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How he died has been a mystery - until now! |
What mystery of mysteries Lie buried there on yonder hill? The truth in silent whisp'ring wind Kept hid these past two centuries- The penance paid for wanton sin. (To swallow now such bitter pill Cast down my throat against my will Hath left me in a ghastly state And yet my spirit must relate). An evil gale on that night blew And terrors that he never knew Did visit dark upon that place As death pursued and quicken’d pace- Yea, overtook him in the chase. No starry night to light the sky No moon o’er head the sky to ply Just ebon in the heavens ‘bove As darkling figure flutter’d wing Unearthly sound unlike the dove Hover’d o’er now - a ghostly thing! And the raven flew into the night And the raven flew into the night A wager made the ante in- The loser who for want of heart Throws in his last remaining coins And prays tonight’s the night he’ll win. A feeling deep within his loins Portends his money shall depart And ne’er he’ll gain a fresh new start. Lo! The deed held in pocket deep Ensures the promise he will keep. And so once more a playing hand Is dealt before a wretch’d band Of cons who’d never pray’d to God Whose lives had ever felt the rod- The holy path they’d never trod. Thus trembling he arose to leave No ace to hide under his sleeve- His loss and pain now evident The deed he left, his payment last- The cold outside, ill wind a’blow O that this night might soon be past! And the raven flew toward the east And the raven flew toward the east The deed a closer look was made And ‘fore too long ‘twas evident That all was not quite as it seem’d ‘Twas nothing but a grim charade. What happen’d next as if a dream- The guild of men with cruel intent On finding Poe were now hell-bent. And so into the night they sped A hound from hell came-with for dread- The rabid beast held fast by chain In chilling wind, in blinding rain. A shadow in the distance seen A man alone or so it seemed- The hound set loose in low ravine. It's prey ran high upon that hill Each howl his tingling spine did chill Until ill fate caught up with him His future prospects e'er so grim. The evil jaw upon him clench’d He scream’d aloud before the fall The poison in his blood entrench’d Delirium now cast it’s pall. And the raven flew toward the light And the raven flew toward the light There as he lay on yonder hill The chase now o'er, the silence sweet- He gazed above in still of night As clouds departing shew'd goodwill. The vision ’bove ‘twas nay for fright- He hears a steady rhythmic beat So low and calm as if discreet. The heavens part to his delight- A figure standing in the light Extends to him an outstretch’d hand Whilst voice like waters bid him stand. He wonders now if just a dream Or are things really as they seem- A voice or just a nearby stream? Quite suddenly he feels no pain As wind abates and same the rain- The hand then grabs him by the throat Another tears his woolen coat His life doth flash before his eyes And thro’ the dimly lighten’d sky He sees his bride - to his surprise Whose only word to him is “Why?” And the raven flew into the sun And the raven flew into the sun He breath’d his last then bade goodbye The troubl’d bard who’d gone awry- The mystery resolv’d at last On how it was that Edgar pass’d. And if thou wonder how I know These secrets held from long ago- Although the truth thou surely crave I’ll take such knowledge to my grave. |