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The Prompt was: create a title, and story, with a number, a color and a music instrument. |
The Guitar with Six Gold Strings Justic was panicking. He was looking for something. And he couldn’t find it. “Where are they? I know they are here somewhere.” “Don’t panic,” said Patrika. “I know you are going to find them. You always do.” “What if I don’t find them this time? We are all dead,” said Justic. “No, we aren’t going to die. This isn’t the first time this has happened,” said Patrika. “But this is the first time we are back on a hostile planet,” Justic said. “What are we going to do if I can’t find them?” ******* Patrika was the best singer in the Universe. And Justic was the best guitarist. Fifteen years ago they formed ‘Out of this World’ with two other friends. They travel from planet to planet playing their loud music – and having fun. They played their loud music at several locations, ten to twelve locations, per planet. Once they finished their last location they moved on to the next planet. It usually took them about a week or two to get to their next planet. Their spaceship wasn’t very fast. And it looked like it had been in a big battle – and lost. But it got them from planet to planet. It did give ‘Out of this World’ a chance to practice their loud music. About twelve years ago was when all of it started. Their spaceship broke down. And they couldn’t fix it themselves. They were ‘Out of this World’ - not Fixers. So they headed for the first planet that could help them. But they didn’t get to that planet in time. Their spaceship floated within sight of their destination for three days before they were helped. Luckily for them their destination planet was a very busy, popular, planet. But the ones who helped them wasn’t the first one who passed them on their way to that planet. There were eighteen other before the one who helped them. Once on that planet it didn’t take them long to get their spaceship fixed. There was only one problem: That planet didn’t accept Credits as payment. It was an Exchange Planet. So they agree to play their loud music in payment for their spaceship getting fixed. They played their loud music to one of the largest groups they had ever played their loud music. And it was a big success. But it wasn’t enough. They had to play their loud music ten more times. And even that wasn’t enough. But that was more than enough for ‘Out of this World.’ So ‘Out of this World’ left that planet. The Fixer who fixed their spaceship wasn’t just a Fixer. She was also a SpaceWitch. An evil SpaceWitch. Everyone on that planet was a SpaceWitch. They appeared to be normal. But they weren’t. All the SpaceWitches in the Universe were from that planet. At least that what the SpaceWitches on that planet believed. The only problem was not all of them were bad, or evil, SpaceWitches. Some of them were good. That’s why that planet was so popular. The witches from other planets were sent there to be tested. Those test proved whether a witch was good or bad. The bad ones they kept. And they became SpaceWitches. ******* According to her ‘Out of this World’ had nine more times to play their loud music. And she was furious when ‘Out of this World’ left. So she put a spell on Justic. Justic wasn’t the leader of ‘Out of this World.’ There was no leader. They all discussed any problems that came up. And they decided on what they did. The reason why the SpaceWitch put the spell only on Justic was because he’s the one who convinced the others to leave her planet. That spell meant that before each time that ‘Out of this World’ played their loud music Justic would lose the six strings on the oval handle of his guitar. The strings didn’t break. They just disappeared. And when they disappeared the rectangle hole in the center, on both sides, of his rectangle guitar sealed up. The only way to unseal those holes was to replace the strings. But Justic couldn’t just replace the strings with any old strings. The strings had to be gold. Gold strings that could be found before each time they played their loud music. All Justic had to do was find them. The SpaceWitch loved loud music. And she really loved ‘Out of this World’ the most. She didn’t want to destroy that loud music. The SpaceWitch just wanted them to complete their nine remaining loud music locations. ******* Justic had been looking for those gold strings ever since. Just before every time they played their loud music Justic had to find those gold strings. The SpaceWitch would give them a general location where the gold strings would be. And Justic was given a clue as to where that location was at. So far Justic had found all of them. But this one he hadn’t. And time was running out of him finding it in time. “Maybe I misread the clue this time,” said Justic. “Or maybe it’s the location I’m wrong about.” “I read the message too,” said Patrika. “And I don’t think you have misread anything. The gold strings are here somewhere. You just have to find them.” Justic continued looking for the gold strings. As soon as he found them all he had to do was put them on his guitar. Once on the guitar they would change to regular light silver strings. And he rectangles holes would re-appear. All Justic had to do was find those gold strings. It took him a long time to do it. But Justic finally found those gold strings. Now ‘Out of This World,’ and Justic, could end that nightmare one and for all. That was the nine location they had to play their loud music at. And the spell would be broken. The End? |