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by Boxes
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Contest · #2058240
Coming to grips with a reality that only exist in the mind of one young color blind man.
Adam found himself in the most peculiar place he had ever seen. There was an odd familiarity about it. The more he inspected the more he felt like this experience had previously happened. This experience was not based in the reality of his life. This was something more than just that. He stood and thought long and hard about his color blindness and thought that what he was seeing was simply a lie. Why, now in this moment was the color so vivid. Why was these mushrooms tan, leafs green and birds red? The more he resisted the more he wanted to get lost into the beauty. Some of the colors were more vivid than anything he ever imagined. It was, to say the least, intense. As he galloped and studied every new color in great depth, he found the new site to be soothing on the eyes. Nothing seemed to be as rigid as perviously viewed. Never understanding why this site was all of a sudden available, he never let that become a concern. He played as long as he could in this new experience and tried to enjoy.

As time carried on, he found himself laying in his bed and back to the limited color spectrum that he was used to. Not too happy being back in this reality, he decided to figure out what had happened that night before. Why were all these colors and dreams happening, now of all time? Quickly Adam got dressed and rushed out the door. He tried to continue to thing of all those colors as they were in his dreams. His pace slowed down as he got lost in imagining what all the things around him would look like with color. He stared at a house and imagined it was painted an off white with a light blue trim and white picket fence. Then he imagined the fire hydrant as the red, as he had been told. Before too long Adam found himself in an unfriendly part of town. Worried and scared for his own safety, Adam frantically tried to find his way out. The sun dropped lower in the sky and darkness began to set in. Once darkness stretched across the entire sky, he started looking for a hiding place, a place to avoid the night skoffs.

Adam managed to find a place off of an ally where a lot of derelicts were camping. These people were some of the grungiest people he'd ever met. Scared and nervous he darted into the first open space on the ground, curling up under a couple of layers of cardboard. In his frantic dash to find a safe haven, he managed to forget the beautiful colors from his dream the night before. He instantly remembered that he was actually on a fact-finding mission to locate why these colors has come to life at this time. As his mind raced back and forth through his mind, he did not realize that he had drifted off to sleep. And then he broke through to his dream state and yet again he was greeted by the same place; a wonderfully brilliant place. There was plenty to see: Large mushrooms as big as himself, red birds that were so vivid, the color pierced his eyes, purple flowers sprouting from the brown tree, and the bugs so beautiful, each one with so many colors. He started to get drunk of the this reality. He became dizzy with excitement and he found himself spinning in circles until he fell down. When he hit the ground, he hit his head harder than expected. The he hit it again and finally started coming to.

Whac! Whac! Adam finally reached up to cover his head as he was being repeatedly hit with a decent sized stick. An angry-looking woman was standing over him and screaming at him to leave. The longer he stayed there, the more he realized a crowd was starting to form around him. Still foggy from his sleep he managed to get to his feet and grab his shoes. He ran down the dark ally in fear for his life. As he lost the crowd in the distance he turned a corner and ducked into a dark doorway. Slamming the door behind him, he peeked to see the crowd run by. He turned to see a staircase lite by the moonlight and decided it was a good place to sit for a while until his head was clear. He placed his shoes on his feet, as he was unable before going on a casual jog. When the last knot was finished his watch caught the light and his eye. It was on 3:45 am and he knew that it was still four more hours until the sunlight would light up these streets. He stood and looked for some indication of where he was but unfortunately there was nothing to be found. He hoped for the best and decided to try to get back to that special place. This time it wasn't so easy. He never really got to sleep because he was so fearful of being woken up by someone who was less than friendly.

In the morning the sun light shined down onto his face and broke him free. As his eyes opened he saw a fuzzy object hiding in the corner of the room. He tried to collect himself over the first few minutes before he could fully comprehend what it was. Pulling his wrist to his face he tried to bring the fuzziness to a halt as he read his wrist watch. It was not 9:19am. The fear that once was crushing him in the darkness had been lifted. Looking to the opposite corner of the corridor he saw an elderly man sitting in a chair and staring at him intensely. The old man looked as old as anyone Adam had ever seen. Pushing up his large rimmed glasses, the man hollered over at him to come closer. Feeling uneasy, Adam agreed and started shuffling towards the old man. As Adam got within a few feet, the old man's eyes widened with intensity. "Adam? Um, are you Adam?" the old man stated with clear intention. Adam was not more worried than ever but even more, he was confused and a little excited. Somehow Adam found a feeling of safety when someone knew him. Not knowing what the outside world held, Adam agreed "Yes, how'd you know?". The old man began telling him a story of how when he was a boy he was told he would meet Adam in this building in this exact same way and that when that happened there would be an adventure of a lifetime. Adam looked puzzled and asked how he knew when to expect him. The old man replied "I've sat here for over 60 years waiting for this, this is my destiny". After talking back and forth for a few hours, the old man finally reviled himself as Jonny the stairman and he too was colorblind.

Once people started returning to the building after their daily rounds, Jonny took Adam back up to his house. Jonny lived alone in a building for the homeless or unemployed. Adam was treated to a hot meal and some ice-cold tea. He found that their common issue of color blindness was a bonding factor. After dinner, Jonny pulled out a bag of brown rocks and started to crush them in a mortar. They continued to converse over the next few minutes and then Jonny reached out and grabbed Adam's hand and held it palm side up. Jonny took the mortar and started to pour the powder into Adam's hand. Adam waited until all the powder was poured before he pulled his hand back to his face for inspection. Jonny then spoke to him "Adam, I know what you're going through. I too have had the dreams of vivid color and of beauties so great that I never wanted to lose the memories. What you find in your hand is a brain stimulant that will help to encourage your mind to fill in the missing gaps within your memory. If you decide to ingest this powder, your mind will change for ever. Our eyes still see all the colors of our world and they can see everything that everyone else sees. For some reason our brain does not translate the information to our brain to recognize the colors that everyone else sees. This power has not been perfected to see the colors in real-time but it does help with how we remember it." Adam was a little more than intrigued and decided that his trip was about to get started.

Raising his hand to his mouth he ate the entire handful and used the glass of water to wash it down. Jonny showed Adam to the bed so that he would sleep through the hard parts of the brain reprogramming. Once drifted off, Adam noticed he was back in the place he had become familiar with; his safe place. He danced and pranced all over the forest enjoying everything he saw. Abruptly he was brought back into his dull reality as he started screaming in pain! Jonny had him tied down to the bed he was sleeping in. Adam had no feeling from his waist down and was seeing blood sprayed across the room. Johnny walked over and grabbed his face "Well, well there, aren't you a little crying bitch! I can't believe they let you stupid people out of the house some days. Oh are you confused? Are you made? You dumb ass, how do you trust a crazy old man so much that you let him take you home, feed you and give you a place to stay? Hmm? Oh, it must have been the bonding we did over the color blindness." Adam's eyes closed as he watched Jonny slam a hammer into his face. Then there was blackness, an ever ending field of blackness.

And no one ever lived happily ever after.
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