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by Benjy
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2065038
Sam gets his dreams
I finally did it. I made my fantasy come true. Actually it was just a little dumb luck, but hey- any way you get it right?

Let me give you a little background about my self. My name is Sam and I am in my mid 30âs and I always looked young for my age (I could easily pass for late teens or early twenties. My parents always insisted that their children meet incredibly high standards. Seeing as I was never good enough in their eyes, I decided to leave home and pursue life on my own. Not the best choice as I clearly was not ready for life on my own in the big city. I decided to move out into the country, and thatâs where my story begins

Unsuccessful at finding a job for several months, with my money almost depleted I decided to drown my sorrows at a local bar. While there, I met the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Somehow, maybe it was the drink, but I struck up a conversation and we hit it off right away. Turns out she was a teacher at the local private school and her name was Allyson. After dating for a few months I was flat broke. Feeling sorry for me Allyson invited me to move in with her.

After I moved in and got my stuff organized, Allyson invited me to help her out at the school. The term had just begun and Allyson was starting to teach the third grade for the first time. I was to be a teacherâs aide, helping to correct papers and make sure all of the little jobs were done leaving the important tasks of teaching and lesson planning to Allyson.

I enjoyed watching the students and they seemed to be entranced at Allysonâs teachings and were some of the best-behaved kids I had ever seen. Allyson had a way about her that made you feel like you could tell her anything. One evening after we had returned from school, I told her that I thought she was one of the best teachers I had ever seen. I also said I felt like I had grown up to soon to meet my parents impossible expectations and wished I could have been one of her students. She simply smiled and said that anything could happen.

As we were going to sleep that evening Allyson asked if I had meant what I said at dinner. I replied yes. She said that she might have a surprise for me in the morning. As I drifted off to bed, I wondered what she was scheming. Little did I expect the changes that were in store for me.

As was usual, Allyson got up several hours before me. As I arose I heard her finishing a phone call. Hearing I was up, she called me down to breakfast. After we ate, we drove to school. Allyson was unusually quite on the trip, telling me just wait until we get there. Upon reaching her classroom, I went to sit in my desk adjacent to Allysonâs, but found that it had been moved. I looked quizzically at her. She pointed to a desk and said, take your seat, class is about to start and you donât want to be late. Half in a daze, I walked out into the sea of student desks to find one with my name on it. I sat down just as the first bell rang.

As the students filled in and took their seat, they hardly gave me a second glance. Allyson took her place at the front of the room and began calling roll. Each student said âhereâ as their name was called. Reflexively I said âhereâ when my name was called but I could scarcely believe it. I looked in my desk and found a full set of books and notebooks, even pencils and crayons. The smell of the crayons brought back memories of childhood I thought long forgotten.

The morning passed quickly and I enjoyed doing the class work right along with the other kids. As the bell rang for lunch as the other students were lining up to go eat, Allyson called me over to her desk. She asked if I was enjoying my self. I replied that I was. She seemed happy with that response and sent me off to the cafeteria with the rest of the class. Lunch was pizza and tater tots, one of my favorites. After lunch we all went to recess. I ran around like a fool mimicing the other children. Allyson watched from the window and smiled. As the bell rang we quickly returned to our seats and finished the day with math, science, and reading. I felt like I belonged there and was sad that I would have to go back to my regular life after today was over.

Once we were home, I thanked Allyson for the wonderful day. She gave me a serious look and told me that her early morning phone call that morning had been to the schools principal, and, since I had no job at the moment, they had somehow managed to enroll me in the school as an eight year old. She expected me to attend the school for the rest of the year! I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I was to be treated just like any other student. I was to wear the schools uniform- gray slacks with a light blue polo for the boys or a navy blue sweat suit with the schools name printed on it for the colder days. I was expected to do all of the work just like the other kids and if everything went well I would advance to the fourth grade along with my class.

We hopped into the car for a quick trip to the mall where we purchased all of the supplies and uniform pieces I would need for the school year. We stopped into a restaurant at the mall and got ready to order. Allyson said that all of my records showed that she was my mother and she expected me to treat her as such. I was to call her Mom or mommy from now on. I quickly agreed and she handed me a childrenâs menu. While it felt strange ordering from the kidsâ menu, the waitress said nothing and the meal was unexpectedly filling. After a dessert of an ice cream sundae, we finished our shopping. Mom made one last stop into a drug store and picked up some creams. As we left the mall with bags full from all our shopping, we threw the bags into the trunk and I started to sit in the front seat. Mom asked what I was doing and said eight year olds sit in the back where itâs safer. I hopped into the back and enjoyed the trip home.

