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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Other · #2061367
João travels to Portugal after his grandmother suggests he visit their ancestral village.
Tuesday, Oct. 13
*Bullet* Required: Outline Revision #2 ▼

The second draft of your outline.
*Bullet* Using traditional outline format (Traditional Outline ): write your climax and several key conflicts/disasters.

See below under bonus.

Climax: Part 1: meeting a vampire. Part 2. meeting a frightening glam vamp. Part 3. meeting vampires in his ancestral village. Final: Going back to Évora... upsetting the reader... until the Epilogue is read.

Conflicts: Part 1: not many conflicts or disasters until he must leave; just normal everyday 'stupid' young traveler stuff. Part 2: interior conflicts of who-I-am, disaster getting severely ill, his grandmother dying. Part 3: fear/anticipation of returning to Portugal, meeting vampires (they refuse him at first).

*Bullet* The Snowflake Method : Expand your sentence to a paragraph. Include the beginning, conflicts/disasters, climax, and end.

1. A young man travels to Portugal looking for beaches and vampires.

João decides to travel to Portugal after his great-grandmother suggests he visits the ancestral village. But he's young, easily distracted and heads to the beaches and parties. He jokes about meeting vampires, mentioning how he's a night-owl, always anemic, and doesn't like the heat. He laughs about this but not everyone laughs with him. He tours Portugal and Galicia visiting museums, visiting churches, collecting "pretty things". He eventually ends up in Évora... where everyone tells him vampires don't live (for good reason; it's hotter than hell in the summer) and... of course he meets one.

2. After meeting his first vampire, a young man travels around the world constantly running into more... not be choice.

João flees his family, his past, and Portugal. His heart murmur has acted up and he's feels he has to live 'fast'. He visits other cities around the world, going to places where people he has met live/visit. From Delft to Oslo to Gdansk to Tokyo... et cetera. He's running away but growing up in the process, his innocence and naïvity left behind during each adventure. In Australia he meets a vicious glam vamp... frightened, he flees again but receives word that his great-grandmother is dying.

3. No longer innocent nor naïve, a young man returns to his ancestral village to mine secrets it does not wish to divulge.

His great-grandmother is in fine fiddle. She has no intention of dying... feels better than she has for decades... (garlic pills) ...but she must move. And before she leaves she has to tell João more about who/what he is... he has the vampire trait. And... she says he must go back to Portugal to deal with it. He returns, visiting some of the people he met the first time, visiting new places on his way to Miranda de l Douro, where he'll meet the vampires for real. And learn who he is. The story ends in Évora. As João already knows: Vampires don't live in Évora... they go there to die.

*** NEED DISASTERS? See the Plot Twists generator at the bottom of the calendar. *Down*

What would a disaster look like. A 'traveling disaster' like money... missed connections? Family (his great-grandmother is dying). Personal (he stays out in the sun too long).

*Bullet* Bonus: Literary Device: Chronology ▼

Brainstorm the best chronology for your story and work it into your outline.


1. Linear Narrative - the story is told in the order the events occurred.

I've already done this, but this is a tweaked fleshed-out version of Part 1:


1a. João wants to take off a year and travel but he loves his grandmother. She encourages him to go... to Portugal.
1b. João goes to Lisbon (meets Thoom... on vacation? or does he meet Thoom in prologue?),
Museums, parties, undergound metro, church (São Roque with its gold) trollies, fado, food-sushi-pastel de nata ... a chance to give a real taste of Portugal. If J is there on April 25th, the Carnation Revolution becomes an interesting aside with its red carnations. A chance to meet Iván who he'll meet again. Collects a tile/cobble

1c. north to the beach at Nazaré,
Beach, old-fashioned lifestyle, fado, fishing, food-percebes, old church (J likes religious icons), funicular, collects a shell/religous trinket/doll.

1d. to party and listen to fado (important) in Coimbra,
"Coimbra tem mais encanto..." which the lyrics are changed to "A vida..." If there for the University serenata and cortejo this is an excellent time to meet Burçay or other travelers. Food-goat-port. Collects... part of a float or a trinket from the streets fallen from the parade. That or find something hidden in the botanical gardens. Church where old kings are buried.

1e. follows his nose for wine to Porto (and gets lost nos azulejos de São Bento),
The tiles in the train station tell historical stories, one will be important (Fillipa, the English Queen), food-françesinha-port. Collects in the old neighborhood of A Sé Velha or in the wine cellars (a cork?) Tiled church of São Ildifonso, marketplace

1f. tries to connect spiritually in Braga... doesn't. [may not be written...]
1g. goes off on a pilgrimage and stops in Tui/Valença.
Gets spooked by the age of the place. Food-lamprey in Valença, pilgrim house garden, ancient ruin part of town with spring, old town with church.

1h. visits Santiago de Compostela... sees both the intense emotion of the pilgrims and the material crassness.
Meets up with Iván Church, park, food-peppers, finds/filches an old cross in the church or at a shop.

1i. goes on a lark to A Coruña... but why?
Visits Pilar. Food-tosada. Old Roman lighthouse still in use. A city of glass, an old church, vibrant working town.

1j. How to get to the south or should it be to Évora? Flights from A Coruña or Santiago de Compostela to Faro go through Madrid and or London! Maybe all day on bus or train? Or should he stop in Lisbon (museums, Sintra) or Alcobaça (very old monastery) looking for something? But what? An object? Knowledge? Nothing he knows at the moment... one of those urges... suggested by someone?

1k. Tavira... a beach break... or so he thinks...
Food-typical-lunch-gelato, beach that stretches for miles, collects a worn skull/bones castle, museum of the Moors.

1l. Lagos. He meets Filipa, fangless goddess of the hostel world.
Grottoes, museum,

1m. Cabo Sagres ties history together. Henrique, Filipa... him... hmmm.
more culture, sights, history. Collects a piece of wall, a stone

1n. He heads off to Évora and the megaliths... as old as... vampires.
Food-clamsandpork. Collects a feather. Visits Roman Temple, university, fado café, megaliths, aqueduct

1o. Nelson at the hostel introduces João to a vampire... Anacleto.
1p. We all learn why vampires don't live in Évora... they go there to die. "Na quintana dos mortos"
(1q. Miranda de l Douro) The first time he goes he'll be turned away but this may come best at beginning of part 3 if not now. (a foreshadowing?)

not for this story 2. Non-Linear Narrative - the story is told out of order.
not for this story 3. Reverse Chronology - the story is told backwards.
not for this story 4. In medias res - the story starts in the middle, goes back to explain how it got there, catches up, and then resolves.

5. Flashback/forward - individual scene(s) that take place prior to or after the current action.

Would consider using flashforward. (As dream premonition... that doesn't quite work out that way... or does) Miranda de l Douro vamps?

Flashbacks? A couple stories, João's meeting with Thoom, with his grandmother, Lucinda's story may be best thought of as non-linear. Where to put them becomes the issue.
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