Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2065420-Chapter-One---The-beginning-of-a-journey
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2065420
Wars of Eredhar : The Descendants is the first part of the Wars of Eredhar duology.
Thus he died, Glandur, king of all kings, most beloved among those of Shelfron. The land, the trees and animals, nature and the moon itself grieved upon his passing into the world of shadows. For days and nights birds cried his song over hills and forests, spreading their sorrow into a grieving kingdom. Thus, all hope perished with thee, beloved father, friend, king."

Anonymous bard.

Chapter 1.

"The beginning of a journey."

         It was the 4th of September, of the 5th Era. The weather was rather unpredictable for that time of the year. Even though the sun was shining brightly in the sky, the heat that was coming from it could easily deceive even the most experienced of travelers. It could get from a warm and soothing temperature to a harsh cold in just a few minutes.
Even nature was unpredictable. The calmness of a flowing river would turn into a deadly trap for those who had the courage to cross such a beautiful, but treacherous ribbon of water.
         The Alhans was one such river. It was the only one that pierced the continent to its very heart. It was known throughout the land as the "Living River". Unaware travelers would easily fall into its trap. At every step, on every twist and turn on its way, the river acted, differently. It was like it had a mind of its own and some people said that it acted like a living being, having multiple faces along its flow. It had its own story, but, in every kingdom, it was a different one.
         The townsfolk of Isemeldin had an ancient tale about a great battle that took place in the land that was once the proud Kingdom of Shelfron. It is said that a curse was cast on the battlefield and every dying soul was damned to be bound to the will of the river Alhans. That was the battle where king Glandur, the last of the Abythien Dynasty, gave his last breath, on the Bridge of Baren.
Now, it is more of a ruin and as time passed by, a great oak tree grew under it. The tale says that it grew from the drops of the blood of every fallen warrior. From up above it looked as if the tree was weeping for the ones that died there. The roots went deep in the ground and into the river banks. Its branches curled around the bridge, and the leaves dressed the ruin in its own natural robe.
No one would walk on its old bricks nowadays, apart from curious creatures that ventured beyond the Barid Forest, for it is in the nature of every being to wander, may it be small or big, young or old. But from time to time, the birds that flew above it would see someone leaning on the tree's roots, a silhouette of a girl. She gracefully walked among the oak's roots and from step to step caressed the tree gently and with great tenderness.
"Shelfron my dear, for so many years we knew each other. We went together through so many memories, happy ones, but, also through some filled with grief and sorrow. You were our home, my ancestors' and mine, but we failed to keep your borders safe and unharmed. The one whom I looked up to and treated me like a father, our proud and flawless king Glandur, gave all he had to try to defend you, but alas, the evil that fell upon the kingdom was too powerful. I did not have the courage, nor the heart to make peace with what had happened, as I blamed myself for the fall of you, our beloved Kingdom of Shelfron. This great oak is the only reminder of what was once before, my home, my friends and my family. For too long I lingered in sorrow and in my past mistakes, that I failed to see that something has changed. In the last moons, a force has been driving the animals of the forest to dark places, where no being should step. Thus, I think it is time for me to move on from my past deeds, to mend my heart while I still can, for dark times I sense before us." Her hand slowly brushed the oak's leaves as she moved away, as if saying farewell.
"This is the end my old friend, but someday I promise that we will see each other again. Until then, goodbye." The oak bent after her will, thus forming a bridge of leaves and branches. In a blink of an eye, she made her way to the other side of the river. She smiled as she looked over her shoulder at the tree that was curling back over the bridge.
         As she walked along the road, leaving the oak and the ruin behind, at every step she took she could feel the moisture of an early day of summer under her delicate feet. The grass was sparkling from the dew of an early morning, and the birds were carrying songs from every corner of the land, deep into the Barid Forest and beyond it.
         "It is said that each bird has its own tale, its own song, depending on where it has been in its life."
         "I was wondering when you would decide to make your presence known. You have been following me for some time"
         "Pardon me ma'am, I did not mean to startle you. I just happened to spot you from a distance as I was walking down the road."
         "Well, I see. If this is what happened, no harm done."
         "Glad to hear that! Those where some nice moves you did down there.", said the stranger as he nodded towards the oak. "I have seen many things in my travels, places surrounded by mystery, mythical creatures, incredible men doing all kinds of things that would impress even the mighty halls of kings and queens. But I have never seen someone do what you just did, bend nature to one's will. So who are you, or better, what are you?" he asked as he raised his view from the oak and gazed into her eyes with excitement.
