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The Information Subject
sociolgoy is the stuyd of how people interact, peopel interact baesd on their own eomtions and eac hothers emotjions, people interact based on actions, they agree on what an action ameans and what they want each other to do , how people inteact in small groups is sociology on the micro level and also social psychology

There are insturctjions on how to interact these insturctions can be thought of as the software of the central nervous system, people use their natural language to communciate along with their machinary (their anatomy) to work togehter to realy their message, aperson starts communicating because they ahve subatomic molecules , elements and atomic moelus with more than one lement connected to them to make people feel, it can be good or bad: what's machine langue wehn does ap erson start wanting to rfeel a certain way, does this have something to do with being rewarded
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