Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2055388-A-Many-Splendored-Thing
Rated: GC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2055388
Emotion focused romance for Sensual Infusion contest
Round 3: August 1st - August 31st: Special Challenge- Craft me an erotic tale without the typical graphic sex or explicit labels...Let's write a story where the atmosphere and descriptions tantalize and excite the characters and reader alike. "


Drew leaned on the balcony watching the gyrations and laughter of his cousin’s wedding party, now in full swing. I must be getting old and cynical, he thought, especially after another cousin’s marriage had lasted barely four weeks.

His introspection was matched by a sigh from close by, and he turned to see a young woman who looked rather as he felt.

“I don’t know about you,” he started, “but weddings seem to be losing their magic nowadays.”

“Mmm,” was her only response, so Drew tried again.

“Bride or groom?” he asked.

“Bride,” she replied. “The second bridesmaid wanted some moral support and set me up with a guy who was supposed to be the answer to my dreams. More like my nightmares as it turned out.”

“I’m Drew Baxter and the groom is my cousin. I hope for everyone’s sake this wedding is a success, although there is an element of the shotgun in it.

Her eyebrow flicked upwards. “Yes, I know. Maria’s family is trying to keep it a secret, but she’s pregnant, and her family is very old fashioned. So he’s got to do what is commonly referred to as ‘the decent thing’.”

“Not the best basis for a long and happy marriage.” Drew looked more closely at his new acquaintance, and his heart gave a jump. Not conventionally beautiful, she was certainly striking. Tall and slim, she was topped by a shock of copper red hair, compelling green eyes behind rimless glasses and a face where low cheekbones created a generous mouth. But her seemingly indifferent expression gave an impression of being almost insulted with everything she saw.

Drew was fascinated by her hands. Long, slim fingers, tipped with beautifully manicured nails, buffed until they glowed. And she used her hands expressively to make forceful points.

He was about to start on a new approach when his new acquaintance left to ‘use the ladies room’, saying she would be back. Almost instantaneously, Drew’s sister, Gaby, materialised out of thin air. “I see you’ve met Stella Riordan; be careful, Drew. She’s a ballbreaker, doesn’t care much for male company—in fact, knowing your fascination with words, you might almost call her a misandrist.”

“Oh thanks, Gaby—way to boost my confidence.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Gaby disappeared as quickly as she had arrived.

Drew hadn’t entirely expected Stella to return, but she did shortly after and gave him a direct, green-eyed stare.

“Still here? I imagined you would have run a mile after your sister warned you about me?”

“Now how would you know that, um, Stella, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s me. Gaby and I have crossed swords on several occasions. She doesn’t approve of me, or of my tendency to speak my mind, particularly about gender relations.”

“Hmm, well, ignoring anything Gaby may have said, I’m glad you came back. Let me get you a drink, and you can tell me why men are such undesirable reptiles?”

“Not all men, only those who are so far up themselves they’ll never find their way back. Mind you, a large majority of the species could find themselves in such a category.”

Drew grinned. “So it’s now my responsibility to prove we’re not all the same.”

Stella smiled in reply but thought it wiser not to add anything further.

They spent a satisfying hour exchanging pleasantries and Drew prodded delicately at some of Stella’s more sensitive beliefs. He enjoyed fielding her sometimes barbed responses, but Stella soon realised he was deliberately baiting her, and responded in kind with her own enjoyment.

The situation became complicated when Stella was approached by a tall, good-looking man who introduced himself as Spencer, Stella’s supposed partner for the evening. Stella’s reaction was not merely cool but positively arctic.

“Oh, I thought you might have forgotten who I was,” her voice could have sliced steel, but it seemed to have no effect on Spencer.

“Look, Stella, I’m so sorry to do this, but I won’t be able to drive you home, you see ...”

“Oh yes, I see. Blonde bimbo at twelve o’clock. Big boobs and nothing between her ears.”

“That’s not really fair, Stella. Gloria is a lovely person, and ...”

He got no further at his second attempt when Stella cut him short. “Oh go and chase your wet dreams, Spencer. I’ll find my own way home,” and she deliberately turned her back to her erstwhile companion.

“Can't find his way back,” Stella muttered to Drew. “Now I guess I’ll have to get a cab.”

“Stella,” Drew said, “let me drive you home. No strings attached, no trying for an invitation for coffee while you change into something more comfortable.”

“Look, Drew, I wasn’t angling for an offer. And you don’t know where I live—it could be right out of your way.”

“So it might, but I really don’t care. It would be a great opportunity for some civilised conversation with an intelligent companion.”

“Okay, thanks, Drew. But no funny business. I noticed you admiring my hands; they turn into lethal weapons if I get annoyed.”

“I’ll bet”, he muttered under his breath.

The journey to Stella’s house went smoothly, and they both enjoyed continuing the cut and thrust of their earlier conversation. On arrival, Drew briefly forestalled Stella’s departure, “I promised to honour our contract, and there will be no funny business.”

Stella grinned.

