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Anya continues to aid her new friend, but will her new form be enough? Find out Here! |
" Undersea Battle" The Surface of the ocean was an eery quiet and calm. Unlike an hour ago when the Mechanical Kraken smashed the ship in half. Fortunately thanks to the efforts of Cassie's mother and Anya's father Curtis. The majority of the passengers were able to get to an emergency ship, just before the final tip of the ship sank into the ocean depths. The Coast guard had received an S.O.S. just before the ship arrived, right after Cassie's Mother had warned the passengers that they were about to lose their lives. Fearing for the live's and having the desire to fight the passengers quickly managed to turn the tides and escape. So far there was no reported loss of lives, but Curtis stayed behind on the Coast guard's ship in hopes to find the people that were yet to be found. A man in the ocean with no life jacket begins to start to sink to the bottom. " Help!" He yells. The Coast Guard are quick to action and throw him a life raft while others, head down the ladder to a small life raft, to aid him and getting him on board the Coast Guard ship, Curtis looks at the man and easily recognizes him as one of the henchmen that attacked the ship! "Where is She?!" Curtis asks in a demanding manor. " I don't know what you are talking about?" The guy says. Curtis only gets more infuriated by this response. " Don't lie to me, You took her didn't you!" Unfortunately he had no idea who he was talking about. " Took Who?" The man asked. "My daughter you took her from me didn't you! I know you were with the men that attacked the cruise ship!" Curtis responded. " You have a daughter?" The man asks, as if surprised to hear about this information. Curtis eagerly tries to confront the man through his fist enraged that his daughter has yet to be found. Fortunately the men on board the ship are able to stop him. " Calm down, we know she's one of the persons missing on the list, but attacking him isn't the answer." One of the Coast Guard says. Curtis quickly calms down realizing that he is right, acting like an angry maniac will not be able to help find his daughter quickly. All he can do for now is hope that she stays safe where ever she is. "Alright, I think you got it by now, your a far better swimmer with a tail then when you first transformed. " Penelope said. Anya knew she was right, when she first transformed she had to get used to both talking and swimming underwater, thankfully Penelope's advice helped her a substantial amount in that. " Thank's Penelope your advice to use the current instead of trying to go against was quite helpful. Now let's rescue your family." Anya said. Anya followed Penelope cautiously and carefully, from her experience on the cruise ship. She knew these men meant business. She wouldn't let that stop her from rescuing Penelope's family. Thankfully Penelope knew a back way into the underwater cave she lead Anya too, this way fortunately didn't have camera's so her presence remained undetected. That was the first key into rescuing Penelope's family safely. The cave they went in had a massive air pocket, and was capable of holding quite a few people in it. upon further looking it was a perfect base for the mechanical Kraken that attacked the cruise ship. As Anya slowly raised her eyes into the cave, you saw that horrible machine for the second time. Fortunately it was empty, but she had yet to see Penelope's family. " Where's your family Penelope?" Anya asked. " I don't know, I'll have to ask them." She said. " I won't be able to rescue them if I get caught! We can't just ask them." Anya told her. " Then change into your fairy form and look for them, while I ask them." Penelope told Anya. Anya never had more than one form before so you weren't exactly sure how to, but you decided to ask the voice from the medallion. " Medallion, I need to find Penelope's family but I can't do it, in the mermaid form. Is it possible to switch forms?" Anya ask it. The Medallion's response was quite swift. " Yes, All you have to do is hold the Medallion and imagine your other form and then you will switch to that form." The Voice told her. Anya then nodded and switched into her fairy form, While Penelope distracted the guards by letting them know she has came back. Anya soon found herself once again in her fairy form. With her small stature she would surely be able to look without being too noticeable. " I'm back, Will you let my family go now?" Penelope asked. Much of the guards came quickly to where Penelope was allowing Anya the freedom to search the hideout. " Good Work girl, but I don't think we'll be letting you or your family go anytime soon." One of the guards said to Penelope. While the guards were busy taunting Penelope, Anya used her fairy form to fly and search the underground cavern cautiously while avoiding being detected