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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2062233
Continuation of the Compromising Situation series. The boy begins his life as Sarah
The rest of winter break was spent preparing for my new living arrangements. I called the school and told them that I would like my name changed in the system so the professors would only have my new name; however, I told them to keep my real name on my legal documents. They made that happen. Em and her mom had gone out and bought me a new wardrobe. We also decided on me getting a part-time job, so I could start saving to pay off my debts. Since Em quit her job at IHOP so she could go on vacation with us, she would also be searching for a new job; we planned on getting a job together.

As luck would have it, a movie theater had called us both. We were both going to be interviewed and if it went well, we would both be hired. Em picked out some interview clothes for her and me. Since I had become accidently un-potty trained over break, I continued to wear diapers. We needed an outfit that would cover that up. I suggested that I could wear my big girl undies but Em's mom convinced me that I should stay diapered, in case I unknowingly went potty during the interview.

Em returned with a new wardrobe for me. I had her change my diaper; she taped up my Minnie Mouse diaper and stood me up. The first thing she handed me were a pair of black tights. I slid them up my legs and over my diaper. Next, I was handed a dress. The dress had a black top, the dress part had black and white horizontal striped. It poofed out right before my waist, so my diaper was definitely concealed. I then put on plain black flats. After doing my hair, makeup, and painting my nails, I was ready to go to my interview.

I had practiced my girl voice, so I was pretty sure nobody would mistake me for a guy. My adam's apple was not very prominent, so that was an added bonus. I was flat chested; however, I know of many girls who are and I figured nobody would be rude enough to point that out.

Em walked out, wearing a similar outfit to mine, except she did not have any tights on. I piled into the van and Em drove us to the movie theater. We walked into the door and the managers met us. They said that they would interview me first and pulled me into a side office. There was one boy manager and one girl manager. They seemed pretty close, so I wondered if they were dating. The girl, Sarah, led the interview while the boy, Nate, chirped in every once in a while.

They looked over my application, which I filled out as Sarah, and told me everything looked great. They asked if I had any questions. I had only one, "What is the dress code?" Sarah said that guy and girls were very similar. Black pants and shoes, white button up top. They said that since I was a girl, I could also wear leggings and my flats I had on would be great. "Now, we will start training you Monday night, see you then!" I had gotten the job. I walked out, just as Em walked in. I whispered that I had gotten it and told her good luck. 20 minutes later, Em walked out. She ran up and bear hugged me. Apparantly she had also gotten hired. She told me that she had convinced them to schedule us together, as it would be more convient for ride purposes.

We went out and celebrated at Panera. The rest of break flew by and eventually it was time for Em and I to move into our new dorm room. Em asked if I was worried about being recognized by others who lived in the dorm. I told her that since I left before everybody in the morining and went straight to my room when I got home, that I was not worried. I had only seen a few people and never engaged in coversation. Em's mom said that she had hired people to help us move and that when we got there, Em and I should walk our class schedule and she would stay with the movers.

After showering and shaving, I had to pick my wardrobe for the day. Since we would be walking outside, I decided to dress warm. I grabbed a pair of fuzzy knee high socks. They were purple and had purple, blue, and white polka dots on them. I also decided to wear a pair of my footed pajamas. I grabbed my white ones, with pink and blue snowflakes, as well as penguins all over them. I had Em come change my diaper, as I had wet it again overnight. After she finished, I threw on my pajamas. Next, I grabbed my new winter coat. It was a thick pink coat, with white fur around the hood. I then put on my new gloves and hat. They were also pink, with white, pink, and red hearts covering them. Finally, I threw on my new Ugg boots and headed out the door.

We first dropped Bri off at school and then headed to campus. A Uhal followed us to the dorms. I walked Em and her mom to what was now our dorm room and let them in. Em's mom said she had it from here and sent us to walk our schedule.

This was my first time walking on campus as Sarah. I think I pulled off my new self pretty well. I recieved zero strange looks, people just saw two girls walking around campus and had no reason to be suspicious.

We spent the next two hours walking our class schedule, meeting our professors, and stopping by Starbucks to get a coffee. Eventually, we decided to head back. Returning to our dorm, I noticed more than a few changes. The walls were decorated with pictures and posters, most of which were from our vacation. I immediately recognized my picture with Anna and Elsa and my picture with Tinkerbell. I became lowkey upset since my diapers were clearly exposed in many pictures. Em convinced me that they were not that noticeable and I look much younger in the photos so people wouldn't even know. Also, we didn't plan to have people in our dorm anyways, so everything would be fine.

After I calmed down, Em's mom started to give us a tour of our room. First, opening the top drawer of a large, white and pink dresser, she revealed my diapers.

"There are diapers and pull-ups in here, they should last you for a while. When you need more, just call me up and I will bring them to you."

Opening the second drawer, she revealed baby powder, wipes, and other materials for diaper changes and diaper care. Opening the third drawer, she exposed baby bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, bibs, and everything else a baby might need.

