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Some of the ponies are accidentally shrunk to microscopic size and get lost in Ponyville. |
By Lukington17 and hmhmh6532 ------------- Chapters 4 onwards Chapter 4 - hmhmh6532 Spike and Discord decided to pass the time by playing a game of cards that Discord managed to whip up. Spike was unnerved given that all cards represented different manifestations of Discord, such as him being the kings, queens, and jacks. The diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs were replaced by suits of cakes, tornados, rainclouds and Princess Celestia's face in tears. Spike threw his cards down in frustration. "Discord, can you at least normalize the cards first? I can't tell if I'm supposed to be fishing or not... if we're even playing Go Fish." Discord peaked over his cards with a smug smile on his face. "Bingo!" Discord shouted, throwing his cards down face-up. They consisted of two Celestia heads, three rainclouds and a Discord queen. "Am I good at this game or what!?" "What? That's not fair!" Spike argued; Discord uttered a series of "tsks". "Oh young little dragon, apparently you don't know the rules to Backdown Turnup." "Because it's a game that YOU made up!" Spike yelled, falling over on his back. He took this time to look around at the surrounding area of Rainbow Dash's brain that they were in. Something - or somepony - was missing. "Hey." Spike said, sitting up again. "Where's Pinkie Pie?" Discord was busy setting up a new game, which included dice that, instead of consisting of dots, had rotating cream pies. "Hmm? Oh she's probably going for a walk somewhere - who wouldn't take an opportunity to explore their friend's head? ...Say, are you trying to talk your way out of a game of Criss-Cross Potato Sauce? Used to play this with The Smooze all the time back in college." Being honest with himself, Spike felt a little worried for Pinkie. Rainbow's brain was a huge place that they had no knowledge of and a pony like Pinkie could easily get lost. He hoped that Pinkie knew what she was doing. With a heavy sigh, Spike got up and started to walk over to Discord. "Okay Discord. So how do you p-" Spike stopped as he was suddenly hit in the forehead by a flying die. Discord looked at the die while Spike was rubbing his head. "Oooooh, blueberry! You were so close to winning that round." Spike sighed to himself. This was going to be a long wait. Pinkie was walking down the wet, squishy narrow passageways of Rainbow's prefrontal cortex muttering to herself in the cramped space. She didn't want to get to normal size just yet. She still had other ponies' stomach contents she wanted to discover; if her quest failed, she wouldn't be able to throw her first 'Everypony's-100%-satisfied-with-the-caterer' party. Just how else was she supposed to find out her friend's secret favourite food!? Asking would just take too long; they could get into a long winded story about how they first came to love said food. They probably had it on a bad day, so they were gonna have to explain that. It's just too long of a process. Besides, that was even if they wanted to disclose their secret obsessions. "AAAAARGH!" Pinkie shouted, "This isn't fair! I have to throw that party one way or another. But how!?" Distressed, Pinkie threw her hooves into her mane and fell over to her back in a thinking stance. Just how was she able to accomplish a mission in a short amount of time? She thought, thought, and thought some more but nothing was coming to mind. Pinkie thought so hard, that her own hooves started to get cold just by being in her mane for so long. It felt more liquidy cold. ...Just what was going on? Pinkie opened her eyes to discover that her hooves were covered in a green like substance. "Ugh, snot! In here, really?!" Pinkie said startled, but on closer inspection, "Hey - isn't this that shrinking potion Twilight sprayed on me?" She then come to notice that her hair was seeping with the shrinking potion. It was then that Pinkie came up with an idea. A dangerous idea, but it was an idea that would get her party going. Pinkie scooped her arm through her mane until her arms were full of the green substance. She then proceeded to dump the potion all over herself, feeling a very familiar sensation all around her. Opening her eyes, Pinkie came to discover the cortex hall she was walking in suddenly increased in capacity by 10-fold! She was smaller than ever now. Pinkie felt weirded out that she had just shrunk herself while she was already tiny, but the time for worrying came later. She had a mission to accomplish. Twilight had already shrunk herself, Fluttershy, and Rarity with what was left of the shrinking potion. Applejack then carried them over to a the dining table where a straw laid besides them. Applejack leaned in close to hear her instructions. Twilight used her magic to cast a spell over Applejack's