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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Other · #2062126
João collects pretty things... some have meanings... some not.


1. pretty things (not all meaningful)
2. meaningful things
3. which part/stories do they appear in? [eg. #1...]
4. red herrings

THERE IS NO ONE OBJECT WITH GREAT MEANING. These objects are listed here to provide a checklist as they are used. No idea regarding details until they are written. Since João likes to collect things, an object may appear in every story.

something brought from home and given by his great grandmother [#1 toward beginning unless come across when repacking].

bookmark (Coimbra)
candy or sweet
chocolates (are good for giving)
coin (from 1400s or commemorative from 1992... could be good or bad)
cork (change purse, postcard, etc. many items made from cork)
flowers; lilies and chrysanthemums are used for funerals
13 flowers = unlucky
Galo de Barcelos is the national symbol of Portugal. It symbolizes honesty, integrity, trust and honor.
garlic (as a joke? a gift? by whom?)
guitar toy
necklace of...
piece of glass (a cut would be a health issue)
red = symbol of revolution
ring (if silver or nickel could be a health issue)
rose (meaningful to three characters... which?)
scarf or item of clothing
shell (symbol of pilgrimage to Santiago)
underwear (filched? Not... just kidding... unless it's a gift?)

Thursday, Oct. 22
*Bullet* Required: Object Description ▼

Describe, in detail, an object critical to your story. Add the object description to your definitions database (if applicable.)


Research (these items have already been looked into:

1. blood diseases and types.
2. hyper-smell
3. sun sensitivity
4. cold/heat sensitivity
5. garlic
6. metal and wood sensitivity (either agree or debunk... as it's impure silver and nickel not pure colloidal silver)


If you will be visiting Portugal, here are some tips to keep in mind:

People stand closer in conversation and have more direct eye contact than in the US.
Do not address someone on a first-name basis until invited to do so. 'Senhor' and 'senhora,' along with the surname, is proper.
Always shake hands with people upon meeting.
Handshakes should not be too firm.
Women often kiss on each cheek upon meeting both men and women. You should do this only if the woman offers her cheek.
Never speak Spanish to a Portuguese person. It is rude and you may be considered ignorant.
Never use your finger to point, as this is considered vulgar.
Never eat with your fingers or lick your fingers.
Appearances matter. Dressing well demonstrates social and economic importance.
Never write anything in red ink. Red is offensive – only teachers are allowed to correct school work in red ink.

If you are invited to a Portuguese home for dinner, Portugal gift giving customs suggest that a gift is expected. The gift should be small but luxurious, with a glamorous presentation. Good quality chocolates, candy, flowers or upscale souvenirs from your home country are good choices. Expect that your gift will be opened immediately and in your presence. If you did not bring a gift for the hostess, send flowers the next day. Gifts for the children are welcome, especially if they will be present at dinner. Thanking for a gift is usually done verbally but a written note, while not necessary, is always appreciated.

Dining Etiquette
Dining etiquette is formal and table manners are important.
Graciously accept wine or beer when offered by your host.
Remain standing until invited to sit down.
Wait until your host says "bom appetito" to begin eating.
The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right hand.
Your hands should be visible at all times. Never rest your elbows on the table.
Your napkin remains to the left of your plate while dining, not in your lap.
When you have finished your meal, place your napkin to the right of your plate and lay your knife and fork parallel on your plate, handles facing to the right.
Always leave some food on your plate.

PHOTOS: I have thousands from two trips. Plus, I kept a journal.

Transportation: have a separate file started. Bus, train... and other means to provide interest.

*Bullet* Bonus: Research OR World Building ▼

Research: For reality-based fiction, research aspects of your novel that will lend credibility to your writing.
World Building: For fantasy, science fiction, or other speculative fiction, develop the history, geology, ecology, and/or maps for your world. Update your character, setting, and/or definitions databases with any new information (if applicable.)
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