Introduction to my pal Elizabeth |
My Pal QPdoll I’m just taking a few minutes out from playing on the monkey bars, so I can introduce you all to my friend Elizabeth. She also likes to be known as QPdoll and she is a really cool person. We share a love of coffee, dancing and animals, which makes it easy for us to get along. Elizabeth has lived in South West Illinois for most of her life, apart from a few years as a teenager spent living in a city called Pearville, which is near Houston, Texas. As a shy child, Elizabeth made her way quietly through school. After graduating, she went to trade school, where she earned a certificate degree in secretarial studies. She has done secretarial/admin work for all of her working life and at the moment, she is an administration assistant at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Elizabeth married when she was nineteen and she celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary last year. She has two daughters, Rachel (excellent name choice and Sarah. For her 25th anniversary last year, the whole family took a trip to Florida, which was a really special time. Elizabeth has a beagle named Jelly, who has a nose that leads her into all kinds of trouble. For example, one time she stole pork chops from Elizabeth’s shopping bag, then pretended it wasn’t her, even though there was a chop hanging from her mouth. Elizabeth loves music (except for rap and opera) and also dance. Having tap danced in the past, she has now joined a Clogging class. Now, when I first read clogging, I thought of Dutch people with those funny hats, wearing wooden clogs, busting out a traditional Dutch clog dances. Apparently, I got it wrong. Clogging is like a cross between square dancing and line dancing, and the dancers wear special shoes, like tap shoes, but with extra metal on. They are called two piece steel taps. Elizabeth also enjoys crocheting, although, she says she doesn’t know a lot about it. Reading and writing are big hobbies for her also. She likes to read a variety of genres; mysteries, romance, suspense and (having children) children’s stories. Elizabeth first joined WDC in 2003, when she completed a short story workshop, which she enjoyed. Then life happened and she found she had no time for this website. But, twelve years later, she’s back. This time, she’s participating in a lot more activities and she’s really enjoying her time here. She likes to write short stories and she really enjoys the prompts that are on this website, they help give her inspiration. Elizabeth particularly loves the idea that her children can one day read what she has written and know how much she loves them. Okay, enough talk. Time to get back back to the monkey bars and hang upside down! |