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Who was in the closet wasn't the big shock. Why they were there was. |
The Death Storm “What are we doing out in a Death Storm?” asked Jaisper. It was called a Death Storm when it was so bad that several, if not hundreds or thousands of them, Florians died because of it. “We are going because of your mother,” said Yeagan. “She is hearing noises again. This time it’s coming from one of her closets.” The Death Storm was really bad that time. It was so hard to drive in that storm because of the rain. Jaisper almost lost control of the family Transport several times. The rain was so heavy it looked like a clear sheet that Jaisper couldn’t see through. And it wasn’t just the rain Jaisper had to deal with. It was also streaking too. Several of them almost hit the family Transport. “Watch out,” said Yeagan. We can’t help out your mother if we get killed on the way there.” “I’m doing the best I can,” said Jaisper. “I can’t see two inches in front of us.” “I know it’s bad out there,” said Yeagan. “But it’s not that bad. “Your right,” said Jaisper. “It’s worse than that.” “If it’s that bad,” said Yeagan. “Pull over.” “There’s no place to pull over,” said Jaisper. “There are Road Length Holes on both sides.” “Then just stop,” said Yeagan. “We haven’t seen another Transport since this Death Storm suddenly started.” Jaisper had to think of that for a few second. Then he stopped the family Transport. “I don’t think this is going to help us any. But at the same time it’s not going to kill us either. If I continue driving in this Death Storm the Death Storm might.” “How are we doing on Power? Do we have enough Solar Power to stay alive until this Death Storm passes?” Yeagan looked at the Death Storm that was all around them. It looked like that Death Storm was just attacking them. At least that’s what it looked like to them.” “I collected enough Solar Power to fill this Transport up twice,” said Jaisper. “Why do you ask?” “Because these Death Storms can last for days,” said Yeagan. “And this one looks like it’s going to last longer than that.” The Death Storm didn’t last for days. But it did last for almost a day. That family Transport got tossed around a lot during that day. But it survived the Death Storm. So did Jaisper and Yeagan. Luckily, there wasn’t any other Transport on that road that day. At least most of the time there wasn’t. There was one business Transport that almost hit them. Only the very bright Front Lights on the business Transport saved all of their lives. When those Front Lights hit the family Transport it about blinded Jaisper. But it didn’t. Jaisper hit the Warning button in the center of the Control Square. When he did that all the lights, both inside and out, started flashing. It wasn’t much of a warning. But it was enough for the business Transport to swerve around them – just in time. <<<<*>>>> Jaisper and Yeagan was still a little shaken up about what almost happened to them by the time they got to his mother’s Residence. And after the Death Storm finally stopped it didn’t take them long to get to his mother’s Residents either. “I’m so glad you are here Jaisper,” said Beath. “The noises stopped for a little while. But then they came back again.” “You said when you contacted us that you heard a noise coming from a closet,” said Jaisper. “Where is the noise you heard coming from now mother?” “The same closet,” said Beath. “It’s the one in my Sleeping Quarters upstairs.” Without a word Jaisper went up to his mother’s Sleeping Quarters. And he’s about to open the closed door when he stepped back in shock. He heard a noise too. Jaisper looked at Yeagan and Beath who followed him up there. “I’m sorry mother,” said Jaisper. “I thought you were going crazy like dad did before he killed himself.” “I didn’t think you were crazy Beath,” said Yeagan. “No, I thought you were insane. But I always thought that.” Jaisper turned to open the closet door. When he did he was shocked. So was Yeagan and Beath. “Father, you’re dead.” “No, I’m not. Your mother just said that because she didn’t want to tell you the truth,” said Timous. The closet that Timous was standing in looked like a normal closet. But in the back of that closet there was a vortex of colors. It looked like a rainbow exploded. And a wind storm stopped it from going anywhere. “Where have you been for the past thirty-six years? You haven’t been living in the closet all of these years – have you?” Jaisper could see the vortex too. But he wasn’t staring at it like Yeagan and Beath were. “I have been living in a parallel Floria all these years. This vortex was discovered about thirty-six years ago. And I tried to stop it from happening but before I could get away from it I was sucked into it. I have been living there ever since.” Timous stopped talking for a moment. Then he continued. “I have been trying to get back to you ever since. And I finally did it – just in time. I’m here to warn you about the Death Storm that just happened.” “It’s okay father,” said Jaisper. “We all survived that Death Storm.” “No, it isn’t,” said Timous. “It’s not you I came back to try to save. It was my Lover – your mother Yeagan.” Yeagan was shocked once again. “Your Lover – my mother! Don’t tell me you’re my father?” “I’m not your father,” said Timous. “Me and Hillen started seeing each other about two years after you were born.” Timous had some trouble saying it. But he finally did. “Hillen was one of over ten thousand that died because of that Death Storm.” The End? |