by the guards. She searched everywhere in the caverns but found no such luck in finding her parents. Anya despite having yet to find them did not give up, she continued to look for them, and if she still couldn't find them, then perhaps she would find the answer inside the building where all the people who operated the metal Kraken. Meanwhile back on the surface of the water Curtis had continued to look for any signs of his missing daughter. " We found several people Mr. Sapphire,but none of which are your daughter." One of the Coast Guards informed him. " Keep looking, She's out there. I just know it." He said. " Well, we do have some good news, We did manage to find your daughters friend, She calls herself Becky and Cassie Reign as well." The Coast guard informs him. This was good news to Curtis as he believed his daughter should of been with her friends when the ship sank. He quickly approached the two guards who were still very wet. " Becky, you are safe that's a relief. Wasn't Anya with you when the ship was attacked? Do you know where she went? " Curtis asked. Becky simply shook her head. " After the Dining Hall incident I saw her run off with another girl. Her name was Penelope I don't think she would harm Anya though, I don't even know the reason she ran off." Becky said. " I believe you, but this makes me even more worried." Curtis said. " Why would your daughter running off with another girl make you more worried." Cassie asked. " That's simple, there was no one named, Penelope on the crew's list or the guest list. So who ever she was she wasn't supposed to be on the ship." Curtis said. Still worried about his daughter's safety he continued to stay on the Coast Guard ship, he would search the world for his daughter if he needed to, unfortunately it was getting quite late. " So she ran off with some girl who wasn't supposed to be there. Sounds like her." Cassie commented. " Cassie, Anya doesn't just run off without a reason, besides shouldn't you be trying to be nice to her at least." Becky said. " Our agreement was that I would be nice to her while we were on the cruise, now that the ship's sank I have no reason to." Cassie replied. Becky knew now she should have tried to explain it a bit more better of what she wanted Cassie to do. However it was far too late for that and with Anya's father hearing every word they were saying, Becky was concerned that all this would do would cause trouble for Anya. " Well, shouldn't you at least try be a bit more nicer to her father than at least? He's the one who's mostly worried about Anya." Becky asked. " Fine, just do me a favor and stop my mother from flirting with him." Cassie said hesitantly. Becky looked over where Anya's father is and indeed did see Cassie mother flirting with Curtis. She was a bit shocked by this especially since while she indeed had an overbearing mother she knew she would never flirt with another man especially since she's already married. " Does she do this all the time Cassie?" Becky asked. " All the time, doesn't even matter if the men are married or not, she still tries to find a new husband constantly, I don't see anything wrong with daddy though. Yet mother has always told me it's best to keep your options open. I am sure once Anya's mother comes back from whatever trip she's at they'll be fighting between the two." Cassie responded towards Becky's question. " You will not have to worry about that Cassie, it's not my place to tell you but Anya's mother died a couple of years ago." Becky told Cassie. " I didn't know." Cassie said. There was a long pause between Becky and Cassie where they just sat and waited for each other to speak, but neither of them did. Shortly after Becky went towards Cassie mother who was currently flirting with Curtis trying to win him over. " Now's not the time Mrs. Reign. What's important right now is that we find as much people as we can." Curtis said. " You are such a dependable man, unlike my husband who's hardly there anymore. I'm sure we could talk a bit more about it, say about dinner time?" Mrs. Reign asked. Curtis was annoyed by Mrs. Reign's flirtatious behaviour, mostly cause all that was on his mind was to find his daughter. " I'm very sorry Mrs. Reign but I have more important things to do right now, so I'll have to decline your invitation." Curtis swiftly replied. Mrs. Reign was disappointed but it was obvious to anyone aboard the coast guard's ship that she had still yet to give up on the matter. Thankfully Becky interrupted her flirting. " Mrs. Reign, why don't you go and spend some time with your daughter for now." Becky suggested. Becky waited patiently for her response hoping that she wouldn't just flat out ignore her. Luckily Mrs. Reign did indeed respond to her. " I suppose I should comfort her, My daughter should be in despair from not having to get to sing in front of a crowd! She must be absolutely devastated!" Mrs. Reign exclaimed. She