Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2057963-The-Grey-Man
by Silent
Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #2057963
"Life doesn't hurt until you think about how things have changed "
There was once was a boy whose world was just like you'd expect it to be. His life was happy , bright , and buoyant. He was a quite boy , rarely ever spoke , instead he preferred to think. In his brain were hundreds upon hundreds of intelligent thoughts consisting of all his hopes , dreams , and emotions. But , things change we all know that and we've all experienced it. Change is inevitable and we all have and will face it. He couldn't stay a child forever and no life is perfectly happy , without any kind of sadness. The fights began to spark between his father and mother , the accusations of affairs and lies spilling out into a flame of anger , and then one cold chilly night his mother left. She packed up her bags and fled into the night not a single care for her child , all that was on her mind was saving herself from more emotional pain. It was at this time that the world seem to fall down on this bright hopeful boy.his father enraged but deeply saddened by the loss of the boys' mother turned to the local casinos. He gambled away his sorrow , but also his chance of fully providing for his remaining family. The boy watched as the world turned his friends from beacons of joy to hate filled bullies. He listened as the mothers told their children lies and reasons to stay away from the "strange child" Trouble filled every corner of his life , except for one hole which was filled with the everlasting love of his younger sister. The night the boys' mother left she not only left behind a smart intelligent boy ,but also a beautiful caring young daughter. The boys' sister was everything to him, the reason he chose not to give in and fade into the white colorless background. The only reason he still had a reason to not give up. Her smiles healed him ,when he came home beaten by the school bullies. He loved his sister more than life itself and devoted himself to keeping her safe while their father wasted whatever money he had left at the nearest bar. He would protect her from everything ,but how can you protect someone from something they desire with all their heart? His sister had fallen for the school bully , a boy named Jack whose father had spoiled him from the day he was born. While Jack turned her brother into a canvas of blue and purple bruises she would stand by the door and keep watch , her ears deaf to her own brothers cries of pain. Once Jack was done the young boy would watch as he walked her home , leaving him to try and limp his way back to the local bus stop. The boy never stopped loving his sister though , no matter how many times he was beaten up he'd still tell himself none of it mattered as long as she was happy. So he took the punches and walked off the bruises , and never once raised a fist scared of angering his beloved sister. This was how things went until a lingering eye watched as Jack's hand slowly made its way up his sisters short skirt , enraged by what he threw himself at the other boy barreling them both dangerously close to the side of the busy city street. And now it was the boys' ears that were deaf to his sister's angry shouts yelling at him to stop as he continued to beat back at Jack with surprising strength. He hadn't fully comprehended what he was doing until his sister yanked him up using his hood. She was yelling at him now and for once in his life he was yelling back , he began to rant on about how much he had did for her. He was so caught up in the anger and betrayal that he didn't notice he was falling backwards onto the street in front of bright blue car. It wasn't until he felt his head hit the ground and heard the screech of tires that ,he realized he had been pushed , and as the car came at him from the corner of his eye he caught sight of his sister watching him her eyes not yet fully realizing what she had done.
They man felt as if he were in a dream , he had opened his eyes only a couple minutes ago to hear nothing but the sound of constant timed beeping. He had glanced around the room and locking eyes with the nurse finally understood what had happened. The nurse informed him that he had been in a coma for the last 2 years , and that she was glad that he had woken up because they were about to pull the plug on him. After a week and pile of paperwork he was allowed to rejoin society though none of the hospital staff knew where his sister was saying that he had only one visitor ,which was he father who according to them died a year ago. Shielding his eyes against the bright sun , the man looked around things had changed. The street had been expanded.Malls, theaters,cafe's, bars, and strip joints now adorned every corner of the city. The collage which the man had gone to was gone as well , in its place was now a new giant collage campus packed to the brim with new bright young students.Things had changed , the man would have to find a job since he never graduated collage.
The man gave his apartment one final look around , it was neatly organized and fitted with all the latest technology. The man had somehow gotten himself a very good paying job at a software company. He had all the money he would need, he would never have to work a day past age 58. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the top button , as the elevator rose up he reflected on everything he had done in the past 5 years. He had worked his way up to be an executor of one of the best software agencies , he had donated thousands of dollars to charities all around the world. He had even published a couple of novels that were well received and loved around the nation. But he had never in the 5 years since he woke up found his sister. He had tracked down Jack , who informed him that he hadn't talked to the mans' sister in a couple of years when they broke up. It wasn't until he went through the lines of former boyfriends that he had arrived at her husband who gave him the news that she had died a year prior due to cancer. The man had dropped the phone , and in a fit of pain and regret he broke down. He threw everything in sight up against the walls , smashed a drawing of him and his sister into pieces , before sliding down in the corner tears staining his face. The elevator gave a faint bing , and the man stepped out onto the roof. He had always love the view of the sky from the roof , he couldn't account for the number of hours he had spent laying on the rood and watching the stars or clouds roll by . The wind blew his hair back as he stepped out into the cold windy midnight air , it reminded him of the night his mother had left their family and disappeared into the night. The wind blew his coat back , as the moonlight illuminated his body. He gave a faint smile as he stared up at the moon , which was a waning crescent, it was cheering him on in his mind. Stepping over to the edge of the roof he gave on last bitter laugh before taking a small step back.
You never feel anything when you hit the ground ,but if you do its probably nothing compared to the feeling of falling. I know that nothing will ever compare to what I'm feeling now. As the wind rushes by pushing my hair up it feels like I have been falling for ages. To those who have read my story you probably knew somewhere deep down that this was going to happen , its nothing surprising. Nothing new to you or this world. But I can assure you now that you or anyone else will ever feel what I'm feeling now , as the wind rushes by the moon cheers me on. I can say finally for once that my soul is free. And as I fall my life flashes before my eyes and these words that you are reading are my last thoughts to the world ; my very own suicide note. But I don't need a note to think these final word. For thoughts have always been more meaningful than words. I will leave this world and my soul is now free. So I say as my last words to the world ; Goodbye. It's silly isn't it . My final words being the most meaningless ones that we use constantly in everyday life , but again i tell you thoughts are more meaningful then words. And the thought behind that goodbye is more beautiful then all the sunrises ,sunsets, and moonlight nights combined. So I say to you again ; Goodbye and may your life be better than mine. And as I fall ever so slowly in my mine to the ground , I ask that you do me one last favor. Forget me , and move on. But don't forget the hundreds of people before me and after me because they are the ones that matter, they had lives and they loved. So forget my pitiful story and carry on the memories of the others , that is my final wish and with it I say one last time for good luck . Goodbye.
© Copyright 2015 Silent (steelsilence at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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