         "That was somehow impolite of you. My name is Luna, and regarding what I am... I am a mere traveler, just like yourself. From what you are saying it seems that you were stalking me mister..." , and she took a pause from what she was saying, waiting for the traveler's reaction. Luna could see that as soon as she started to pick on him, he got embarrassed for what he said and a little bit uncomfortable.
         He gulped: "I am sorry, that was rude of me. My name is Dean Lesoth and you were right, it was impolite of me to ask questions out of the blue. What you do, who you are, is none of my concerns. Please accept my apologies!" In the minute she heard that name he got her attention, but something was not normal.
         Seeming to have left her speechless, he stared at her in bewilderment. "Is everything okay, are you alright? It has been some seconds and you haven't said anything and you keep staring at me in a weird way. Am I in that much trouble?"
         "What? Sorry I did not mean to worry you, it is just your name... Dean. When I heard it, it brought back some unexpected memories of an old friend of mine..." She trailed off in the middle of what she was saying, but continued as soon as she saw the baffled expression on Lesoth's face. "But that was a long time ago..."
         "Well, where is he now?"
         "He, is gone... he passed away many years ago." said Luna with sorrow in her voice.
         "I am sorry to hear Luna."
         "Right, now where were we?", she asked, but with no good results, for he was looking at her very confused.
         "You were..."
         "Yes, yes, so where are you heading to, where does the path lead you Lesoth?"
         "I do not actually know. Kingdom of Eoland maybe, probably to the great city of Isemeldin, although there is a long way to go. Thus I might make a few stops on the road, at a farm I heard about some days ago, or at any place on the road to Isemeldin. What about you Luna, where are you heading to? Also, if it is not rude of me to ask, where do you come from, alas you are not living under a tree", he giggled as he asked Luna.
         "Oak, not tree, that's what it is!" she scold him. "My place is everywhere, and I am heading anywhere the path leads me, for I lost my home long time ago. Hm, I guess that makes me a wanderer of sorts."
         "In that case, it makes us two. When I was eleven years old I lost my family and home in a raid upon our city, Secrob. Since then I have been traveling from town to town, from village to village, helping those in need and earning some honest money."
         "Secrob you say..." she said as she fell on her thoughts, trying to remember something. "Yes... it is also known for its history as the City of Pirates. In the last hundred years it became the target of plundering for the elite of scumbags. But one time was the worse. Their cannons caused fires that burnt half of the city and took many lives. It took six years for the citizens to rebuild what was destroyed. But not all could be salvaged. The fires did not perish, thus..."
         "Fires are still burning at the eastern gate even in this day... Well, that is impressive..." he said with a suspicious look on his face. "Your knowledge is remarkable, but I can't help myself wander how come you know so much about my place. It makes me curious." Dean kept staring at Luna, trying to put the pieces together.
         She turned away as he was talking and started walking along the road, thing that got on Lesoth's nerves, making him to lose his temper.
         "Do not turn your back on me when I am talking with you!" shouted at her with anger.
         Suddenly she stopped and everything looked like it had frozen around her. All the birds ceased warbling and the wind turned the other way, blowing towards Dean.
         "Do not ever raise your voice with me, for it will be the last thing you say." she turned her head and smiled as she said that, but the smile was for the expression that he had on his face. In a blink of an eye he turned pale and a shiver went down his spine.
         "You see, most of people get that exact feeling and look when they threaten me, so next time it will be wise to hold your tongue."
         "I understand... I will see that it won't happen again." he gulped as he said it.
         "I am glad that we can understand each other. Now come on, hurry up if you want us to reach Isemeldin this year."
         "Yes, it looks like, for a while, you got yourself a companion Luna.", and he hurried up the road to catch up with her.
         "Yes, praised be my luck, for it seems that I am stuck with you for some time", she laugh as she slowly started to walk.
         The fastest way for them to reach Isemeldin was to head north and camp the night on the road, and at sunrise to head to the borders of Kingdom of Eoland. The safest place to stay at night was Kelob's Farm, a few miles down the road.
         "Even if we take the shortest way to Isemeldin, we will reach the kingdom's borders in two days and after that, maybe a few more till we reach Isemeldin. Thus, I suggest we find a safe place to spend the night." said Luna along the road.
         "Hmm, in that case I suggest we pay a visit to that farm I told you about."
         "A farm... are you talking about Kelob's Farm?" she asked.
         "Yes, that was the name! I think we could get there around sunset or so.", he shook his head, agreeing to what Luna had said.
         "Indeed, you are right Dean. The shortest way is through Thug's Crossing. It will take us a couple of hours to get there, and then, if the road up north proves to be smooth, we will reach the Farm at sunset."
         "Then, Thug's Crossing it is!" shouted Dean with enthusiasm.

Featured in "Fantasy Newsletter (December 2, 2015)
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