"I know you might not need these, but just in case" she said.

She then walked over to a large white table on the other side of the room. I recognized the padding on it, it was a changing table. "This is a dual purpose table, it is designed for changing; however, if it is clean, you can also do homework on it." She pointed to a trash can-like object next to it. "This is your diaper pail, clean it out once a week."

She pointed at our beds, which were put back as bunk beds. "Sarah, you will sleep on the bottom. I have put a plastic sheet on it, as I don't know when or how you plan on potty training. So just to be safe."

I lifted the pink comforter, then the cinderella micro-fiber blanket. I then lifted the pink sheets and noticed the plastic sheets. Em's bed was the top bunk, which looked much like mine, minus the plastic sheets.

"Speaking of potty training, when your ready..." Em's mom opened the closet door. In huge, sparkly pink letters, I read 'Sarah's Potty Chart' written on a large piece of white poster board. "...to potty train, everytime you use the potty you will get to place 1 sticker on that day" She handed me a collection of Frozen stickers.

I couldn't believe that not only did I have to be re-potty trained, but I had a public record hanging inside of my closet. I heard Em's voice.

"I was thinking, if you go 7 whole days without using your diaper, you can wear your undies during the day. The same deal with night time." The sooner the better, I thought to myself. I looked over at Em, who was now standing by the other large dresser in the room. She was holding a familiar plastic package, I knew that it contained my big girl undies. She placed them back in the top drawer.

2 months ago I would have never said this, but I could not wait to wear those again. I noticed that on another table, across the room, we had a large TV and our desks contained 2 new laptops and school utensils. I could get used to that.

Em's mom said that she had to go pick Bri up but suggested that we go to the lobby to meet other people on our floor. "While we were moving you in, a group of girls said that they were hanging out in the lobby and would love to meet their new floormates. Don't worry, they didn't see any of your stuff" She said. With that she gave us a hug and a kiss and left.

Em wanted to meet the new girls, but suggested that first I change my diaper. Without even realizing it, I had wet and messed myself. Em laid me down on the changing table, took off my jammies, and changed my diaper. She then put my jammies back on. I put on my Uggs and followed her to the lobby. There were five girls sitting on the couches.

They all said hello and introduced themselves. There was Kate and Danielle, who were roommates, Hannah and Gabby, who were roommates, and Jamie who said her roommate Natalie would be out later. Gabby, who was wearing pajama pants, exclaimed "Where did you get those, I've been looking all over for a pair?" pointing at my jammies. "Uhh, I don't remember" I responded. "Kohl's, I'm pretty sure" Em chimed in.

For the next three hours or so, we chatted with the girls. They were all really nice and excited about the upcoming semester. When our conversation died down a little bit, Em asked me to go back to our dorm with her. "I like them" I said on our way back. "Me too" she said. She then sat me up on the changing table. I hadn't realized that I messed myself again. I started to tear up. "What's wrong?" Em asked. "I just want to get out of these diapers" I exclaimed. Em suggested that I start potty training right away, I agreed without hesitation.

She walked over to my diaper dresser. "Night time will be harder than day time, so let's start with the day time. From now on, during the day, you will wear pullups instead of diapers. We have the ones with the easy tear sides, so I can still change you. but hopefully you won't need that." She brought one over, but before changing me, she put something pink on my wrist.

"This will help you train, I know it had Dora on it but there wasn't any plain ones."

"A watch?" I asked. Looking at it, which displayed the time.

"Kind of, it's a potty watch. If you hit the button on the side, it will count down from an hour. After an hour it will beep. Every time it beeps, I want you to go find a potty and try to use it, even if you don't think you have to go. "

"Now you can walk down to the bathrooms every hour, but if you don't want to, you can use this." She was now pulling something out of the closet. "It is a plastic potty, I will just dump it out the window if you use it. Let's give it a test run." She helped me out of my jammies and diaper and had me sit down on the pink potty. It was embarrassing, but if it would get me out of diapers, I was down to try.

I pushed and pushed, but nothing came out. I sat in defeat. When I started to get up, Em told me to sit there for at least 5 minutes everytime I try. So I sat back down as she proceeded to change into her pajamas. She threw on an oversized T-shirt and shorts. After 5 minutes, nothing happened, so she picked me back up and laid me on the changing table. She slid some princess pull-ups on me and helped me back in my jammies. "Click the button and start your timer" She said. I pushed the button. She helped me down. "When it beeps, we will head down to the bathrooms and get ready for bed." She then led me back down to the lobby.

We returned and noticed Natalie had shown up. We introduced ourselves and continued to converse. *Beep* *Beep* my watch went off. "Time for your pill, huh?" Kate asked. Nobody said anything about Dora being on my watch. "Haha yep" Em replied. We got up and started to leave. "Catch you guys later" Natalie said.

