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by Boxes
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Supernatural · #2057129
Protecting the world from the darkness
A lurking darkness shrouds my environment and looms over during my daily toils and since my mind was awoken, it has always been so. I watch as others frolic and engage in cheerful escapades while I struggle to not succumb to the daunting cloud of displeasing chaos. Traveling a road that many would be terrified of, I walk in the place of horror and darkness. I watch as these helpless souls, I walk among, live a life of carelessness and joy, vacant of the knowledge of the things that are actually happening in the world around them. They enjoy life, as it were, in a state of constant preparation for death and try to squeeze in every moment before death envelopes their bags of flesh. They have been granted a gift of blindness to the burdens that have been trusted upon my shoulders. I do not want, nor have I ever accepted this gift. I was never given a choice, rather I was shackled with it from the moment I opened my eyes. The gods like their cruel jokes they play on us and find a way to keep us pressed down to ensure that there is always balance.

We call them Leeches. They remind me of the classic depiction of a scarecrow, that agriculture entrepreneurs use to protect their crops from aviary mischief and destruction. However those classic depictions are far from the horrific truth of what actually exist. We call them Leeches because they have learned how to slowly suck the life from human beings and take for themselves that which does not belong to them; eternity. They bustle in the space between realities and have figured out how to prevent humans from collapsing on their singularity and therefore, never seeing them with their own eyes. People have claimed to made contact but we are skeptical because the power the poses would be lost and they’ve spent way too long perfecting their technique to allow a simple-minded food bag to know of their existence.

Before I continue on I must reassure you that I am only coming forward at this time because I believe that true knowledge is power and the freedom of information is the only thing that will help set the humans free of their oppression. What I am about to tell you will tear the very fabric of consciousness and destroy the reality of which you undoubtedly snuggle up to. Only if you are willing to sacrifice your sanity and engage in a battle that is older than anything you’ve ever known, should you continue on. I assure you, you’re not going to like this. You’ve been warned.

Before my grandmother passed away, when I was a child, she recounted the verbal history she was taught when she was just a child. The human history is not what you think it is.

“History, my young man, is defined as the general acceptance of the order of events that have been chronicled over a period of time, that is perceived to be linear. Human beings, today, have their choose chronicles and blindly move forward and accept that which they have been taught by the books they read and the stories they are told. What I can assure you is that almost everything they believe to be true, is a drastic misrepresentation of the truth and in a lot of cases, outright lies. Human beings believe that history was only started 3,500-5,000 years ago and that is based on the books and evidence they have seen. Some of their scientist have even accepted history being as old as 10,000 years because they’ve dated pictographs found in caves. The real truth is that history has been murdered and destroyed many times over so that secretly those who would advance from its absence, will remain safely in place without fear of destruction. Approximately 50,000 years ago there were five types of beings that existed on Earth. Four of these beings were very similar and over time there was massive amounts of crossbreeding that took place. One of the side effects of crossbreeding was the creation of a super being, a being that had almost no known weakness. The most interesting side effect was immortality. These human beings were able to selectively choose when and where death was to occur, if at all. Death was never unexpected, it was a choice that was made to move onto the next incarnation. These beings were a peaceful population that made strides to live in harmony with the world. They understood that the world was a living organism and that the symbiotic relationship between them needed safety. The population grew very slowly over thousands of years to ensure the balance remained.

Lastly was the fifth race, a race of hatred, darkness and despair. The leeches relied solely on creating fear, destruction and the consumption of human flesh. They are what nightmares are made of. Never having assimilated to the other races, they grew resentful and eventually that grew a hatred like a fire grows with each new log. They coveted the immortality that the human beings enjoyed because their mortality was always controlled by their appetite for human flesh.