ears so that she could hear her clearly. The air around the trio became awash with apple scents. "Now Applejack, you have to get Rainbow Dash out of that room. If you tell her that we went off to find another way to get Spike and Pinkie out, she'll lower her guard. Just find a way to keep her busy while we're in there." Applejack nodded. Twilight continued, "When she comes out, you then blow us out of that straw into her ear where we will make our way into the brain. Whatever you do, don't inhale at that point!" "Gotcha, Twilight." Applejack nodded, sending a wave of her apple breath over the shrunken trio. A growl was heard from Rarity's vicinity. "Oooh. I do hope we will be able to eat after this. All I've had today were chips! And they weren't even my favorite!" She fussed. Chips, and two of your closest friends Applejack thought to herself. After the trio headed inside the straw, Applejack picked it up and approached the room Rainbow Dash had locked herself in. She knocked on the door four times, but no answer came. "Um, Rainbow Dash," Applejack said loudly into the other room, "Twilight and the rest went off to find another solution. It's alright to come out now. Just me." Slowly but surely, Rainbow unlocked the door and peaked her head out, looking left and right to make sure this wasn't some sort of trick. While Rainbow had her head turned right, Applejack found this the right moment to send them into her ear. She took out the straw, blew in the direction of Rainbow's blue ear, and saw three purple, yellow, and white dots land on its edge. Applejack quickly hid the straw as quickly as she had brought it up. "Well, if you say so." Rainbow said, nervously stepping out, but gaining her composure back. "Can you believe that they wanted to go inside MY head? After the day I've just had." "Listen, Rainbow," said Applejack, wrapping a comforting hoof around Rainbow's neck, "why don't we just head on over to my barn and have a cup of cider?" That got her attention. Rainbow had practically forgotten about Spike and Pinkie being in her head now that cider had been added to the mix. "Well... it would be kind of weird to just kick back and have a cup of cider in a situation like this. But what the hay? It's been a long, weird day." Venturing in from the unsuspecting pegasus' multi-coloured mane hairs, Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy looked around at the cavernous wasteland that was Rainbow Dash's inner ear. As they went deeper and deeper into the ear, the earwax was starting to take the form of quicksand. Twilight reiterated that this wasn't life-threatening as long as they didn't stop and kept trudging on through it. "Now girls," Twilight said very quietly, "we are now approaching her eardrum. We need to stay as quiet as possible." "Okay Twilight" Fluttershy whispered quietly back. "WHAT?" Twilight yelled back, startling Fluttershy and Rarity. Back outside, Rainbow and Applejack were reaching the front doors when Rainbow winced and collapsed with a hoof over her ear, starting to rub it profusely. "OW! Just what the hay was that!?" Rainbow Dash uttered. She started looking around, becoming suspicious. Applejack gulped, trying to think of something to say. "U-Um, that was probably Twilight somewhere in this castle. You know that gal, she can get mighty worked up, especially over a situation like this." Rainbow once again measured herself up. "You know, sometimes I wonder if we're doing the right thing. What if Twilight doesn't end up coming back with a way to get them out of my head? It'll be all my fault!" "Don't worry too much." Applejack reassured. "Twilight's a smart pony. I'm sure she's comin' up with a solution right now. You might not even notice them getting out!" "Yeah, you're right." Rainbow said, calming down. "Maybe after we have some cider I'll feel better about this whole thing." They continued on their way to Sweet Apple Acres, as meanwhile Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy continued on their way to the brain. Pinkie was astonished as she walked through the now large hallway-like tunnels of Rainbow's brain. What was once a hallway that was too narrow for her was suddenly as open as a field outside Ponyville. She was beginning to comprehend just how tiny she was, to have shrunken whilst already shrunk: not quite microscopic, but very much a mere speck. She was also about to head inside of a pony while inside of another pony. This got Pinkie more excited than usual as she made her way to the auditory nerve, where she knew her friends were gonna be coming in. She felt bad about leaving Spike and Discord behind, but she knew this wouldn't take long. All she had to do was find Twilight and Fluttershy, pop in and out of their stomachs, head out, do the same for Applejack, and she'd be good as gold. Wouldn't take long at all! There were absolutely no problems in her plan. No