While walking back to our room, "Pill?" I asked.

"Birth control, it's a good cover" Em responded. We continued to our room and grabbed a few materials. We then headed to the bathroom. I went into a stall and sat down, as that is what girls do. Em began to brush her teeth. I looked at my watch and began to try to go potty. To my surprise it worked. Even though I finished, I sat on for the whole 5 minutes thinking that Em must know what she was doing, she probably watched her mom potty train Bri. After the five minutes, I flushed and exited the stall. Em was waiting outside. "I went" I said excitedly.

"Next time, if you go, don't flush and show me. I will be able to give you a sticker that day. If you flush, it doesn't count." She said. I was disappointed, as I wanted to get as many stickers so I could get out of these stupid diapers. "Also, for future references, even though you had to take your jammies off all of the way, don't slide your pullups down so far. Leave them about knee level so people don't see them from outside the stall."

I didn't even think about that, but it was good advice. I'm glad nobody walked in and saw my pullups right now.

Next I brushed my teeth, removed my makeup, and brushed my hair. I followed Em back to our room. She put me back on the changing table and suggested that I wear diapers every night. She changed me and then carried me over to my bed and laid me down. She climbed in behind me and pulled the covers over us. The first day of Sarah on campus was a success. Classes and work started tomorrow, so I dozed off quickly.

Our alarm went off. Em rolled over out of bed and picked me up. She put me on the changing table, removed my jammies and diaper, and wrapped me in a towel. "No sticker for tonight" She said, revealing that I had wet during the night. We walked down to the bathrooms to go get ready. Since my classes were later that last semester, a bunch of people were already showering. When one opened up, Em suggested we shower together. We placed our stuff in the buffer room and entered the shower together, naked. This wasn't the first time we had seen eachother naked, but this time we were an item.

We showered together, helping eachother out with soap. This semester was already better than last semester. We dried off, Em taught me how to use a towel to put my hair up. I was then handed a pullup, which I quickly put on. She then handed me all black leggings. I slid them up as well, realizing that my pullup still caused a small bulge, although way smaller than my diaper. She then handed me a white camisole and an oversized white button up shirt. This went below my butt, so my pull up was covered. I realized that she was dressing me in my work outfit. "After your last class, I will meet you there and we will take the bus to work." I put on my flats and walked out of the shower with Em. We brushed our teeth, did our makeup and then did our hair. Afterwards, we walked back to our room and packed our stuff.

"Your class doesn't start for another hour, but I have to go. I have packed you extra pullups, but hopefully you won't need them. If you leak, wrap your sweatshirt around your waist and I'll bring you extra clothes when I get a chance. Also, if you use the potty, send me a selfie with it, and I will get you a sticker later." She gave me a kiss and rushed out the door.

"Send me a selfie?" I thought. "Oh well, I'll do whatever it takes to get out of these things". I decided to go get a coffee before class. I sat down at Starbucks and ordered a pumpkin spice latte. After that, it was eventually time to go to class. As soon as I sat my stuff down, my watch beeped. I hurried to a potty and sat down. After 5 minutes, nothing had come out, so I pulled my pullups back up and went back to class.

Class went smoothly. I had another hour or so before my next class, so I decided to sit outside at the pavillion. Before that, my alarm went off and I went potty. This time, a little had came out. I pulled up my pullups and stood up. Using my phone, I took a selfie with the potty and sent it to Em. "GOOD JOB! You get to choose 1 sticker!" she responded. I then took a seat on a bench.

"Sarah?" I heard a voice say. I looked and saw Hannah. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. We talked for a minute before she had to go to class. This was the first time I really talked to a friend on campus, it was nice. Eventually, she left and I decided to head to class.

The rest of the day went fine. I tried to go potty every hour, which resulted in two more stickers. After my last class, I met Em. We took the bus and headed to the theater. My alarm went off on the bus, so when we arrived I went straight for the potty. Afterwards, Nate brought us behind the snack counter. "You will usually work the concessions, so we are going to teach you as much as you can tonight." For the next hour, we were taught to do the register, popcorn, and drink machines. We also learned how to sell candy and showed all of the specials. The only thing we hadn't done were the pretzels and nachos, but those were easy Nate said. *Beep* *Beep*. My alarm went off. "What about bathroom breaks?" I asked.

"You can go whenever, but try to wait until it isn't busy. Usually when the movies begin." After another 7 minutes, the line died down as the movies had started. I decided to go. When I returned, we learned how to do pretzels and nachos. We were told our benefits were free drinks, popcorn, and we can watch movies for free on days we don't work. The rest of the night went smoothly and we took the bus home.

When we returned to our dorm, Em got out the stickers and I chose 4. Anna, Elsa, Olaf, and Kristoff. I put them on today's date. Em gave me a big kiss. She then lifted me up on the changing table and discussed tomorrow's plan. "Since we both only have morning classes, we can meet back up here and do homework before we go to work." She took off my leggings and ripped off the sides of my pullup. She set me back down and told me to sit on the potty. Nothing happened, so she picked me back up and diapered me.

