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The story of two very different and opposite siblings. |
In a time before you and I, in a place very far away from home there once live two brothers. The younger brother was greedy, selfish, and a true womanizer. He would spend all his days lazing around the fields sleeping away as others do his work and at night he'll be surrounded by a dozen beautiful women but abuse them and treat them harshly for he believes that woman are inferior to men. The elder brother was a kind and gentle man who works harder than anybody else on the fields during the day and at night he spends it reading and studying at home while his father sleeps and his brother is out. Unlike his younger sibling the elder brother upholds a code of gallantry for all women regardless of age, race, or origin. Every day the brothers would leave to work but only the older one will be in the fields all day while the younger one hides and sleep until lunch and the elder brother will call out, "Brother why is it that you refuse to work every day?" "Because foolish brother of mine, I am far too important to work. Why should I work today if I have to work again tomorrow? Besides you always do my work as well as your own and we both still get paid." Every day as his elder brother asks he responds the same way. In their home town there also lives a diplomat and his daughter who happens to be the most beautiful girl ever seen. Clear crystal like eyes that glisten in the sun, hair that shines as the waves from the sea, and a voice beyond serene that the wind welcomes her. Smitten by her appearance the younger brother makes it his mission to win her heart from that day on. He tries to shower her with bushel after bushel of flowers, present her with endless gifts of the fanciest kind, and confess his love so many times it echoes nonstop. However all his attempts have failed and she rejects him day after day. One morning while she was walking down the road leading through the fields she was captured by a small group of bandits and carried into the fields. Bounded by ropes she struggles to escape, but just as she thought her fate has come one of the bandits was taken out by a rock, soon another was taken out, and the rest were all struck down by a large branch. She was rescued by none other than the older brother; he cut her free from the ropes and escorts her back to the road without saying much of a single word only to return to the fields. The next day she passes by the local school where she finds the elder brother again playing games with the smaller children. It was the first she has ever seen him laughing and smiling as the children ran around, leaped on his back, and roll around between his legs. At one point he spots her watching them and the elder brother asks one of the smaller children to deliver a flower to her and after she receives her delivery he's gone yet again. That evening on her return home she sees him once more out on a hill looking up at the sky through a spy glass. She approaches him ever so carefully to avoid startling him. As she draws closer he finally spoke his first few words, "Good evening miss. How are you on such a pleasant night?" "Very well and I thank you kind sir for all that you have done for me. I have never met such a kinder man." "It's a peculiar thing that my kindness can attract your attention, while my brother tells me that my kindness is futile when it comes to women. Unlike me he sees women as an unenlightened man and constantly belittles them as he spends his evenings surrounded by them. Despite our disagreements I only wish that he takes other interests." He continues to search the sky until he invited her to look up along with him. He guide her through the sky pointing out constellations, planets, and features on the moon. As they gaze up at the sky together the younger brother was passing by with his company laughing and feeling mighty until he notices the girl with his brother together on top of the hill. The sheer sight has made him furious for his brother has accomplished what he couldn't. From that point on the brother schemes to rid of his older sibling and his so called preposterous ways. The next morning the brothers leave their home the same as every day and headed for the fields. The older brother began working but the younger brother slips away through the woods and headed for the tavern where he spends his evenings. He opens the cellar doors and headed down the steps into the dark where the only light came from the floor boards above. Hiding in the shadows below is the same group of bandits who tried to kidnap the girl from before. "Gentlemen, I called you here to make an interesting proposition. Earlier you were stopped by my older brother out in the fields during one of your robbing's. I have a plan to get your revenge with him and I'll make it worth your wild if you succeed." They shook on it and they discussed their plan for the rest of the morning. By lunch the younger brother returns to the field before the older brother calls him for lunch and as they ate their meal the younger told his older brother, "You know brother I've been thinking about what you said. Maybe I should give more effort in my work." "Really you would do that?" "Oh yes and just to prove it I'll take over for the rest of the day. Besides I heard that father has fallen ill and he needs some help right away. You should head home before me." After lunch the older brother left the fields and headed home leaving the younger brother behind with an evil sinister grin across his face. During that time at the home of the diplomat's he girl receive a letter signed from the older brother inviting her for a moonlit picnic out in the fields. Overjoyed with excitement she prepares herself by wearing her most beautiful dress of silk, a rose in her hair to compliment her rosy cheeks and cherry lips, and departed for the fields by sundown. When the older brother returned home he was surprised to see that the entire house was empty except for a note on the table. It read that their father has left the town for the day and that he won't return until later that evening. Puzzled about this news the brother decided to return to the fields but as he stepped out the door he was ambushed by the bandits from before. He was bound and blinded as they pulled him down the road to the fields where the younger brother waited for them. "Excellent work gentlemen, as promised here is your reward." He tossed a large bag of gold in front of them and before they left they were instructed to dispose of the older brother by any way. Down the road they travel and younger brother returns to the field to wait for the girl, but hiding in the bushes nearby was a small child, one of the many that the older brother has visited. He overheard the terrible peril that was about to befall on his gentile friend and ran back to town for help. The bandits dragged the brother's body to the edge of the canyon filled with piercing rocks and daggering cliffs. Just as they were about to toss his body to his death they began to be pelted by eggs from behind. They turn to find small children armed with sticks and stones and as they attacked them they return to the trees to hide but while the bandits chased them one boy slipped by to the older brother and set him free. He and the boy hid nearby waiting for the bandits to return and upon their arrival they sprang a hidden trap that left them hanging upside down in the trees. They laughed at the bandits' suspense but only for a short time and they headed back to town to retrieve the police. As the girl enters the field she searches for him until she reaches the clearing but the area was completely blank. She stood beneath the full moon alone for a few minutes before she saw a shadowy figure at the edge of the clearing. With a rapid movement he grabbed and silenced her dragging her struggling body back to town and up the bell tower. When the older brother and children returned to the police the entire force was out looking for the girl. Worried with great disbelief they aid in their searched until they found her hanging from the bell tower along with the figure on the edge holding her by a rope. The diplomat, brought down to his knees, begged for his daughter safety. The figure began calling out his demands but while he was distracted the older brother scale the tower from behind and reached the top. He grabbed the very end of the rope and tied it to the bell and as the figure continues with his demands the older brother took hold of him and tossed him to the other end of the tower. Just after he freed the girl the figure pulled a knife but as he tried to stab him the brother grabbed the rope, slipped a noose on his ankle, and dodge his attack causing him to fall off the tower and hang in the air. As he swayed side to side his disguise was lost revealing the face of the younger brother for all to see. The young boy who has heard of the plot confesses to the police and the younger brother along with the bandits is placed in jail for the remainder of their days. Despite being jailed the older brother visits his younger sibling often only to receive a look of disgust from him. As for the older brother he lived more happily with his father and shortly afterwards he and the girl were married. Many of the women who came were a little envious of the bride for now they see the true nature of a good, gentle, and ideal man. They now see it is someone who would never belittle them but view them as equals, people, and intelligent. The bride was lucky to marry someone like the older brother and they remain happy and cheerful for the rest of their days. |