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Rated: E · Assignment · Contest · #2060661
Outline for Emily
Lynda Outline for
The Ashes Rise

I. – Emily Wheeler is the main character
Emily wants to be on her own – she is eighteen and still doesn’t have a driver’s license
Her parents are perfectly happy for her to be with them
II. Emily’s parents let her take driving lessons and she gets her license
Emily lies to her parents and gets a part time job down town
Emily says she is staying with a friend at night.
III. Emily finally tells her parents what she has being doing
IV. She stands up for herself
V. Her parents will not let her use their car.
VI. Her parents give her they key’s to the car
VII. Emily backs out of the derive way and is hit by a speeding car.
VIII. She has broken her arm, collar bone and leg and must stay I bed.
IX. Lilith and Daphne (faeries) stay with her and keep her company
X. Lilith and Daphne tell her The Trickster is back
XI. The Queen Faerie is taken by the Trickster
XII. The Faeries ask for Emily help
XIII. Emily agrees and starts out on her journey
XIV. Emily does not let her parents know she is going into the forest
XV. Sue and Wayne discover she is gone.
XVI. Brad comes home from college
XVII. Emily knows he wouldn’t take her to the Mausoleum but where?
XVIII. Sue, Wayne and Brad take off into the forest to look for her
XIX. Emily falls into a hole the Trickster has disguised as pine needles and leaves.
XX. The Trickster shows up and laughs, then tells her he will be back for her
XXI. Emily tries to get out of the hole but with her injuries it is impossible
XXII. The faeries bring other faeries to help get her out
XXIII. The Trickster shows up again and runs them off leaving Emily in the deep hole
XXIV. It begins to rain and turn slightly cooler
XXV. Emily becomes ill and begins to cough
XXVI. The faeries do their best to keep her warm, but they don’t have the magic the Queen does
XXVII. When all looks the worst, Emily’s family shows up.
XXVIII. Brad and Wayne get Emily out of the hole and they start to take her home
XXIX. Emily refuses to go
XXX. Emily has to explain to them why she left and what she has to do.
XXXI. Sue and Wayne and her brother think she is delusional because she is sick
XXXII. Emily begs Lilith and Daphne for help
XXXIII. Daphne flies to Saph who makes her tea and they bring it to Emily’s family to drink
XXXIV. After drinking the small amount, the Wheelers are amazed. They see the faeries
XXXV. The Trickster comes to take Emily and finds the whole family is there.
XXXVI. He tries his tricks of fire from his hands to frighten them but it doesn’t work
XXXVII. He attempts to strike them down anyway he can
XXXVIII. Because of the love of the entire family, he is helpless to hurt them.
XXXIX. He disappears
XL. The entire family including the two faeries go in search of the Queen Faery
XLI. The Wheeler family with Emily leading, find the Queen chained up in an old tree
XLII. For the second time in her life, Emily uses the ring that was given to her
XLIII. Emily breaks the chains
XLIV. The Trickster is furious and tries to set all of them on fire.
XLV. Brad picks up a large stone and throws it at his head
XLVI. It hits the trickster in the head and knocks him down
XLVII. The two little faeries pick up a burning branch and set him on fire again.
XLVIII. The Trickster turns to ashes again
XLIX. The family and faeries each take some ashes and as they go home, they spread them far and wide.
L. Once home, there is a new respect for Emily and Sue and Wayne promise her a new car
LI. Emily gets her car and her job until she goes to school in the fall as a Freshman in College.

Symbolism - the ring
somthing unexpected - th efamily love for each other keeps the trickster form haring them
Poetic Justic - Brad hits the Trickster in the head and ther faeries burn him

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