staff. Behind the door of room 946 a good boy, a normal gentle one, now had lost his mind out of nowhere, and had become entirely mad plus out of touch with reality. Fletcher had never had any issues with insanity. Now, behind the door he never stopped shaking his face and body in the frame of the straight jacket, and he kept on making sounds like grrrr and yelling odd expressions about the desert and waterfalls to the top of his voice. When midnight had passed on the same day he became hospitalized it came around to 2am early on the next day bound to the frame of his straight jacket he still had a tired mouth from yelling to himself and making the grrrr sound for he was really plagued with an unknowable madness of the odd, a distinct sound was indeed heard from outside his room in the hospital parking lot like that of an engine, and then it seemed to surface on the ground of the parking lot. The sound came from a bizarre, shiny, gyrating, and light filled ship from another world that was not known to anyone in this world thus far. It appeared full of green light rays that appeared to bear dust in the way they were shiny. A door on the ship of circular looks opened quick and out came ten, twenty, and then thirty abhorrent and ghastly creatures some with bodies of females some with that of males standing upright and so very fragile plus skinny yet appearing strong and mighty in physical prowess. The creatures had the heads of a hammerhead shark that gave them looks of a harsh predator presence. The creatures coming out of the foreign space ship communicated to each other in a humming tone with their mouths closed as a type of alien language. In the room Fletcher occupied still in straight jacket and bound to hospital bed Fletcher lying there on the bed became so very sad, and began to sob and really cry so many tears, and as a matter of circumstance plus by way of the forces of the odd aliens from their powers the mental hospital became vacant except for Fletcher at the bed plus in the dark room 946. The fierce aliens rushed into the hospital and to the room of Fletcher's then as they entered the large room they assembled themselves in a horizontal line with their ghastly bodies plus appearances. Fletcher was petrified as he viewed the alien creatures who began to speak to him with open mouths in English for their brilliant minds could pick up any language with genius psychic powers and with their haughty forms one alien in the middle began to speak looking superior. The alien with hammerhead shark head spoke loud plus clear gazing right at the scared Fletcher saying " I'm Shin Sentbar and my species fortune brings us to this place to steal your life and make you do our bidding as a guinea pig, an experiment, and a crash test dummy for our work out of our planet named Smoton for you will do our command and act as a cup for an ill drink that will quicken our species plan plus demise." The alien continued, "You will be abducted this day and used as a messenger back to Earth to gain foreign rights of Smoton to Earth for you will be brain washed by our alien race to meet an ultimate end for us and just us not you Fletcher the taken." Now, the pack of aliens rushed toward the bed and took Fletcher out of the straight jacket and pulled him away from the room down the hall and all the way out to the space ship in the parking lot. At a supreme rate from their travel actions and usual invented light speed trillions of miles an hour travel they got to the other world Smoton. When they landed on a cliff in this planet of dreary looks they got Fletcher out of the space ship in a rough manner, and as soon as they did Fletcher's eyes popped open like never before recently since he had lost his mind, and he got an extreme feeling of godlike power plus stamina as they dragged him standing up to their dreary looking dwellings of molten lava bricks. Now that Fletcher came back to his senses and no longer felt mad or insane he said, no!!!!!!! Fletcher felt the extreme strength of a million just and righteous armies of victory and began to shake himself out of the hold of the ghastly aliens bit by fast bit. Now, he pushed them away as they were utterly surprised in a split second Fletcher started to do warrior karate and kick boxing moves and took down each and all of the harsh crude aliens in hundreds of quick one minute flurries of tip top standard invincibly. As he carried this out they all fell down as far as the eye could see off the immensely plus tremendously tall cliff into a black abyss of nothing. Fletcher then took a huge deep breath and cracked his knuckles then boarded the ship that abducted him to this world and saw a manual that he read for five minutes to travel in trillion miles an hour back to his world Earth. He navigated his way to Kansas first, in the year 2050 still, to a small town of just one hundred twenty six people at that time and age of history. When Fletcher landed in a vast corn field in the middle of nowhere, disregarding the space ship, he walked his way to a bus station and made it back to his families home still rational, sane, and back to his senses. When he got to his parents home back in Chicago he knocked at 9am and they answered they were very confused for he looked so normal and healed of illness. His mother said, "How are you here, and looking normal and not any longer acting sick?," Fletcher replied, "The doctor was quite mean and out of his character I think, but I made great strides of healing that I will never forget." "Here I am and I feel without any madness or lack of stability," Fletcher finished. Then all three of them started to smile ,his parents forgiving him, and they knew things would all arrive at being just normal now and lasting.
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