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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2063068
Trying not to have another accident, the boy continues his life as Sarah
Over the next few months, I did not have a daytime accident again. I did not want a punishment like that again. Over these next two months, I actually graduated to big girl undies full time. I had stopped having nighttime and work accidents, It took me about a month and a half to be fully potty trained; however, I had done it.

There were a few occassions when Hannah and Gabby wanted to have a baby girl's night; sometimes we would even have Mommy come (or Em would pretend to be our Mommy). Those were the only nights that I slept in a crib, used a pacifier, or dressed as a baby (I continued to wear footed jammies since they were comfortable). That was okay though because it was my choice. There were also a few car trips in which I would choose to wear pullups due to the length of the ride. The only time I had to pretend to be a younger girl in public was at church since everybody there thought I was younger than I actually was. I was still in Ms. Lizzy's class, but now wore undies.

March came around, which meant my birthday was coming up. This year my birthday fell on Easter. This meant I would have to dress as a younger girl on my birthday, but Mommy said that she would throw me a party for after church- so I still had something to look forward to.

Finally, that Saturday had approached and Em decided that we should go stay at Mommy's new house since we had not seen it yet. We would just ride together to church from there. Mommy had not talked about my birthday party, so I figured there would be a surprise and that staying there would help set that up. I agreed and we went to Mommy's.

We arrived and greeted Mommy. She was with another man, who was introduced as her boyfriend, Brian. We were unaware that Mommy had a new boyfriend, but he seemed like a really nice guy. We were taken through a tour of the house, it was a really large house with a really large yard. We ate dinner there and watched a movie in the theater room. Eventually, it was time to get ready for bed. "Where are we going to sleep?" Em asked.

"Well, we haven't gotten beds for our guest room yet, so you are going to have to sleep on the couch" Mommy said responding to the question. The couch was not very big at all, so I wondered how Em and I were both going to fit. Mommy answered my question.

"Sarah, you will have to sleep over here" Mommy said while dragging me to the staird. I have slept with Em everynight since I had first met her, except the times I slept in the crib. Mommy interupted my thinking.

"Now, when we moved in this house, I told Brian about your punishments if you had an accident. I also told him that if that was the case, you couldn't be left alone, so we might have to babysit you."

I did not like where this was going. Mommy had opened a door, that I was previously unaware of, that led underneath the stairs. "So Brian decided that we should build you a room just in case" Mommy said, revealing a surprisingly large bedroom.

Of course, this was no typical bedroom and instead was built for an oversized baby. The walls were painted bright pink, with Hello Kitty decals on the side walls. The wall opposite of the entrance had a large Hello Kitty painted holding a pink baby block with the letter S on it. The rest of the large block letters finished spelling my name. There were frames on the wall that were filled with pictures of me in a diaper and in childish situations. The word baby was spelled in smaller blocks above the artwork. There was an oversized dresser, filled with baby clothes and diapers I assume, in the corner. On top, there was an oversized changing station and a baby monitor. The floor was carpeted with white carpet. There was a section with a large Hello Kitty toybox, that part of the floor was covered with a letter puzzle mat. Next to the toy area was a neatly stacked pile of oversized stuffed animal. Along the side wall was a large crib. There was pink polka dot skirting around the crib and the sheets were polka dot Hello Kitty sheets.The sides of the crib were raised well above the bedding, so I figured I would not be able to get out without help. Draped over one side was a large hello kitty quilt and hanging on a corner was a Hello Kitty baby blanket. THere was a Hello Kitty mobile hanging over the crib. There was also an oversized rocking horse in the corner.

"Brian handcrafted all of the furniture and I decorated. I know that you have been a big girl and not had an accident, but you are going to stay here tonight." I begged to sleep with Em on the couch but my request was shot down. Realizing defeat I said ok. "One more thing..." Mommy continued. I also did not like where this was going.

"This room is designed so you cannot get out from the inside when the door shuts, as it was supposed to be a punishment. This means that once we shut the door, you will not have access to the kitchen or the potty. This means that you should probably wear diapers."

Knowing that I would not get out of this, I sighed. "Let's get you changed" Mommy said. She then told Brian to leave, which I was happy about. After he had left, I hopped up on the changing station. "He doesn't know your biggest secret at least." Mommy said trying to comfort me. She began to take off my clothes and started to diaper me. She told me that she had left some food and bottles in the top drawer in case I get hungry or thirsty. She continued, telling me that there were stairs so I could get into the crib, but once I got in, I would be stuck in there until tomorrow morning.

She taped my diaper up and then slid on pink plastic pants. She pulled my pajamas out of the bag that I had packed and helped me in them. Unknowingly fitting the situation, I had packed my pink Hello Kitty pajamas. Mommy zipped them up, gave me a big kiss, turned on the baby monitor, and left shutting the door behind her. After she left, I walked to where the exit would be and sure enough there was no way to exit. I decided to walk around the room and explore.

