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the final battle draws near.can our heroes free the wind god in time? |
legacy of nira episode 5 theron[narration]-previously on legacy of nira... *show scenes leading up to episode 4,include cliffhanger ending from ep 4* theron>and now young travelller,we continue our tale. *camera cuts back to archangel fighting volnomus* volnomus*raahhh!-swings blade as archangel blocks it*youre good.almost as good as me. archangel-i will not be talked to after what your people did to our camps and to me!RAHH-swings as volnomus looks confused and dodges the attack.* volnomus-what camp?i havent destroyed a camp since i killed my first prey.*swngs his blade in self defence* archangel-YOU LIE!your armies sent spies to my camp!destroyed all i own!tried to kill me even!-punches volnomus and volnomus disarms archangel.- volnomus-well your armies attack mine wishing for death without reason. archangel-...who are you? volnomus-their leader and your executioner!-lifts sword- archangel-wait!im their leader.somethings not right here.you say you havent attacked any camps snce your first kill....that means the untamed lied to us. volnomus-what lies? archangel-there were roumers that your army attacked my camp.that the spies were your doing.we were offered to fight our attackers for payback but were betrayed once by the romans.we suspected the untamed were involved! volnomus-what were these spies like?-rases an eyebrow and lowers sword. archangel-common folk.but they seemed to want to free a- volnomus- a god? archangel-yes. volnomus-ill spare you if you tell me everythng you know.then call off your men if you want to fight the romans and untamed.we will join against them....for now. *camera cuts to an island in the clouds.a flash of light is seen at a corner of the island* paroth-well were here...how do we get down? *camera pans around island with the text Eaglerest island.camera cuts to heroes expoling the wilderness* serinah-do you think we will find help here? young theron-i dont know,but wherever we are this is a beautiful place to be.*takes out sirens flute then plays it to summon siren* goddess siren-you called my love? young theron-aquillis used his power to transport us here.can you sence any villages around here? goddess siren-hmm....well i sence alot of life on this island,but none with any culture in it.*looks to theron*maybe we can finally spend some alone time? young theron-*blushes then whispers in siren's ear*hehe well thats up to the rest of the group. paroth-hmm..it seems as all thats here is trees and plants.if this is the island that we saw growing up then we sure missed out.*smiles at serinah* serinah-yeah...your right paroth.-clutches the middle of her robe and looks away sad.- paroth-whats wrong serinah? serinah-ill explain it later....but this island is so big.it could take us days to search the whole island. arnatule-she has a point.lets split up to cover more ground.jennessa and i will cover the north. jennessa-lets take malgon with us.he proved useful the last time he fought. malgon-all right.so that means theron wont be teaching me while im here.good luck theron. young theron-no worries malgon.siren is gonna watch my back.we will head east. goddess siren-*mutters*and everything else too sweetie.*winks at young theron* paroth-so that leaves me and serina to the west. arnatule-*nods* lets try to meet back at nightfall then come morning we will go to the center of the island and rest. jennessa-if any of us get in trouble go into hiding then meet us there if you can. *camera zooms out as the heroes split up.a gust of wind is heard as a pair of feet run past the screen.camera cuts to the shadow temple in the untamed forest.the temple is being gaurded by the army of the untamed.* brightclaw-*running up to silver fang*brother*gasps for air and pants*,they have razed the city and burnt everything to ashes.weve got reports that both the barbaric factions we wanted to weaken have joined sides. silverfang-then the time is now.have the romans engage the enemy at the city while we ensure no one gets past us. brightclaw-i...*camera zooms into a wound on his chest*ill try my best.*camera cuts to brightclaw collapsing in front of him.* silverfang-hm?youre injured.nevermind,ill have a messenger speak to them.rest for now,our battle isnt finished yet.shamens!i want him ready to fight within the hour!do what you need to! *camera shows 3 untamed monks run up to brightclaw and cary him offscreen.* *camera cuts to serinah and paroth within the forest of eaglerest isle* paroth-well nothing yet but at least theres plenty of fruit.*takes out his wepon and stabs a branch of bananas and gives some bannanas to serinah.*here,ya look like you could use a little snack. serinah-thanks.*peels a banana while holding two more.*paroth,since were alone and away from the others till sundown...can i talk to you about something? paroth-i suppose it wouldnt hurt.whats on your mind serinah? serinah-....i...*blushes*what do you think of me paroth? paroth-well,we have known each other since the dawn of time.youre brave then most women ive known.you have killed before in the name of the gods we once worshipped.you have a strength that keeps me in line when im wreckless.im proud to call you a freind. serinah-and my looks....what do you think about that paroth?*blushes more and walks closer to him.