She then grabbed a Hello Kitty nightie and slid it over my head. She then grabbed some knee high, pink and white striped Hello Kitty socks, and threw them over to me. I put them on as she changed into pajamas. We both climbed into bed. Another successful day as Sarah.

Our alarm went off again. We went through the same routine. I wet myself overnight again, so no night sticker but only six more dry days until I could wear my undies. We showered together again. Today's outfit consisted off Princess Pullups, blue Elsa socks, dark jeggings, a pink crewneck with a large picture of a cat, and my converses. We brushed our teeth and headed back to the dorm. Since we had classes at the same time, we both got on the bus together. Em got off at her building first then I got off at mine.

I walked into class and the instructor began to lecture. *Beep* *Beep* My alarm went off. I got up to leave. I went to the nearest potty and 5 minutes later , after not earning a sticker, I returned. I sat back down until my instructor finished. As I was starting to leave, he called me to the front.

I approched him. "You left while we were discussing how I will grade the class, so I thought I would fill you in." I proceeded to listen to him talk about how much weight the exam and homework will have. He began to search his cart. "It appears I misplaced the schedule, but if you follow me back to my office I can get you a copy." Just as it did an hour earlier, my alarm went off. "It's okay, can you just get it to me next class?" I asked.

"Nonsense, it won't take that long, follow me." He said. Reluctantly, I followed. We walked all the way back to his office. He sat down behind his computer and told me to take a seat. He said he had to print another copy off and then he would walk me through the tentative plan. As he began printing off a copy, I felt a feeling I hadn't felt in two days. I began to mess my diaper. Although it was promising that I actually realized what was happening, I couldn't stop it. I began to tear up, realizing that I would have to start over and would wear undies for at least another 7 days. My professor realized I was tearing up and asked what was up. "Nothing, just allergies" I responded. I sat there in my mess, hoping he wouldn't smell anything, as he spent the next 5 minutes walking me through the tentative schedule.

We both stood up and I shook his hand. " I don't want to sound rude Sarah, so for future references, if you need to use the bathroom just let me know. I would have understood."

Shocked, I tried to cover it up. "What?" I asked trying to sound confused.

"I smell poop. At first, I thought it was just a fart, but when I shook your hand, I noticed your wrist. My daughter has the same potty watch."

I began to full out cry. "Do you have any classes right now?" He asked.

I shook my head no. "Well I have to go to another class, but if you want, you can regain your composure in here. I will lock the door, just make sure it is shut when you leave."

Through my tears, I thanked him.

"Also, if you want, I have some extra pullups in my drawer for when I bring my dauger in here. I know that might be embarassing, but it would be better than walking around in poop stained underwear." He said pulling out a pullup from his drawer and placing it on his desk. Realizing that he thought I was wearing undies, I decided to take his offer. If I didn't accept, I figured he would be suspicous. I also didn't want to tell him that I had a change on me. Defeated, I picked up the pull up.

"If you don't want to carry those around on you, you can just throw them away in the trash outside my door. They haven't changed the trash yet today, but they usually do in about 15 minutes. And anytime you leave my class in the future, I'll understand." With that he exited his room, locking and shutting the door behind him.

I could not believe that professor knew I was potty training and offerend me a pullup after I messed myself; however, I was greatful he understood. Closing the blind, I took off my shoes and socks, followed by my leggings. Realizing that I probably had smeared poop all over my bottom, I looked back in the drawer he pulled the pull up out of and grabbed a few wipes. Next, I slid off my pullups and wiped my bottom, afterwards, placing the wipes in my pullup and folding it up like I have seen Em do it. Next I grabbed the pullup he offered me.

These were different than the ones I wore. The box in his drawer said Well Beginnings and the design on these ones were My Little Pony. I slid them up, stretching out Rainbow Dash's face. I then slid up my jegging and put my socks and shoes back on. I cracked open the door and reached out for the trash. It wasn't too far away, so I don't think anybody saw my used Pullup. I had stopped crying so I decided to head back to my dorm. When I got there, Em greeted me with a hug. We sat down and began to do homework. Eventually, my alarm went off.

I pulled the potty out from the closet, pulled down my clothes, and sat on the potty. A flow started to come out. After 5 minutes, I stood up and told Em that I had went. I then pulled my pullups up as she checked. She gave me a kiss and pulled out the stickers. I asked for a Sven one. She handed me the sticker.

"Those aren't the pullups that you had on this morning are they? Em asked me. Trying to keep my streak alive I shook my head no. I then went over to put my sticker on the chart. I pulled up the rest of my clothes and sat down on the chair to do homework again. Em called me over to her chair.

"I just checked the diaper drawer, is there something that you want to tell me?" She asked.

I shook my head no again.

