Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2060850-The-Blushing-Bride---Part-1---The-Choice
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2060850
A soon to be bride makes a difficult choice
Kaitlyn paced in the bride's room of the church, taking care not to trip over
the long train of her dress. With effort she managed not to look at the clock
yet again, unlike the past several minutes. Turning at the end of the room, she
wondered if other brides have felt so caged, having to wait in enclosed rooms
sealed off from the world until it is time. Wondering why this tradition still
persists - were they worried about the bride having cold feet? A last minute
fling with her fiancé? - she turned sharply in her pacing catching the edge of
the gown with her foot and nearly falling. With a worried look on her face she
moved over to the love seat and sat, quickly she pulling up the fabric of her
dress to examine it for a tear. After a careful look she let out a relieved sigh
and settled back in the chair, her arm resting on one of the chair's high arms.
Closing her eyes she took a couple deep breaths attempting to calm the
butterflies in her stomach. As she opened her eyes, her gaze fell on the full
length mirror. With a smile she took a moment to look over the dress in the mirror. Even the thought of the perfect dress could not keep her mind off the wait however, and she soon found herself pacing again. Walking the length of the room, she
desperately wished that Stacy would return so she would at least have someone to
talk to while she waited.

A knock on the door stopped her pacing. Knowing that Stacy would not have
knocked she gathered the fabric of her dress, turning carefully towards the
door, fearing that she might trip once again. "Come in." she said once she has
faced the door. As a man she doesn't recognize stepped in she wondered if this is a
member of Chris's family she hasn't been introduced to yet. "Can I help you?"

As she waited for his response she looked over his body. His dark hair was
styled similarly to Chris's, though his face was a bit less gorgeous that her
fiancé's. As she caught how she was comparing the two men she averted her eyes,
silently scolding herself.

"I think so Ms. Lamb." she heard him say as she watched him close the door and move further into the room. "Please have a seat; you'll be doing
enough standing in your wedding."

With a smile for his consideration, Kaitlyn sat carefully on the loveseat,
taking care not to wrinkle her dress. The butterflies continued to flutter in
her stomach, and with some effort she fought the urge to start pacing again. "Do
I know you?"

"No, but I have something that I must talk to you about, and I am afraid it can
not wait until after the wedding." As he settled in a chair opposite her, the
man continued. "My name is not important, but I work with Chris."

Desperately Kaitlyn tried to think of a reason why a coworker of her husband,
who was not a member of the wedding party would need to talk to her prior to the
wedding. The butterflies turning into a knot as her mind only came to one
dreadful conclusion after another - was he hurt, did he get cold feet, or did
something terrible happen to him. "What's happened? Why are you here?" her voice
trembled on the edge of panic.

As Kaitlyn looked towards the door she heard him respond "Chris is fine." As she
turned back towards him, she watched as he pulled a folded piece of paper from
the inside pocket of his suit and held it out to her. "As I said, I came to talk
to you."

Kaitlyn reached out and took the paper from his outstretched hand. After unfolding it, she quickly scanned the page. "What is the meaning of this?" Shocked she read the page again, unable to believe the passages about the kickbacks her fiancé has supposedly received along with the allegations of his skimming funds. With a scowl she held up the attached pages detailing the transactions in and out of their bank account. She tossed the papers on the table in front of her before exclaiming "This is all a lie" her face lit with anger. "I know everything that goes into this account."

"I plan on turning this in tomorrow. And believe me, the banks records will back
this up." With a smirk, he waved his have towards her purse "Don't believe me?
Call the bank and check for yourself."

Wide-eyed Kaitlyn pulled her cell phone out of her purse and quickly dialed the
bank's automated account balance line. Once the computer had answered, she
entered her password without waiting through the prompts, and then hit 1 for
account balance information. "Your account balance is five million, seven
hundred thousand, four hundred twenty seven dollars and thirteen cents." As the
phone slipped out of her hand, landing in her lap, she looked over at the man to
see him still wearing a smirk. Kaitlyn picked up the phone and hung up, as she
looked at the papers again, the 5.6 million was allegedly there before the last
time she checked the balance! Swallowing hard, she felt the knot in her stomach
tighten. "Why are you doing this?"

The man shrugged, before getting up. "Because Chris has stepped on too many
toes, too often, most importantly mine. He has screwed me over multiple times
making himself look better at work. It is time the he learn the consequences of
his actions." He moved towards the door as he continued. "I expect the company
will press charges, sending him to prison for quite some time." Upon reaching
the door he stopped and moved back towards her part way. "You could change all
of that though... I could be persuaded to not turn this over..."

