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Character File |
CHARACTER INTERVIEW / PROFILE Name: Background Birthday:April 12,1953 Place of birth: Los Angeles, California Parents: Henry and Hazel Johanson Pastors, Heavy on outreach What was important to the people who raised him: Living a holy life and in God's will. Siblings: Brother and sister Economic/social status growing up: Upper lower class Ethnic background: White/ Scandanavian Places lived: Colorado, So. ILL, Wi and MN Current address and phone number: Education: H.S. and some Adult Ed classes Favorite subject in school: Choir Special training: Jobs: Clerical did the books for her husband's business Salary: Travel: very little traveling after married. Went to Church conventions a few times a year. Friends: How do people view this character: Favorable Lives with: Alone now that last daughter left to work out of state Fights with: no one Spends time with: Church people, and just joined a REd Hat group Wishes to spend time with: Who depends on her and why: family depends on her motherly advice. They all love her. What people does she most admire: Enemies: Dating, marriage: widowed Children: 2 daughters 1 son Relationship with God: Devout christian. Holiness Overall outlook on life: Does this character like himself: yes. comfortable with herself. What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: grey hair and wrinkles What personal demons haunt him: wishes she could have recognized her husband's pancreatic cancer Is he lying to himself about something: When she senses God asking is she will move to a place he determines, she hesitates. When she reads about Ruth, and senses God asking if she would marry again, she says No, that can't be God asking her that. Optimistic/pessimistic:Optimistic Real/feigned: Real Morality level: Very High. Believes that God's will surpersedes and walking a holy way is important. Confidence level: Med. Confident in some things not in others Typical day: Physical appearance Body type: Curvy. about 20 pounds heavier than she'd like Posture: Straight Tall Head shape: Eyes: Blue Nose: Mouth: wide and smiles easy Hair: Grey. Soft but thicker Skin: med. Has good skin but age is catching up Tattoos/piercings/scars: Voice: low and sexy What people notice first: Her smile and it reaches her eyes. She smiles with her eyes Clothing: Modest, Conservative but sometimes a little edgy How would he describe herself: Blendable Health/disabilities/handicaps: none Characteristics Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy): semi out going, not afraid to step out and speak for and to others in most circumstances Strongest/weakest character traits: Creative, thinks outside the box most times/ takes on too much, not good a time management but good at organizing events and people. How can the flip side of her strong point be a weakness: How much self-control and self-discipline does she have: sometimes too quick to answer. Speaks without thinking, What makes him irrationally angry: nothing. Slow to anger. What makes him cry: almost everything, Songs, kids singing, puppies, Fears: Talents: good singing voice. Great at creating drama events, atristic eye. What people like best about her: Fun to talk to. Has great ideas. Interests and favorites Political leaning: conservative Collections: tea pots Food, drink: international, Mex, Thai, Medeterranian Music: So Gospel, 60's-90's, Spiritual Books: Romance, mystery and suspense Movies: Romance, mystery, thriller Sports, recreation: biking, tai chi Did he play in school: Color: Best way to spend a weekend: reading, or driving on a road trip A great gift for this person: Tea, books, Pets: 0 Vehicles: small economy car What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.) and which does he like best: Typical expressions When happy: When angry: When frustrated: When sad: Idiosyncrasies: Laughs or jeers at: Ways to cheer up this person: Ways to annoy this person: don't follow through Hopes and dreams: to spread the gospel in any way she can How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams: Helps with the church's outreach, SS and Choir What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why: Greatest success: Biggest trauma: Husband dies of Pancreatic cancer Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: What does he care about most in the world: Does he have a secret: secretly would like to have a male friend. Not necessarily a husband If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: own an DYI shop He is the kind of person who: What do you love most about this character: Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: SHe's just like most women How is the character ordinary or extraordinary: She is ordinary. What christian women would like to be How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary: God put them there to meet. Core Need: Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions, compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses, behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias): Anecdote (defining moment): History: |