Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2063592-Baby-Sarah-4
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2063592
Sarah spends time with her biological family
I opened my eyes, only to realize I was now in a bed. I looked over to my left and noticed my mom and to my right, I noticed my father. I was a college graduate wearing diapers and sleeping with my parents. I tried to slide out of the covers, only to wake up my mom. "Good morning sweetie" she said grabbing my arm. She then awoke my father, saying it was time to get up. My dad rolled out of bed and put on some pants and then proceeded to pick me up. Mom handed me my blanket and readjusted my pigtails.

Dad carried me down the stairs and into the kitchen. The rest of the family was already there. Amy meet us at the doorway, "Good morning beautiful" she exclaimed, taking me from my fathers arms. She led me over to the table, where an assortment of food was already laid out. She grabbed a plate from the table and started to point at foods. "Do you want these?" she said pointing to the eggs, I nooded. Next she grabbed some bacon, sausage, waffles, and hashbrowns. She carried me and my plate over to the high chair in the corner of the room. After buckling me in, she pulled up a chair beside me and began to feed me my breakfast. Inbetween all of the plane and train noises, she discussed a plan.

"Me and my fiance are getting married on 6 days from now, so on Friday. I invited your parents but they said they couldn't make it; since Gina and Holly are going to be at their mom's and she said that they couldn't come, so I am in desperate need of a flower girl, you parents have agreed to let you stay with me for the week, so you can do it."

"What if I don't want to?" I asked.

"Oh, you already are going to. I just figured, if you agree to it, we could make it a little bit more fun. Besides, the only people you know there will be from our family."

Realizing I really didn't have a choice, I agreed. She was so excited, she told me that it would also be good practice for when her and her fiance had a baby. She kept talking about it the rest of the time that she fed me. After I was finished eating, mom came over and told me that "baby needed a bath". "I'll do it, it'll be good practice" Amy interupted.

She then unbuckled me from my high chair and picked me up once again. She carried me into the bathroom. Amy began to run the water of the bath and put bubble in the water. She then proceeded to take my jammies off of me, leaving me in my plastic pants. She went to check on the water again. She returned and began to take off my padding. Instinctively, I tried to cover up, "It's okay, everybody knows, but we all agreed to pretend like its not even there" she reasured me. I uncovered myself. She carried my naked body to the tub and placed me inside; she threw in two rubber ducks as bath toys.

She used a was cloth and scrubbed me clean as I played with the two ducks. She also used bubbles to pretend I had a beard and mustache and also to cover up my boy parts. Besides the fact that she was treating me like a baby, I liked Amy; she was pretty funny. During bath time, she told me how she read in a family letter one year that I liked video games and she told me about the games that I could play at her house.

"Head back" she instructed as she used a cup to wash the shampoo out of my hair. After doing that, she drained the tub. Once it was empty, she used a yellow towel to dry me off. She wrapped the towel around me and put more of it over my head. Looking in the mirror, I realized the towel had a duck hood; I also realized that unless I lifted my knees around Amy's body, my boy parts were completely exposed.

She carried me to the bedroom I awoke in. Amy laid me on the bed and double-diapered me. Next she put on a yellow t-shirt with a large rhinestone butterfly on me, followed by an almost see through yellow skirt that did not cover my double-diapered bottom. Amy continued by brushing my hair and then placing two large white bows on each side of my head, finishing off my outfit with yellow and white tweety bird socks.

She picked me up and carried me back down to the living room area. When we got there, Amy took me to a corner of the room, where she presented me with a life sized teddy bear. She told me that it was one of m gifts for agreeing to be her flower girl. I thanked her and she told me to follow her. I did as instructed, "Don't forget your bear" she added. I complied and started to haul this giagantic stuffed animal as Amy grabbed my hand. She led me outside and to one of the picnic tables outside.

More and more people showed up and began to introduce themselves.I realized that when I was with my parents, people tended to ask me more about my outfit compared to when I was with Amy, so I stuck by Amy's side for most of the day. I still got the occassional "why" and "how" but when I was around my parents, they made me tell the story whereas Amy deflected their questions to my parents.

