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When you can't tell if all that knocking means someone wants in or out... |
Word Count: 743 of 750 MAX DAY30 Prompt: Challenge: You are to write in first-person POV a character who is mad, or is descending into madness. You should try to mix narration and thoughts together to form an unreliable narrator, or do away with narrative altogether and write a 'stream-of-consciousness' story. However you choose to do it, the style of writing should match the characters (descent into) madness. Why won’t the knocking stop? I can’t even remember when it began. Was it when I woke up or while driving to work? I don’t know, it feels like its been going on forever. I told Brian about it when I saw him in the cafeteria but he just looked at me like I was weird. I couldn’t even finish my fucking lunch because of it. Then that meeting; good lord I wanted to kill everyone in that room. I caught them stealing glances at me. I know they can hear the knocking too. Why won’t anyone just admit it? I could barely hear what was being said over the tick, tick, tick. I should be thankful it isn’t getting louder though it would at least be a change of some sort. I ran into Gary while taking a piss and he told me I looked like shit. I’m not sure what he meant by that. I look fine so I’m guessing he was trying to let me know he understood what was going on with me. It wasn’t a straight up admission but at least he has the balls to give me a nod and a wink. If I had been thinking clearly, hahahaha…fat chance on that, I would have taken Gary’s excuse and left early. How I ever made it home without murdering anyone is a feat on its own. Having to listen to that rapping while sitting in rusher traffic was a complete nightmare. The only things louder than my knocking were everyone’s car horns. I have to admit, there were a couple of moments that the combination of the two resembled precision and brass but it didn’t last long enough. Maybe acid jazz but what the fuck do I know? I tried playing with the kids, Timothy is finally getting the hang of catch. At least his throws reach my glove anyway. Marybeth needs to grow out of her princess phase real soon. If I run into one more tea party set or step on another goddamn tiara, I’m going to give her something to dry about. And you’d think Shelly would at least take my side on it. But no, she’s wants to play good parent, bad parent. Whatever…I told her about the knocking but she said I was crazy and laughed. LAUGHED!!! I swear to god she pisses me off sometimes. She stood up there next to me at church and repeated the same vows I did. I guess only one us meant any of it. Well fuck her. Fuck her and the kids too. I’m not making this shit up! This knocking is real and I don’t understand why no one wants to admit they hear it too. This isn’t funny, never was damnit. I don’t know what the game is here or how everyone decided I’d be “it” but they’d better have their laugh quick because I’m fed up with it all. No better yet, let them have their fun because when its all said and done the joke’s going to be on them. Shelly doesn’t know I snuck down to the basement and plugged my charger in. Speaking of, I should go check on it. Oh no, you just sit your ass right there and watch that television. I’m going down to my workspace. The charger light is green. It was red when I plugged the battery in so it should be ready to go. I’ve bee thinking about it now that I’ve got a plan. I can either go with a masonry bit which would be stronger than one of the twist bits, or a spur bit. The point would hold it in place long enough for the blade to gain a grip. Of course there’s also the hole saw but those don’t get very small and I’m afraid of making the exit unnecessarily large. I think I’m going to go with the masonry bit. I’ve got a good selection money sizes so I can start small and work up one at a time until I find the right size for the opening. Besides, if it can drill through concrete, it should get through bone pretty fast. Shelly’s going to be really disappointed in a few minutes when I spoil her fun. I’m pretty sure whatever they put in there is ready to get out and that’s why its been knocking. Don’t worry little fella, ready or not, here I come. |