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Just how far are you willing to go to be the winner? |
Word Count: 690 of 250 MIN/750 MAX DAY 12 Prompt: Write a story using only the senses of touch, smell and taste. No descriptions of sights or sounds allowed Damn, its my turn again already… I nearly vomit when the smell hits me. Though I know it isn’t possible, I honestly believe I feel the stench wash right over me. I’m sure its only my imagination but just before my olfactory system goes into panic mode, I am certain I feel a slight gust of warm, damp humid air envelope me. It clings to me, thick and moist. It causes me to involuntarily inhale deep, trying to get more air into my lungs. And just like every other one of my turns, that’s when I’m overwhelmed by the most vile, foul odor I’ve ever had the misfortune of experiencing. Every time my turn comes up it’s new and worse than the previous offering. I keep thinking that what just took place couldn’t get any worse. And every turn I’m proven wrong. Just like right now. First, there’s a hint of spoiled fruit. Not the delicious fermenting into strong alcohol kind of smell. Of course not that. No, this has more of a sour moldy fruit aroma. Overlapping that is a stronger fishy smell; rotting fish. Fish floating dead for days in a frothy pond overflowing with their own decaying putrid juices. I brace myself for the true nightmare to come. I know when its about to happen because the smell gets super strong. Suddenly I feel something press against my lips. Admittedly I’m surprised at how dry it feels. From the stink, I figured its be soft and mushy like chewed bread spit out and rolled into a ball. I have to mentally force my lips to part and teeth to unclench. Its plopped atop my tongue and I quickly close my mouth. Tape is placed across it to guarantee I can’t spit it out. I cautiously roll the item around with my tongue. Its fairly small and oval. I can feel bumps all over it. I make the mistake of pressing it too hard against my teeth causing one of the bumps to squirt. There’s a trace of sour but nothing too ominous. I know it can’t be that easy; something bad is going to happen. My only other option is to quit and that’s not happening. I’m sure as hell not playing to lose. I bite the proverbial bullet and start chewing. At first I think it’s not going to break; it reminds me of a nutshell. Then without warning I crunch into it and my mouth is suddenly filled with a bitter sour mucus. It coats my tongue, my teeth…everything. I now have a texture to go along with the stench. The sourness is so strong my eyes begin to water. I keep chewing, breaking the thing into smaller pieces. That’s how I discover the hidden bonus. All this time I’m thinking it has to be a nut or legume; some type of seed with a hard shell. Nope. Apparently I should have been thinking egg. With all the chewing going on it took a moment to register movement. Somethings are crawling around in my mouth. I can feel their hundreds of tiny legs crawling all over. However, it isn’t until I feel them swarming towards the back of my throat that I really panic. I immediately start clearing my throat, forcing them back into the bitter stew that was, until moments ago, the only home they’d ever known. I proceeded to spend the next few minutes chomping and grinding as fast as I can, hoping to mash whatever is in there to a pulpy death. I swallow and the hot slick sour mess slides down and away. The tape is thankfully removed and I am allowed to take a drink of water, which is a true delight every single time. Overall I’m thinking it wasn’t that bad. It was definitely worse than the last round but a hell of a lot easier than round thirty-seven. That round had really sucked. I’m still afraid of uncovering what could possibly top that. I can’t even begin to guess but you can bet I’ll be finding out. I didn’t come to play, I came to win. |