Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2059388-Compromising-Situation-Part-5
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2059388
The trip comes to an end
I awoke again but this time I was not in my bed. I tried to stretch my arms and legs, but was stopped by a mesh barrier. I looked through and saw the same layout as my room, but all of our stuff was not there and it was replaced by somebody else's stuff. I saw that the bathroom light was on so I called out but my paci was stopping me. I spit it out, "Em?" I hollered.

A figure came out of the bathroom. Instead of Emily, it was the mom from the other night. "Our other baby girl is awake" she said talking to the baby that she was carrying. "Where is my family?" I asked.

"Disney Land" she responded. "I ran into your mommy at the breakfast this morning and she said that you were not feeling good, she said that meant that you and the girls were going to have to stay here all day. I offered to watch you so that her and the girls could go and you could hang out with us all day. I insisted that, even though you were sick, that it would be fine." Great I thought to myself.

She continued, "your mommy said that you wanted the girls and her to still be able to go, so she took me up on my offer. She then said that since she already had an extra ticket, that Lauren could go, that way she didn't have to stay inside and have the possibilty of getting sick too, and I knew Lauren always wanted to go, so I agreed. I told my husband that he should probably also get out of the house so he didn't get sick either. He decided that he would golf and hang around town all day, so it is just you, me, and Rosie."

"Thanks Miss-" I stopped not knowing what to call her.

"You can call me Auntie if you want" she replied.

I really didn't want to but she didn't give me a name to call her. "Well Auntie, thanks for offering to watch me, but I can watch myself" I insisted.

"Nonsense, I told your mommy I would watch you, so that's what I am going to do; now lets get you cleaned up" she said, placing her baby in the place I was currently sitting in and picking me up. She laid me on the bed and reached down for my diaper. I pulled on the bottom of my Minnie Mouse shirt trying to cover up my diaper so she couldn't undo it. I did not want her to see my secret.

"Don't be silly baby, your mommy already told me about your situation. I was really glad I didn't set up a play date with my daughter to play with a grown man. I know that you just wanted to see what it was like to be a girl and that you had accidents. The diapers will come in handy since you are sick.

I froze when she said that she knew I was a man. She capitalized on this moment, untaping my diaper and starting to clean me up. Defeated, I let it happen. This was not how I planned on spending today but I guess I didn't really have a choice. She powdered me and taped another Dora diaper on me, I realized that Em's mom must have given her supplies. She then turned on the tv and handed me a baby doll, "Sit here and play, and I will return with some food." She then popped my paci in my mouth and walked away.

She went to the fridge in the hotel and looked around for food. I placed the doll on the bed, not wanting to play with it, and looked at the TV. There was a show called Paw Patrol on, it was a cartoon about dogs solving problems.

Shortly, Auntie returned with a sandwich. I was hungy, so I took a bite; however, I couldn't swallow it. I spit it out, it happened to fall on my shirt.
"I can't eat this. I mean I am hungry but I just can't eat" I said to Auntie. She came over to me and took the sandwich, including the part that I spit out, " I have an idea" she said. She walked away and my eyes fell back on to the TV. The dogs were trying to figure out their shenanigans. Auntie returned, sitting me up. She wrapped something around my neck. I looked down, realizing that it was a pink bib that said "Mommy's Girl". "This is so we don't make a mess" she said. She lifted me onto her lap, placing my head on her shoulders.

She forced something into my mouth, instinctively I began to suck and noticed something coming out. It was a liquid and it kind of tasted like milk but not exactly. I looked down at what she was holding, it was a bottle. I realized that I was drinking formula and tried to spit out the bottle and liquid with it. That caused formula to go all over my face, bib, and Auntie. She pulled out the bottle and wiped my face with my bib. "Since you can't eat food and you have to eat, you will drink this. If you don't you will get a spanking. Now finish this while I go clean up." She forced the bottly back in my mouth and laid me back on the bed.

I realized that while drinking out of a bottle was embarrassing, she was right that I needed to eat. Plus I didn't want a stranger to give me a spanking. I picked up the bottle and began to drink. Auntie tended to Rosie as I was doing this, so I focused my eyes back on the TV.

A few minutes later, I realized that I was sucking on air, so I spit the bottle out. Auntie had just finished rocking Rosie to sleep, so she laid her in the playpen and came over to me. She took the bottle and placed it on the table. She then went into the bathroom and I heard the water running. She came back out, "we need to get you ready." She then picked me up, carried me into the bathroom, and laid me on the floor. She helped me get my shirt off, then my socks, finally my diaper. As I laid naked on the floor, she lifted me up and placed me in the tub.