sir-ee, bob! Once she had reached the nerve, it was in no time at all that she found Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy all arguing with each other down the tunnel. Pinkie quickly regained her stamina and rushed on over to them. Rarity was scraping wax off of herself. Twilight looked at her, clearly annoyed. "I warned you to keep moving, and what did you do? Go and get stuck!" "But everything was just so icky I simply couldn't help myself. I needed a ten second breather, that's all!" As they continued to fight, Pinkie made her way over to Twilight's back hooves, deciding on her first target. Pinkie was absolutely amazed at just how humongous Twilight was here, when in reality she was just about as big as a seed to a normal-sized pony. Her hooves all the way up to her glutes were as tall as the hills of Equestria. Noticing the grooves marked along her hoof, she used these to climb her way up to her furry leg, where she began her assent. "Girls," Fluttershy squeaked out, "I don't think we have enough time for this. Applejack can only keep Rainbow distracted for so long." Twilight was panting to gain her composure back. "Fluttershy's right. We must reach the optical nerves in Rainbow Dash's brain, and fast!" The trio recommenced their adventure to the brain, while unbeknownst to them an unwelcome Pinkie had just reached the back of the princess's knee. Spike woke up from a terrible nightmare. He dreamed that he was facing Celestia, about as big as a titan. He woke right when his view was the entirety of Celestia's mouth. After calming down from the dream, he noticed he was all by himself in the optic nerve. Just where exactly was everypony? "Spike!" yelled a familiar voice right outside of the room he was in. He had never felt as happy to hear Twilight's voice. "Spikey-wikey!" yelled another familiar-sounding voice. He was overjoyed. "I'm in here!" Spike yelled outside to the shrunken trio. They all rushed in, hugging Spike. Rarity was practically crying waterfalls as she was squishing Spike. "Oh Spikey!" Rarity wailed as she brought Spike in closer. "I am so happy you are okay darling! I don't know what I would've done with myself if you- ... if you..." She then proceeded to cry happily in front of Spike, practically giving him PTSD as he looked down her gaping throat. "Okay okay girls! I'm fine." Spike said as he backed off and brushed down. Twilight took out her growth potion from her side-pack. "We need to apply this to you outside. Giving you a growth potion while inside Rainbow's head could lead to... some catastrophic results." "Yeah, I think she already has a big-enough head." Spike joked, "but fine by me! Let's go; I've had enough with pony insides for a lifetime." Spike shook his head, trying to get the recent images of Celestia and Rarity's throats out of his mind. "Um, wait a minute." Fluttershy questioned, looking around the room they were in. "Where's Pinkie?" Spike thought hard. "Well, Discord should be around here somewhere. As for Pinkie, I'm afraid I don't actually know." "Well we can't just leave this place without Pinkie now, can w-" Twilight started to say, but caught herself off guard, "Wait a minute. Did you say D-D-?" "Well, well, well. Lookie-here - the cavalry has finally arrived" piped a sinister voice from a dark corner. The ponies jumped back in horror. "DISCORD!?" They all screamed in unison. Spike was quick to go to Discord's defence. "Don't worry, Discord has been pretty helpful. He was that statue that you shrank in the beginning, posing as it, and has been helping us ever since. His magic's been restricted; he's in the same situation as we are." Twilight had a hard time trying to process this information. Finally, she said, "Wait. Can't you just teleport wherever you want with the snap of your fingers?" "Oh Twilight Sparkle, how clouded your mind can be. Now you see..." Discord began. He suddenly became quiet for a few seconds as an evil smile crossed his face. "I simply had to - hey what's that over there?!" He pointed to a part of Rainbow's brain and all the ponies turned. When they returned to face Discord, he had vanished. "Discord!?" Spike yelled out. "I can't believe he just left us, after all we've been through!" Twilight put a reassuring hoof on Spike. "Don't worry, everypony. Once Discord realizes he can't get back to normal size, he'll come crawling back to us." This seemed to have calmed down the group a little bit, but there was still the 'Pinkie is missing' problem. "Alright everypony," Twilight commanded the group, "we have to find Pinkie before something happens to her. We'll have a better chance of finding her if we split up. Rarity, Fluttershy, you two search together. Spike, you stay with me. Now let's go!" Little did Twilight know that Pinkie was now traversing the dark purple and lavender forest of her own mane. Right when she thought she would never see light