She looked at him, her eyes dark and angry "Why would I need to cooperate with
you? Chris's boss knows the kind of person he his. He'd never believe this

"True his boss may back him, but the senior management won't. The evidence
against him will be too much. Even his boss will eventually be forced to turn against
Chris." Kaitlyn opened her mouth to protest, but the man cut her off as if reading her mind. "No his friends in IT would not be able to trace the transactions back to their true source. In case they attempt to do so they'd soon find themselves in the same
boat." The man looked at her again "There is only one way to undo this."

"What do you want? Money?" Some of the dread lessened at the thought of being
able to get Chris out of this. Her dread soon returned however, as she caught
the look in his eye.

"No. What I want is you."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You can either give yourself to me now, or let me walk out the
door and deliver the papers. I'll give you a minute to decide."

Picking up the letter again, Kaitlyn's hands begin to shake. "Why? I mean why
me? I am a complete stranger to you."

"Chris has talked a lot about you at work, so while you don't know me, I think I
know you pretty well. Also, I have this thing for both brides and virgins."

Kaitlyn can't believe what she is hearing. Chris has been talking about her virginity at work? How could he? "Get out." She spat with her eyes are full of hate.

"Very well."

As she watched him walk to the door a tear rolled down her face as she came to
the realization that either way she loses. She knew how much Chris loved his
job. Even if they could fight this claim, it would certainly ruin his reputation
at the firm and in the church. "Forgive me Chris" she whispered before calling
out "Wait!" as he reached for the door handle. Defeated she hung her head as he
strode quickly back towards her.

"A wise decision."

Numbly Kaitlyn looked at him, her eyes pleading for him to not do this. When saw
him unzip his pants she knew that it was no use, her virginity which she had
worked so hard to preserve for her wedding night was going to be taken from her.
No, she corrected her self not taken, but given, after all this was her choice -
made to protect her soon to be husband. Seeing that the man had stepped out of
his pants and freed his penis, she reached around behind her back to unfasten
her gown, assuming that he would want her to remove it. As she did she could not
help but to stare at his penis, the first one she had seen since reaching

"There is no need for that" he ordered "just stand up and bend over the arm of
the loveseat." His tone was so different from the one Chris used when they would
fool around. Something more forceful, and confident, but she couldn't quite put
her finger on it.

Tears ran down her cheeks she stood up, moving around to the side of the
loveseat. Spreading her legs slightly she lay her stomach over the arm of the
chair. "You want to have sex with me in my dress?" she asked, as she felt her
cheeks color in embarrassment.

"I do. As I said, I have a thing for brides, and that includes the dress.
Besides, you don't have the time to get undressed then get back into your gown
before the wedding anyway."

As she felt him lift her dress up onto her back she instinctively reached back to hold it out of the way. As he continued to pull up more fabric onto her back it spilled down
her back, covering her back in a mountain of fabric. His fingers pressed into the fabric of her panties, and shocked she rose up on her toes for a second.

"Please, isn't there another way?' Desperately she looked for some way out of
this predicament.

"No" is all the response she got as his fingers removed the pressure from
against her vagina. Unconsciously her hips moved back, as if they sought to regain
the contact. His fingers brushed against her hips as he hooked them under the
sides of her g-string. The red in her face got deeper as she realized thought about how she had bought the panties for Chris to thank him for understanding her desire to save herself until the wedding.

Slowly he pulled her panties down to the floor. Once they were at the floor he
tapped the inside of her thighs one at a time until she lifted that foot. Using
his foot he kicked the garment over to where his pants lay. A tear rolled down
her face as she stood there exposed to the man. She was standing their with her legs
spread and her vagina on display for him. However, her embarrassment continued to
deepen a moment later as she heard him taunting her. "Looks like the bride is
all horny. You're wet at the thought of me fucking your cunt aren't you?"

Underneath the folds of the matte satin, Kaitlyn shook her head furiously unable
to speak as her throat had tightened up. However, the blush deepened as she
admitted to herself that while she was mortified at having to do this, there
also was a part of her that was excited by it as well. Suddenly, she felt
pressure against her vagina once again. Instinctively she spread her legs
slightly more, allowing him better access, her breath hot against her face as it
reflected off the fabric of the loveseat. As she glanced up she caught her
reflection in the mirror, seeing him behind the pile of fabric on her back.
Without warning he pushed into her, taking her virginity, causing her she let
out a gasp. Oddly, instead of him worrying only about his pleasure as she
expected him to, he waited for a moment while she became accustomed to the
feeling. She looked at him in the mirror confused by his actions. After a minute
or two the pain of being stretched subsided and she felt herself unconsciously
squeeze his penis. In the mirror she saw him smirk.

Shortly after the squeeze, she felt him start to slide out of her. "Did I do
something wrong?" she wondered for a second before he slid back into her, only
to pull back out again. After a few times, Kaitlyn felt heat in her face and
chest as his thrusts began to excite her. She her vagina clenched again, this
time perhaps a little less unconsciously she admitted to herself. As her body
responded to his taking of her, she felt so ashamed, yet she couldn't tear her
gaze away. This is wrong, she shouldn't be enjoying this. Only her husband
should be bringing her pleasure, what is wrong with her?

