Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2065035-How-I-Became-a-Dog
by Benjy
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2065035
How I became a dog
         My best friend, Kevin, had lived close to me all of my life. When we were younger I used to spend as much time at his house as I possibly could. I would spend the night there every weekend, and most of the summer time.
         As we grew up we got closer and closer and even started developing an attraction for each other. When we went away to college, I was upset that we wouldn't be able to spend as much time together, but we still talked all the time and saw each other on school breaks.
         Once we graduated, I moved back home while I looked for a job. I started spending all my free time at my friends house again. Our relationship flourished and soon we found ourselves spending most of our time together making out naked. Soon I had virtually moved into his house so we could spend all of our time together.

         In an attempt to spice up our relationship, Kevin suggested we go to the local park and play. The local park was a usually deserted dog park that was abandoned some time ago when a new fancier facility had been built. The park was set off the road in a secluded area of the woods and it and the paths leading up to it had become somewhat overgrown from lack of use. If you didn't know it was there, you would never find it.

         We parked in the parking lot of a nearby store and walked to the path, stepping carefully along it until we came to the clearing that was the park. Looking around it was obvious that no one had been here for quite some time. The equipment, including some ramps, tubes, and other obstacles looked a little weathered but were still in good shape.

         Kevin convinced me to take off my clothing which he placed in a bag he had been carrying. I expected him to follow suit. Instead he reached into his pants pocket and pulled a dog collar out. Without saying a word he fastened the collar around my neck. He then commanded me to sit.
I wasn't quite sure where he was going with this so I decided to play along and sat on the grass like a dog.

         Over the next few hours, Kevin had me running the agility course, and chasing a frisbee he had stored in the bag. I must admit I enjoyed playing dog for him, and enjoyed him petting me and calling a good dog. We even took time for a relaxing walk around the area with me on all fours. We finally decided to call it a day when it started getting dark and we were hungry. I brushed the dirt and grass off my hands and knees and put my clothes back on. At dinner we talked about the day and decided we had both had a good time and decided to do it again next week.

         I dreamed about being his dog as we went through the motions of the week and was excited to get to the park again. I stripped down as soon as we were away from prying eyes and we were master and pet, just like before. We had a great time and made it a regular activity, some times doing it more than once a week- whenever we could get away. I soon found myself acting more and more like a dog at home, sometimes spending whole days completely naked with my master.

         One day I was feeling particularly frisky and decided to chase after a frisbee that had gone into the bushes on the edge of the park. I didn't notice the truck parked on the other side. When I came out of the bushes, I saw it was animal control and saw a large man standing next to the truck. I felt a prick on my back and then blacked out.

         The animal control officer had been there looking for a wild dog, and had found me instead. After hitting me with the tranquilizer, he loaded me into his truck and took me to his office. When I awoke I was in a dog run in a small kennel type area with a few other dogs. The officer must have been waiting near by because he quickly came over to me tapping on the bars of the cage.

         "Like playing dog boy?" he asked. I was hardly in a position to disagree, standing there naked save for my collar in front of him. "Well boy, all dogs around here must be on a leash and have a license and vaccinations. We are also required to neuter all strays. You're appointment is scheduled for tomorrow." It was smart of Kevin to put the collar on me, but there were no tags or Id. I tried to protest and tell him I wasn't a dog, but he just ignored my protests and walked out of the kennel laughing.
         The floor was cold and It took forever for me to fall asleep. When I woke up, I was hungry and need to use the bathroom. I hoped I would be let out soon. The joke had gone on long enough. When the officer came to get me he had a leash which he clipped to my collar and led me towards the yard where he expected me to do my business. He made sure I saw the taser on his belt so I wouldn't try anything. After several attempts I was finally able to relive my self. The office took me back inside and tied me to a hook on the wall of what looked like an operating facility. I felt a pinch in my butt, and the next thing I knew, was waking up in the runs again. As I moved, i noticed a jingling coming from my collar, as well as a pain in my groin.

         Looking down, it wasn't hard to tell what the pain was. I had been neutered. I also had several new tags attached to my collar, including a rabies vaccination, a dog license, and a microchip ID tag. For all intents and purposes I was now officially a dog, and registered as such in the county books.

         I was left alone to heal for most of the day. When I was brought my dinner, I was given something for the pain and to help me sleep. The next day I was told that Kevin had found where I had been taken and paid the fine to get me released.

         When he came to get me he attached a name tag with him as my owner and contact info. I was starting to feel like a complete animal. No one spoke to me, expect to tell me to heel or sit. I followed the command on all fours afraid for what else might be done to me. After signing some papers and agreeing to keep me on a leash from now on, Kevin finally was able to take me home.

         After we were safely in the car, Kevin apologized for what happened to me and said from now on he would keep me on a leash and take better care of me. When we got into the house I noticed that all of my stuff had been boxed up and put into storage. All that was i my room was a dog bed and food and water bowls. I looked over at Kevin, and he smiled and told me that he knew I would be happier this way. He had conspired with the animal control officer to turn me into his pet. I tried to be mad at him, but couldn't bring myself to it.

         As time went on I spent all of my time naked and mostly on all fours as a dog. My behavior was that of a dog. Some days master would invite me on his bed and would make out with me, but those times became less and less frequent. I hardly ever spoke and soon found that I was forgetting all but the most basic words. I didn't need them anyway. After about 6 months the last of my human concerns slipped away and I was able to spend the rest of my days as a happy pup for my owner.

© Copyright 2015 Benjy (ben243 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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