again, Pinkie found herself on top of Twilight's forehead. "Alright Pinkie," she said to herself, "just ease your way down, and you'll be at the mouth in no time." Sliding down Twilight's face was easy due to her practice of sliding down the Ponyville's Schoolhouse's playground slide every Wednesday. After carefully passing down between her eyes, Pinkie felt herself sliding off of Twilight's nose, causing her to free fall through the air. Life passing before her eyes, Pinkie felt her hoof grab on to something wet. It was Twilight's lips! She made it! Although Twilight's lips were slippery due to saliva, Pinkie forced her way through the squishy openings of her lips where she slipped between the front teeth and landed on the tip of the tongue. Pinkie was finally at her destination: inside the princess's mouth. Even though this was her friend that Pinkie had known for several years, she still felt honoured to be inside the body of an intellectual princess. She was also thankful that she was inside a miniature Twilight, because at this height, a normal-sized pony's mouth would probably fit all of Equestria to her! Pinkie took her time to check her surroundings. All around her were pearly-white teeth, clean, not a speck of food on them or anything, unlike Rainbow's. Looking ahead, she found Twilight's throat where soft little breaths were coming in and out. She was so close to her target, she could almost smell Twilight's favourite foods sitting in her stomach. Suddenly, Pinkie felt as if an earthquake were occurring. Twilight's voice boomed out of the abyss in front of her. "SPIKE. ARE YOU SURE YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE PINKIE COULD BE?" During the time it took for Twilight to say this, the tongue was bouncing Pinkie up and down, left to right like an electric bull. Pinkie couldn't keep her grasp on the tongue, and she flew towards the throat. However, Pinkie was stopped by something instead of falling down Twilight's oesophagus. Opening her eyes, she found out that she was dangling from Twilight's uvula. This was perfect! Pinkie could use this to time her jump down Twilight's throat. Looking down, Pinkie could see the mechanisms of Twilight's throat working. It amused her to think how Twilight was probably completely knowledgeable of all these biological features, whereas Rarity or Rainbow couldn't have pointed to their 'uvula' if you'd asked them...She could see the epiglottis directly below the uvula, where its fluttering vocal chords were residing that opened up into her trachea. Trying to land down Twilight's oesophagus might have been harder than she had anticipated. "SPIKE. THINK HARD. WHERE WOULD PINKIE BE IF SHE WAS WALKING AROUND IN A BRAIN?" Twilight's epic booming voice filled the air all around Pinkie, as it caused the alicorn's uvula to swing around like crazy. Pinkie tried as hard as she could to stay on the uvula, not caring about the hoofprints she was getting all over it. However, her efforts were in vain as she slipped off the uvula anyway. As Pinkie fell, she suddenly became aware of the situation she was in. No pony knew that she had shrunk more, No pony knew that she was inside of another pony within another. And most importantly, no pony could help her get out as she was all by herself! No Discord to whisk her away with a cunning plan; no friends to come to the rescue. She would be trapped! Pinkie didn't care about her party list anymore; she wanted out. She wanted to reunite with her friends again. If she didn't, she would be trapped in Twilight for...who knows how long! Months? Years? Decades!? She pictured her skeleton disintegrating among the Princess of Friendship's insides. How distraught the latter would be if she only knew. Reaching around like crazy, Pinkie grabbed on to Twilight's epiglottis as she moved on to her vocal chords. Pinkie could feel the air directly from Twilight's lungs pass over her. She could also feel the alicorn's powerful heart beating like crazy beneath her. Pinkie had to make a leap of faith onto the back of Twilight's tongue, as that was her only option. If it wasn't for Twilight's sudden speech. "OH SPIKE, I DON'T BLAME YOU FOR ANY OF THIS. YOU COULDN'T HAVE KNOWN THAT PINKIE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN FAR. WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER IF WE WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE SOON." Twilight's vocal chords were going back and forth like crazy. Pinkie found it impossible to keep her balance as she fell past the cords, just barley grabbing onto the cords while in the alicorn's trachea. Couldn't she just shut up for a minute, Pinkie thought. The air that was coming in and out of her lungs made it almost impossible for her to keep her balance. Looking down, Pinkie could only see the deep dark pit that lead into Twilight's lungs. "COME ON SPIKE. LET'S GO!" This was the final straw