For the most part, the only people that seemed okay with me dressing this way, was my grandma, Amy, my parents, and the younger children. The others were very judgemental and sometimes outwordly spoke against it. I talked to Amy about it and she devised a plan.

"Since they think that it is so outlandish, maybe you should make it outlandish." To do this, we planned for me to act overly babyish, since they all already knew about my situation. Since babies did whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted; I did exactly that. My parents caught on pretty quickly and my grandma actually thought that I had regressed to a baby; so I had people that would defend me.

The rest of the day was spent sucking my thumb, obnoxiously playing in the sandbox or swingset, constantly asking strangers do refill my cup, playing with my food, and doing anything else I could do to cause a scene. Throughout the day, more and more of the adults just did what ever I asked them just so I would quit bothering them. I was constantly carrying around my blanket and my new teddy bear. I ate all of my food with my hands and asked strangers to help me wash them.

One time, I asked my uncle to tie my shoes for me. "Do it yourself, your'e actually an adult you know." he responded harshly. I pretended to cry really obnoxiously so everybody would look over here. He acted like he didn't even notice me. Granny came over to check on me. When she asked what was wrong, I just continued to cry and shake my head no. After a few more questions, I used my bear's are to point at my uncle. I then hid behind my bear and raised my voice to make my bear talk. "He yelled at Sarah" I- or rather my bear- said to Granny.

Grannie made him apologize and I went on my way. A short while later, somebody got a sprinkler out so the kids could play. Since I didn't have a suit, I ran around in only my diapers. Running around, I slipped and fell in the mud. I seized this opportunity. I got up crying again and ran over to my uncle. I hugged him with my muddy and wet body. "Up" I said. At first he refused but I assume that Granny shot him a look because when I said it again, he lifted me like a toddler. I placed my muddy head on his shoulder and began sucking my thumb.

Amy must have though he had had enough, so she came over to grab me; but not before I could give him a big kiss. Amy laughed as we walked away. When we apporached mom and dad, they were talking with Granny about my beauty pageant. All of the younger children wanted to see my dress, so Amy took me out to the car and put it on me. I ran around in that for the next few hours. Finally, people were wanting to leave so Granny was going to make us take a picture first. Insisting that I wear new clothes, we went to the guest room and looked for something I could wear.

I picked out the most childish, mismatched outfit I could find. I left my white tights and pink converses on, then grabbed a horizontal rainbow striped polo and an almost see though, green and whit horizontal striped skirt. My diapers were clearly visible. We went out for the photo, in which dad had to hold me. After that everybody left for home, including Amy; which meant that I was to go with her. After switching my carseat and bags over, I said goodbye to mom and dad.

The ride home went by fast. Me and Amy talked about how much fun we had today and the plans for the week. She said that tomorrow we were going to stay home all day and clean the house for when Adam (her fiance) gets home. Sunday night we were going to spend with him. Monday, Amy had to do things for the wedding, so I would spend most of the day with Adam at home and we could play video games or whatever. Tuesday, I had to go with Amy to get my flower girl dress fitted. Wednesday, we were going to chill at home all day. Thurday was the bachelor/bachelorette party and I got to choose which one I wanted to go to. And Friday was the day of the wedding. After the wedding we would hang out at the reception and afterwards somebody would bring me to my parents house.

When we got to Amy's, she decided that she really didn't want to unpack anything but my diaper bag. We went inside, where she gave me a bath and then diapered me. I wore a pair of her pajamas and went to sleep with her in her bed. Only 6 more days until the wedding!

When I awoke, Amy was already awake. We laid in bed for a few minutes and talked before she said that we should probably get around. Amy made us breakfast and afterwards, she gave me a bath. Since I had not packed for an extra week, Amy let me borrow a shirt and some socks that I could walk around in, as well as my diaper. Amy turned on the TV and I watched Keeping Up With The Kardashians while she showered.

