Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2061128-Me-and-a-ghost
Rated: E · Short Story · Ghost · #2061128
My entry for The Dialogue 500 contest. Human to ghost therapy.
Well what are you moping about?
Who me?
Yes you, do you see anyone else in the room?
But, but I’m a ghost. How can you see me?
Don’t know and don’t care! I’m dying of boredom so you can entertain me with the story of your life.
Noooo. I’d rather not.
Ohhhh yesssss you doooo. Come on, please, pretty please.
Ummmm I guess. But where do I begin?
I don’t know… You could start at the end and work your way to the beginning.
Well... I died in a car accident a few weeks ago. I was looking for someone and didn’t notice that light was red and that is when I was hit by a car and died.
I feel drama.
In my previous life I died of food poisoning and…
Wait what! Your previous life? How? What?
To this point I have been reborn seven times. How, I don’t know. The only thing I know is that I wished for it and it came true.
And your wish was?
To meet the one I love as an equal, to be by his side when he needs me most, as he was for me, for him to love me like I love him, to live together for the rest of…
Woooo slow down. I think I get the general idea. But just so I have the whole story how exactly did he help you?
Well in my first life he saved my life.
I think I’ll need a little more information.
If you must know it all started on a warm sunny day. I was walking around when this three giants surrounded me and started touching my head, back…
Yeah skip.
When I was fed up I hit them but I wasn’t strong enough and the got angry and started hitting me, nobody came to help me.
Except for him. He hit them scooped me up and ran away.
Oh how sweet. What happened next?
He died.
He died?
I don’t know...some disease.
So let me see if I understand this. He saved you, you fall in love, he died and then you died seven times to find him.
Something like that...yes.
I can’t decide if it’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever heard or the most romantic. Why haven’t you found him yet?
I don’t know every life I try harder and harder, but I always die before I can find him.
So what I’m hearing is you focus so much on finding him that you forget your surroundings and because of that you die stupid deaths.
I guess but how else am I going to find him?
I don’t know. Maybe live your life and if you are destined to be you’ll meet some day.
Hmmmmm maybe. Oh my number’s up I have to go. Bye.
Bye-bye kitty cat.

478 words
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