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A War has broken out between Kassich and Anim. Or is it between Anim and Kassich. |
Kassich Versus Anim, Anim Versus Kassich Later, she would not regret her choice. Unia had made her decision. A decision she would have made again – if she had to do it. But she didn’t. Unia was pacing around the Crew’s Quarters she was confined to. Every so often she would look out of the viewport at the nearby Sun. “I have had a good life. My only regret was not having any children,” said Unia to herself. “But under the circumstance it’s best that I didn’t. I did what needed to be done. If I didn’t then Eifron would be headed to his death instead of me.” ******* It all started twelve years ago – when War broke out between the Kassim and Anim. A War that would never have happened if it wasn’t for Eifron and Unia. Kassim and Anim had been neighbors in the Universe since the creation of the Universe. They matured and advanced at pretty much the same time. It was Anim who advanced into Space first. The first planet they checked out was Kassim. And their welcome wasn’t welcomed at all. Anim came in peace. All they wanted to do was get to know their neighbor. But what did Kassim do. Kassim almost killed the Representatives send to Anim. The Representatives were only there because Kassim invited them there. But there were some on Kassim that didn’t want to be friends with Anin. And they would do whatever they had to do to stop that from happening. When the Representatives arrived their spaceship was attacked – and destroyed. The Representatives weren’t on that spaceship. But over two thousand Animians were. Omman and Ilana are two of the six Representatives on that spaceship. They woke up in a cold dark gloomy hole. There was barely enough room there for them to get up. Neither Omman and Ilana knew where they were – or how they got there. But they wanted to know. “Where are we?” Ilana was still coming awake. “How did we get here? The last thing I remember we were talking to the Leaders of Kassim,” said Ilana. Omman tried to see where they were. But it was too dark to tell. All he could figure out was that they were in a deep dark cold hole. “Where are the others?” “Avin, Owa. Are you here too?” Ilana yelled. Both Avin and Owa yelled back – from different holes. So did Ukan and Evaca. Also in difference holes from the sounds of their voices. “I wonder why we are the only ones in a hole together,” said Omman. “Maybe it’s because we are the Co- leaders of the Representatives.” “Whoever took us was probably monitoring the Communication with the Kassich Leaders and us,” said Ilana. “They would have seen us representing the Representatives.” It took them four months to rescue the Representatives. And the only way they could do that was for Kassich and Anim. Once the Representatives were rescued that was when peace began. It still wasn’t easy. But once Anim helped Kassich join the SpaceAge. At least it did for the next three thousand years. ******* A Space Station was built by both Kassich and Anim. And it was position between them. Eifron and Unia was on that Space Station. Unia worked in the Engine Room. She Monitored the flow of Sun Rays that they use to power that Space Station. Eifron worked in Weapons Control. He’s among others from both Kassich and Anim who build weapons to protect both planets – from each other and outside problems. The exchange of goods, services and people started right after the SpaceAge began for Kassich. It was pretty busy during those three thousand years. But it got worse when the Space Station was created. The Space Station made it possible to exchange goods, services and people a lot faster – especially people. It also gave the Troublemakers access to the Space Station too. Both Kassich and Anim had Troublemakers. Those who didn’t want to be friends with the other planet. Like three thousand years ago when the Representatives were taken these Troublemakers have the same goals. But now they were on both planets, back then too, and there were several hundred thousand Troublemakers per planet. Two of those people were Eifron and Unia. Eifron and Unia were just Troublemakers. They were also involved with each other too. Which wasn’t wrong. But they still didn’t want anyone to know about their involvements. That’s why they had to sneak around. One day while they were spending some quality time together that is when they started a War between Kassich and Anim. They were in the Weapons Control – in the Control Room. It was late at night. So they didn’t expect anyone to show up there. When someone came in for a monthly inspection they tried to hide. As a result, a SpaceMissile was launched at Kassich. And while trying to stop that another SpaceMissile attacked Anim. That’s when the War began. Thanks to the Troublemakers on Kassich, not Anim, it took the War Officials twelve years to find Eifron and Unia. Unia could have saved herself by giving up Eifron because he was the one who actually started the War that was still going on. But she didn’t. There was no War Hearing. That’s because Unia admitted to everything. That was her choice. ******* Unia was sentenced to death. That’s why she was on that spaceship. They were headed for the nearby Sun. Once there Unia would be fired into that Sun. Unia would be literally fired into the Sun. No Death Tube and no Protective Suit. Just her – still alive. What no one knew was the real reason why Unia admitted to starting the War. True, she did it to save Eifron from dying. But the real reason why she did it was because he was going to die anyway. She only had a year to live – at the most. The End? |