"You don't have any My Little Pony pullups. Where did you get them?"

I shrugged.

"I'm going to give you one more chance, where did you get these?"

I decided to tell her the truth. She then thanked me for being honest. "But, since you lied three times, you get thirty spankings. Come here" Instead of going to her, I backed up. She stood up and grabbed me. Bending me over her knee, she pulled down my jeggings and pullups. She then gave me thirty bare-bottomed, hard spankings.

They hurt, so I began to bawl. When she was finished, she pulled my pullup back up. She began to talk, but I was crying so loud, I couldn't hear anything. I walked over to my bed and plopped down. Suddenly, I felt myself being rolled over. A pacifier was shoved into my mouth. Crying, I spit it out. It was shoved back in. Realizing I was participating in a battle I wasn't going to win, I left it in. Em then picked me up, held me like a toddler, began bouncing up and down and patting my butt. Slowly, I stopped crying.

"I love you, but how is our relationship going to work if you lie to me. I am not mad you had an accident, I expect those to happen. I just don't want you to lie. Do you understand?"

I mumbled yes through my pacifier. She then sat me back on my bed, told me she loved me, and started to work on homework. There was a knock on the door. Em went to answer it, I shot up and pulled my jeggings over my pullups and spit my pacifier out. I laid down and tried to pretend to sleep that way people didn't think I was crying. Em cracked open the door. It was Natalie.

"Everything okay?" She asked, trying to poke her head in the door. "Yeah" Em said. Nat responded, "Oh, I thought I heard crying." "Not in here," Em said. They then talked about their plans for the night. Before the conversation got too in-depth, Nat walked away.

After homework, we got changed for work. At work, everything went smoothly. Me and Em ran the shop with manager supervision. Jill watched us and everything went great. Through our shift, I earned 2 stickers; putting my daily total at 3 (including the plastic potty). When we got home, Em gave me my stickers. I put them on the board. Although I got 3, my day count started over.

Em lifted me on the table and diapered me in my night time diapers. She then dressed me in micro-fiber My Little Pony pajama pants and a pink heart t-shirt. She gave me pink fuzzy socks. After getting changed, we hopped into bed. I planned to begin my journy back into undies all over again tomorrow.

I awoke to the door slamming. Em was coming back from her shower. "Good morning baby" she exclaimed.

I knew that she meant no harm, as baby is just a pet name; but I became frustrated. I didn't say anything.

She continued, "It looks like you have the day off, since you don't have class and we don't have to work today." She continued to get dressed, "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know, probably stay here all day." Exciting plans, I know. Em said okay, gave me a kiss, and headed on her way. I decided to get up and check my email. I opened up one I had recieved from work. It read:

'Dear Sarah,

We have noticed that you have being going to the bathroom many times throughout your shift. I know that we said you can go whenever, but I do not want this to hinder your work performance. We have had this issue with former employees and one thing that we noticed that worked, is for those employees to wear protection. While we will not force you to, we highly suggest that you wear some form of protection. There are things called 'Goodnites' that run big and provide good protection without making the protection noticeable. Once again, we are not going to check if you are using protection, but we suggest that you look into it.

Nate and Jill'

Looking at my desk, I noticed a sticky note. It read:

'Noticed that you recieved an e-mail that you were taking too many potty breaks at work. Accidents at work will not count against your Potty Chart, so you don't have to take so many breaks. Love, EM'

Really?!? I was sick of these diapers. I just needed out of them. Before I could react anymore, there was a knock on my door. It was Hannah and Gabby,

"We are going to go to the mall today. We asked Em if she wanted to come but she said she had class. Do you want to come?"

This was the first time a college friend had ever asked me to do something, besides Em. I was pretty excited, "Yeah, can you wait for me to get ready?"

"Yep, can you meet us at our room in an hour?"

I agreed and the went on their way. Before showering, I had to pick my outfit for the day. I went over to my diaper drawer. I was so upset that Em, my professor, and now my managers wanted me to wear diapers. All I wanted was out of them. I had only had one accident the last 2 days anyways, so I don't really need them. I shut the door and headed over to the other dresser.

I ripped open one of the plasitc packages containing my undies. I pulled the first ones out. I then grabbed some black leggings, as well as a black shirt repping our college. I decided to wear long blue fuzzy socks as well. I ripped off my clothes, placing my wet diaper in my diaper pail, and wrapped my towel around me.

I headed down to the showers. After my shower I put on my clothes. I picked up my undies. They were blue WonderWoman ones, covered in stars and WondeWomen's logo. They also had pink lace trim. I slid them up over my hips and adjusted myself. I forgot how good these felt. Next I put on my leggings, socks, and t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and hair, then did my makeup. I went back to my dorm, put my towel away, put on my flip-flops, and grabbed my purse.

