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October entry for the Try Something New Contest |
The SpaceGoblin “Is that what I think it is, Commander?” Pilot Walkim was pointing out the main Viewscreen in front of them. “If you thinking that’s a SpaceGoblin then you are correct,” said Commander RoLissa. “That is why we are in this part of uncharted Space.” Commander RoLissa hit the hand shaped button on her right armrest. When she did her voice could be heard all over her BattleReadyShip. That includes the Voice Boxes next to everyone else in Master Control. “This is Commander RoLissa. We have reached our destination.” “I can now reveal why we have been sent here,” Commander RoLissa. “Also why I haven’t been able to tell you what it is until now. If you look at you Outside Monitor’s you will see why we are here.” Everyone in Master Control was shocked at what they were looking at. Commander RoLissa could see that on each one of their faces. They didn’t say a word. All they did was stare at the main Viewscreen. Everyone there knew not to comment on what was just outside the spaceship. If Commander RoLissa wanted their opinions she would as for it. Commander RoLissa just sat there. She waited for everyone to calm down before she continued. And that was a long wait. Everyone on the ship had a comment to say about what they saw. All of them were saying the same thing. But in different ways. “What are they doing here? Is that a SpaceGoblin? How do I get transferred before it’s too late?” etc. After a half hour, forty-five minutes, Commander RoLissa finally continued, “We are here because The SpaceGoblins need our help. They contacted us asking for that help. And we are here to help them – if we can.” The panic chaos from a few minutes ago started up again. Only it didn’t last as long as it did before. After about twenty minutes Commander RoLissa continued. “Most of you probably already know this but in case you don’t I will tell you about SpaceGoblins. SpaceGoblins aren’t like the evil goblins you find on almost every world in the Universe.” Commander RoLissa took a breath. She also wanted to hear the reactions about what she had said so far. What she got was very rude and unspeakable with Young Ones around. “SpaceGoblins are called that because they are born in Space. And they live in Space all of their lives. They can land on planet, board a spaceship etc. for a few hours. After that they will die too.” “I hope they all die,” said Security Officer Lommus. “Bring them all on board. Put them in cells – until they all die.” “Yes, Lommus, I know how you feel about goblins.” Commander RoLissa didn’t look to happy with Lommus at that moment. “You are the main reason I haven’t told anyone this until now.” “My mother was killed by a goblin,” said Lommus. “She was killed by one of them.” Lommus was pointing at the SpaceGoblin in front of them when he said that last part. “I know she was,” said Commander RoLissa. “That’s why I wanted you here even though this isn’t your time of day.” Commander RoLissa could still hear what the crew had to say about what was going on. Most of them agreed with Lommus. But some had better, more creative ways, to kill them. All of them meant a lot of pain before they died. After listening to that for a minute or two Commander RoLissa continued. “Since I am the only one who knew about this we have to get prepared for our visitors. I’m not going to take any chances. We are going to be prepared for anything. It’s just going to take a few hours to get it done. When it does I expect all of you to be on your best behavior.” <<<<<*>>>>> It took almost seven hours to get the Conference Room ready for their visitor. And all that time Commander RoLissa kept her eyes on the SpaceGoblin. First on the Main Monitor. But after seeing how everyone was re-acting to it Commander RoLissa ordered it removed from the Main Monitor after about a half hour. The rest of the time watching it Commander RoLissa did by the MiniMonitor she swung around in front of the chair she was sitting in. She was the only one who had to look at it then. Commander RoLissa wanted to inspect the Conference Room before they teleported their visitor in. She thought about having it enter by way of the Shuttle Bay. But that meant it would have to go through the Corridors. And she didn’t want to put that much pressure on the crew. After checking out the Conference Room Commander RoLissa addressed the crew again. “We are now ready to receive our visitor. I have set up servielence for any of you that might want to observe these proceedings. But I’m not going to order to do it. It’s up to you if you want to do it or not. A few minutes later the SpaceGoblin was teleported into a small clear box – with only a movable chair within it. Surrounding that box was three rows per side of chairs. All the chairs were occupied. Each division of that spaceship represented one side - except for Security. They were in the first row on each side. And they had either their hand weapons or the big long weapons in hand. Whatever they didn’t have in hand was within reach. Commander RoLissa was the only one who wasn’t seated. She was standing behind a podium that circled the box. That way all sides could observe her and their visitor. “I hope you don’t mind the precautions.” “No