"I can bathe myself" I protested.

"Just relax. I noticed that you had some stubble growing, so I thought that we could take care of that and I would make sure that your are totally clean. Just enjoy your bubble bath, play with these and let me do the work."

She handed me two Barbie dolls. I decided that maybe it was best to play with these and try to distract me from what was about to happen. I pretended that the Barbies were the girls and pretended they were at Disney Land. This did an okay job as a distraction. I was interupted by the occasional "Arms up","Head back","Lift your leg", and finally "Roll over".

After about 25 minutes, Auntie pulled the plug on the tub and told me to sit tight as she returned with my towel. I watched the water swirl around the drain, realizing that this is the first time I have seen this sensation since I was a kid. I hadn't taken a bath in a really long time. Auntie picked my up, waking me from my hypnotic state and placed me on the bath rug. She rubbed me dry from my head all the way to my toes. I noticed that all of my stubble was gone and I was completely shaven including my arms this time. Auntie wrapped me in my towel, locking my arms inside and carried me back to the bed.

She laid me down and shoved my paci back in my mouth. She unwrapped me from my towel and proceeded to diaper me, once again. She then placed some socks on me:


Next she grabbed a shirt and pulled it over my head.


She then sat me up and started to do my hair. "What about my pants?" I asked.

"Your mommy packed you jean shorts and those are harder to take on and off. Since we are just going to be hanging out here all day, you dont need pants. Plus you don't feel goo, so I might need to do a lot of changing."

She continued to do my hair. On cue, I felt an urge to go potty. Before I could even say anything, I relieved my self in my diaper. Thankfully it was only a number one. Auntie continued to do my hair and make up. I continued to watch TV, it was now a show called Jake and the Neverland Pirates. This was a cartoon spinoff of Peter Pan. I watched the show as there was nothing better to do. After Auntie finished, she asked how I was feeling. I told her that I was feeling better but still kind of hungry. "How about I give you another bottle and for dinner we can try solid food?" Before I could answer, she left and returned with another bottle. She picked me up and sat down in a chair, resting my head on her shoulder, and shoving the bottle in my mouth.

I started to drink. While drinking, she started to rock and eventually I nodded off to sleep.

I woke up again, this time back in the playpen. "Good, just in time. How are you feeling?"

"Fine" I said groggily.

"Okay, it is time to go get dinner" she said picking me up. "We will be right back" I heard her say looking over at somebody else in the room.

"Where are we going" I asked.

"Your uncle came home early, so I decided to go get some food for everybody. He said that he is not going to be responsible for somebody else's baby so I decided to take you with me."

I became unhappy with her and her husband calling me a baby; however, that reminded me that I was only wearing a diaper for pants. "I need pants" I said, nearly shouting.

She shoved my paci in my mouth, "Don't worry, it'll only be a few minutes and nobody will care." I started to kick my legs and swing my arms, trying to shake loose. She placed me on the ground and smacked me as hard as she could against my diapered bottom. I started to walk away back towards the bed as my diaper saved me from the pain. She then came behind me, lifting me up and throwing my on the bed. She then sat on my back and asked Uncle for help. He came over and held me down and she stood up, pulled down the back of my diaper. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*, three quick, hard spankings.

Those ones hurt, so I began to tear up. She pulled the back of my diaper back up, placed my slides back on me and carried me once more. She shoved my paci back in my mouth, which fell out during the spanking. "Now are you going to be good, or will I have to do that again?" she asked. I nodded, confirming that I would not fight what was about to happen.

We exited the hotel room and headed to the lobby. Instead of heading out the door, we stopped at the front desk. She sat me up on the desk and rang the bell. A worker approached her, giving me a strange look he asked her

"What can I help you with." She asked for more towels to be delivered to their room. After that, she picked me back up and headed towards the parking lot. We went to her car and she opened the back door. Inside, there was a booster seat, which she sat me in and then buckled me up. I was going to argue but then remembered what happened last time I did that.