Mom sent me into my room, which had been the guest room before, to put my stuff away and do my homework. As I opened the door I saw that she had redone the room into the prefect room for the eight-year-old boy I was to be. I had a single bed with batman sheets, bookcases loaded with toys and books, a TV and a computer on a desk. The computer had been borrowed from the school and had all of the latest educational software installed. I couldnât find any games. The TV was hooked into the cable, but mom had set the V-chip to only allow me to watch G rated programs. I threw the clothes into the closet and sat down to do my homework. I finished it just as mom was calling to me. She told me to take off my clothes and meet her in the bathroom. I quickly stripped and ran naked down the hall.

Pleased with my prompt response, she asked if I had finished with my homework. I replied that I had. She praised me and told me to stand in the bathtub. Opening the bag from the drug store I saw that she had bought some strong hair removers. Telling me that little boys donât have hair except on their heads, she proceeded to cover me in goop. I was never very hairy to begin with, and only needed to shave about once a week. When she was done, I was hairless from the neck down. She led me from the bathroom back to my bedroom and dressed me in my pajamas and tucked me into bed. She read me a bed time story and then kissed me good night, As I drifted off to sleep I thought back on the events of the day and could hardly believed they really happened.

As I woke up the next morning, I thought I surely must have been dreaming. Then I heard Mom calling me to get ready for school or we would be late. As I opened my eyes, I realized it was all true. I was still in my room. I quickly got up and dressed in my school uniform and joined mom for breakfast. Mom told me we had to get to school early so I could get my student ID made. I could barely contain my excitement as I ate and let mom comb my hair for the picture.

When we got to school the photographer was ready and in short order I was handed my new ID. It had my name on it, my student number, and grade 3 printed on the front. Allyson was listed as my mother and emergency contact info on the back. Somehow the photo made my look even younger. Mom made me turn over my driverâs license and other Ids saying my student ID was all I would need to carry.

I was now officially a child. All record of my adult life had been removed. There was no way to tell (unless you looked at me physically) that this was anything other than a class of eight year olds. I quickly settled into the routine of classes and some of the subjects were easy, but others I had almost completely forgotten. I was never a very dedicated student in my former life.

I quickly made friends with two boys in my class named Spencer, and Benjy. We would hang out together at recess everyday and eat lunch together. They were never concerned by the age difference between us. I must admit I had more fun playing with them than any of the adults I had known.

As time when on I became more and more comfortable around the other children, even beginning to think of my self as one of them. I noticed that my former interest in Allyson (now Mom) had waned considerably. I no longer had any sexual interest in her and saw her purely as a maternal figure. Slowly my personality began to change, regressing back to my childhood ways. Being surrounded by children all day every day, I began to think like them, and like the same things they did, I even began to speak like them, my vocabulary shrunk, and I began using simpler sentences. Mom seemed to think this was perfectly normal, and was unconcerned as long as I kept my grades up.

It seemed I was starting to have more and more trouble with my course work and home work, but some how I managed to keep my grades up, School seemed more and more exciting and interesting with each passing day. Something in my head told me I had already done this, but I didnât care. I pushed the thoughts away and focused all of my attention on the lessons of the day.

At school the next day, we returned to the routine of spelling, math, reading, and science, social studies and recess. I did well on my math test but the spelling test was not so great. Mom got me some help in that area it should have seemed funny to have a tutor younger than me, but somehow it felt right. He was a fifth grader and somehow helped me master my spelling skills.

By the end of the first semester, I was the same as any other eight year old mentally if not physically. It seemed that even my coordination and dexterity were decreasing. I enjoyed playing out side with my friends more than spending time with mom now, and even went to the other kids birthday parties. I couldnât wait to invite my friends to mine. Spencer and Benjy came over almost every weekend. We spent most Saturday mornings watching cartoons in my room and playing with action figures based on the cartoons.

