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I am trapped in a castle, facing death. |
I struggled to open my eyes, but exhaustion forced them shut. I wanted to see what was happening, what the shouting was, but I just could not open my eyes. I pulled myself up in a sitting position and peered upward. I was sitting on a hard, smooth, cold surface. I ran my fingers gently across it as I gazed into the sky. I could see stars lining the horizon and the moon, strangely red, glimmering brightly. I looked left and right and saw that I was high up; far from the comfort of the earth. I looked down. I could see the ground, far, far beneath me. I tried to get up, but my head was spinning violently. Where was I? I was off the ground, and yet I could see all around me. I felt that the walls were thick and tall, towering and ominous. I was in a castle. A castle of glass. I took all my effort to crawl to the edge of the room. I gazed down and drew back in fear. There was a battle. I saw men and women alike, fighting, drawing swords, rapiers, and arrows. And I saw creatures I never knew existed. Flying creatures, with long pointed tails, gaping mouths and monstrous teeth. I watched as the ripped men open and flung them aside, blood pouring from their wounds. I saw great wolves on two feet, fighting with swords and daggers, destroying all in their path. Other creatures attacked the humans, murdering and crushing all in their path. I watched as death prevailed. Bodies of men lay scattered for miles. All I could see was darkness and death. Sickened at the sight, I turned to face the other wall. I inched across the floor to see what lay on the other side of my room. I was shocked by what I saw. I had expected to see more battle and confusion, but instead I saw a village. The sun was shining and the earth was glowing. I watched in fascination as children ran and laughed. I heard music playing and saw people dancing and eating. I blinked. Instantly the village was gone and the battle was back. I turned back around and saw that the castle was surrounded by it. I looked up and down and then back to where the village had stood. It was back. Puzzled, I stared at it. The children were now leading a long procession. At the end of the parade was a boy. Then I realized that the boy was me. I watched as I sat on a horse, crown on my head. I struggled to understand what was happening. A scream made me blink and the scene was gone. I whipped around as watched as a young boy fell, torn apart by the wolf. I felt sick and vomited on the floor. If I blinked, it would disappear. I didn't want to, couldn't blink anymore. I turned back again, determined to hold my stare. I was now standing on a large, elevated podium, declaring that I would save them. I would protect them. I would be the hero. But as I studied myself, I noticed tears streaming down my face. I saw fear living in my eyes. I noticed the lack of confidence in myself. A loud bang scared me and forced me to blink. I turned away and looked back, expecting the village to come back. It didn't. I heard another bang and searched the ground below me. I was a horrible creature ascending the stairs on the other side of the castle. I watched as it looked at me and gave a crazed grin, snarling and climbing faster. Panicking, I searched for the village; my escape from reality. It didn't come back. I tried to get up, but I was unsteady. I needed to get out. I saw the wicked creature coming at my door, laughing hysterically. I screamed as it ran at my door. Its body smashed into it. It stared at me with wild eyes, full of rage. It pounded against the entrance of my room. Where was the village? If I could find it, maybe I would be safe. But it had vanished. I pulled myself to the far side of the room. I pounded on the glass, begging for help, not daring to look behind me. Men looked at me, horrid panic in their eyes. Some pointed and shouted while others wept. I did not understand. Some men raced toward the castle door, only to be cut down by monsters. I kept pounding. My door burst open and the creature ran in. It was still grinning, as it pulled out a large knife. Without hesitation it threw it at me with more strength than I imagined it had. I fell on my face. The knife landed in the glass, shards flying. They stabbed my skin, drawing blood. I picked up a shard and held it toward the beast. At the sight of my blood, the creature went insane. It rushed at me, drawing a curved blade, and I knew I was dead. The knife was embedded into the glass; I couldn't get it out. I let out one last scream that echoed in the silence. I stared out the glass, waiting for the hot pain. But there was nothing. Nothing. Suddenly, the red moon vanished and a huge flying creature descended. It was a dragon, dark as hell, its rider engulfed in the night. The dragon landed on the castle roof, the building tremoring out of terror. I struggled to look away from the horrid thing and its rider, but I couldn't. It forced my submission. The rider spoke. This is the end. His voice slithered over us like snakes. He said that he would rule. That vermin would be his subjects. Then, its sightless eyes looked at me. I felt the gaze ripping at my soul. The soul of that boy, he was saying, will be the death of you all. I could not break the gaze from its eyes. And in those eyes I saw something I did not expect. I saw my village. I saw myself declaring I would sacrifice myself in the last day so that my people could live. But, I was saying, if the Dark destroy me, you are lost. You must kill me. Then I saw the moon go red and the sun disappear. I saw villages burning and creatures cutting down my people. I saw me shouting that this was the day, this was the end. Today I was to die. I would die for my people. I saw my general telling me that I would only die if the humans lost the battle. I saw my people leading me to my castle of glass. Don't you remember, boy, the rider was saying. I did. I remembered. I remembered realizing that if my people killed me on the last day, the Dark would be defeated. And if the Dark killed me, the good would be defeated. I ripped my eyes from the dragon and its master. The grinning creature stared at the dragon, entranced. There were so few men left, so few. I knew that I was going to die today. But I could not let the Dark win. I would not. I still held the glass in my palm. I held it up to my heart. The good could not get to me. But the Dark were here. The Dark would consume my soul and this world. I pressed the glass to my heart. I rose to my knees and laughed. I laughed and laughed. I had won. The beast in my room, in this castle of glass, turned to see what I was laughing at. I gave it a huge grin and fell. I heard screams of terror and agony, whether from the good or Dark, I know not. I smiled and shut my eyes. |