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Rated: ASR · Article · Supernatural · #2062895
A Flair For Writing Newsletter about Psychic vampires and subculture vampires.
Happy Halloween! Angel Angel and I Princess Megan Rose 22 Years only do a Flair For Writing Newsletter at Halloween and Christmas. Welcome to Halloween 2015 Newsletter. Are you ready for Halloween? Do you have your decorations up? I have my trusty vampire Barbie taking care of things. Vampire? Oh. I forgot to mention we are doing a Psychic Vampire and vampire subculture newsletter. Angel has wrote a great article and I have, too. Are you ready? Let's get started. I will go first.

A psychic vampire is a mythological creature said to feed off the life of other living creatures. Psychic vampires are represented in the occult beliefs of various creatures and in fiction.

I work in Psychology and the people I take care of drain the life of a person. Some are up all night, turning on all the lights, swearing and saying there are black bears in the corn field, the anti Christ lives next door, they go outside and set off the alarms, take the plastic pumpkins from the Halloween display and a man accused me of being a vampire two weeks ago! He kept peeking in our window by the Nurses Station and I just laughed. About the black bears. I live in Indiana and there is a black bear around so we may have black bears be plentiful around here soon.

American author Albert Bernstein uses the phrase "emotional vampire" for people with various personality disorders who are often considered to drain emotional energy from others. The term energy vampire refer to people who influence leaves a person feeling exhausted, unfocused and depressed. Instead of these people sucking your life's blood, they suck the energy out of you. Like at work. People complain about their husbands, kids, having no money and other employees. They trash each other and complain about everything and they aren't doing their job and you are expected to do your job, stay over, get all stressed out and you have no energy left and you feel like a vampire is sucking the life out of you. I wouldn't mind if it was Edward, Damon, Barnabas or Lestat!

My one friend cussed at the patients, friends with someone one week and hated that person the next. She would tell me a certain employee wasn't my friend and then cut me down and trash everyone. She got a big raise, worked extra hours, worked my shift and spent the whole night making a Morticia costume! She stressed me out and I was afraid of her. She got two employees to quit, hated Christmas and hated everything and everyone. I couldn't trust her and it hurt. When she wore that costume, she was a vampire.

Psychic vampirism is a combination of psychic and psychological pathology and distinguished between considered to be true psychic vampirism and mental conditions that produce similar symptoms.

Members of the vampire subculture drink blood. They are part of clans and they try to find others who share their belief. I once saw a guy on TV who had his teeth filed to look like fangs, slept in a coffin and drank animal blood! Some vampire gangs wear eighteenth century clothes and live with others who believe like them. They only come out at night. I have seen this on TV. As much as I like vampires, I wouldn't try this life style. Blood donors actually allow a "vampire" to drink their blood. This is bizarre.

Angel has this to say.

Hello everybody! Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy this part of the Halloween Newsletter,

When we think of vampires, we generally think of the Edward Cullen and Dracula types who have captured the popular imagination for centuries. Pale? Check. Fanged? Check. Totally fictional? Check.

There is a community of humans around the world who identify as real vampires. No, they're not hundreds of years old nor do they do sleep in coffins, nor are they afraid of garlic. They do drink human blood.

These real vampires were brought to attention recently by a small study published in the journal. Critical Social Work which aims to shed light on the fact that these self conscious souls are hesitant to disclose their vampire identity to helping professionals for fear of being judged. Or as the study puts it, they're afraid to come out of the coffin!

So, in an effort to figure out where this issue ranks in the hierarchy of world problems, we set out to nail down some blood suckers next door. Here is what you should know.

Wait, what is a real vampire?

While the number of real vampires around the world is hard to pin down, the term describes a spectrum of people who believe they must feed off others to maintain their health and well being which can either mean sucking psychic energy or panic energy, from another individual or physically consuming small amounts of blood from a consenting adult.

Sanguinarian and psychic vampires are after the same thing energy, said John Browning, a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Institute Of Technology and vampire scholar. The former extracts that energy from blood while the latter extracts the same energy through touch or other mental means.

In all other aspects of life, real vampires are normal folks working regular jobs, raising families and as the authors of the study put it, dealing with the stress, various health issues, relationship difficulties, educational or career transitions and various other struggles that people commonly face.

These individuals believe they were born with their vampiric condition ,similar to sexual orientation and many believe that their lives would be easier without it. Most real vampires seem to be both psychologically and socially stable.

It should be noted that real vampires are different than lifestyle vampires who are basically just posers who like to don elements of the classic vampire aesthetic such as prosthetic fangs and cloaks but they do not believe they must feed off others.

Given that the notion of drinking human blood generally evokes a rather visceral and concerned response from most people, it isn't surprising that the studies authors found that real vampires are distrustful of helping professionals such as social workers and doctors and fearful of the consequences of disclosing their identities.

Thank you, Angel for this interesting item. Hope the readers of this newsletter will enjoy this item as much as Angel and I loved writing this. Have a safe Halloween and be aware of vampires!

Neat image of Edward, Bella and a wolf image by best friend Angel.
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