As the weather got colder, I wore my sweats nearly every day, something I hadnât had the nerve to do since I really was about eight. I began to care less and less what other people thought about me. After hard days of playing outside, my mom would have a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate ready for me. Christmas was fast approaching and mom was keeping careful notes as to which toys I liked and encouraging me to be good because Santa Claus is coming to town.

Christmas was amazing. I got everything I could have wanted, all of the cool toys. My friends were jealous. I also got clothes with pictures of the characters printed across the front. (Little did I know mom had to have them made special, as I may have been a kid mentally I was still physically and adult). I got several new sweat suits and even a Nintendo wii with two games. Mom spent most of Christmas morning trying to hook it up and playing with me, leaving the remainder of the presents unopened until later that afternoon. For the first time in my life, I really felt like I belonged somewhere.

I had let my hair grow out into the longer style so popular with boys these days and while I was wearing my new clothes I presented the image of a young boy except for the height. No one in town gave me a second look and accepted me easily as just another child. I spent the night at Benjy and Spencerâs house alternately almost every night between Christmas and New Years. I couldnât wait to show off all of my new toys. We would stay up all night playing and talking, even joking about how gross girls were. It seemed my transition to childhood was complete.

As the start of the next semester of school was drawing near mom and I made a special trip to an amusement park that was only opened limited hours during the winter. I had more fun there than anything I could remember. After a day of riding rides and playing games, as we returned home, mom looked into the back seat at me and asked how I was enjoying being a child. With out thinking I told her that I loved it and never wanted to go back to the way things were. The memories of which were fading from my mind but I knew they werenât nearly as good as this. Mom smiled and told me not to worry about anything and she would take care of me.

I entered the second semester of third grade with renewed vigor. I worked as hard as I could at my studies, hoping to please mom. Math became my favorite subject, spelling my worst. Life couldnât be better. My grades were great. As a reward, mom said I could join the cub scouts. The local troop had an opening and mom signed me up.

At the first meeting I was afraid I wouldnât know anyone there, but several of the boys from my class were members. We had a great meeting; we did a scavenger hunt, and made cars for the annual race. I painted mine to look like a rocket, hoping it would make it go faster, the meeting ended all to soon and I could not wait to come back next week, I regailed mom with all the stories on the trip home. I must have talked non-stop, because the next thing I knew we were pulling into our driveway.

My birthday was (and still is I guess) in early January. As the day approached, mom asked what I wanted to do for my ninth birthday. I told her I wanted to have a big party at chuck e cheeses with all of my friends. She said I could and made the reservations. I invited all of my friends and they couldnât wait to come. We played the day away and ate way too much pizza. I thought I was going to be sick. I got several new games for the wii and a gift certificate to toys r us.

Momâs birthday surprise was the best of all. She brought out an ice cream cake with nine candles on it and sang happy birthday. I couldnât help but giggle. She may have been a great teacher, but she was no American idol. Mom told me to blow out the candles and make a wish. I wished I could stay her son forever, she said that she had contacted my parents and together with a judge they knew, had signed me over for adoption. A new birth certificate had been issued listing me as a (now) nine year old. Allyson now was legally my mom in every respect. I couldnât have been happier.

We went on a field trip to the local museum, and got to see all of the dinosaur bones and other fossils. Benjy, Spencer and I formed a group and explored everything we could find. I was sure to take careful notes, as I knew there was going to be a test on this later in the week. When we got back to school we all had to write a short paper on our favorite part of the trip. Mine was interactive displays that showed the dinosaurs in action.

We were required to take placement tests and I scored right grade level on everything. I actually started to enjoy doing my homework each night, and I even got my mom to install some games on to my computer. Age appropriate of course. I never missed any of the things I used to do as an adult, and felt that that life had happened to someone else. I was more than happy with what I had now.

As school drew to a close for the year I found out that I had passed all of my courses and would be moving into the fourth grade next year with my friends. On the last day of school mom told me she had signed me up for summer camp where I would learn swimming lesson, computer skills and horse back riding. That sounded like fun, and I would be glad to be out of school for the year. I always looked forward to summer vacation, even the first time around. My adult life faded to nothing and I enjoyed my life as a kid. Everything seemed right with the world as I was now with the loving family I had always longed for.

© Copyright 2015 Benjy (ben243 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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