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the feeling of becoming clearer, truer and hence younger as years pass. |
LIFE AFTER 50 It is a curious thing that as we reach the age of fifty, We become younger and younger. All falsehoods, illusions fall away, All the things you always knew were true comes to be true!! You become aware fully of death, and cherish every moment, And what ego would remain at 50, you now want to fulfill All your deepest desires, in work and life, you are really now Proud of all the hard good work you have done all your life, Life becomes sentimental in a deep sense, you feel so much love And benevolence, you forgive and forget the petty conflicts, You now have nothing to lose and only to live every moment, You now take quietly the real risks, knowing that no more Compromises need be necessary, you lose the sense of time, And are lost to the beauty and wonder of all that there is, Sounds and sights become intense, every moment is impregnated With joy, fresh you are like a child, and ageless, you feel young Almost literally, like a second, clearer, and more intense youth, Everybody interests you now, you see the pain of the world and its Foolishness starkly and nakedly, you are too clear, almost Obvious, AND BECOME QUIETLY RUTHLESS, your real work Starts, every moment is a leap taken, you begin almost anew, And work of the highest kind is yet again begun in earnest, All that you have within you needs an outlet, urgency is at its peak You LOVE THIS EARTH AND ALL THERE IS IN IT like a miracle Life begins every moment after 50!! Ever fresh, ever life, everlasting!!! Narendra Kumar |