quickly went towards where Cassie was sitting, while Curtis talked to Becky. "I know that girl Penelope wasn't part of the ship and that Anya ran off with her, but do you know of a reason why she would do such a thing." Curtis asked. Becky thought about it for a moment her and Anya had been close all her life, but lately it seemed to her as if she was trying to hide something. Unfortunately she had yet to put her finger on what exactly she was hiding. " I am sure she has her reasons, but as for the girl Penelope perhaps one of the henchmen we rescued earlier could have the answer to that." Becky said. " Perhaps you're right Becky, if she wasn't with the crew or the passenger list perhaps the girl was with them. If that is true then that worries me even more, what reason would a young girl like herself have to hang around such criminals? I think it's time I found out." Curtis said, determined to find out the mystery girls motivation's he quickly went to the henchman that the Coast Guard had rescued earlier in the day. " Going to try to attack me again?" The man asked. " That depends on if you could answer my questions. First off who are you working for?" Curtis asked. " I don't know the guy I'm just some hired muscle, heck I never even meant him!" The man said. Curtis could tell that this man truly didn't know who they working for, but still it was a better approach than the last time he tried talking. " Surely you had some idea, you Knew exactly where to go to find that medallion!" Curtis yelled. " The leader, said someone told him about it." The man replied. " I think I heard him say it was inside information, but he would never trust hired thugs with all the information." Curtis was a bit shocked by this news, he know knew that they didn't know where to go, based just on a hunch. Someone who knew about the trip had told them. Which to him meant someone was using the Museum's privileges to enrich themselves. Yet he had no idea or clue who that could be. " Now one more question to answer, then I'll leave you be. The Girl with the lime green hair what connection do you have with her?" He asked. " NO! I will not tell you anything! The leader would have my head if I told you anything." The man said. While the other stuff he answered quite easily. It seems as though the leader wanted that information to leak out, but when it came to the girl the man had suddenly became tight lipped as if though there was something more going on. "Obviously, from your response you know a lot more about that girl, So tell me!" Curtis demanded. Despite his demands the man refused to talk any more about it. The man's refusal to talk to him made Curtis impatient and angry and soon he lashed out the guy yet again, but this time there weren't any Coast Guards near his location to stop him. Curtis punched the man in the face and then angrily yelled. " Tell me what you know about that girl!" The man shook his head indicating his constant refusal to give up this type of information. Curtis angered and enraged punched the man again, the only reason the man didn't respond to his punches himself was because he was tied up. " Tell me about the girl!" Curtis yelled still demanding to know the answers to his question. It took a few punches but eventually the man was finally ready to talk. " Alright! Alright Enough with the punching! I'll tell you all I know about her!" The man said. " Her name is Penelope and she is our pawn." " Your pawn, you mean she isn't one of you?" Curtis asked his rage now calmer than it was before. The man simply nodded. " Nah, if we didn't have your family she'd have left us alone but basically we use her song as a way to indicate when to talk. Once she starts to sing that's when we begin our attack." The man answered. Curtis wasn't sure but he was pretty sure this girl asked for his daughter's help to free her family. Unfortunately that was even more worrisome to Curtis. Mostly because he knew that his daughter would have no idea on what these men and their entire operation was completely capable of. Penelope still in the water awaiting news from Anya continued to distract the guards while she investigated the base. The guards of course were more than happy to watch Penelope's every move. She even decided that since she couldn't be of help on the land for the moment she would try to distract every single guard outside the compound. Penelope quickly decided the best way to do that was with her singing. " How about I sing a song for all you tough boys out there, You must have a stressful day today?" Penelope said. Most of the guards agreed to her idea at least until another guard came up and counter her offer. " You Idiots! Don't you see what she's going to do! She's trying to use her enchanting voice to lure us to her! Don't let her sing that Siren song! You idiots!" The Guard exclaimed. Penelope was disappointed that one of the guards was able to catch on to her plan