I don’t,” said Annican. His name was about five times longer than that. That’s why he shortened it. “I understand why you did it.” He had been looking around at the difference faces ever since he got there. “The fear and the anger I can see in their faces – especially the ones with weapons.” “I know why you contacted us,” said Commander RoLissa. “But the rest of my crew haven’t. Can you explain your problem to them?” “It all started a few months ago,” said Annican. “When your races attacked up. They tried to kill us – because we were goblins. The fact that we were SpaceGoblins didn’t matter to them. Only about two thousand, of us are still alive. We have been hiding out in a nearby asteroid field.” When Annican said that about ‘killing them’ Commander RoLissa was opposite Lommus. She wanted to see his re-action when Annican said that. Lommus looked like he wanted to say something. But he didn’t. Commander RoLissa already knew what Annican was going to say. That’s why she could maneuver so she was opposite Lommus. “What exactly do you want us to do?” “We have others like us not too far from here,” said Annican. “What we need from you is an escort from you. And protection if we are attacked on the way there.” <<<<<*>>>>> That briefing was pretty short. But that’s how Commander RoLissa wanted it. The less time Annican was there the better. After a little more questions and answers Annican was teleported out of there. Once gone Commander RoLissa and the crew there discussed how they were going to do it. She also opened up that discussion to the rest of the crew too. “I don’t think we should do anything,” said Lommus. “But that goblin did help us though. We now where there are others like them. I say we go and kill them all off too.” Commander RoLissa figured Lommus would say something like that. At least the first part of it. But she was surprised about the second. Until he mentioned the killing. “We can’t do that,” said Commander RoLissa. “Especially the second part about killing them all. Our mission is to help them. And that’s exactly what we are going to do. What I want from all of you is the best way to do it.” It took them a long time to decide what to do. But they finally did. They were going to fly in front of the SpaceGoblins. And protect them if they had to. None of them wanted to do that. But they were professional SpaceMen. They would do it if they had to. But luckily for them they didn’t have to. “The Races who attacked them must have given up after not being able to find them to kill,” said Commander RoLissa. Commander RoLissa, and the rest of the crew, was about to find out she was wrong about that. She was wrong about everything. <<<<<*>>>>> Right after the endangered SpaceGoblins re-united with the rest of their kin was when it all became. Commander RoLissa, and her crew, had just turned around, and was ready to leave when it happened. Suddenly there were ten SpaceGoblins in Master Control. And according to what she heard over the Voice Boxes SpaceGoblins were appearing all of that spaceship. “What’s going on?” Commander RoLissa was looking at all the SpaceGoblins in Master Control. But she addressed her question to Annican. Who was also there. “We are here to take over this ship,” said Annican. “Then we will use this ship for Universal Conquest. Let the take-over begin.” Commander RoLissa could hear the yelling, screaming, begging etc. coming from all over her spaceship via the Voice Boxes. After a few seconds Annican passed her hands over the Ships Control Panel. When he did the crew being killed could be seen on the Main Monitor. Commander RoLissa, and the rest of the crew there, could now see her crew being killed one by one. And they weren’t easy kills either. It was very graphic – and very messy. Every few seconds the Main Monitor would change so that everyone there could see every part of the ship where the killing was taking place. “We thought this was the best way to get you to coroperate with us,” said Annican.” “The only reason why all of you, and a few within, aren’t going to be killed too is because we need you.” “Why are you really doing this? I thought SpaceGoblins were good goblins,” said Commander RoLissa. “There is no such of a thing as a good goblin,” said Annican. “All goblins are bad. It’s just that some of us are worse than others. Besides, we aren’t SpaceGoblins. We only said that to get you to help us.” “How did you survive in Space without being SpaceGoblins?” It was Walkim that asked that question. “Like the goblins with me goblins here only arrived a few hours before you did,” said Annican. “We can breathe in Space for a several hours, about one of your days, without it killing us too.” Commander RoLissa couldn’t stop staring at all the death going on. Suddenly she smiled a big smile that looked as evil as the goblins were. “You made a very big mistake killing off most of my crew,” she said that to Annican. Then she said to her spaceship, “Cosmic Defender, Code Ten.” “What is Code Ten? It doesn’t really matter. Whatever it is it’s not going to save you.” “I never said it was going to save us,” said Commander RoLissa. “By the time I get finished telling you why you are going to lose this battle, and this war, we will all be dead. I have set this spaceship to destroy itself.” The End? |