* paroth-though id always think youve looked the same growing up,id wager any sarmation would want to wed you.but the man to wed you would have to be someone of religious status. serinah-i know...and ive been thinking on something. paroth-oh?what are you thinking? serinah-weve been looking for new gods yes? paroth-yes,and so far were lucky to get this far.why do you ask? serinah-because what we may do can be considered a holy quest for future generations. paroth-hmm...you make an intresting point serinah....but what are you getting at? serinah-that night when we were young and were hunting togeather....*touches paroths chest*a lion attacked me.i thought i was going to die...but when i opened my eyes you were there fighting it.you suffered so much because of me.... *flashback of what happened* *young serinah looks around with a bow while paroth runs ahead past her.she smiles and then turns around.suddenly a lion pounces her.just before the lion lands on young serinah,young paroth bravely punches it out of the way.camera cuts to view of serinahs eyes as paroth fights off the lion in her eyes reflection.the lion is killed but paroth was wounded badly on the neck and chest.* paroth-i know what i did.i couldnt let anything hurt you.i felt like it was always a duty to keep you safe. serinah-this is why i brought everything up....since that night ive grown more and more in love with you.when you kissed me at kalrhoha to silence my anger....i felt like everything stopped in that one moment.then i was crushed by the realization that we couldnt be togeather. paroth-*shocked face with a blush*but...your vows.you swore a lifetime of- serinah-i know that paroth!and i cant take it anymore!*crys*i want who my heart truely belongs to!and thats you!-grabs his chestplate and pulls him to her-dont you see paroth?if we are made into holy heroes by completing this mad quest....-looks down a second-we can finally do what ive been wanting to do for two decades...-looks into his eyes- paroth-i...i honestly dont know serinah...what you say about this quest may be true but the old gods... serinah-damn them all and bless the new ones were finding paroth...ive been wanting to say that since we started this quest...paroth please...think this over a moment. paroth-....in a sence youre right you know...it would keep up with the old ways..only with different gods.i just dont know if im ready. serinah-*smiles*always the reluctant wreckless one paroth...*bites her lip nervously*and i know youve never bedded anyone...*blushes*ive always had to step in and intervene when youre in danger...consider this my intervention.*pulls paroth close and makes out with him furiously.camera moves down to their legs and shows paroths chest armor falling to his feet.* ive been wanting to be yours for a long time...*serinas legs jump and wrap around paroths waist* *camera cuts to young theron and siren* young theron-well still no signs of a town,village,or tribe.this place seems like a paradise. goddess siren-its even better when were alone.*smiles*i know we dont talk about it much but have you still been thinking of my offer? young theron-*chuckles*i still feel uneasy that you were imprisoned within your flute just because we were in love.zeus had several one nighters and got away with it in his time. goddess siren-i know.it wasnt your fault though.id gladly blame my sister for it i it ment you being a demigod or even a gaurdian. young theron-still...i feel guilty that youre trapped in there.we cant truely enjoy music and life togeather at the same time. goddess siren-how about this then love?untill you are of old age and are unable to travel,the only ones who know im a goddess would be those you tell.when the time comes ill make your spirit into a gaurdian so we could be togeather. young theron-what do you mean? goddess siren-think of my flute as living in my home.when you pass we can make the flute our home togeather.ill still be the one who sings if played but ill never appear again...because im with you.*holds young therons hand* young theron-well in that case sign me up.*kisses siren* goddess siren-*pulls theron away*hun i just senced something. young theron-what is it? goddess siren-a tribe that uses the wind element.im not entirely sure,but they seem to be gathered near where were supposed to meet. young theron-well....i just hope the others are ready when we arrive*walks forward and is suddenly trapped by a net* goddess siren-oh no,i should have senced this.*gets a net tossed over her *AHH! *camera cuts to a native tribal village in the woodlands as young theron and goddess siren were placed next to the other heroes who were captured as the tribe preforms music and dance* malgon-sorry theron,they caught us right before i could pick up a wepon.they were quick. arnatule-and one of them was able to run really fast in mid air past my arrows. jennessa-i blame myself for us getting caught arnatule.im too pretty. arnatule-dont blame yourself,blame those guys.its obvious they had the drop on us. siren-i feel as if they are uncertain what we are. serinah-hopefully we can understand them. paroth-either way,if we dont make it outta here im going to be one annoyed ghost. *a lone elderly tribesman walks up* flying mantis-greetings freind or foe.i am cheif flying mantis.we do not know who or what you are,so we bound you and snared you as a precaution. serinah-we mean you no harm flying mantis.we have come here at the request of proteous and aquillis. *tribal music halts as camera shows all the tribesmen and women staring in shock* flying mantis-*raises his hand then unbinds the heros*then we must see something.we are told a tale of the scarred one.gustus tells us of a man whom will bring our island down to the seas of the earth by unifying the gods.he bears a sacred scar of a beast from his neck to his chest. serinah-*gasps then rips off paroths armor,showing the same scar that flying mantis mentioned.