I met up with the girls. We walked out to Hannah's car and I piled in the back. For the next 4 hours, we shopped around town. We stopped at Meijer, Target, an outlet mall, and finally the town mall. My potty watch went off every hour and I quickly found a potty around that time. We ate at the food court in the mall, then headed to Victoria's Secret.

We shopped for underwear, I helped the girl's pick out a bunch. They asked if I was going to get any but I told them I had enough, not wanting to tell them I liked the style I had on. My watch went off again as we were waiting in line. I told them I had to go use the girl's room, but they told me that I should wait for them as they had to go to. I really didn't want to do that, but agreed. We spent what felt like an eternity in line, but eventually escaped. The girls wanted to stop at a store before we went potty but I convinced them not to.

We turned the corner to the bathroom and ran into a line. We had to decide whether or not to wait in this line or find another potty. Ultimately, we had no decision because when we were discussing it, my bladder released. I looked down at the puddle I had formed and started to tear up. The girls in the line recognized what had happened and gladly let me skip them to a stall. I ran inside and shut the door. Hannah and Gabby were locked out but wanted to help.

"What can we do?" they asked.

I had no idea, usually Em would help me out. I would text her but I wasn't supposed to wear these undies unless I was potty trained. If I asked her, she would be me mad and spank me again. "I don't know" I responded.

I heard them talking to somebody else. After a minute, I noticed a hand under the stall door. "Here, this is all we could think of." I looked at the item and to my displeasure recognized a pullup. "You will just have to wear this, we can get you pants at the next store we go into." Awesome, I was going to be wearing a pullup in public once again, this time infront of my new friends. I hastefully grabbed the stupid thing. I took off my socks and flip-flops, then my leggings and undies. Throwing them on the floor. The girls handed me a plastic bag to put them in. I placed the clothes in there and the girls took it and threw it away.

I then looked at the pullup. It was pink with the blue monster from Monster's Inc. I slid them up my body and walked out. "Oh I love Sully" Gabby said, talking about the Moster on my diaper. I know that she was trying to make light of the situation, but it was irritating. We walked to the closest store, which was Forever 21. A bunch of people gave me weird looks, I mean I was a college student in a pullup; but I was used to it. We grabbed a pair of black drawstring sweatpants. I threw them on over my pullup and walked up to the counter. I paid for them and we continued to shop. The next 2 hours went by slowly. Right before we left, Gabby innocently asked if I had to go to the bathroom since there might be traffic on the way home.

I didn't, and even if I did, I wouldn't admit to it. I would just use the pull up. We piled in her car and headed back to campus. They asked if I would hang out with them for the day. I said sure and that I had to drop off my stuff first and change out of this stupid outfit. We entered our building and I opened my room. The girls followed me in, without being invited. Sure that is what friends normally do, but it was not what I wanted. I threw my bags on the floor and started to head towards the door.

"Didn't you want to change out of your clothes?" Gabby asked.

"Yeah, I want to see this 'I don't need anymore panties' collection." Hannah added opening a drawer I didn't want her to open.

She looked inside and saw all of my diapers. "Oh..." she said. I started to cry. "It's okay, you still always look cute" she said, trying to change the subject. While doing this, she opened my closet to show off my clothes, but unknowingly displayed my potty chart to her and Gabby. I flung myself on my bed in embarrassment.

"We know you don't wear diapers all the time, we saw that you were wearing panties today, we say your panty line" Gabby said trying to cheer me up. She walked over to my other dresser, probably trying to grab me real underwear, and noticed all my kid underwear packaged up.

This made me cry even more; however, they both came over and gave me a hug. "It's okay," they said. "We are fine with you wearing diapers, we still love you." "Now hurry up and get changed, we still have to go to our girls night at our place." They then left and went to their dorm.

While I was embarrassed, I thought that girl's night may fix the problem. I decided to keep this pullup on as it hadn't been used yet and threw on some of my footed pajamas over my shirt. I also put on rainbow striped socks underneath my jammies. After I got changed, I sent Em a text telling her where I would be when she got back from class. I then walked down to Hannah and Gabby's room. I saw that they propped it open, so I walked in.

When I entered, they were both sitting on the bed in nothing but a t-shirt and pullups. They must have lifted some from my room. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Well, we didn't want you to be embarrassed, so we decided to put some on too."

I was flattered. "If you don't mind us asking, how did this start?". Since they were being so nice, I decided to tell them that we went on vacation and I got sick. I then told them about the girl that watched me while the girls went to Disney and even told them that she gave me a pacifier and bottles. I continued to tell them that I somehow became unpotty trained and was working my way back.

"How did it feel to be babied?" Hannah asked.

"It is very embarrassing." I said.

"I think it would be cool, we should try it sometime." Gabby added.

"I could arrange that, " I said.

"Right now?" Hannah asked.

"If you want."

"Let's go!" Gabby shouted.

