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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Adult · #2061779
“Well then.” He snickered while grabbing a hold of my arm “lets have out own party.
Chapter six

I awoke to thump underneath my ear. Donte had spent the whole night with me in this position. I shook him slightly I wanted to wake him up, but his sleeping face was so cute.

“Donte wake up’” I shook a bit harder “we have school! Come-on, there is only another day left!” Reluctantly, he woke up, looking at me he smiled slightly.

“Morning beautiful.”

Donte didn't need very long to get ready, he simply stole my hair brush and pit stick. Quickly enough, we finished our morning routines and made our way off to school. I was feeling victorious, I mean I’m the first girl Donte's ever spent a night with and a lot of girls have tried. Hand in hand, we strolled towards our destination. We made small talk the whole way.

Pride filled we arrived at our destination, no one said anything but they didn’t really have too. I could feel eyes stabbing me as I walked towards class. But to tell you the truth; I loved it.

“Here we are.” Donte kissed my forehead,

Seeing me off to my class. These last few days in school where days I would remember forever. I was so happy I was graduating. The feeling inside knowing ill be able to dance through the fields, holding my diploma. I'm not sure how I managed to get this far, though, it seemed like all I did was daydream through school. Cheerfully I made my way to my seat. Everyone In the class was once, there was so much talking you couldn’t make out any one conversation. Silently I sat, waiting for the teacher who soon walked in.

“Alright everyone, as I said before, we have a new student joining us today.” Our teacher walked up to the front of the class and began to write on the board.


“His name is Jaden, he is from Canada. I want everyone to be seated as I will be bringing him in, in just a moment.”

The class sat up straight in their chairs, almost as if boot camp just broke out. Girls were whispering to one another, the boys you could tell they could care less. I on the other hand, seemed to be on the boys side.

After a few moments the teacher finally opened the door, a tall, light skinned boy walked in. His hair was the darkest shade of black I had ever seen on a human naturally. His blue eyes, darted crossed the room almost as if he was staring right at me. He looked normal enough though.

“Alright- there is two seats open.” He started by pointing towards a desk next to a random girl. “This one,or-“ then he pointed to the one next to me. “That one.”

There was no hesitation in his choice, he practically teleported to the seat beside mine. The rest of the class we sat in silence, I wasn’t much for conversation. Let alone with a stranger. Every so often I would catch him glaring at me through the corner of my eye. I didn’t feel threatened in any way. Mind you my body senses have been quite misleading lately.

The day went on and it seemed like Donte was no where to be found, I looked all over for him but no luck. I did however notice Jaden was sitting under my tree by himself. Reluctantly, I made my way over. I didn’t really want to greet him, but I had no where else that I actually liked eating.

“So- Canada, eh?” My voice cracked a bit as I spoke to him, “I hear they live in Igloo’s”

He let out a small giggle, then took another bit of his food. We sat together in silence for quite some time.

“Well, i'll see you around.” Without saying anything the whole time we sat together, he got up and casually walked away.

The rest of my day was a pleasant one, as per usual, I waited by the doors for Donte to come out. Today, though; he never showed. After a few hours I decided it would be best to just head home. It was starting to get dark sooner in the day, so the fact the sun was starting to go down turned my stomach. My pace home was faster than usual.

Leaves rustled in the bush beside me, the sound of footsteps raced my heart. Not wanting to wind up In Another bad situation, my feet began to run on their own. Not once did I look back until I saw the light of my house. Panting; I slammed the door as I ran in. Peeking through the window to see what was following me, I couldn’t see anything. I was relieved what ever or who ever it was didn’t get the chance to do anything. Sliding down the wall, I wiped my forehead, making my way to the kitchen. My head started to pound after Awhile. I decided to take a Advil and hit the hay.

I fell asleep quickly. But my dreams took me to a place I had long forgotten

I was paying In a sand box, a young boy swinging around a toy sword. While I played in the sand, he was talking about protecting me and loving me. The things he was saying- it was like he was IN love with me.

“Matsu, I know you don’t want to; but I'll show you just how good of a man I can be.” The boy slowly walked over next to me, leaning in front of me he cupped my face. “We are too young to feel true love, so they say.”

“Kagura! Darling, bring Matsu. Dinner is ready.” His hands left my face as a voice called out to where we were.

Inside everyone was getting ready to eat. Dishes were being set, the food was being brought over to the table.

“Matsu! Lets get that dirt off of you!” My mother drug me to the washroom and began to scrub my hands. Her face looked as if she had just gotten married. Filled with joy. A joy at this moment I could not share with her.

“Mother…why? I don’t even like him.” I wined.

“Dear, every single women in our family has married the first born male of the Mitzuki family for centuries. Its tradition. It’s the only way to keep our blood line pure. You’ll understand one day.” She brushed my hair out quickly as she spoke.

The morning light woke me from my dream, my head still pounding. I looked out at my clock. 7am; why couldn’t I sleep in. Is this a curse? Like- most people I know sleep till noon or better on Saturday. My body wants to wake up and go to school. I decided to do something different today; I'm going to go for a jog. It was always nice to work on my health. I hated feeling like a blob.