for Pinkie. She lost her grip of the chords and fell. Fell into the depths of the unaware alicorn princess. Chapter 5 - Lukington17 Pinkie found herself in the princess' lungs, right in her chest cavity. The blockage caused by Pinkie's presence led to Twilight coughing and choking suddenly. She and the other ponies had been searching the deepest recesses of Rainbow's nasal passage, trudging through nose hairs and snot everywhere. Spike, Rarity and Fluttershy were startled by Twilight's coughing, while Discord - who had magically reappeared in an apparent redemptive attempt to help - simply laughed. "Haha oh my, some people obviously can't hack this endeavour". Rarity gave him a look, but Twilight intervened. "No, he's right. This is too dangerous now, this mission. You guys should go back. I'm not sure how much longer I can trust him in here." "Twilight dear, what are you proposing?" Rarity asked. "Take Spike and Discord back out, you guys - apply the Growth Potion to all yourselves once you've left Rainbow's body (obviously try not to tell her or she'll get mad at us), and I'll go look for Pinkie Pie." There were a few nods of agreement. "Um, Twilight? I'd like to stay with you" Fluttershy said quietly. Twilight rolled her eyes but allowed it. "Now, Discord, where exactly are we?" She asked. Discord produced his map of Rainbow Dash's body and showed the red dot now about halfway along her nose. "Now, if we follow this path to the nasal vestibule we should be able to jump out of her nostril. As for you and Fluttershy, I suggest you follow this sinus passage back to Rainbow's brain." He gave Twilight the map. An emotional farewell followed, and Spike wished his best friend the princess luck on her search. If only she really knew. So Rarity set off with Discord and Spike venturing further down Rainbow's nostril. "Ugh, ow" Rainbow said to Applejack, twitching her nose, as the two approached Applejack's barn. "What is it?" "It totally feels like there's something in my nose. It's kinda ticklish. Haha!" Rainbow started laughing and rubbing her nose, before eventually snorting loudly. "Waaaah!" The group inside screamed as the sudden movements knocked them all off balance and eventually the large snort whisked them back inwards. "Nooo, there was the opening!" Spike wailed pointing as the open air and light outside of the nostril disappeared into the darkness as they were drawn back inside along with an unholy amount of snot. "Grab the side, grab anything!" Discord yelled, as the trio felt a soft pink wall alongside them in their fall and he and Spike dug their claws into it. Rarity was not so lucky, and fell further, screaming at the top of her voice. She eventually landed on something soft and wet as the snot went tumbling down whatever tunnel this now was. It didn't take long for them to realise their location, as Discord and Spike looked out from beyond the side of the wall. It wasn't a wall but a uvula: they were back in Rainbow's mouth. "Oh, heavens, to think she should swallow snot!" Rarity swooned. "Alright, well this shouldn't be too hard now" Discord maintained focus, as he flew down to pick up Rarity and propped her on a tonsil. Applejack had put some cider on the table for them both. She was beginning to get worried that the whole search was taking too long. Rainbow apparently sensed this as she picked up her cider mug, in a role-reversal between the relaxed and the aggravated one. "Relax, Applejack. I'm sure Twilight's making a plan. She's totally got this under control." "Doesn't it creep y'all out to know that Pinkie's inside ya right now?!" Applejack asked, thinking of all the others inside as well. "Meh, yeah but it's not my fault. What am I supposed to do about it?" Rainbow said, as she raised the mug to her mouth. Inside Rainbow's mouth, the trio watched as the blinding light of day came pouring in, as the massive jaws of teeth opened and they saw the distinct rim of a mug. Discord cursed as Spike advised him to grab the uvula and just hold on - Rarity sought shelter in a ridge of the tonsil. The cider came splashing in, rushing past and under them, before it went tumbling down the pegasus' throat with a huge gulp from Rainbow Dash. Her whole mouth smelt of apples, further aided by bits of pie still wedged between her teeth. "Let's go" Spike said, as the trio made a 'dash' for it across Rainbow's large pink tongue, which dripped wet with cidery saliva. They reached the front teeth and just managed to squeeze through her slightly open-hanging jaw. Discord quickly caught them both underwing before they fell down an almighty drop, and the trio flew far enough away from the barn where Rainbow and Applejack were conversing completely unaware. As Spike looked back at the pegasus whose insides they had just escaped, he thought aloud "I hope Twilight's okay in there...". Rarity took out the Growth Potion Twilight had given