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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Other · #2060733
A situation rather than people...
Friday, Oct. 09
*Bullet* Required: Antagonist Profile ▼

Vampires don't live in Évora... or Portugal... or England. They are magical, mythical, mysterious, made-up by the delusional.

Except they aren't.

João comes from a line of vampires but doesn't know it. He just goes to Portugal for the beaches, to find out some of his family history. He jokes about meeting vampires. When he does, and he does, the vampires are genuine but skeptical. He doesn't even realize who he has met. Vampires know how to keep secrets. And that means no one must know, no one may even suspect.

When he meets Anacleto in Évora, his life falls apart. He flees.

In Part Two, the antagonist is his inner self, his unwillingness to fully accept, to remain caring and passionate to be compassionate to all. Even to himself. He's young so he goes from place to place around the world, knowing there aren't vampires everywhere. After-all they are myths. Meeting one, just one, doesn't disprove that. He cruises down his own river of denial. Without an oar... but not without help. Others steer him; others help him look into the mirror to see what they see. A warm loving... vampire.

In Part Three, he comes back to Portugal.

However... he rummages around in secrets. Vampires don't like nosy people. They trust NO ONE. They dance around him like flames he cannot see. He feels the heat. He does not want to be burned. He goes to Miranda de l Douro sensing that it hides the answers he seeks. It does, but the vampires must be sure of who he is in his heart. They will trust nothing less.


         His heritage, the community he is a part of... the vampires themselves. SECRETS, non-trusting, wounded, vulnerable, suspicious.
         Himself, his inner struggle to stay young... and clueless. DENIAL, naïvity, fun-loving = not willing to give up the fun, innocence.

Complete a character profile of your antagonist (your "bad guy" - the character creating conflict for your protagonist.) If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, write about what it is and how it will create the narrative conflict. Add the profile to your character database (if applicable.)

Further clarification:
- Wikipedia's definition of Narrative Conflict
- Newsletter Article: "When The Bad Guy Isn't a Person"
- "ANTAGONIST (Re: A LOT of confusing things)"

*Bullet* Bonus: Antagonist Voice ▼

— How can we accept him as one of our own?
— How can we not?

Just another day at the Vamp Camp... anyone under 100 invited.

— He has the right lineage. He probably has the right blood type.
— Yeah, and so did Vlad... that didn't turn out quite right now did it?

— João's not like that. He has a heart.
— So does everyone until its turned.

A small group today. Only 7 were gathered. Anselmo sat quietly in the corner. He was the oldest, supposedly the wisest. Definitely the most timid.

— He cannot be refused.

Anselmo whisper cut through the debate.

— Then bring out the port so we can toast him!
— Just bring him here so I can have a nibble.

Alicia was a vamp in more ways than one. She liked her victims young and supple. And if João had the right blood type he might prove to be more than mere meat. She needed a mate. Desperately.

— We must be cautious.

Anselmo came from one of the original families of Miranda de l Douro. They had survived worse than the inquisition. His great-grandfather might not remember what he had for lunch this past century (it was always the same) but he remembered Izzy and her reign of terror as if it were yesterday. For him it was. His offspring suckled at the breasts of secrets-best-kept.

— He must pass some tests of course. His family isn't well known and those that do know hesitate then speak in hushed tones.

History weighed heavy among the vamps. They all knew the horror stories. Their numbers were few, secluded, cautious beyond careful. Discrete.

— I'll speak to him, send him back to Lagos. Filipa will know what to say and do.

Filipa. A name for legends. She'd once been Queen. One of the greats.

— But don't mention her name.
— I won't. He's already met her. He only needs to go back to Lagos. She'll take it from there. I have total faith in her.
— So do I.

With Anselmo's agreement the issue was settled.

Except for the details.

Miranda de l Douro was a city of secrets.

The Jews had stayed or fled here. After centuries they were just finding out their roots. As they say, "Jews keep the Sabbath; the Sabbath keeps the Jews". Moors had come too but they had gone so far underground even they still didn't know who they were. Others had come, the flotsam and jetsam of wars and persecution. All were welcomed but not all were safe... like Lluc-the-werewolf. Stories were still told about him to frighten the children. To teach them to keep their mouths shut.

The worse were the political refugees, the tourists, the unstable and the wannabes. They guarded against vampire wannabes.

But a couple of them had met João. He had joked about vampires but was truly clueless before he had met one. They knew he had met Anacleto... and lived. He didn't seem to be a wannabe. His family tree was suspect. Sometimes the genes skipped generations and stayed hidden; oftentimes, they died young. This time it seemed that the gene had made a compromise in his family lineage... like sickle cell trait instead full blown sickle cell anemia. Vampires knew about blood diseases, know about anemia. Heat sensitive, night-owl, anemic. João seemed genuine.

They would find out soon enough.

Anselmo spoke.

— When he arrives you will warn him. Then we shall see.

Have your antagonist introduce themselves to us in first person using their own voice. Brainstorm ways to make their voice unique. If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, attempt to personify it and give it an explanation for interfering with your protagonist. Add the introduction to your character database (if applicable.)
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