After she got around, we began to unpack from the trip and clean up around the house. Since I probably wouldn't ever be here again, I was not ashamed to walk outside with my diaper exposed. After we finished cleaning, we watched TV until Adam came home.

"Sarah, I assume?" he asked walking through the door. I introduced myself as Sarah, since I didn't know how much Amy had told him. We followed him to the living room, where we proceeded to watch football. A few minutes later, Amy went to the kitchen to cook dinner, leaving me with Adam.

"So are girl clothes really more comfortable than boy's clothes?" he asked revealing that he knew my secret.

"I think so..." I admitted.

"Hmmm, I'll take your word for it. What is the reason behind the diapers?" he asked.

I explained to him how I liked them. He shrugged and continued to talk.

"So who do you like in this game?" He asked referring to the football game. That was the last he talked about my apparel for the day. He seemed to be cool; and he was one of the few people that treated me like I was treated before the change. The rest of the night was spent hanging out in the living room. When it was time for bed, Amy set up the playpen that we unpacked and placed it in the corner of their room. We all went to bed; even though I was pretty uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as them.

The week was pretty uneventful, until Thursday. I awoke in the playpen on Monday. Nobody was in the room, so I just sat there. I noticed that I was wearing a different diaper than I was the night before, so Amy must have changed me in the night. After about 30 minutes, Adam walked in the room. He looked at me, "You gonna sit in there all day?"

I confessed that since I was diapered, I couldn't lift my leg over the edges to get out. He came over and helped me out of the playpen. "Alright, Amy left for the day, so we are going to have to set some ground rules" I agreed.

"Amy thought it would be a good idea to have you around the house, to practice just in case we wanted to have a baby; however, I never agreed to that. So today, you are on your own. I am not going to change your diapers or bathe you or anything." I said that was fine and proceeded to get ready by myself.

Picking out one of Amy's shirts, I went to the bathroom and got ready. I then went to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal and sat on the couch next to Adam. He threw me a controller and we played FIFA on his game system. We ordered pizza for lunch, and after we ate, we played Halo. It was kind of nice being one of the boys again.

Sometime during the day, we heard the ice cream truck. His inner kid showed, as he looked at me and suggested we get some. We both ran outside and ran towards the truck. There were a bunch of other people near the truck, who looked at me funny, as I was only wearing a diaper and a t-shirt. But whatever, we got ice cream. Amy returned later in the day and we hung out in the living room for the rest of the night.

Tuesday morning came and I was once again treated like a baby by Amy. She bathed me and dressed me for the day. I was given a pink dress that must have been one from her younger years. I was then given a pair of flip flops and Amy painted my nails. Today was the day I had to get my dress fitted.

We went to the tailor and I was measured so my dress could be adjusted. The tailor mentioned that my diaper should be covered in my dress. We then went out to eat. Em asked if I was planning on going to the bachelor party or the bachelorette party. Even though Adam was cool, I felt more comfortable around Amy; so I told her I would go with her. She said it was a princess themed party, so I would have to choose a princess that wasn't already chosen.

So far, she was Cinderella and her freinds were Elsa, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Tiana, and Jasmine. We went to the costume store and went to the women's section. I was pleasantly surprised when we weren't in the kid's section. I decided on a Belle costume. After checking out, we went back to the tailor.

The adjustments had been made, so I was now able to try on the dress. The dress fit perfectly. The top was skin tight white satin, there was a blue ribbon around my ribcage with a blue rose off-centered. The dress part was silky and went past my knees, and the bottom part was decorated with blue rose petals. Afterwards, we went home and chilled out.

Like I said, the week was pretty uneventful; I was used to being treated like a baby so that was nothing new. However, Thurday night rolled around and it was time for the bachelorette party. I wore my diaper out, but instead of wearing childish clothing, I had a sexy Belle costume over it. The corset was constricting but actually felt pretty neat. The double layered miniskirt covered my diaper. I also wore a white garter belt over my diaper and underneath the dress, which kept my white stockings pulled up tightly. I got used to walking in heels pretty quickly. Amy did my hair and make up, so I actually looked like an adult girl without developed breasts. However, I still passed as a girl. Finally, I was given a rose to complement my outfit.