I was kind of tired but I didn't want to commit to bed yet. I opened the top drawer and saw three bottles of milk, a couple sandwiches, and a bowl of applesause. I decided to eat before I went to bed. I grabbed a bottle of milk, the bowl of applesause, and a PB&J sandwich. I also grabbed the spoon that was sitting in the drawer. It was a small spoon with a rubber covered tip. I walked over to the padded letters and sat down next to it. It took a while to eat, as the spoon was so small. After I finished, I set the spoon, empty bowl and empty bottle back in the drawer. I figured that now was a good of time as any to head to bed. I grabbed another bottle, just in case I woke up in the middle of the night and was thirsty. I threw that in the crib and walked to the stuffed animals. I figured that since I had gotten used to sleeping with Em, that I should sleep with a life-sized animal to simulate Emily. I grabbed the largest one, which was a teddy bear that was larger than me. I shut off the lights and carried the bear over to the crib, walked up the stairs and jumped in.

The mattress was the softest mattress I have ever felt, so my landing was cushioned. However, I did land on a pacifier that was laying in the crib. I threw that to the side and grabbed the two blankets and covered myslef. I snuggled the teddy bear and looked out the crib bars. I noticed a large light projected on the wall. There were many stars and moons being omitted from the night light. After about 20 minutes, I had still not fallen asleep, so I decided to turn on the mobile like I would have on a girls night. The mobile had started to spin, but that did not help. 20 minutes later, I was still awake. I decided that maybe I should try to drink my bottle to go to sleep. After finishing the bottle, I was still awake.

Not only was I awake, I had to go potty. Knowing that I could not exit the crib, I relieved myself. I filled my diaper and laid back down. This was the first time I had messed a diaper in a long time, so I became uncomfortable. The mess smeared against my bottom and the warmth spread across my diapered area. Deciding to try anything to go to sleep, I grabbed the pacifier and placed it in my mouth. I closed my eys and began sucking. After another 10 minutes I was sleeping.

Through the night, I woke up twice. Having no access to a potty, I messed myself both times. I woke up again for a third time, but I felt well rested. I figured that this meant that it was morning. Not knowing what else to do, I started to make a lot of noise, hoping somebody would hear me on the baby monitor. Shortly after, the door opened. It was Brian.

He approached the crib and asked me to stand up. I did as instructed and he lifted me over the crib. He smelled my mess and said that I should get changed. I began to look for my bag but it was nowhere in sight. He said that everybody else was still sleeping so he would quietly check the rest of the house. He returned with no bag.

"I guess I will just put on another diaper" I said.

"Hop up on the changing table and I'll get you set" he said. I was not about to let that happen and told him I could do it myself.

"Your mom said that if you messed yourself, you had to have somebody change you, that way you don't make a mess everywhere. So it's either I change you or we wait until somebody else wakes up." I told him that I guess we will have to wait. He said ok and told me to quietly follow him to the kitchen and he would get me some breakfast. However, since my diaper was full I stuggled to walk. He offered to carry me but I decided to crawl, not wanting him near my diapered bottom. Crawling behind him to the kitchen, he got me a bowl of cereal. After finishing it, he asked me to bring it to the sink. I began to try to walk, however since my diaper was full, I wobbled and spilled milk all over the front of my jammies. I began to cry.

"No need to cry over spilled milk" he said trying to ease the situation. He then told me that he had just started laundry, so I could give him my jammies so they wouldn't stain. I complied, revealing my messy diaper. There was a large bulge and you could see yellow and brown stains in plastic pants. My diaper had leaked and was about to explode. As I handed him my pajamas, he began to speak.

"We can't have you walking around the house in just that. Your plastic pants might leak. If you don't want me to change you, you will have to crawl back into your room and wait until somebody comes and gets you."

Not wanting him to change me, I agreed. He stopped me first.

"Take this back to your room, it must have fallen into your jammies overnight" He then handed me my pacifier.

Since I had to crawl back to my room, I placed the pacifier in my mouth. I made it all the way to my room and went to the toy area. I found a coloring book and crayons, so I began to color. After coloring 3 pages, I heard a familiar voice.

"Wow, that is a pungent smell. Oh my, look at that diaper!" It was Em. She came over and picked me up. "Why are you still wearing that?" I confessed that I did not want Brian to change me and that I couldn't find my bag. Em started to look for it but she also could not find it. "Well we need to get you out of this one, at least." She placed me on the changing station and placed me in a new diaper. "Happy Birthday by the way" she said. She taped a new diaper on me.

Since we can't find your bag, we will just leave you in this for now. I then followed Em out to the living room and watched TV. Shortly after, Mommy entered the room. "Happy Birtday!" she shouted. Bri mimicked Mommy, also wishing me a happy birtday. Before saying anything else, I asked her if she knew where my bag was at. She told me to follow her. We went back into the bedroom, lifting up the crib skirt, she revealed my bag. "Right here silly, but you won't need it; I have your birthday outfit already picked out."