so quickly. " Hope your having better luck than I am Anya." Penelope thought. While her plan to lure them into the water failed, she was about to think of another one at least until another guard spoke. " I want to hear her voice, but maybe if she's out of the water it wouldn't work like a Siren's song then." This guard suggested. Penelope tried to hide her smile from the guards for a bit, thankfully she knew that her enchanting voice would work both with her Human and mermaid form about the same. She now just had to hope the slightly smarter guard wouldn't realize this. She looked at that one particular guard in detail awaiting the words he would be saying and hoping that he wouldn't realize how her abilities worked either. " Get Her out of the water and dry, Then tie her up! Once we've done that then you idiot's can hear her sing all you want, least that way you wont be enchanted or mesmerized by her song. " The Slightly smarter guard said. All the guards then went and nodded back to him and Penelope herself got out of the water and the guards didn't take long for them to tie her up. Penelope knew she had to let the guards think they had her tied tightly and put in a location far from water. It was then that the guards outside of the compound then spoke the words she had been waiting for. " Alright let's hear your song." The guards said. Penelope than begin her plan to mesmerize the guards with her Siren song in order to secure the outside of the compound. She did this mainly knowing that when Anya got out from inside the compound she would surely have her family and they needed a way to escape. Anya earlier in her fairy form had decided to use the air vents in the compound as a way to sneak around without going notice, as well as avoid any camera's to evade the security. She had her fair share of challenges in the vents as well especially where there were fans. Luckily her fairy bullet attack was enough to stun the fan long enough so she can get through. The Only downside was she had yet to find any signs of Penelope's family. "If I was someone bent on using some mechanical Kraken contraption and a mermaid to hijack and steal items from cruise ships, where would I hide her family members?" Anya thought to herself. She so far had looked in four rooms in the compound and have yet to find any trace of Penelope's family. So far they were nowhere to be found. Despite that she wasn't going to give up looking for them. Nor was she going to believe in the worst case scenario she would complete her mission and find them. Of course the more rooms she looked in the more she got worried of something she hadn't even thought of. All the guards in the compound have guns which would make getting out much more difficult. Anya didn't want to get out only for Penelope's family to get killed in the process. While she was searching for any sign of Penelope's family her thoughts about what to do about the guards began to occupy her mind. " Even if I do find her family I still have to find a way out of this place, but how am I going to do that? She thought. Anya's mind occupied and having yet seen no trace of Penelope's family had finally found the main area of the compound. A man was standing and talking to someone on a huge television screen. She couldn't see or make out the voice of the man on the television, but with the man talking to the guy on television. She was easily to recognize him as the leader of this operation. " Do you have it?" The shadowy figure on the television asked. The Leader simply nodded and showed him a medallion. It looked kind of similar to Anya's but she could tell right away from how the runes on the medallion that it was extremely different from the medallion she had. " This will be the first of your collection will it not?" The leader asked. " Ah, it's So beautiful I can not wait to have it's power! The first of seven, indeed but once I have them all I will be unstoppable!" The shadowed figure on television continued to speak. " Now that we have this we no longer need this Kraken Operation, exterminate those pesky mermaids at once!" " Great, just great now I have to hurry and rescue them, before it's too late. But I have yet to find them. I know I'll carefully follow the leader and hopefully he will lead me to them." Anya thought to herself. She quickly composed herself and began to follow the leader in the air vents and waited for him to lead her to Penelope's family. The leader went straight down the hallway and towards a room Anya had been to before where a few guards were posted. " Leave." The Leader said. The guards in the room quickly left after he said that, it was then that he pulled a lever behind a case that opened a secret door. " No wonder I couldn't find them, they were in a secret room." She thought to herself. Unfortunately as she looked, she noticed that there was no air vent leading into the secret room. If Anya was going to get there