The rest of the princesses knocked on the door and led us to a white limo. We went to a club on the other side of town. Amy wore a sash letting everybody know that she was the bride to be. It must have looked funny to see a group of girls dressed as sexy princesses walking into a club, but the bouncer let us in regardless. We headed to a booth and the maid of honor(Sleeping Beauty) handed us out sheets of papers. The headind "Amy's Scavenger Hunt. The instructions said that throughout the night, we were to complete the tasks with photo or video evidence to gain points. Each task was a point, and the bridesmaid (or in my case, flower girl)with the most points won a special prize. The lists was as followed:

-Get a picure with a cop.
-Get five random strangers numbers.
-Get a condom from a stranger
-Get a picture with somebody with the name Adam.
-Get somebody to buy the group a shot.
-Get 5 strangers to buy you a shot.
-Kiss the bartender.
-Pinch somebody's butt.
-Drink somebody's drink without asking.
-Have a Dance-Off with a stranger
-Dance on a Table.
-Recieve a Spanking from a Stranger.
- Have Somebody Sign Your Booty
-Have a Stranger Post an IG photo with you
-Convince a Guy to Wear Your Underwear
-Photo Bomb a stranger's photo
-Flash a stranger your boobs

For the rest of the night, we were to try to complete these 17 tasks and use our camcorders(handed out by Snow White) to recoord evidence. Not wanting to be a party pooper, I decided to try to do the easy ones.

I started tp walk around and try to find guys named Adam. It was surprisingly easy to talk to guys, as they would just approach me to try to hit on me. I was carrying around a martini that was given to all of the bridesmaids. In my search of an Adam, I ended up getting 3 guys to buy me shots. I also took a selfie with a guy, who posted it on IG- so I was able to cross that one off of the list.

Another hour and a half went by and I was able to cross off a few things. I found an Adam, recieved 5 shots, had somebody order the group shots, photobombed a stranger, and got 5 guys numbers. We returned to check in with the group; where all the other girls were at least done with 8 of them. Not wanting to be the worst one in the group, I decided I had to try harder ones; no matter what cost- which was probably not my best decision if I was trying to be discrete. I was also beginning to become drunk, so that assisted in me making poor decisions.

I walked over to the dance floor and noticed a man who was pretty drunk himself. I challenged him to a dance-off. I was a terrible dancer, so apparantly he thought I was trying to dance with him. He began grabbed me as I began to grind on him like a girl would. Luckily he was drunk, so he didn't notice my diaper pressing up against him. Eventually, we separated and I restarted the dance off. He recognized what was going on and started to dance as well. A small circle formed around us and for the rest of the song we 'battled'. It was the worst dance off of all time and everybody was laughing at us, but I was able to cross another item off of my list.

I walked up to the bar and sat next to Elsa. We began to talk about some of the tasks. There were two bartenders behind the bar; one male and one female. During our conversation, the male bartender walked over and Elsa managed to steal a kiss. Realizing that I too needed to kiss a bartender, I called the female over. I told her that it was part of our scavenger hunt; but she refused saying that she would never kiss a girl. "I'll do it" the male bartender chimed in. Being drunk and realizing that I may be the only one to not finish the checklist; I took a shot and agreed. I went for a peck but he stuck his tongue down my throat. I shoved him away, which angered him. That was the most disgusting thing I have ever done; but I was able to cross something off of my checklist. I was also able to get a guy to give me a condom.

Next, I walked over to an empty table, stepped on it and began to dance like I had seen girls do in the music videos. Amy came over, "I can see your diapey" she sang. I quickly hopped down, which caused me to fall on my face. She helped me up. We talked for a minute, during which, I lost control of my bladder and released it into my diaper.

I decided to continue my challenges. Since the rules didn't specify a gender, I decided to pinch a girl's butt. She looked back at me as I smiled. She shoved me away from her, causing me to stumble into a table. The people sitting at the table looked at me. I looked at one of the men and then at the table. I grabbed his drink and chugged it. He tried to steal it from me, so I began to walk away. This led to a chase, as I continued to try and down his drink. Eventually, I got near an exit, which caused me to bump into somebody and fall down.

