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Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #2064969
Me discussing my relationshit, no that is not a typo.
What I am about to say is not so people hear my side of the story. It is not in response to all of my ex's lying facebook posts. This is only to warn someone who may find themselves in my position to protect themselves.
I was in a relationship, where I hid the fact that I was cheated on, our children were neglected by him. He beat me down physically and emotionally constantly. I protected him, and I played the part well. So well that when I finally chose to leave, he chose to lie. He has now hurt me in a way that is the only way left he could. He had my children taken from me. Even when I have evidence showing that he has said that if he can't have me or the kids, then I won't.
I lied for this man and I hid the broken nose, the broken ribs, I made excuses for the black eyes, bruises and cracked tooth. I covered the fact that he never was around for our children. Then he made it out that I was a horrible mother, and now I am alone without the most important people in my world and everyday is a struggle. Life is depressing and there are times when I wish I would have just stayed in my hell. I would have my babies still. But I know in the end the truth will come out and I will have my babies back where they belong.
If you are hurting day in and day out, due to a man who doesn't care about you at all. Who only makes you feel worthless, useless and alone. Do not sit and wait, leave now.
Do not think that just because you are a better person and wouldn't do certain things, that they will act the same. Protect yourself. But leave. Do not let these pricks win, and do not let what has happened to me, happen to you.
If you are in an abusive relationship, love yourself enough to leave before you waste ten years like me.
There is someone out there, who loves you for you, who wants nothing more than to see your smile. There is someone much better for you and there is a brighter future on the horizon.
No man should ever hurt you, physically or mentally, no real man ever would.

Love doesn't hurt.
Love doesn't lie.
Love doesn't feel like loneliness or emptiness.
Love doesn't humiliate you day in and day out.
Love doesn't destroy you.
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