While she argued with herself, Kaitlyn's hands pulled the fabric of her dress up
higher, exposing more of her backside. In response to this unconscious action,
the thrusts became more aggressive. Each time his pubic bone slammed into her, a
gasp would sneak out from her. She bit down on her lip in an attempt to keep the
gasps from escaping, but that only turned them into small moans. As the vision
in the mirror of the man having sex with her burned into her mind, her body
continued to betray her as her hips began to push back into each thrust. She
heard the man taunting her, pointing out how she was fucking him as much as he
was her. The tears steamed down her face as she thought of her fiancé, and how
she had told him he would be her first after they were married. Her mind
struggled to grasp why her body was reacting as it is. She should be numb as
this man uses her, but instead her body seemed to want him to continue. She
continued to pant, her breath blowing the curls that had fallen across her face,
as each thrust pushed him deeper into her. Suddenly, a thought broke through the
haze her mind was in from the whole experience - this is the worst time of the
month for her to be doing this. Panicking she tried to stand up but his hand on
her back kept her firmly in place. "Please, you have to pull out. I'm most
likely ovulating today. Please..." Her voice filled with desperation.

The response she got back filled her with dread. "I will do as I damn well
please. I am the one in control here." As he continued to push deeper into her
with is thrusts, Kaitlyn became confused again, as she realized that only part
of her was filled with dread, the other part seemed almost content with letting
him do as he wanted. Shaking her head she was scared that she had that kind of
attitude existing in her.

Just as she was having that thought she felt herself contract around his penis
as her body gave into the feelings, no longer even attempting to listen to her
mind. She opened her mouth to protest once again, but instead of words only a
moan came out. Snapping her mouth shut at the sound she hung her head knowing
that her body was enjoying what this man was doing to her. "Why..." she manages to
get out before it turned into another indistinguishable sound as she lost
control to her words to her body again. She bit down on her lip tried again to
regain her composure. With effort she managed to whisper "Why Lord? Why is this
happening?' She hears the man grunt as his sperm is released deep inside of her.
She tried, without success to keep her vagina from responding. Her eye flew open
as her body failed to respond to her will, and the walls her vagina contracted
several times, milking the last drops out of his penis.

As he pulled out of her, she was able to feel his semi-erect penis brush across
her ass, smearing fluids over it. As she let go of her dress and pushed herself
up from the seat, she shivered at the realization of what she had done. She
turned, slightly unsteady on her feet to see the man quickly pull his underwear
and pants back on. She moved over and squatted down with the intent of picking
up her discarded panties, but her eyes widened as the man beat her to them and
stuffed them into his pocket. "Hey those are mine! I need those."

The man gave her that damn irritating smirk again before he stood up. "No, I
don't think you do."

"What will I wear going down the aisle then? I can't go in there without panties

"You just fucked me in a church. I would think that not having panties on is minor compared to that."

As Kaitlyn looks at him is surprise she could see the amusement on his face.
"But your semen, it might drip out and leave a trail as I walk!" Her face
blushed red at how openly she was talking to the man who had just blackmailed
her into giving up her virginity.

"My cum may very well leak from your cunt, but that is your problem not mine."
Kaitlyn noticed that he was emphasizing the words as if getting her to learn to
refer to them that way. "The fact is I am the one in charge, and I have decided
I am keeping your panties as a souvenir."

As her face turned an even deeper shade of red, Kaitlyn turned away from him;
already clenching her vagina so that his semen wouldn't stain her dress. With a
start she realized that she had started to become aroused once again as the man
detailed how she will next be humiliated. She watched the man leave before she
started to cry once more. "What is wrong with me? Why would I get aroused at
those thoughts?" she wondered aloud as she brushed the tears from her eyes.
Realizing that there wasn't much time to clean herself up, she moved to the
mirror and quickly touched up her makeup.

Moments later Stacy rushed through the doors. "Sorry I took so long, are you
ready?" Kaitlyn watched as Stacy's eyes took in her disheveled dress and swept over the loveseat. "What have you been doing in here?" Stacy says as she raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Nothing, I just tripped over my train." Kaitlyn said a little too quickly,
putting herself between Stacy and the loveseat. Taking a deep breath she
smoothed out the dress, praying that Stacy would not push things, like she
usually did. She nearly let out a relieved sigh when Stacy let the conversation
drop. Once Stacy had gathered up her train they started moving towards the door,
and Kaitlyn she concentrated on holding her vagina closed to prevent any
embarrassing leaks. Silently she prayed that she would be able to pull this off
without anyone finding out what had happened.
© Copyright 2015 MeganBlackwell (megnblackwell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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