she would have to get out of the air vents and face the leader. The only downside to that is she knew her fairy bullet wouldn't be able to stun him unless she was human sized. Anya quickly rushed in the room and quickly returned to her Human form. She then found and pulled the lever the leader had pulled. Luckily the leader was distracted with all his gloating to the family of mermaids. " Your family has been quite useful to us, but now it's time for us to end this partnership and it will be my pleasure to end your life." The leader said, while pulling out his gun and slowly taking his time to aim it slowly. Unfortunately he soon found himself stunned and incapable to move. He was however unable to move because he had been hit with Anya's magic bullet which would stun him for awhile. " Hello, Sorry to interrupt but your daughter Penelope told me to rescue you." Anya said. Looking closely she saw that these mermaids looked similar to Penelope with slightly different features. There were at least five of them. Anya had finally found them. Now all she had to was get out of the compound safely. Fortunately for the mermaids, she had finally came up with a plan to do just that. " Thank you for rescuing us, but now how exactly do you plan to get out of here." The largest of Penelope's family asked. From what you could tell he had lime green hair like his daughters, a very rugged figure and virtually no facial hair. Despite the lack of facial hair he was still able to look quite manly. The other had similar length hair to Penelope's and was definitely more curvy than she was. Her hair was more of a bluish green instead of a lime and she looked much older compared to Penelope. Anya quickly figured she must be Penelope's mother. " If we put them asleep, for awhile they wont be able to chase us." Anya said. Her Family agreed that it was a good idea, but then one of the younger mermaids interrupted you. " Do you even know how to do that? Don't come any farther you don't want the leader to see your face do you?" The young mermaid asked. Anya definitely didn't want the leader to see her face, but she still needed to get to them. It was shortly after you concentrated combining what you have learned from being both fairy and Mermaid and slowly in your mind a new spell begin to form. You took the spell towards your mouth and quickly blew it in front of the leaders face. The leader was now both stunned and asleep which would make it easier for you to get out now, but you still had other guards. " I just learned that spell, I think I'll call it Fairy mist, A mist that puts anything to sleep." Anya said confidently. The mermaids were impressed and you began to untie them and told them of the rest of your plan. Once you had put them to sleep the rest of the mermaids would then go throughout the compound and disarm them of there guns, clearing the path completely. Anya once again transformed into her fairy form and went towards the area where she could get the best coverage of her spell. She quickly cast it and concentrated on it. It wasn't too long before every guard in the compound was now suddenly asleep. Once they were asleep Penelope's family began disarming them of there guns so that they wouldn't be shot at. Fortunately once all the guards were unarmed it would be time to make there escape. Anya used the air vents still in her fairy form and the rest of them ran towards the only exit towards they know. What Anya didn't expect was Penelope waiting at the exit with a bundle of different guards all obeying her. " Anya I knew you could do it!" Penelope exclaimed. " What exactly happened here? I was kind of expecting some resistance after we got out of there?" Anya asked curious as to why none of the guards were attacking them. She was also happy to see that Penelope was safe. " Siren song, it enchants people not used very often anymore but it's quite useful." Penelope said. Unfortunately your ruin was cut short by the people inside the building being waked up by a very angry Leader. " Get up! Those Mermaids are escaping!" The leader said. After Anya and Penelope over heard the Leader's voice they knew they had to make there escape now. Another one of the guards rather than chasing the mermaids heading for the ocean, instead went towards the Mechanical Kraken. He then shot and fire some torpedo's at the top of the cave. " They wont escape now leader!" The guard quickly said. The Leader rushed over to this man and quickly slapped him in the face. It was very obvious that he was angry at the guard. Unfortunately the guard didn't exactly know why. " You idiot now the entire cave is going to collapse! Everyone who can reach it hurry and get in the Kraken, if they still think they can escape me! They wont get out of here alive without fighting this modern marvel of machinery!" The leader said. Anya could see that this underground underwater cave was finally starting to collapse, many