her, and poured a small amount on her, then Spike, then Discord. Once all three of them were thankfully back to normal size - and having praised Celestia for Twilight's intelligence - they headed over to the barn to join the others. Pinkie was determined to reach Twilight's stomach. She wrestled her way out of the chest cavity, finding the oesophagus again, and plunged down it anticipating the splash of the alicorn's stomach acid. Once inside, she screamed excitedly and got her notepad out, making notes of all of Twilight's recent consumptions as the acid bubbled quietly. Twilight and Fluttershy were in one of the cramped passages of Rainbow's brain again. They had searched up and down, and were growing tired. Twilight, in frustration, moaned loudly, opening her mouth wide before her tummy rumbled loudly. "Um, Twilight" Fluttershy said shyly, but the princess was in her own thoughts. "I don't get it, how can Pinkie have got lost in Rainbow's body so badly?!" "Twilight - " "I mean, she's our size so we surely would've seen her by now. Where else would she be in the body that's worth being in?!" "Twilight, look" "WHAT?!" Twilight said, now showing signs of stress. "There's something in your mouth." Twilight stopped dead in her tracks, slowly pointing to her mouth expectantly. "Let me take a look." Fluttershy said, as Twilight opened her mouth wide for her. Fluttershy examined the princess' maw then saw at the back of the throat: "Twilight, there are hoofprints on your uvula-thingy." "OH MY GOD" Twilight was in shock, but after calming down she spoke to 'herself', banging her stomach with her wings. "PINKIE PIE - YOU LISTEN TO ME. Get yourself out here immediately!" Pinkie Pie heard it, alright. Twilight's voice boomed, as did the stomach walls as something smacked against it continuously, causing the acid to churn back and forth. "Well, I have what I need...from here, anyway" Pinkie smirked, before using the tactic employed earlier by Discord to make a burp. She came blasting out of Twilight's mouth with an unroyal belch from the princess. Twilight and Fluttershy peered squinting down at her furiously, as she laughed nervously. Rainbow Dash was beginning to get impatient and suspicious. "How come Twilight hasn't even spoken to us yet? And where's Fluttershy?" Rarity and Applejack exchanged glances and awkwardly laughed off her questions. Discord saw an opportunity to stir trouble, so he whispered into Rainbow's ear. "Really Rainbow Dash, you're as bad as Rarity. Act, as you say, 'cool' about it. I'm sure they're...safe-ish wherever they are" he said, at the same time opening her mouth and looking in, peering into her ear and tapping her tummy and back as if at a doctor's check-up. "Oh, Pinkie Pie, where aaaare you?" He called out sarcastically. "That's enough, Discord" Applejack said, before she smiled warmly at Rainbow. "Twilight's in her lab, Fluttershy saw her a couple minutes ago. Fluttershy's gone home now though, she can't deal with all this, y'all." "All this?! How does she think I feel?!" Rainbow protested, but she soon sighed and settled down. Rarity and Spike were cleaning each other of a few potion stains. "It was horrible, Rarity." Spike said. "Oh, Spikey-wikey. I'm so sorry I swallowed you sweetie, I'll never live it down! Serves Rainbow Dash right, giving me a hard time, she can't handle all of us inside here either - ". She stopped when she realised that Rainbow and Applejack were staring at her, and Spike was facepalming. "...Oops." Rainbow got up furiously. "Oh my God, you guys TOTALLY lied to me this whole time! Twilight's inside me, isn't she?!" The other ponies bowed their heads in silence. "Twilight, get OUT of me now!" Rainbow said, shaking her head around in some kind of attempt to try and get Twilight out. There was an awkward silence but then tiny purple and yellow dots - Twilight and Fluttershy - presently came out of Rainbow's ear soon after, and she did not look impressed at them once they had applied the Growth Potion to themselves. "How could you guys do that to me?" Rainbow was almost crying, but clearly trying to hold back the tears to look strong. "Sorry, Rainbow Dash, it was the only way to save Pinkie Pie." Twilight said soothingly. "You weren't going to let us do it otherwise" Fluttershy said quietly. Rarity put a hoof around Rainbow's neck. "Goodness, darling, don't work yourself up like this. Everything is fine now; they're here." "No it's not", Rainbow said, crossing her arms, "Where's Pinkie Pie then?" Fluttershy stepped forward, as Twilight explained: "We actually found her inside MY stomach, doing GOD-knows-what. She shrunk herself again even smaller" A smile met Rainbow's face. "Wait, so Pinkie was inside you, inside me?" This clearly made her feel a bit better. "I guess it is pretty funny," Twilight agreed, "but we were mad with her when we found out. She's got some issues! Anyway, we