Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2060846-The-Mistletoe-Accord
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2060846
The untold sotry of why Santa is willing to fly around the world
Mary hurried down the stairs after checking that her children were fast
asleep in their beds. Despite having done this for years now, she still
felt a nervous knot forming in her stomach. She could not believe that she
was doing this, it was still all too surreal to her. The wooden floor was
cool on her feet and the drafty windows allowed the frigid outside air in,
swirling around causing her to draw her robe tighter.

Standing beneath the sprig of fresh mistletoe she briefly glanced
upstairs. As she shivered her thoughts rested on the nice warm bed that
she could be in. Tucked in under the cozy down comforter is where any
normal mother would be, but then again she wasn't a normal mother.

No, I have a promise to keep.

Moments later a familiar sound was heard on the roof. Tapping on the
roof, accompanied by silver bells. Sure enough, moments later two black
boots dropped into her fireplace. She had seen this for years but still
could not believe her eyes when the fireplace seemed to grow allowing the
boot's owner to step out. As he dusted the soot from his red and white fur
coat, Mary shook her head in amazement, and her thoughts drifted back to
the first time she had met Santa under the mistletoe.

She had long outgrown the idea of Santa Claus when one day, not long
after her 18th birthday, her mother came to her insisting that he was real.
When Mary had groaned and told her that she was way too old to believe in
that sort of nonsense her mom had told her she was old enough to rediscover
her belief and insisted that she stay up that night to meet him.

Mary's attention was snapped back to reality as the fat man grabbed hold
of her, kissing her lustfully. As her knees buckled, she let go of her
robe, causing it to fall open, exposing her naked body to him. Already as
he leaned into her she could feel his stiffness pressing into her from
beneath his outfit.

I wonder if I am his first tonight.

Just like every year before she found herself anxiously fumbling at his
belt. After what seemed an eternity to her, she finally had him free, his
thick shaft in her hand. Wishing they had more time for foreplay, but
knowing he was on a tight schedule, she reluctantly let go and lay down on
the worn couch.

Santa wasted no time in moving on top of her, his lust evident on his
face. He no longer was the jolly fat man of stories, but one bent on
satisfying his urges with the woman beneath him. As he slid into her,
pressing her down into the couch, Mary winced as the couch springs creaked.
Despite the fact that her mom had warned her all those years ago that Santa
focused only on his pleasure, Mary still bit down her lip to keep from
calling out her eyes shifted up the stairs.

As the lovers picked up their pace the creaking of the spring grew
louder. Mary wished they had a new one so their actions could be more
discreet, but for some reason that particular gift never managed to make it
under the tree. Opening her mouth to ask Santa about why that was only
served to let a low moan escape. Clamping her lips tightly shut once more
she focused on using her body to give the old elf pleasure, and tried her
best to ignore the squeaking springs.

As her body responded to his thrusts, and more specifically at being
used like a common tramp, Mary found herself lost in a wave of orgasms.
The old man never failed in that regard despite seeming to never focus on
her need. As she was recovering from one of them, she suddenly felt the
hot warmth of his seed fill her unprotected and fertile womb.

Without a word he climbed of off her, and began setting presents around
the tree for the children before turning towards the fireplace. Pausing
before he entered the once again expanded mantle he turned to her with a

"Katie will be 18 next year. Have you told her of The Accord?"

Mary started to open her mouth but stopped as he held up his hand.

"I already know you haven't. Be sure that you do, it is because of the
chosen few like you that I am willing to fly all over the world. By the
terms of the contract she must take your place next year."

As he vanished up the chimney Mary found herself saddened that she'd
only have one more time with Santa. Laying their with her sex exposed and
leaking his seed, she wondered if he knew that eighteen years ago he had
left her pregnant and whether this time would yield the same results, so
far since then they had been lucky.

Or is it unlucky?

She didn't have much time to reflect on it though as she heard footsteps
from the upstairs hallway. With a start she quickly pulled her robe shut,
covering the evidence of her activities, just as her youngest two children
came running down the hall.

"Did I hear Santa?" her 6 year old squealed before her eyes settled on
the presents "He came! Did you see him mom?"

Mary blushed deeply at the question, finally managing to say she had
seen him. Fielding questions about what he was like only deepened her
embarrassment, which fortunately the kids were too young to recognize. As
the young children turned their attention to ripping open the presents,
Katie stumbled into the room sitting next to her mother..

Pulling her robe around her she cheeks matching her robe thinking of the
other chosen mothers around the world who were part of the agreement with
Santa making sure that children across the world get presents, and how her
daughter would soon be taking her place in that group.
© Copyright 2015 MeganBlackwell (megnblackwell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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