of the guards ran towards the Mechanical Kraken. The roof begin falling and slowly pouring water in from above, stalagmites began to fall in various places. With the Cave on the verge of collapsing and being filled with water Penelope and her family were fortunate to make it to the passage way Anya and her first entered in. Anya herself began to change from her Fairy form, to her Mermaid for and dove back into the water. Swimming with Penelope's family out of the underwater cavern as it collapse and into the bay. Fortunately they made it out of the cave just in time, as the entrance they took finally completed it's collapse. As they got out and freedom was almost there's they were cut off by the very thing that had started this adventure for Anya, the Mechanical Kraken. The machine began to attack them, Most of Penelope's family were easily able to avoid the first attack of the mechanized abomination. Even Anya managed to dodge it, Unfortunately when they sent a torpedo her way she suddenly froze up she didn't know what to do fortunately Penelope used her mermaid magic and created a water spear that caused the torpedo to blow up before it even reached Anya. " Anya, don't forget what I taught you." Penelope told her. Anya remembered what Penelope had taught her, and that was to use the current, don't fight against it but use it to her advantage. The spell Penelope had used had given her another idea of another spell to use. She continued to dodge the Kraken's attacks by using the current to evade, while she was evading she was concentrating her magical energy at one spot. All she had to do now was wait for the right moment. The spell was getting stronger each and every time she dodged on of the tentacles, eventually she finally found herself in the perfect spot to attack. " Water Spear Attack!" Anya yelled out. She honestly didn't know why she yelled it out, she just felt that she had to. The Spear headed directly at the center of the mechanical Kraken, it gave enough pressure to start cracking the glass of the mechanical Kraken. leaving the people inside it no choice but to surface. While she did that Penelope's family did the same attack, only to the tentacles of the machine. Their combined attacks were enough to significantly damage the machinery. Inside the mechanical Kraken alarms were going off like crazy and everyone was about to turn around to the leader to see what they should do. Only to find him already in an escape pod saying only a few words. " You men are on your own!" The leader said. He quickly escaped shortly after that, leaving the crew baffled, with no other choice they went to the surface. Anya and Penelope's family weer finally free from their control. Curtis above the sea began to see a large amount of bubbles near a small island in the bay. He gestured to the Coast Guards to move towards that position. The Coast Guards cautiously moved towards the area, what they found however was a broken down Mechanical Kraken. Curtis couldn't believe that he got to see it again, but this time it was very damaged as if had a fierce battle. " Unbelievable, we found them!" Curtis said. Anya and Penelope had gotten to the surface of the water. With her family rescued it was time for her to say goodbye. " Well Thank you for saving my family, before you go back to yours, my family has a gift they'd like to give you." Penelope said. " A gift, It's not necessary the fact that your family is safe is all that matters." Anya said. " I insist, besides it's kind of more like a piece of something, but I know you'll be able to figure it out soon, here take it. I insist that you do." Penelope said while handing her another white shard that looked similar to the one Swift had recently given her, somehow Anya knew that both shards would connect, but she also knew that she was still missing three more pieces. Once she was done accepting the gift she got from Penelope and her family. Penelope's family were quick to leave the scene behind. Anya herself reverted back to her human self. Anya swam as quickly as she could towards the Coast Guard's ship only to find her father waiting right there for her. As soon as she got aboard the ship he gave her the biggest hug he could. " Anya I'm glad that you are safe." He said. " I'm glad to, but I'm really tired now, can we go home now?" Anya asked. Curtis looked at his daughter and smiled, then his smile changed to a very serious face. " Of course we can, and since you jumped off ship without telling anyone you are grounded for two months." Anya wanted to explain the situation to him but knew she couldn't because of her promise. She instead said nothing and accepted the punishment. She was soon reunited with her friend Becky with Cassie not far behind. The sun had now set completely and they all finally went home. It was the end of her Adventure at sea, and after all that happened she felt she could use a nice rest. End of Chapter |