Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2063667-Eternity
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2063667
Susan says goodbye to a very old friend

Everything has it's time, and everything ends.

But not you, you don't die.

I'm afraid I can, and I have. Don't be sad because it's over, be happy that it happened. You have a whole lifetime of memories to remember me by.

But that's the thing. I can't retain them, we're mentally linked and that link has been severed. I'll forget you slowly over time until I don't remember you at all.

Then maybe that's for the best. Cherish the memories while you still have them and don't be afraid of moving on.

Moving on, how young do you think I am? I'm not a young woman anymore, I don't have much time left.

Then make the most of the time you have, but please, don't die just yet, I'm looking forward to some peace and quiet before you join me in eternity.

I don't think I can live without you. I need to be with you. I can't do this.

Yes, you can. The world needs you. If you want to remember me then do one thing, have a good life. You'll slowly forget me, but the story can live on forever, so share it. Tell your children so that they'll tell their childrens children. All those things we did don't have to be forgotten about. Over time it may become myth, but all good stories end up that way.

That's if you can trust me to not bend the truth a little to make our tales sound a little more heroic.

Even better! As long as you make me out to be really hot, with perhaps a perfect jaw line and hair that's unfalteringly perfect. That's what people like these days isn't it? Twitter is full of people raving about jaw lines and hair. Susan, do whatever makes you happy. I'll be watching you always, you'll never be alone.

I'll feel alone though, I'm so used to just turning around and having you there, but now you wont be.

I'll be there in spirit, always. You will never be alone.

Now that just sounds creepy, maybe I should include that in my stories that I tell people.

Ha, I dare you Susan.

Come on, you know me. You know what I'm like with dares. But maybe I'll let you off this time, since you're dead and all.

Don't pity the dead Susan, we have heaven! Unlimited cake with no health consequences!

Trust you to go straight for the cake!

Yep and believe me, it is delicious!

So this really is it.

Yep, the final goodbye. Never thought I'd see the end of you.

Now you never will.


Thank you for making me feel special.

Thank you for exactly the same.


Goodbye, Susan. Till the next life.

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