I told them to follow me back to my room. We stood up and sprinted from their room to mine, not wanted to be caught by anyone else. Once inside, I opened up the 2nd and 3rd drawer of my baby dresser. They looked through pacifiers, bottles, teething toys, and dollies. Within 5 minutes, it looked like there were three grown babies in my room. Gabby had on a pullup, a bonnet, fuzzy socks, a pacifier, and plastic pants. Hannah was wearing a diaper and a bib, while drinking out of a baby bottle. I was in my footed pajamas. drinking out of a bottle and put my hair in pigtails, placing ribbons in each. "Baby Girls Night!" Gabby exclaimed. The girls looked around the room, seeing the diaper pail, kids clothes, and all the pictures of me from Disney. "Your'e soooo cute" they cooed.

We turned on Netflix and began watching The Croods. We were all cuddled up on the bottom bunk when Em walked in. "Oh, what's happening?" She asked.

"Baby girls night" Hannah reponded.

"Oh, I see he told you" Em responded.

"HE!!!!!!!!!!" They both shouted.

"Know I said she" Em tried to cover up, but the redness in her face gave it away. I was trapped between the girls, so I couldn't move. They only thing I could do is cry.

Em came over, picked me up, placed a pacifier in my mouth and began bouncing me. While doing this, she explained everything to the girls. While this was happening, I nodded off to sleep. My trek to underwear would start all over again, tomorrow.

I awoke to our alarm. Em rolled out of bed and lifted me onto the changing table. So took off my diaper and wiped me clean, since I had messed it overnight. I was determined to go the next seven days without an accident. I only had one class today, with the professor who understood if I left class and didn't have to work until tomorrow. Today would be a good day to start. I walked to the shower to start my daily routine.

The outfit for the day was my pullup, khaki pants, a white longsleeve shirt, grey winter boots, and long grey sweater with snowflakes, and a kahki colored scarf. I finished getting ready and went to class. I decided to sit by the door, to avoid distraction. Every hour my watch went off and I went to the potty. That day I earned five stickers and had zero accidents.

The rest of the week followed the same pattern. I would wake up wearing a used diaper, I would go to class and sit right by the door, I would try to go potty every hour, and I would be rediapered for the night. On the days that I had to work, I only had three accidents, but because of the email I had recieved, Em said that accidents at work did not count. At the end of the seven days, I had done it: I graduated to undies.

My potty chart was decorated in many stickers, both Em and I were really excited.

"Good job baby! Tomorrow you can wear your big girl underwear!" Em said while putting me in my night time diaper. "Unless...."

"No unless" I interupted.

"Okay I was just making sure. I didn't know if you liked wearing diapers. Last week when I caught you, Hannah, and Gabby wearing them I thought that meant you wanted to stay in them."

This was really the first time I talked about 'Baby Girls Night' since it happened. Throughout the week I talked to Gabby and Hannah and they acted like nothing even happened. They still treated me like one of the girls and they didn't tell any of my other friends what happened, at least to my knowledge.

"Oh, the girls just wondered what it felt like to be treated like a baby. It was fun hanging out with them, but I don't want to wear diapers..." I responded.

"Ok, then big girl undies it is. You will still wear a pullup to work until you can go 7 workshifts without an accident and you will wear night diapers until you go 7 nights without an accident. But we should celebrate your accomplishment, what do you want to do?"

I wasn't expecting this, so I wasn't sure. " I don't know" I murmered.

"How about you, me, mom, Bri, Gabby, and Hannah all go to Dave & Buster's tonight, since we don't have to work." I agreed. "Anyone else...?" Em added. I wouldn't mind the other girls on our floor to come, except they didn't know about my problems and I didn't want anyone to slip up.

"No" I replied. Em finished diapering me and zipping up my jammies. We laid down in bed and fell asleep.

I awoke to our alarm, as I usually did. Em picked me up and took off my jammies and diaper. She wrapped me in a towel and told me that I get to pick my clothes for the day. The first thing I did was head to the dresser with my undies. I opened a new package and grabbed a pair. Unrolling them, I revealed undies from my Paw Patrol package. They were pink with Skye, pink and purple pawprints, and the Paw Patrol logo. I then picked a pair of black leggings. I wanted to wear something really tight as I did not have to hide a bulge today. I then picked out a long sleeve shirt that was purple and blue striped. I grabbed a pair of fuzzy socks that matched, as well as my Ugg boots. We went through our usual routine and then I took off for class.

I was still wearing my potty watch and still sat by the door. I still went to the bathroom every hour, but this time I was wearing undies. At the end of class, we were assigned groups for a project due at the end of the semester. I met with them and then we were released from class. Before exited, my professor called me over. He gave me a high-five, then an awkward one arm hug. "Good job" he whispered.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"I noticed that you weren't wearing any diapers or pullups today, so you are making progress." He said.