She handed me a ruffled pink dress. "Your gonna be a birthday princess" she continued. I argued that I would still need undies.

"I have a pair for you, but I thought that since you are wearing a diaper anyways that you could just wear that. The dress will cover it, plus the dress is tough to take off" I protested, but as usual, she was not having it. She instead put the dress on me, tied the bow, and zipped up the back. She then handed me long, white, satin gloves. She then had me step into pink tights with hearts all over them.

"Since this is our first birthday with you, that is the theme." I groaned, no longer excited about the possibility of a surprise. I was then forced into silver flats with many rhinestones on them. To complete the outfit, I was given a tiara that read 'Birthday Princess'.

Not long after that, we were shoved into the van and headed to church. We were checked in and I went to the nursery. I approached Ms. Lizzy and began to tell her what Mommy wanted me to. "Today, since I am wearing this dress, I have diapers on. So you might need to change me." Which of course, due to Murphy's law, had to happen. She changed me right before I left. The other classes had made me birthday cards in class, so on the way home, I read through those. It was apparant that all of the kids still looked at me like a baby. This was not how I wanted to spend my birthday.

On the way home, we stopped at the store, so I was paraded through Walmart. Whatever Mommy wanted must not have been there, so we left empty handed. We returned home and we walked inside. Mommy said that she had a surprise for me so we had to go to the back yard. She blindfolded me and led me out. "Take off your blindfold." she commanded.

"Surprise!!" I looked at the yard. There were many tables set up with chairs and a large inflatable castle. There was a sandbox, a swingset/playhouse castle combination. Oh and there was also about 80 people!

I saw a lot of people from church, the girls from school, , Prof J and his family, Kate and Tara and their family, Ms. Lizzy, and a bunch of other people I knew. A flash went off, I noticed the photographer from the photoshoot. All of the girls were dressed as princesses and all of the men were dressed as knights and princes. I noticed that somehow my family had also changed.

I stood, frozen in awe. How was I going to handle this? I looked closer and noticed all of the baloons said 1st birthday. I inquired about that. "This is your first birthday with us" Mommy said. I was then led to a chair shaped like a princess throne.

I was not happy but I had to pretend I was. I greeted everybody there, including a lot of faces that I had never seen before. A lot of them said that they were Em's family members (Uncles, Aunts, cousins, and Grandparents). The rest were Mommy's friends. All of the people I knew were also happy to see me. Eventually, I had greeted everybody. It was time to eat, so I was able to sit with my friends. The cups, plates, silverware, napkins, and everything else was princess themed. There was a buffet of food as well. After eating, Mommy approached me.

"Now that you sat with the big girls," meaning my real friends, "you need to go play with your other friends so they don't feel left out." I realized she meant Kate, Bri, Tara, Ness, and the other young kids from church and Em's family. My group of friends chuckled as I was led over to the boucehouse.

"Mommy, I have to go potty" I admitted. She thought I was using that as an excuse to get out of playing. She made me enter the bouce house. I spent the next 30 minutes playing princesses with a bunch of girls way younger than me. We went from the bounce house to the playhouse, to the sandbox. During that time, I asked Mommy to go potty again but she said I was not getting out of playing. Instead, I had to use my diaper. I wet and messed it and hoped nobody would smell.

Mommy came over to the sandbox and grabbed my hand. I did not want to tell her I had an accident, since I would be punished. Instead I figured I would wait until I went back to playing, then take it off and hide it. Mommy had me sit back in my throne. It was time to open presents. I sat infront of 80 people opening presents; since people thought I was different ages, there was a wide variety. From the church people I usually got dress up clothes, dolls, or other babyish toys; Em's family got me childish looking clothing; and my friends just go me money. Since there was so many people this process took about 30 minutes. During that time, I used my diaper again.

We finally finished and Mommy left. Before I could sneak off, the church mom that did my hair, stopped me. She told me to hold still and told me to turn around. I did as instructed. I felt her tugging my dress, so I must have messed it up when I was playing. The next thing I know, my dress dropped to the ground. I quickly bent down and slid it up over my chest. I looked around hoping nobody noticed my diaper through my tights.

The mom grabbed my hands, causing the dress to fall back to the ground. I tried to fight it off, but she resisted. "Stop, we need to get you changed." she said. I didn't know why, but I still protested, "Not right here, everybody can see me."