* *entire tribe excidedly talks among each other* flying mantis-*raises his hand again*silence everyone.*looks closely at paroth*hmm he bears the mark.only few who get this mark are allowed entry to see gustus.when you enter you will be given a test.inside gustus gaurds boots that are said to give mortals to fly faster then any of us windwalkers.if he gives you the boots,then you are deemed the ones we awaited on.if not...you die. arnatule-just in case take the lifegiver sword if you get in a scrap.*hands the lifegiver sword to paroth* paroth-its risky enough....but alright.*takes the sword* *camera cuts to paroth walking inside a cave.paroth silently looks around* flying mantis-enter the cave to feel his cold touch,but do not linger,for his grip can tighten. *camera cuts to paroth entering a deeper section of the cave filled with a white mist* paroth-burr*shivers and walks off screen in the direction of a gust* flying mantis-hear the winds as he guides you with a gentle breeze to the hanging path. *paroth enters a hanging garden full of flying rocks.* flying mantis-be wary of his teeth,for they fly around the area. *paroth runs across a bridge while dodging the rocks* flying mantis-enter the jaws of his breath as the steam gives way to the temple. *paroth sees steam vents coming from he ground and walks around them.* flying mantis-once there you must place your mark on stone. *paroth walks up to a stone marking similar to his scars.he cringes in fear for a breif moment as he places his chest onto the markings.suddenly a gate of stone opens as paroth enters and sees the temple of gustis.paroth walks inside to see a giant white dragon* gustus-who dares enter my chamber? paroth-it is i paroth of the sarmations.i was sent here by the other elemental gods to request your aid. gustus-you bear the mark but many have failed my test.if you are truely the one prophesized by Nira then enter the chamber below.you will need every inch of speed you have.collect the prize inside and you will convnce me of your might. paroth-its why im here after all.to save my people.-jumps in to see an obsticale course full of traps-hmm i see what he means now. *commence action sequence of paroth in the wind temple maze.paroth begins running and jumps on top of a swinging gullluitine then in slow motion spins around and dodges multipule arrows.he slides on his knees as a fire breaths out of a dragons mouth as it goes past his face,he stumbles a bit while a second guillutine swings past him,cutting a hair off his head.he quickly jumps up over some spinning blades as he ducks to avoid a huge log tied to a rope.he quickly swings his body onto the log as arows continue to wiz by,one arrow scratches his arm as he spin dives thrugh a fire and into a pond of water.he rolls out the way of several logs that fall down from the ceiling and finally makes his way past a second spinning blade trap by backflipping over it and landing back first onto a chest paroth opens the chest and puts on the windwalker boots. he looks up to see a hole in the roof.* paroth-time to see if these things work like they should. *paroth runs up the wall and out of the hole in front of gustis and lands on his back* gustis-hmmmm i see you truely are the one that was prophesized.*a bright light shines as gustus turns into a human form*i managed to break free from my bonds without the use of the lifegiver sword,however,i cant leave untill the chain there is broken.set me free and the windwalkers will be your allies.i will see to it. paroth-then let this be the day that all creatures of man stand against a dark god and a tyranical warrior.*breaks the chains near gustis as the temple opens up* *gustis roars loudly as he turns into a dragon* gustis-windwalkers the time has come.i gustus am free,and the prophecy has been fullfilled.i ask you join these warriors as they finish their quest.let every able windwalker whom can fight prepare themselves for battle.we seal the dark one once and for all! *camera cuts back to a massive battle waging between the untamed and the hunic armies allied with the cultists.* gustis-as we speak evil hearts tread upon the temple of shadows.we must call upon all our allies to win this fight. *camera cuts to Goddess nira speaking to the elves and sarmations* Goddess Nira-the time to put aside differences between Mer and Man is here,for we are now a nation of heroes born in the fires of justice,integrity,and honor.no matter where we come from... *camera cuts to kalrhoha as a dwarven army marches out the gate with the king of kalrhoha with pyros leaing them.* pyros- and no matter what allies we have,the battle to be free from evil is at hand.woud you deny yourselves the honor of defeating a god?we march on to defeat an evil greater than any race has ever dremt of. *camera cuts back to the battlefeild as aquillis freezes some hunic warriors in ice as proteus is on his back.* aquillis-and from here we face destiny as we wait on baited breath for the final confrontation. *camera cuts to volnomis and archangel smiling as they open a stone door to the temple of shadows* volnomus-finally,we will have our time to be powerful. archangel-and to enslave the world if needed. black out end episode 5 |