Embarrassed, I thanked him and ran off, heading back to my dorm. Around 5 o'clock, we heard a knock on our door. Em opened it up and let her mom and Bri in. I was greeted with a hug drom both of them. Bri handed me a present. "When I was potty training the girls, I gave them a present every time they did good." I opened the present and revealed an iPad. "Thank you!" I shouted. "

"When you become totally independent, we will have to upgrade your laptop" Em's mom continued. "Now lets get a picture. ". She swung open my closet door and had me stand in front of the potty chart, holding my new iPad. She then pulled out her phone. "Show us your new underwear" she said. I hesitated. She noticed my hesitation and continued, "When I potty trained the girls, that is how we took the pictures. Nobody will know, it is just for us." Realizing she wouldn't give in, I caved. I whipped down my leggings, taking them completely off, and tossing them to the side, exposing my pink Paw Patrol undies. I posed with my iPad and poster. Em's mom took a picture.

"Now one with the girls" she said. Em and Bri squeezed in. Before the picture was taken, there was a knock on the door. "It's Hannah and Gab, let us in". Em's mom told us to sit tight for a minute as she opened the door. Hannah and Gabby walked in. Em's mom took the picture. "You girls get in one too." Em's mom suggested. They squeezed their way in between the girls and me. "Okay good, I'll send these to you later, Em" The group separated.

"Cute" Gabby said, snapping my waistaband. Hannah squeezed me tightly, "I'm so proud of you" I fought off the hug and proceeded to put my pants back on. Em's mom hurried us out the door and we walked into the parking lot. We approached a white van. "Who's car is this?" Em asked.

"Your's" Em's mom replied handing her the keys. "I figured this would help with getting to and from work." Em squeezed her mom tight and headed up into the front. The back opened and Em's mom took the backpack she was carrying off, which contained extra clothes and diapers for me, just incase I had an accident. I noticed a carseat in the back. "What's that for" I asked, fearing the worst.

"Well, just like when I potty trained my girls, I want to prevent you from regressing. So if you have a daytime accident, you will be treated like a baby for the rest of the day. You will be diapered and the iPad will be taken away. You will have to let Em know when you go potty and if you don't have an accident for the next 24 hours, you can return to normal clothes. If you have to go anywhere in the punishment time, you will need to sit in a carseat, be carried, or pushed in a stroller. You will be fed, so you will need a bib and a high chair or booster seat. If you are sleeping, you will sleep in the portable play pen. All of the materials necessary are in your closet now. If you have to work or go to class during your punishment time, the time pauses and will resume after; unless it becomes routine, then the punishment will be more severe. "

I did not want that to happen so I decided that I should continue to keep up the good work. I piled into the back seat with Gabby and Hannah. Em drove us to Dave & Busters. When we got there, we went straight for the games. We played skee-ball, flappy birds, the basketball game, racing, and all other kinds of games. We went back for a brief second and ordered our food, but returned to the games.

After eating and running out of credits, we went to the shop to redeem our points. Em and I combined our credits for an oversized Hello Kitty stuffed animal and some candy. Gabby and Hannah came over and placed a tiara on my head. "Here you go, for our new Princess of the Potty" they said. We decided to save the rest of our credits for when we came back next time. We piled back into the car and headed to the dorm. We dropped Em's mom and Bri off at their car and parked ours. The girls followed us back into our dorm. Since we didn't finish watching The Croods the other night, we decided to finish. My alarm went off on my watch once more. The movie was almost over, so I waited until the end. I thought that Hannah and Gabby were going to leave but they didn't.

I had to go potty and didn't want to have an accident, so I pulled out my potty from the closet and told them to look away. When they turned, I slid my leggings and undies down to my ankles and sat down. I began to urinate. Doing so, the noise must have startled them. They both looked over at me. "Turn around!" I said. The listened to my commands. When the five minutes were up, I stood and returned my clothes to their proper place. Em came over, picked up my potty, and dumped the liquid out the window. She then returned the potty to the closet. "It's probably time to get ready to go to bed." Em said. She then lifted me on the table. She went over to the diaper dresser and pulled one out. "Can I do it?" Hannah asked. "I guess it's up to Sarah" Em responded. Hannah looked over at me.

I shrugged, "I guess". I didn't really want her to but she already knew my secret, so it couldn't hurt. Hannah excitedly grabbed my diaper from Em and apporached the table. Gabby also looked on. I laid down, as I usually do, and Hannah began removing my leggings. She took them all the way off, then started sliding off my undies, revealing my secret. "So do I do it differently than I would changing a babies diaper?" Hannah asked. Em told her no and Hannah became more confident.

She lifted my legs in the air and slid the diaper under me. She then powdered my bottom, with a large amount of powder. She then dropped my legs and pulled the diaper over my front. She finished by fastening my diaper extremely tight. Em then handed me a Minnie Mouse t-shirt and pink micro-fiber pajama bottoms. I hopped down from the table. Gabby and Hannah both gave me a hug goodnight. After they left, Em and I slid into bed. The next step was to get to the point where I could wear undies at night too.
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