told her to ride on Fluttershy's back until we got out, so she did. She should be proportionally sized now, basically how she was before." The ponies gathered around Fluttershy's back. Discord looked amused, watching in the background as they frantically searched the pegasus' back and hair. "Oh, my..." Rarity gasped. "She's gone" Applejack said in horror, as the ponies all gasped. Chapter 6 - hmhmh6532 Pinkie tried her best to not choke on the yellow hairs that were filling her mouth. It was best to remain hidden on Fluttershy's belly rather than anywhere else. The growth potion that affected Fluttershy had also rubbed off on Pinkie. She felt appreciated to be back at this height, whereas the size she was at before would've made Applejack's barn feel like an entire galaxy to her. The problem was that Pinkie was now bigger than when she first shrank. Instead of being the size of a speck of dust, she was now the size of a moderately small pebble. Pinkie stayed put as she listened to both her friends and the quickening heartbeat of the frightened pegasus. "Fluttershy, it's not your fault." Twilight approached Fluttershy, who appeared to be on the verge of a panic attack. "Pinkie couldn't have gotten far at her height. We need to search every nook and cranny of Sweet Apple Acres before something drastic happens to her." Discord looked as if he had had enough. "You know what? You ponies can play your game of 'Spot the Pink Imbecile'. I've already had quite the day." With a snap of his magic-intact fingers, he was gone. Rainbow looked absolutely livid. "He was playing games inside my head and now he has the gall to leave us at a time like this!? What a jerk!" Rainbow dashed up in the air without a second's notice. "I'm going to Canterlot to report him to Celes-" Before Rainbow could finish her sentence, she felt a tug as she was lowered back down to the ground. Applejack spit out her tail, removing select pieces of rainbow hair from her tongue. "Woah there, missy! We all got much more important things to deal with. We can worry about Discord later." Rainbow still felt resentment towards her friends for practically tricking her into having them entering her body, but she wasn't about to let one of her friends suffer because of it. Twilight made sure everypony was listening. "Alright everypony, we should have a better chance at finding Pinkie by splitting up into different groups and checking each individual section of Sweet Apple Acres. She can be quite fast at times, so you would have to be quick at snatching her." All her friends gave Twilight a resounding nod of agreement. Before the group had the chance to split up, Twilight felt a tug at her tail. It was Spike, seemingly wanting to tell her something. "Spike, you've been with Pinkie most of today; is there any important information you could share with us to let us know where she might be headed?" Spike looked nervous, "Well, Pinkie probably wouldn't like what I'm about to say, but if this is an emergency..." Pinkie grasped Fluttershy's hairs as hard as she can. She knew she should've made Spike pinkie-promise. Oh please don't say what I think you're gonna say, Spike! she winced. "It's just that Pinkie had this crazy idea that heading inside each and every one of your stomachs would allow her to find out what all of your favourite foods are. You know, for whenever she threw another party. It's as if she's been trying to go inside of you all on purpose." This suddenly brought clarity as to why Pinkie was inside of Twilight previously. The alicorn had no reason to not believe Spike; this didn't seem like something that was out of Pinkie's usual norms. Fluttershy however was in a panic. "Are you saying that she could be inside of any of us right now!!?" She galloped to Twilight at full speed, inadvertently blowing Pinkie off her chest and right into a nearby stack of hay. "I don't want anything alive inside of me! It scares me knowing that Pinkie could get hurt in there, or worse! Can you see anything!?" Fluttershy presented her ears and open maw to Twilight, giving her a pretty good view straight down her cavernous throat as scared little huffs of breath blew into Twilight's face. Twilight backed off. "Look: Pinkie's already been inside Rarity, Rainbow, and apparently myself. So that leaves you and Applejack as the next targets." She approached Fluttershy and performed a scan on her as she'd done with Rarity, giving the result that other life was absent from her body. She then went up to Applejack and performed the same spell. Nothing. "Alright," Twilight concluded, "Pinkie isn't inside either of you both at the moment. Which could mean that she will come back - " "She could've gone back inside me!" Rainbow interrupted loudly, before adding sheepishly, "...or, ya know, somepony else." Twilight rolled her eyes and continued, "Fluttershy and Applejack, you two stay here and try to