She got in the driver seat and we were headed to get some food. She stopped at a Mexican restaurant and got me out of the car. She lifted me up and we headed inside. Once again, I recieved a lot of weird looks but nobody said anything. She sat me down on the table and ordered a bunch of food, including one tacos for me to try eating. Inside the restaurant, I felt the urge to go potty. Once again, before I could do anything about it, I relieved myself- going number 1 and number 2. At least the number 2 was solid this time. I didn't say anything and after placing the order, Auntie helped off the table and we walked over to the waiting bench.

Another 20 minutes went by and we were told our food was ready. She asked if I would walk to the car since she had to carry the food. I happily agreed and slowly waddled behind Auntie to the car. When we got there, I opened the back door, sat in the booster seat, and buckled myself up. Auntie told me how proud of my she was and we headed back to the hotel.

Auntie placed the food on a table at the common room and told me to watch it while she got Uncle and Rosie. I sat down, realizing that I was wearing a dirty diaper in public. I knew if I told Auntie, she would change me whereever we were so I decided to wait until we got back to the hotel room. I hoped that the smell wouldn't be too noticeable.

Auntie, Uncle, and Rosie returned and I began to pass out the food. Auntie and Uncle started to chow down and I decided to try to eat my taco. I put it in my mouth to chew but once again, I couldn't swallow so I spit it out.

"Don't like it?" Uncle asked.

"I just can't eat it" I responded.

"Well, we will get you some different food when we get back to the room" Auntie said.

I watched as they ate their food and Rosie drank out of her bottle. I wondered if I looked like that much of a baby when I did it. A few people walked through the lobby as they were eating. I tried to shrink down so they couldn't see me. Also during this time, I emptied my bowels for another time, filling the diaper.

After they finished eating, Auntie picked me up and carried me back to the room. Uncle did the same with Rosie. Auntie felt my full diaper and said that she would change me while I was eating. She said that the formula I have been drinking was full of fiber so she understood that I had to go potty alot. Auntie sat me on the bed and went to get me food. She returned, placing a bib back on me and shoving a bottle into my mouth.

"Come on, really? He is 20 years old, wearing a diaper dressed as a girl wasn't bad enough? Now he drinks from a bottle?" Uncle murmurred not so quietly.

I began to tear up, Auntie recognized my displeasure immediately. "Be nice,
he is just exploring his desire to dress as a girl. I don't want to hear anything else about it." She picked me up and started to bounce me and pat my stinky bottom, trying to calm me down as I drink from my bottle.
He had a point though. Was I really acting like this? Did I like it? These questions ran through my mind as I was feeding. A knock on the door interrupted them. Auntie opened it, "Mommy is here!" "Mommy" I questioned aloud.

"Hey sweetie" she said. taking me from Auntie. "Is that good?" she asked.

I spit the bottle out of my mouth causing it to fall on the floor. Lauren picked it up and handed it back to me. "There you go baby" she said.
Auntie explained to Mommy that I couldn't eat so that was our only option.

"Well then you better eat" Mommy said placing the bottle back in my mouth. Reluctantly, I sucked back on the bottle.

Mommy and Auntie conversed back and forth about how me and Lauren were really good, and we had fun, etc. During this conversation, I felt myself use my diaper to empty my bowels, again without a warning. My diaper filled, nearly to explostion. Mommy must have felt her arm get warm from me filling my diaper and said that we had to go back to our room to change me. Auntie apologized, saying that she was going to but got sidetracked. Mommy said it was okay and then we headed back to our room.

We entered the door and were greeted instantly by Em. This caused me to drop my bottle on the floor. She gave me a big kiss on the cheek and told me she missed me. She then set me down and bent over to get my bottle.

"Oh, you can take this" she said surprised at what she was holding.
"It's the only thing they had" I explained.

"Ok" she said patting my bottom, "we should probably get you changed. I walked into the bathroom and laid on the floor. Em's mom came in the bathroom with another diaper. As she started to remove my used one, she recognized my bib. "Mommy's Girl?" she asked. I pulled out my bottle, "I guess that makes me your girl, according to Auntie" I said placing my bottle back in my mouth. "Auntie huh?" she said removing my diaper. She cleaned me up and placed a new diaper on me. "Let's get you in your PJs, then we can watch a movie before bed."

Mommy returned, taking my bottle, and helping me out of my day clothes and into my jammies.


She then returned my bottle, lifted me up, and carried me to my bed. Em was sitting all the way by the headboard with her legs spread. Em's mom placed me in between her legs, so I leaned back resting my head on her stomach. I continued to suck on my bottle as Em started to play with my hair and tell me all about her day.

