Night of Horror Romance

As I trotted along the silent road beneath the silvery moon,
of the situation that is about to happen to me soon.
flicking of the streetlights and the cars driving near,
Are the
only sounds in the evening that I alone can hear.
But when
I thought of nothing more can happen the gates just open wide
To the
tower resting on top of the hill, I was in for a wild ride.
Never go
in there people say, it’s haunted by something strange,
would’ve been easy for me to leave but I could use a little
To the
top of the hill I climbed and standing by the door,
something wicked really in there or dangerous far more?
With a
flashlight in my hand, and with hinges that creak,
I crept
in through the doorway to take a little peak,
cobwebs on every corner, the furniture powdered with dust,
And on
the table in the foyer, there is a very gruesome bust.
portraits on the walls, they all have menacing glares,
Each one
all spoke the same thing; out loud they scream “BEWARE!”
The door
slammed right behind me, one thing was indeed.
be trapped in here all night and that is guaranteed.
I shined
my light on the chandelier, then at the baroque chair,
I shined
it at the curtain dancing in the air.
the foyer I enter another room,
And now
I’m in the kitchen which spells out my doom.
cold knives dripping with blood stand tall,
puddles scattered on the floor and handprints stamped on the wall.
The table
and chairs are in shambles, while the faucet was bent,
my back out of the kitchen I went.
I found a
staircase and went up to another floor,
And right
before me at the top was another door.
My hands
started quivering, what was inside,
Was it
another sight of my death, should I run or hide?
Before I
can decide I turn around to see,
A hoard
of carnivorous tarantulas scurrying after me,
barbed wire fangs and ruby red eyes they’re terrible to the
closely in their scarlet eyes, you can see them chanting, “FEAST!”
One large
gulp and I twisted the handle,
The room
was empty with not a thing except for one lit candle.
With a
breath of relief and nothing else to see I thought I should head back
But as I
turned before me stood a man dressed in black.
mistress has been waiting,” is he referring to me?
Was his
mistress expecting my visit, how could this be?
He took
hold of the candle and led me down the hall,
creaking floors and missing boards I thought I would’ve fall.
At the
end of the hall a silhouette with eyes glowing as a cat,
to approach us, it flew like a bat.
A gust of
wind came in and blew out the light,
my skin was an icy cold sting, a bone chilling fright.
couldn’t see a thing in front of my face.
When the
light had finally returned, the butler was gone without a trace.
figure was in front of me, I leaped back until I fell in a chair,
the moonlight what I saw was a witch with shiny, mauve and blue hair.
My chair
started floating until I was inches from the ceiling,
I saw her
walking in midair, I had an awkward feeling.
She cast
a spell to summon her minions and the floor open with a rip,
One by
one they all came out excited for the trip.
A parade
they marched surrounding me as they came they weave,
gruesome cackling monster chain, it’s hard to believe.
There are
vampires, ghosts, and banshees and zombies with decaying skin.
skeletons, and even the butler decided to join in.
He had
a pumpkin for a head and his lit face pierce the black,
of this terror and I’ll have a heart attack.
They drew
closer and closer with slimy drool and teeth gnashing,
and moaning, roaring and slashing.
One by
one they vanish in a cloud of smoke,
filled the room, not a single one of them spoke.
Before I
knew it I was wrapped up in a chain, as a boa it acted such
I couldn’t stand this tormenting pain, tighter and tighter, it
was too much.
I try to
wriggle and squirm myself out of this wreck,
But the
chain created a noose and wrapped itself around my neck.
When I
open my eyes the pain was gone and I was outside floating in the air.
Was I
dead, I don’t know, and how did I get away from there?
Out of
the silence I heard a sound of music that I knew.
The witch
came from the tower, but I was trapped what could I do?
As I try
to move she came to me and whispers in my ear,
you dance to this song,” I wonder is that why she brought me
seen you dance to this song down there where people cannot see.
I invited
you to my tower to ask, will you dance this song with me.”
If that
was all she wanted I guess I understand,
The music
started going and hesitantly I took her by the hand.
Slowly I
led her and teach her how to go
monsters sat on the roof top waiting for the show.
We became
encircled by bats, ravens, and crows
And as we
kept going the ring slowly grows.
the music continued and we pick up the pace
and higher we went and I started to notice her face.
There on
her face I saw a very pleasant smile,
There was
no evil smirk, sinister grin, or grimace of vile.
She is
enjoying this; with that look it is easy to tell,
Even I
started to enjoy waltzing with her as well.
The music
halt and with a glare I saw the peak of the morning sun.
With one
small kiss on the cheek and a last “thank you” this
evening was done.
One last
time I became blinded by a wicked gothic curse,
monsters have disembarked, the birds have all disperse.
I found
myself outside the tower, sitting by the gate,
Was all
this a coincidence, or maybe it was fate?
By my
side I found something unusual, an unbelievable sight,
photograph of the lovely witch, with writing that says, “See
you tomorrow night.”
or not it was a dream, so ends an exciting thrill.
Should I
come back tomorrow and dance with her more? Maybe just maybe I will.