"Don't worry, it'll be quick." Decided that I should hurry, I let her put the shirt she was holding on my. I looked down, it didn't cover my diaper, but hopefully my tights made it so people couldn't realize. I knew that most people have seen me diapered, but that was a long time ago. Most of them thought I was out of them, plus Mommy's family and friends hadn't seen me diapered. I looked down and read my pink shirt. '1st Birthday!'. I heard the camera go off. This distracted me long enough for the mom to pull my tights down to my ankles. This revealed my messy diaper. I began to cry, but the lady didn't stop. She lifted my feet out of the tights. She then dragged me. Even though I was resisting, I was still moved.

By now, everybody noticed what was going on and looked over. I guess people knew that I wore diapers again. Not wanting to be embarrassed anymore, I followed the mom. She had me sit back down in my throne. I did as instructed, she returned with a tray that she slid, locking me in the throne. Great, I was basically in a high chair on my birthday.

To make things worse, people began to gather around. I really hoped that the tray covered my mess diaper. After everybody was around, they began to sing happy birthday. Mommy moved past the crowd and placed a small cake on my tray. It was decorated with Disney Princess and there was a candle that was a 1. I blew it out, not wanting anymore trouble.

The crowd was still gathered around, "Go ahead and eat it". I realized that there was no silverware, so I knew what she wanted me to do. I decided that I would make it clear that I was not a baby.

"I am not 1, this is not my first birthday; I want to eat cake like a normal person."

Mommy responded, "everybody knows you are not 1, but this is our first birthday with you; we just thought it would be fun". Knowing that her intentions were good, I decided to comply. I grabbed handfuls of cake and shoved them in my mouth. There is no good way to do this, so I made a mess. The photographer, who had already taken pictures of me playing with babies, opening presents, being changed, and a lot of other embarassing photos, was not taking a bunch of pictures of me eating cake like a 1 year old.

Everybody watched as I ate the entire cake. After finishing, they dived into the cake for them. While this was happening I was stuck in the chair. That was, until, Mommy's cousin came up to me. "Let's get you cleaned up" she said freeing me from the chair. I started to run inside, trying to make sure people didn't see my messy diaper. She grabbed my hand. She then wiped off my face and hands with baby wipes. Moving down to my diaper, so noticed that it was used. She grabbed my hand and walked to the table where Mommy was handing out cake.

"Hey, your new baby has a messy diaper" she shouted, ensuring that everybody around heard. I began to cry as everybody looked at my stained diaper. Expecting comfort, I got a pacifier shoved in my mouth instead. This made things worse.

"I'll take this" Hannah said, grabbing my hand and leading me inside. She saved me from further embarrassment. I led her to the baby room, where my backpack was. The decorations startled her, she then suggested that baby girls night should be here. We looked for my backpack, but it once again was nowhere to be found. We looked under the crib, nothing. Hannah went to ask Mommy. She returned saying that since I had an accident, I had to be punished. So Hannah changed me back into a diaper. I was then given a pink t-shirt with Elsa on it. Hannah gave me pink Cinderella socks and then grabbed my pink crocs. The final addition was a pacifier that was clipped to my shirt.

I was then led back outside. Before I could get off the porch, Mommy stopped me and gathered everyone around. I felt the tears coming, but they were interrupted by the pacifier being shoved in my mouth. "Since it is Easter, we decided to have an easter egg hunt as well; everybody under 8 is allowed to find 20 pink eggs. Adults can find 5 purple eggs. Everybody is looking for the 1 silver egg." We were then all handed baskets, Mommy telling me that I was to find pink eggs. During this time, the photographer followed me around snapping hundreds of photos. Mommy made it a rule that somebody had to hold my hand, so I was passed around to the girls and Mommy's family.

This was the most humiliating birthday and Easter. Eventually, the hunt was over and people began to leave. The people that said goodbye before they left were encouraged to take a picture with me for my memory book. By 5 O'clock, everybody had left and I was led back inside. I had wet my diaper pretty badly while outside but sat on the couch and waited for a change.Mommy approached me.

"We have a surprise for you, which requires you to change into a pair of boy clothes from before. So let's get you changed out of your used diaper..." Before they could finish, there was a knock on the door. I looked over and Mommy told me to hurry to my room. Before I even realized what was happening, I was stopped in my tracks. Bri had let an older couple inside. "Mom, some people are here, I don't know who they are". They walked in and introduced themselves. They finally approached me, I still hadn't moved. I was standing in a little girls shirt and socks, wearing a diaper for pants. I had my hair done, nails done, and was wearing make-up. My crown read birthday princess.

"And what is your name?" the woman asked, clearly confused about this persons outfit. She looked a little bit closer.

"Son...?" my birth mother asked me. Not knowing what else to do, I erupted in tears. Em rushed over, picked me up, and carried me into the bathroom. She bounced me to try to soothe me. 10 minutes later, I began to calm down.

"They wanted to see you on your birthday, so we told them to meet us here at 7. That way we would have time to clean up and dress you like a boy. They just got here really early... I'm sorry. But they are going to stay until they can talk to you, so we can't hide in here all night."