“Hey! Take this!” My mother threw a bottle of water crossed the lawn at me, I didn’t really want to carry it with me but I mid as well.

Casually I made my way down the road, I hadn’t any particular place in mind as a destination. A few hours went by, my heart was racing. The afternoon sun beating down on my exhausted body was almost too much. After a few minutes resting I decided to journey to Evies place. I continued jogging back towards the way I came.

“Hey stranger!” Evie called out to me while laying on her lawn. “Long time no see.”

“Well you stopped coming to school.” I panted. “And Ive been busy afterwords.”

She pushed me playfully, chuckling slightly.

“Yeah; with your new boyfriend!” She got up from were she sat, gesturing me to follow her into the house as she spoke. “I don’t blame you! Id ditch me too for someone that fine.”

Evie’s parents were no where to be seen as per usual. We sat around watching TV for the rest of the evening pretty much. A slight vibrating sound started to come from her pocket, quickly she reached her hand in to pull out her phone. Evie had a major obsession with electronics, don’t be fooled by the books cover. She could hack your computer In 10 seconds or less.

“Party 2nite @ Trish’s, BYOB.”

Evie got excited by the text message on her screen, the fact she was basically smooshing the phone into my face to show me what it said was a big hint.

“Matsu! We have to go” her voice changed as she attempted to make a pouty face and wine like a child. “Please!”

“To be honest, I don’t think I should.” Pushing her phone out of my face, I sighed leaning my chin on my hand. Donte liked parties, but I don’t know how he would feel if I went to one without him. Sure, we only started to show each other how we felt recently, but why ruin something good so soon.

“Matsu!” She grabbed my arm, pulling me from the couch. “You ARE going!”

Hesitantly we made our down the hall to her bedroom. I tried to pull my hand free from her grip, but she had a lock on me like no tomorrow.

“Take a seat!” She sung while swinging me onto a chair. Evie threw open her closet door, ripping through piles of clothing looking for the perfect thing to wear. I simply sat there gazing in the mirror. Pushing my red hair out of my face I sighed as I averted my gaze towards Evie.

“Do you still have that Dye?” Evies face lit up as I asked her, she has always wanted to do something to my hair. I guess red wasn’t working with my face or something.

“I have a few actually!” She grinned, turning back to her closet. After a few moments she found what she was looking for and walked towards where I was sitting.

“Alright, we're going to give this a cut while were at it.” She whispered while changing the position of my hair to preview different styles. We settled on a straight cut bank, no length of the rest. I've been growing my hair for eight years, I wouldn’t want to cut it now. Strand by strand bangs were molded into my hair. She threw in the dye, then went back to the closet.

“Now, since you’re going black.” Her words were muffled as clothing flung over her. “You can basically wear anything.”

“Oh? Anything?” My mind wandered off to a few weeks ago, I have a slight issue with color. I'm very picky about making sure they match. Sure, some people are just like, who cares. But when I see certain colors together. Well, it makes me angry. I wanted to wear this blue dress; and I loved it more than any of my other articles of clothing. But, it didn’t go well with my shade of red.

“Alright-here!” She passed me a long purple dress, it wasn’t an elegant ball dress but rather a flowy sun dress. The material was practically transparent. It was not the dress I wanted but I didn't want to go home to get mine either.

After washing out the dye, doing my hair and getting dressed, Evie finally decided I was good to go. I didn’t understand why she had dressed me up, but decided to throw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt herself. But nevertheless we made our way out the door, I was reluctant but went with her.

“So, were going to get so hammered!” Evie screamed to the world while jumping around like a small child in a candy store.

“Do you mind, not screaming right now.” I whispered slightly “its almost ten, a lot of people will be sleeping.”

She nudged me while laughing abit.

“Who cares!” She sung as she continued to dance down the side walk, slowly I followed behind her. Something had my stomach tight, I felt like I was going to throw up.

Out of no wheres the sound of foot steps started, I looked all around where I was and seen nothing. Letting out a small sigh of relief, I looked up to see my calmness wouldn’t last. Evie was no wheres to he seen.

“Could she have gone into a house?” I looked around to see if there was any houses that looked like they might be throwing a party. None in sight.

“Evie!” I screamed reluctantly. My legs wouldn’t allow me to move. I had no wheres safe to go here. It was to far to run back to Evies place, or mine. My body started to tremble as panic took over. Continuously I called for Evie with no luck.

“Matsu?” A shiver ran up my spine as a familiar voice crept up behind me. “Why are you by your self so late at night?

“Oh, hello; Kagura.” Slowly I shifted my body around, it was too late to run. Even though that is all my brain was telling me to do.

“Uh, well I was going to this party, but I lost my way.” I explained cautiously.

A sinister smirk grew on Kagura’s face, my already racing heart was now jumping out of my chest.

“Well then.” He snickered while grabbing ahold of my arm “lets have out own party.”

It was in that moment I realized the foot steps I had heard earlier also belonged to Kagura.
© Copyright 2015 TeddiTerri (tedditerri at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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