In response, the humans first practiced love and tried to find a solution that would bring peace to the races but unfortunately they found no satisfactory answer. The leeches continued to feast until the balance was tilted dramatically in their favor. The humans dwindled and with their own existence on the line, everyone had to work together towards a solution; it wasn’t achieved. When the leeches first started out, they would only live 15-20 sun rotations and reproduction didn’t start until their late years. Then they discovered, the faster they consumed humans, the sooner they were able to reproduce. Needless to say, the humans dwindled even further. The growing problem came to a final tipping point when there was only one human family left in the entire world. The leeches had harvested every single being until there was nothing left, except Noah. Today the humans believe that their god wiped everything from the earth because humans were full of sins and that is simply not true. The Leeches needed to be wiped out for humanity to survive. Noah was our last chance and the floods destroyed the leeches. We rebuild and repopulated believing the battle was over. We thrived and spread out to all corners of the world strengthening our numbers. In the darkness, the leeches were building an army as well. They did it in the shadows and in the matter that exist between objects. They learned how to go unseen and hide from their enemy; their prey. They learned how to suck the immortality from the humans and how it lengthened their lives. It took us thousands of years to catch onto their return and their harvesting but we did and there was hell to pay. We developed weapons that pulled them from their hiding places and ripped their souls from there still beating hearts. We massacred them with the intention to strike fear into any reaming leeches and drive them far from our world. We turned the north and south pole to ice and banished them to remain there, if they wanted to live. Some people used rituals to destroy or intimidate, some build weapons to safeguard their families and all methods were recorded and kept at one place. The most heavily guarded and fortified place in the world was the library at Alexandria, a perfect place to store all of our secrets. Egypt was the center of the world and of the war. They lead the largest and most consistent battles against the leeches until there was nothing left to fight.

Then Rome happened. Rome, like Alexandria, had become a thriving metropolis and a mecca for religious activities. When the Roman empire started dominating the known world it was on the backs of leeches. The humans decided to enslave the leeches to serve as entertainers and the working class and unfortunately this lead to the crossbreeding between the two races. This new extreme being was more powerful than anything that has ever roamed the earth. A being that not only has the ability for immortality but to ensure it, needs flesh to survive. A secret order of half human, half leeches was born and started to subsume the humans beings, Fearing destruction the leeches ransacked the library at Alexandria and burned almost every known piece of written knowledge in the world. They infiltrated the catholic church all the way up to the Pope and launched the Dark Ages. They were responsible for every book burning event in the world. They have no need for knowledge, they only need to know that human farming is the only way they will survive.”

Following the dark ages, the leeches went back into hiding and have never returned since. They still have many crossbreeds that walk the earth to ensure their race continues and that they too get to experience a piece of mortality. In the matter that slips past our vision they roam the dark places and attach themselves to us. We once knew immortality but now our lives are very short because they suck it from us. There is a growing uprising within their community because the spread of information has now reached speeds faster than the world has ever seen. Once I click send, this information will bounce around the world faster than any printing press could make a single copy. They are preparing for another war and hoping to prevent this knowledge from getting out.

On my father’s death bed he handed me a key to his private study. He said that the stories my grandmother spoke of were true and what I would find in his study was the tools to help prepare the world for the coming battle. I knew more than ever the burden that was trusted upon my shoulders was to ensure the ultimate destruction of every leech on this planet. The moments before his death I swore this oath:

“I, Primus Nero, solemnly swear to destroy every leech hidden or seen that I come in contact with and to never show mercy or weakness. To avenge the death of the millions that have come before me and to restore true balance back to the earth through destruction of all leech quarters and strong holds. It is the oath that I solemnly swear my honor.”

As my fathers soul passed from this world, I grasped the key and marched towards his secret study. I felt a rush of excitement rush trough my body as I finally had a solution to the darkness that has surrounded me. As I stood in front of the door I felt the leeches in the darkness around me. They’re now the ones that are scared and running to hide from their destruction, as they should. I will never rest until my job is completed. My immortality will ensure that until I am 100% completed with this job, I’ll never leave this place. I will put an end to this darkness once and for all. Slipping the key into the hole, I felt a draft sweeping away from me, it was them. I moved into the room and took note of all the books, armor and weapons hanging everywhere. Thousands of years of information was stored in this place. All that was left of the true history of the world was right here is this secret study. It is an honor to serve you and one I do not take lightly. My name is Primus Nero and this is just the start of my story. If you feel the grasp of a cold breeze, if you hear a bump in the night or have dreams of demons, the leeches are surrounding you and you will never know. Once you’ve seen this, you’ll know and knowledge is power. They will not exist unless you know they exist. Remember, where there is bats, there are leeches and they’re coming for you.

With honor, courage and bravery, I am, dear world, your most obedient and not so humble servant,

Primus Nero
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