She put me down and I braced my self to face them. I opened the door and headed back to the living room. I saw them on the couch talking with Mommy, Bri, and Brian. Brian was just as confused as my birth parents.

I had not seen them in years, I actually wanted nothing to do with them. We never had a good relationship and I purposely moved far away to get away from them.

They looked over. "Why are you even here?" I asked.

My mom responded, "We haven't seen you in a long time and our last meeting wasn't on the best of terms. We came to apologize and celebrate your birthday with you. We showed up yesterday and called the school to try and surprise you; they gave us Emily's email and we set up this meeting. We were so impatient that we showed up early and figured we would wait until you got here; but when we saw movement in the house, we decided to knock."

I appreciated the effort they were trying to put in, but was extremely embarrassed.

"We heard your situation and we are on board. We were the reason you were unhappy before and don't want to cause that again. Will you agree to talk to us?"

I agreed but first asked to get changed. I went into Bri's room, where Mommy was storing my boy clothes. I picked out a pair of sweatpants and a black NIke t-shirt. I grabbed a pair of my boxers and socks. Em took my diaper and threw it away. I put on my boxers, but couldn't stand how free everything hung. "Em, do you think I could get a pair of my big girl undies, they can't see them through my jeans anyways. Also, can you get me black girl socks?" She agreed and returned.

"Mom didn't have any black socks for you, but these could pass as boy socks; as long as you wear pants." I slid on the socks. The heel and toes were red, the rest of the sock was black and white striped. From the calf up, there were red hearts covering the socks. She then handed me my undies. I pulled up the blue underwear, they were covered with Rainbow Dash. I then put on my sweatpants and t-shirt and went down stairs.

Returning to the couch, I talked with my parents. They told me what they have been up to and I told them parts of what I have done. I let them know I went to Florida, got a job, and that college is going well. I left out all of the specific details, so our conversation was short. With nothing left to talk about, my dad spoke.

"You didn't have to change if you didn't want to, we are ok if you want to be a girl of whatever age." I knew the intentions were good, but didn't like the question.

"Well, I don't want to be a girl; I want to be a boy. I like girls- Em is my girlfriend. It is just that girl clothes are more comfortable."

My mother thought about it for a second, "Well what is it that is comfortable? Maybe we can find boy clothes that feel the same way." I didn't respond.

"Well, what about the diaper? You were wearing one when we came in, what do you like about that." I became defensive.

"I didn't want to wear that, I just had an accident."

"Are you okay? Why are you having accidents?" dad said.

"Well, I wore diapers on vacation and used them. I continued to wear them at school. I weakened my bladder, so I have accidents now."

"So you did like to wear them?"

"Well, kind of I guess. It is nice not having to worry about finding a bathroom. It is like they provide a sense of security; plus they feel like women's undies. I just don't want to use them all the time.." I confessed.

"So wait, you do like wearing diapers...?" Em interupted. ''

"I mean yeah, when me, Gab, and Han wear them. I just don't like not having bladder control. I want to wear them on my choice." I admitted for the first time.

"Girl's underwear?" dad asked, realizing what I had said.

"Well, when I don't wear diapers, I wear girls underwear to keep up my facade."

"So you don't like wearing them?" He asked.

"Well, I guess I do. It keeps everything in check; so nothing swings around and bumbs into things. Plus they are really soft." I said. It felt good to say these things outloud.

"Well, what about now?" Mom aksed, questioning my current apparel.

I decided to be honest with them the rest of the way. If they didn't like it, they could go back to not being in my life. I took off my pants, revealing my My Little Pony undies and girl socks. My parents were shocked but tried to hide it. I sat back down.

"I don't really care for the design, but this size is the most comfortable. They just only come in cartoon and girly designs. These also aren't my favorite girl socks but they are still more comfortable than my boy ones."

"What ones are your favorite?" My dad inquired.

"The fuzzy ones. I also like when I wear a skirt or dress and the wind rides up and breezed against your undies. I also like the feeling of leggings and tights. The shirts are softer, the winter wear is warmer. Even girly blankets and sheets are better. Plus the pajamas..." I ranted.

"What about the pajamas?"

"When it is cold, the footie jammies are perfect. It is like wearing a blanket. The pajamas shorts and pants are made of microfiber, which is super comfortable. When it is too hot you can wear a nightie or if you don't care being seen a t-shirt and undies is perfect. I like it all better than boy pajamas."

"So you have worn it all? I wished I could have seen you. I mean, you were pretty cute when we walked in." Mom said.

"If it's okay with you, we I have a bunch of photos we can show them." Mommy said. I allowed it.

"So you want to wear girl clothes full-time?" my dad asked, continuing our coversation.

"Well not full-time. I can wear the undies and socks full-time and I don't mind being Sarah until I graduate. But when it is time to get a job, I think it would be better if I wore boy clothes. When I get home, I could wear girl clothes or baby clothes or whatever; but in public I think I want to be dressed as a boy."

