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Something strange happens to a teenage guy. |
The Change Day 1 - Adapting to my new body has been hard it feels weird to had long flowing hair and a vagina my penis is gone i have no clothes that fit me so i had to borrow some underwear from my mum this bra is caving me and these panties are tight tomorrow my mum is going out to buy me some girly clothes that actually fit my new body it's been hard adapting and i think I'm going to start calling myself Danielle - 'Danielle' Day 2 - I'm still adapting to my new body I've had to sit in the same underwear it's still caving me but luckily today my mum bought be some clothes for me they fit a lot better the bra and underwear are a lot more comfortable I've skinny jeans t shirts socks shoes all to fit my female body I'm still learning to be more ladylike like sitting down when i pee and crossing my legs and not touching myself tomorrow I'm going to try and get in to my old school again but for some reason my mind keeps thinking of girly things like hot guys makeup and clothes it's weird i would of never given them a second thought when i was a guy that ray is slowly turning me into a girly girl I'm think I'm going to stick with the name Danielle it's cute and i think it suits my hot bod - Danielle Day 3 - Today when i went to school I was getting weird looks as i was talking to the head of year a lot of people were just staring at me it was weird but now I'm a hot girl that's whats going to happen so i went to the uniform shop and got my new uniform because i got accepted into wade deacon it felt weird wearing a skirt it felt open like everyone could see my junk but i quickly realized that i didn't have a dick anymore so i went to the shoe shop and found these adorable pumps and i have to wear knee high socks which felt really strange so i came home and just stared in the mirror thinking how should i do my hair and should i wear makeup not on my first day i thought why am i thinking about these things I'm a guy in a girls body i should love video games and food not makeup and my hair what's happening to me. - Danielle Day 4 - First day back at school , again wearing a skirt feels weird , every time i walk past a guy they turn and stare at me i blush then go away its so hard to keep up the act of me being a girl , I made some new friends and because I'm hot i am now friends with the hot girls in my year and the other weird thing , this random kid asked me out so i said yes , all the other girls just stared at me and said that's the hottest guy in school so now I'm going out with the hottest lad in school . Does that make me gay or just normal. - Danielle Day 5 - Second day at back at a school , It was normal until some girls asked me to a sleepover on Saturday , so I'm going to my first sleepover as a girl , now I've got to get some cute pj's a sleeping bag and i don't know maybe some pics of guys what do you even bring to these things , anyway I've got a bit more used to this body and I've got used to the habits like sitting down when i pee , crossing my legs when i sit down and some other little habits like tucking my hair behind my ear so see you Sunday and ill try to write everything down. - Danielle Day 8 - So the sleepover , any guys dream to hot chicks get unchanged into too cute pajamas but actually i was phased at all I'm adapting to this body quite well i feel like a real girl inside and out , I have become the girl i have dreamed of having , even though my head is feeling with girly thoughts by the second , i want anyone who finds this to keep my secret safe that i was not always who you might seem , I was once a guy looked down upon but now I'm looked up to as a role model for younger girls I'm finally know who i am , I am Danielle, A hot 15 year old girl. Now to pick which dress and shoes i want for prom I'm so excited. -Danielle |