Em's mom started the movie, it was the new Cinderella. They had picked it up today at the theme park. As we were watching the movie and while I was drinking from my bottle, resting on Em while she played with my hair, I fell asleep.

I spent the rest of my vacation as a glorified baby. I recovered from my sickness, but I never went back to wearing my undies; instead, I got into the habit of using my diapers and having either Em, Mommy, or Auntie change me. Even though I could eat solid food again, I still used a bottle as a snack or filled it with water or juice when we left the hotel.

It wasn't uncommon for me to walk around in public wearing only a diaper and a shirt- our last day at Disney, I didn't even wear pants. People would sometimes give me strange looks but I had already been embarrassed to an extreme, so nothing else really got to me. I also went on another date with Em, only wearing a diaper; we went to a local fair and spent time together. Having somebody carry me, push me in a stroller, and change me so I didn't have to go potty was a convience for me. I decided that the clothes were much more comfortable than boy clothes, so I didn't even try to argue and went with the flow.

We had woken up on our last day and packed our suitcases and bags. I threw on socks and a shirt, but I decided to not even bother to wear pants as I would have to get a diaper change eventually.



Since I was diapers almost full time, I had run out of my Dora ones, so Mommy had to buy new ones for me.


These ones had Minnie and Mickey on them. These ones were designed for movement, so I didn't need to be carried everywhere. We carried out luggage out to the van and headed to the airport.

We checked our bags in and went through security. There was a lady who screened me, she gave me a pat on my diaper and said that I needed a "pat down". She thought it was hilarious but we continued to our flight. We stayed up the whole flight talking about how fun vacation was. I had used my portable potty (diaper) a few times, so when we got off, I needed to be changed. I was not worried about being found out as I still looked like a little girl.

I followed Em into a stall and she proceeded to change me. When we arrived, we noticed the snow on the ground, so Em pulled out warmer clothes from out bags and placed me in them.


We then went back to Em's house.

"So, what do you think?" Em's mom said. I was unsure about the question and she could tell. "Are you going to go back to wearing boy or girl clothes?"

I remembered why we even started this in the first place. Even if I wanted to wear my boy clothes, I think I would have to wear my diapers until I re-potty trained myself.

"I think I should try my boy clothes again and I can make the decision tomorrow." I then went and got my clothes from Em's room and put them back on. I decided to leave the diaper on, as I didn't want to have an accident. I then used Em's computer and checked my school email, something I haven't done all vacation. One of them was a notification telling me that my roomate had moved out. I continued scrolling and noticed one from him telling me he had moved in with his girlfriend.

I told the girls. "Well, maybe Em could fill that spot" Em's mom said. "I haven't really talked to anybody about this yet, but with the money I got, I was thinking about moving into a different house. One better fit for living. If Em were to live on campus, I wouldn't have to worry about location as much." Within an hour of having this conversation, Em was signed up to live with me.

As we were all tired from vacation, we decided to save unpacking for tomorrow and go to bed. I fell asleep, this time in my boy clothes. I awoke multiple times in the night, I wasn't really sure why. In the morning, I entered the kitchen and sat down for breakfast. My diaper was once again wet, but that was no longer a surprise.Once again, I was asked about my decision for clothes.

"If you were to start wearing girl clothes, now would be a good time. I would be your roommate and since it's the start of a new semester, you would have all new classes. I bet you could have the school change your name on the teachers roster, so nobody would suspect that you were a boy!"

She had a point. "Either way, I would have to wear diapers since I have lost control of myself. I guess pretending to be a girl would at least be comfortable, as long as nobody would notice me."

"I promise they won't! We can call the school tomorrow, I know that they can have your name changed and I will make sure that they won't change it on your degree or maybe we can change it back before hand." Em was excited.

I guess it seemed possible, "I think I want to get out of the diapers, even though not walking down to the bathroom would be convinient" I commented.

"We can do that, I watched mom potty train Bri, so I can help you. We can get you a sticker chart and everything. Maybe we could even take you underwear shopping and use those as incentive. We should also get you less kiddy clothes, we can take you back to school shopping! I can't wait to room with you my love!" Em exclaimed.

I loved that Em was excited and I was lowkey excited too. I wanted to get out of my boy clothes and back into my new wardrobe. I picked out the following outfit:




And that was the start of my first semester as Sarah.
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