My parents said they could get on board with that. "What about in front of family?"

"Well Em's family already thinks I am a girl. I guess I can dress as whatever in front of you guys."

"Ok. But what about other family? We haven't really ever seen them, but we are trying to build relationships because we now realize family is important. We were invited to a family reunion this summer and plan on going. You don't have to but we would like you to come. You can dress as a boy and wear girls panties and socks if you want."

I understood what they were talking about. After being with Em and their family, I understood the importance and realized that I had missed out. I agreed to go with them for now but didn't tell them how I wanted to dress because I didn't even know.

Mommy returned with photo albums and we spent the next hour flipping through them. We discussed my apparel. They thought that I was cute in all of them, whether it was diapered at Disney, my 'baby' photos, or wearing a one-piece at the beach. I filled them in with all of the details that I had left out when discussing life earlier.

"Oh, we almost forgot. We have a present for you, follow us. I followed them outside. They walked over to a white car that looked brand new. Dad then handed me the keys. "This is the Jaguar XE and it's yours. Happy Birthday" I hugged and thanked them both. I had never owned a car but now my car was the nicest in the driveway. I decided to take it for a test ride. I drove my car, Em drove hers, and mom and dad drove theirs and we drove back to campus.

I decided to show them around campus and my dorm room, so Em gave us alone time. She went to Hannah's room. My parents were surprised at the baby stuff and asked if I liked using it. I admitted that I kind of did.

Finally, after talking for another hour; I told them that I should probably get ready for bed. We exchanged phone numbers and I stood up.

"Are you going to wear a diaper?" my mom asked.

"Umm, I think I have to why?" I said remembering that my punishment requires me to wear one until tomorrow.

"Well, just in case you want to wear them when we go to our reunion, I was thinking I should practice putting one on you." I realized that she just missed me and wanted to be a part of my interests. I agreed. I sat up on the changing table and told mom where to get my supplies. She came over and took off all of my clothes, incliding my undies and socks. She then placed a diaper underneath me, powdered me, and taped it up. She then put a pair of fuzzy socks (pink and white striped) on my feet. Next she started to put me in a pair of my footie jammies. They were my purple ones with the Paw Patrol characters on it.

She then asked if she could brush my hair. I agreed and sat up. She came over with a brush and started to use it. She counted 100 strokes and then stopped. "Are you ready for bed?" she asked. I said yes and she asked dad for help. Dad came over and picked me up, setting me in my crib. They didn't lower it because they didn't know how but I didn't say anything. My dad set me in my blanket and then proceeded to swaddle me in it. He made it so I couldn't move my feet or arms. Mom then placed a pacifier in my mouth. She turned off the lights and started my mobile. Both of my parents stood next to the crib and began to tell a story.

The story was about a knight who screwed up and got the princess kidnapped. He then began a quest redeem himself to save her. In order to do that, he had to slay a dragon. Some time after he beat the wizard in the forest, I fell asleep.

School came to a close and I accepted my diploma dressed as a boy with my boy name, except my pink Little Mermaid panties and my pink argyle socks of course. Nobody there knew who I really was. When we went out to celebrate, I dressed back up as Sarah. The girl's had taken me to a bar with them, so inistead of dressing in my usual childish attire, I wore a tight red dress, some heels, and even stuffed a bra to make it look like I had boobs. I don't remember the rest of the night and I awoke in my crib at Mommy's house wearing a diaper(Em's mom).

I continued to stay there for the summer, mostly dressed as Sarah and alternating between diapers and panties. The only time I really dressed up as a boy was when I had job interviews and even then still wore girly undergarments. Unfortunately, nobody had hired me.

Eventually it came time to go with my parents on our family reunion. Em was busy, so it would just be my parents and myself for the weekend. We were going to drive up to my Aunt's house on Friday, stay there Friday and Saturday night, and head home on Sunday. So Friday morning came and my birth parents showed up at Mommy's house. When they arrived, the first thing they asked me to get my bags and throw them in the trunk.

Ulitimately, I decided to go as Sarah; this was what I was more comfortable as and I know my mom secretly wanted me to go as Sarah as well. I threw my clothes ( and diapers) in the trunk and proceeded to get ready. Before we left, my mom had a suggestion:

"It is going to be a long trip, so to prevent a lot of stops, you might want to wear diapers..." she said.

I knew that my mom had secretly wanted me to be Sarah, but I had a growing suspicion that she wanted me to be her baby again too. My suspicion was confirmed, when Em asked if I needed me carseat and my mom answered yes with no hesitation. I figured I might as well give my mom what she wants and agreed to wearing the diaper.