The man whose drink I stole helped me up. "Now I am a cop and should have you thrown out of the club..." the word cop caught my attention. I lifted the camcorder and shouted selfie, taking a picture of me with him; another thing off of my list. He grabbed both of my shoulders so I was forced to face him. "but I noticed your unusaul attire, so instead I have other plans." He led me back over to their seat, where his buddies were also sitting. He told me to bend over. I did as instructed. "Somebody has been a bad baby!" he said lifting my skirt and showing my diaper to everyone that was looking. His buddies began laughing hysterically, "Did you need protection since you can't handle your liquor?" one of them asked. "Since I turned 35 today, baby will get all of my birthday spankings". He began swatting my bottom pretty hard. Even though I was kind of happy that he was unintentionally fulfilling a task, I began to cry due to the pain and the embarassment as many people (including the bridal party) gathered around to see me getting spanked in a diaper.

After he had finished, I gimpily ran into the bathroom. Amy followed me and calmed me down. She led me back out to the booth and we were able to recount our totals. The leader had 15 and I also had 14. I figured that since everybody knew my secret anyways, I might as well go for the win. I looked at my remaining tasks: Flash a stranger, have somebody sign your butt, and convince somebody to wear your undies. Two of those seemed obtainable.

I walked over to the darkest corner of the room, where a group of guys were talking. I decided to try and get a guy by himself, so I 'flirted' with him for about 20 minutes. Eventually, he took me to a booth where we sat on the same side. He asked about my diapers as he must have saw the scene; I just said I wore them because I didn't want to get drunk and wet myself. This didn't push him away, so I decided to go for the last two. "Do you want to see it" I said, still talking about my diaper. He said yeah, as if he was into it. I turned around a lifted my skirt. "My bottom could be yours" I said trying to be as sexual as possible. "If you really want it, you should sign it" I continued. I turned to give him a pen and pushed the bottom of my diaper up revealing my bare bottom. He signed it. Holding my diaper up, caused me to get urine on my hands. I was now tied for the lead. I told him to sit tight so I could go to the bathroom- I needed to wash my hands although I wouldn't tell him. I got up to leave, where I ran into Snow White. She showed me her checklist, which was only missing one thing. I had to flash my boobs to a stranger just to tie it...

I walked into the bathroom and washed my hands. The man I was talking to entered, and snuck up behind me. I turned to him and decided now was a good as time as ever. "What are you doing?" I asked. He told me that he just couldn't wait too long and asked what I was doing since I didn't go into a stall. "I needed to freshen up" I covered, "I have to look good to compete with all of the busty women" I continued trying to lead into me flashing my flat chest; while keeping my girly identity. I began to unlace my corset. "Let me see" he said. I finished unlacing it and pulled down my top, revealing my hairless, flat-chest. He lied and said that he liked it. He then grabbed my skirt and pulled my outfit all the way to the floor, leaving me in my garter belt and diaper. I had now tied the score up.

He noticed that I was wet. "Maybe we should get you out of your wet diaper" He said, trying to get me to strip for him. Time to go for broke.

"I think it would be sexy if you wore it for me. It would show me that you were committed." I added. He was thrown off guard but approached me. He grabbed the waist band and was going to undo the tabs. I slapped his hand. "Not so I fast" I quipped trying to prevent him from seeing my manhood. I pulled my costume back up, I began to walk to the corner of the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

I stepped out of my heels, then untaped one tab, allowing my diaper to fall to the floor. This gave me time to tuck my manhood up into my garter belt. It was uncomfortable, but prevented me from accidently revealing my self. I turned around, bent down and picked up my wet diaper. I carried it to him and held it out like you would when you were showing somebody a cute pair of panties. "Sooo.....????" I didn't expect him to take it but figured I'd try.