catch her in the act, while the rest of us will search Sweet Apple Acres, just in case she might have retreated." Applejack gave a salute. "Don't y'all fret nuttin'. I'm on the case!" The search brigade began their hunt, while Applejack tried her best to comfort Fluttershy. While Pinkie couldn't blame Spike for spilling the beans, it made her job a lot tougher now with the beefed-up security. Considering the size she was at right now, a glance in her direction would spoil her plans for sure. Pinkie had to hone in all of her previous spy work to accomplish her goal. She decided that she would infiltrate Applejack next. Of course her favourite food was apples, but there had to be some specific kind that she could've had for breakfast. Breakfast apples, now that sounds like an awesome party flavour! Applejack was seated smack in the middle of the barn with a full view of the entrance. Fluttershy was crouched right behind her, making the back of the barn a no-go. Pinkie would have to stick to the sides of the barn through the hay stacks. After a very itchy trek, she found herself an opening right between Fluttershy and Applejack. Pinkie would just have to hope that neither of them would look in differ rent directions at the time. Taking in a deep breath, Pinkie performed her run over the gap between Fluttershy and Applejack. Once arriving, thankful for not getting spotted, she looked to her right and saw the mountain that was Applejack's back. Pinkie would have to be quick to reach the mouth without getting spotted. She grasped onto Applejack's rump, and began climbing. Applejack continued her watch over the entrance of the barn. Looking at the same place for about 20 minutes was pretty tiresome. She was so focused on not falling asleep that she didn't notice the small pink entity moving across her cheek. It was a tiring climb, but Pinkie had reached her last stop: the mouth of Applejack, the gateway. Pinkie sat herself right on the edge of Applejack's bottom lip trying to think of ways to get in there without alerting her. Fate seemed to be on her side as Applejack tiredly let loose a wide yawn. With no second thought, Pinkie scooped herself up and ran inside onto Applejack's tongue, right as she finished her yawn by making a loud sigh. After trying to stand herself up on the tongue, Pinkie came to notice that the mouth was a little bit more cramped than the last three times she had been in one. She must have grown larger than she initially thought. At least the throat wasn't that far away now compared to Twilight's. As Pinkie was halfway across the mouth, her entire world suddenly seemed to have tilted forward. Applejack was giving her neck a stretch, hoping it would jog her out of this tired state. Pinkie tried her best to latch herself back onto the tongue, but it was too late. The saliva-encompassed floor quickly became a water slide as Pinkie was rushing at a speedy pace towards the deep darkness of Applejack's throat. With no time to react, Pinkie had to hop, skip, and jump into the air at the same time that Applejack finished her stretch. Pinkie guided herself straight under the uvula, timing it just right so that she wouldn't get sucked down the trachea again. She was successful as she stuck the landing right into Applejack's oesophagus. Just as Fluttershy was about to drift off to sleep herself, the sound of coughing woke her up out of her trance. She looked behind her to find Applejack was coughing up a storm. "Oh my goodness! Are you alright Applejack?" Applejack cleared her throat, wiping tears from her eyes. "It's nothing to worry about, Fluttershy. Probably a fly or hay or somethin' flew in there while I was off... guard..." It took her a few seconds to realise what she was doing there in the first place. "...Oh shoot." Applejack galloped out of the barn, leaving behind a very confused Fluttershy. She ran straight to her house busting open the door, where Apple Bloom was found at the table eating a bowl of cereal. "Hey, is that you, Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked over to the noise at the front door, "Why are all your friends over here, sis? Usually they don't come over unless it's a drastic-" Apple Bloom stopped as she noticed the door was absent of life and a dash of orange headed up the stairs. "...Eh, best to not get involved." Apple Bloom returned back to her cereal. Applejack slammed the door to the bathroom open, nearly cracking it off its hinges. She approached the mirror above the sink, hoping to Celestia that her fears weren't true. ...It looked like Celestia wasn't on her side today. Applejack looked into her mouth through the mirror, finding small pink hairs lining the back of her throat. Part 3: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2074249-MLP-Endo-A-Small-Issue-Par... Part 1: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2056108-MLP-Endo-A-Small-Issue-Par... |