She dragged me into my baby room and I hopped up on the changing station. My mom proceeded to place a diaper on me. However, she then placed another diaper over that. I asked her what that was about, she replied saying the more protection, the less stops. She finally placed a pair of plastic pants over those diapers. I tried to place my jeans overtop of my padding but to no avail.

"Don't worry about those.." My mom insisted. I decided to pull on my pink Avengers shirt but it did not even cover the waistband of my diapers. Realizing that I wasn't able to wear pants I decided to put on a pair of knee-high fuzzy pinks socks for warmth.

I had enough trouble walking in one diaper, let alone two. My mom had already left the room, so I had to crawl out of it. I crawled all the way over to the door, where my dad picked me up and led me to the car. He placed me in my car-seat and shut the door. My parents got in the car and we drove off, saying goodbye to my other family.

Pulling out of the driveway, my mom reached back and handed me a bottle. My dad put on some music: If Your'e Happy and You Know It began to play. My mom turned around revealing the case, '50 Sing-Along Classics'. This says it's 133 minutes long, so two playthroughs and we will almost be there! She said that like it wasn't going to be a long car ride. Seeing their excitement, I decided not to protest.

The next 6 hours were a drag. I finished my bottle and tried to sleep but the obnoxious music wasn't helping. When I expressed my hunger we made a pit stop; only long enough for my mother to slide in the back seat and feed me while we were driving. She began to feed me what I believed to be applesause, but I was way wrong. It was babyfood! If I hadn't mistaken it for applesause, I would have appealed my mother's decision; however, after taking a bite, I realized that it was pretty good.

My mom fed me two cans of squash and two cans of bananas. Since she was feeding me in a car, it was not the cleanest affair. She cleaned me up just as the CD ended. I needed to do something to prevent them replaying the CD, so I quickly asked them to finish the tale they told me for my bedtime story. Mom handed me another bottle and a soft Little Mermaid blanket. As they told the story, I was finally able to catch some z's.

I awoke with my legs high in the air. During the ride, I took advantage of my diaper. We were apparantly inside a bathroom and I was getting changed. I looked up; it was not my mother who I saw, but instead my father. He double dia[ered me and replaced my plastic pants. Picking me up I rested my head on his shoulder. I realized that I also had a pacifier in my mouth that I was actively sucking on. My dad carried me out of the bathroom and exposed me to an entire foodcourt. We were stopped at a mall. I was carried over to a table and squeezed into a high chair that the mall had available.

Mom returned with some food and a dress bag of some sort. "Did you tell her the good new?" she asked my dad. The had not. Dad began to feed me pizza from Sbarros.

"They are holding a beauty pageant here and we signed you up! It is in an hour." I was not amused, but my mom continued. "I have also wanted my little girl to enter a beauty pageant and now she can. The littles go on first, then the big girls; so we won't have to stay for too long."

I interjected, "How do you suppose I will be able to enter the littles category?"

"We already brought you over to them and they said it would be fine!"

"Well what am I supposed to do?"

"I will be able to walk with you up there and you just have to smile!"

Once again, I did not want to disappoint my mom and figured that since I didn't know anybody here, it wouldn't hurt. Besides, how many people would even be there?

After we finished eating, my mom took me to the girls room.. She proceeded to take off my shirt and began to dress me in my pageant dress. "The lady told me that this was the best dress they had, she said and I quote 'Fantasia's Eden Wood Glitz and Rhineston Pageant Dress would win the pageant'" Mom straigtened out the dress, I realized that even though it was super poofy, it barely covered my diaper. Next she threw on a pair of white socks with ribbon and lace on them and a pair of white Mary Janes.

She then began to do my hair. We stayed in the bathroom for almost 50 minutes. We were finally ready. Exiting the bathroom, we met my dad who picked me up and carried me to the center of the mall. I was looking at my mom as she was talking to me. She was telling me to just be myself and have fun and that should would be right there with me. My dad carried me up a set of stairs and set me down next to a bunch of little girls. Reading a sign, I aw that nobody in my division was older than 3, how did my parents get an exception. Mom grabbed my hand.

The other moms and kids looked at me funny, but didn't say anything. Finally, the announcers began to announce names and slowly but surely, parents and kids funneled through the curtains. Then I head, "Sarah, accompanied by her mother." My mom pushed me to the entrance, where I walked through the curtain.

After my eyes adjusted to the light, I froze. Looking back at me where not a few, but a couple hundred pairs of eyes staring at me, along with many cameras including 3 news stations. I began to tear up. My mom continued to push me toward the center of the stage.

I shot a fake smile through my embarassment. the announcer read "Sarah was born March 27th! She is the daughter of Joe and Steve. Her favorite hobbies include dancing, makeovers, watching tv, and eating! Her favorite TV show is Paw Patrol, her favorite song is Wheels on the Bus, and Her favorite movie is Frozen!. Her favorite celebrities are Anna and Elsa and she has already met them before."