Surprisingly he took it and walked into a stall. After a minute, he came out. Not holding the diaper anymore. I noticed a bulge from his pants. "Let me see" I said. He told me to strip first. I approached him and began unbuttoning his shirt. He began to untie my corset again. I then unbuckled his belt and threw his pants and boxers to the ground. I took a step back. Sure enough, he was wearing my used diaper. "Cute!" I said, realizing that I had checked off everything off my check list. I was about to just walk out of the bathroom, when the door opened. It was Amy!

She began to laugh hysterically. She told me it was time to go and grabbed my hand leading me back to the limo. I showed all of the girls my video, since I had left my camera running the whole night. They all laughed and declared me the winner. I was handed a gift bag. I opened it up and revealed the contents.

There was a red-ball gag, furry handcuffs, and a pair of black vibrating panties. I embarrassed myslef all night for stupid gifts. Oh well, I was too drunk to be mad. When I got home, Amy diapered me and put me in my playpen; where I fell asleep. Tomorrow was the wedding day.

I awoke, only in my diaper. Amy helped me out of the playpen and walked me into the living room. One of her bridesmaids was sitting on the couch, I shyly moved behind Amy. Baily was dressed as Elsa the night before.

"Hey Sarah, I have to go prepare for my wedding , so Bailey is going to take care of you this morning."

Amy hurried out the door, leaving me with Bailey.

"You were something else last night." She said approaching me, grabbing my hand. "It is especialy funny, knowing that you are a baby girl in a boy's body!" Apparantly Amy told her my secret. "Now let's get you some breakfast."

We walked to the kitchen, where Bailey made me eggs and toast. Afterwards, she led me into the bathroom and proceeded to give me a bath. This was weird, but I just accepted it. When the bath was finished, she dried me off and double-diapered me. Next, she sat me down in a chair and started to do my hair. She finished doing my hair, by putting a headband with a blue rose in it. We finished the morning by repainting my nails blue and loading me up in the car. I was walked out to the car in just a diaper and placed in a carseat.

We went to the wedding venue and I was paraded through the church in just a diaper. We entered a side room, where Amy and the rest of the girls were getting ready. Granny was also there. She came over and gave me a big kiss. The girls all reminisced about last night; while getting ready. I was put in a pair of opaque white tights and my dress was then put on me. I finished by putting on my dress shoes.

We were taken to the front of the church and had a photoshoot. After about 600 pictures, we were finished and the wedding was about to start. The guests arrived and were seated and the bridesmaids, groomsmen and groom were already in place. I was next. The music started to play and I began walking. Every step or so, I reached into my basket and dropped petals into the walkway. The church was packed, hundreds of eyes stared at me. One pair of eyes caught my attention. They were Em's! She came to the wedding with her camera.

I made it to the end of the aisle, where Bailey greeted me and stood me infront of her. Before I could notice anything else, Amy began to walk down the aisle and all eyes turned to her.

The wedding began and lasted an hour. During this hour, I had to go potty, so I relieved myself in my diaper. After they kissed, Bailey grabbed my hand and we walked down the aisle to the back. She then led us to the entrance of the church, where we made a tunnel. All of the guests piled around where we watched the bride and groom enter their limo.

Afterwards, Em approached me and gave me a big hug. She asked Bailey to take a picture of us, where she picked me up like a toddler. We posed for another one, with me standing up. We eventually had to go to the wedding reception where many more photos were taken. Em had me dance with her a lot; but I also danced with all of the other bridesmaids, Granny, and Amy. One time, I was forced to dance with Adam- which neither of us were fans of, but it made Granny happy.

I was becoming tired, so Em suggested that I get out of my dress and into my jammies. She led me to the bathroom where she took off my dress. She noticed that my diaper was messy, so she changed me out of that as well. She finished pulling up my zipper on my jammies and led me back to the reception. She sat me on her lap and I laid my head on her shoulder.

Bailey came over and commented on how she loved my PJs. They were my pink footies with penguins and stars on them. After a while, I nodded off to sleep; when I awoke, I was back in mine and Em's bed.
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