I looked back and noticed the screen was projecting photos of me, including the one from Disney of me with Anna and Elsa in a diaper.

"The person she admires most is her daddy, who does everything he can to make her and her mommy happy. Everybody, let's hear it for Sarah!"

The crowd had erupted with laughter already a few times, but that set it off. I began to cry and my mom hugged me! She began playing with my hair as I buried my head in her chest. The pageant continued and I heard the rest of the girls get called. At the end the judges were called to the stage. They gave out side awards first. They did things such as best smile, best hair, and other things of that nature. One then stopped at me. "Best Outfit goes to Sarah!" The then placed a sash over my shoulder that read best outfit and a tiara on my head. They handed my mom an envelope and continued with award. Thankfully, I did not win anymore awards. When we were released, I ran to dad. He came over and picked me up. After forcing me to take photos with him, mom, and by myself, we left. I was carried back to the car, my dress taken off me and placed in my carseat. On the bright side, mom told me that I had won $150. I was given another bottle and dad started to play the music again. 120 long minutes later, we had arrived at our destination.

Looking out of the car window, I noticed a very large house. The house was far from the road in the middle of the woods, something like you would see in a horror movie. I noticed there were six other cars in the driveway. It was starting to get dark. Dad pulled me out of my car seat and carried me towards the door of the cabin. Upon knocking on the door, we were welcomed in.

The door was opened by an older woman, who was ecstatic to see us. It was my grandma. I don't ever remember meeting her before but it was apparent that she recognized me.

"Oh my, you have gotten so much bigger since I last saw you" she said pinching my cheek. I didn't say anything.

"Well mom, you remember our son; this is your granddaughter Sarah." My mom said patting my diaper.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Granny responded. She said that everybody was outside; they were preparing to have a bonfire. She pointed us towards the direction but mom asked if we could use the restroom first. Dad set me down, which resulted in Granny grabbing my hand. She led mom and I through the house to the bathroom. Mom pulled me inside.

She had me lay down and proceeded to re-diaper me. Next she put me in a pair of footed pajamas- my green ones with monkeys and peace signs, as well as monkey heads for feet. She then placed a pacifier in my mouth and put my hair in pigtails. She walked me to the door, where my father met me and picked me up.

I was carried out to a swingset, where there were a couple of girls playing. They were both about 8 years old and were talking to eachother. Dad had placed me in the baby swing while mom began talking to this other woman there. Shortly after being placed in the swing, the lady apporached me. She looked to be my real age, maybe a couple of years older. She introduced herself as Amy and apparently was my cousin.

"Aren't you so cute. I could eat you up" she said grabbing my feet. She then proceeded to pretend to eat my feet. I couldn't help but laugh at how messed up this must have looked. She then handed me the blanket that my mom had brought out with her. It was just a pink blanket. After I had my blanket, Amy began to push me.

She then proceded to pretend like I kicked her multiple times. My parents were called over to the fire, so they left me with Amy. The other girls there came over and wanted to help Amy push me. She stopped me from swinging and introduced me to my other cousins, Gina and Holly. They began to push me while Amy watched.

Finally, the girls must have gotten tired and ran away. Amy stopped me again. "Let's take that paci out of your mouth, so you can talk." Not really wanting to talk, I bit down as she tried to pull. Eventually, Amy gave up tugging and picked me up. I was amazed with her strength, I was taller than her yet she still lifted me like a toddler. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around her.

She carried me over to the fire and placed me in the portable playpen that was set up. Mom came over placed a couple of stuffed animals in the playpen. Over the course of the night, more and more people came up and introduced themselves. Honestly, I forgot most of them. Eventually, it was time to make smores. Amy looked over and asked if I wanted one. Expecting her to make me one, I shook my head yes. She came over and lifted me out of the playpen and sat me on her lap in her chair. Together we made smores, which apparantly was a picture perfect moment, as I saw cameras flashes from multiple directions.

After making the smores, Amy began to feed me mine. Really wanting a smore, I did not dispute what was happening. I realized that this was probably how the weekend was going to go. After we finished eating, I stayed on Amy's lap. I listened to the many stories that my family members shared.

After a while, I began to become tired. I looked over at my mom, "I am kind of tired" I said through my pacifier. She reached in my playpen and grabbed my blanket, then in her bag she grabbed a bottle.

Expecting to go inside, I started to shake free from Amy. Instead, she pulled me closer, "I got this" she said to my mom. She took my blanket and draped it over me while I was still on her lap. She shifted me so my legs now hung off the same side and my head rested on her arm which was on the arm rest. She asked Holly to get a stuffed animal from the playpen and she returned with a small Hello Kitty and placed it on my chest. I grabbed it, so it wouldn't fall, and Amy took my pacifier from my mouth replacing it with the bottle. Sucking down on my bottle, I fell asleep in Amy's arms.
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