“Even so, I’d love to see you again. How about dinner next Saturday? I know a nice little Italian place; the food is good, the service discreet, and we can talk without being overheard. How does seven o’clock sound?”

“You move fast, Mr Baxter. Is this an integral part of your seduction routine?” Her voice sounded severe, but even in the dim light of the car, Drew could see the twinkle in her eyes.

“I’ll have to leave you to decide,” he replied. “Seven o’clock; don’t be late.”

“Cheek. Okay, it’s a date, and thank you for the lift. You’ve been a perfect gentleman.”

“I think I’ll take that as a compliment,” he laughed, and was rewarded by Stella’s warm, unexpectedly sultry laughter.

The following Saturday, Drew arrived precisely on time but had almost no opportunity to ring the bell when Stella opened her door.

"Um, I wasn't exactly waiting here for you, but ... oh hell, I haven't had a real date for at least two years, and I'm quite nervous."

"Then it behooves me to act like a perfect gentleman."

"Behooves? What are you-a riding instructor?"

"No, just trying to lighten the atmosphere," and with an exaggerated gesture, offered her his arm.

Drew glowed inside at Stella’s look of warmth and appreciation.

The meal was a great success. Stella relaxed and joined with Drew as they set out to score points off each other, accompanied by laughter and gentle teasing.

Eventually the time came to leave and Drew drove her home.

"No really funny business, Stella, maybe just one goodnight kiss." She turned to him as he wrapped his arms round her waist and their mouths moved together. Drew had never believed the tales of instant electricity with a simple kiss. This had to be the stuff of womens' cheap romances. But now he had an epiphany.

Stella moulded herself close to him and pulled his head closer to her. Her warm, sensuous mouth opened a doorway into excitement for Drew, a wholly new experience for him, and he feasted on the sweetness of her lips.

But for Stella, this was something wholly unexpected, and she gasped as they reluctantly broke apart. He had awakened something inside her which had lain dormant all her life, a heat, a need, a desire threatening to overwhelm her. But an experience frightening in its intensity.

"Oh god, Drew, I've never ... I don't know what to think. I wanted to invite you in but now I'm so scared ..."

"You're scared of me?" Drew sounded amazed.

"No, I'm scared of me," Stella sobbed and rushed inside, slamming the door in Drew's face.

Drew decided the best thing he could do would be to keep quiet and wait.

Two days later, on a cold, wet evening, Drew answered a knock on the door to see Stella looking as if she wanted to turn and run away.

"You must be frozen," he said. "Come in, the fire's burning bright, the coffee's hot and it's wonderful to see you."

"Drew, I'm so sorry about the other night. I just panicked over all the emotions one simple kiss stirred up. I thought about it, and ... well, I wanted to do it again." The mischief sparkled in her voice. "Just to make sure it was—or wasn't just a 'one off' thing."

"Hmm. Should I forgive this saucy wench and offer my lips for her experiment, or should I banish her from my life forever? Decisions, decisions."

Drew got no further when Stella threw herself into his arms, laughing with delight, and fastened her lips to his in a passionate embrace. But this was different. This time both Stella and Drew found themselves rushing headlong into a sensual madness neither of them ever wanted to stop.

"Drew," she whispered, but then the madness returned. The kiss was passionate, hot and so intense it threatened to destroy them both. Inevitably, they needed to breathe, and Drew gazed deep into Stella's eyes.

"Stella, this is unbelievable. I could never have imagined ..."

But she stopped him with a soft, warm kiss. "Drew, please ... please make love to me. Take me to bed and let me show you how much you mean to me. I know this is stupid, and we've only known each other for a short time, but I can't stop how I feel. Oh Drew, I love you."

"Stella, are you sure? Because I've been trying to tell you how I feel without scaring you again. But I feel the same way. I love you too; I need you and I want to show you how I feel."

No more words were needed as Stella pulled Drew's head down and kissed him again, another hot highly sensual exploration immersing them both.

"This way to the operating theatre," Drew laughed.

"You mean your bedroom?

"Isn't that just what I said?"

Drew was mesmerised as Stella quickly removed every stitch of clothing and turned a slow circle in front of him.

"Oh god, Stella, you are so beautiful, I can't resist touching you."

"Then don't." Her voice was low and lust filled and she moaned with joy as he stroked gently across her skin.

"Drew, you need to understand, I'm not very experienced at this sort of thing. I've only ever been with two other guys and they both hurt me. Please be gentle and I ..."

"Stella, my only concern is to pleasure you when we're together. But if there is anything at all you don't like, I give you my solemn promise to stop if you say 'STOP'."

"Hmm, too much talk and not enough action." Slowly, she undressed him, pausing occasionally to kiss his gradually exposed body.

As she did so, Drew kissed and caressed her glowing skin, creating a growing turbulence in her which demanded release. And this had its effect on Drew, who felt the heat and urgency rising as they tumbled onto the bed.

They both found themselves needing to give to and take from each other as sensations roared through each of them.

Stella couldn't contain herself, crying his name over and over, calling out to God and screaming for Drew not to stop. Ever.

Too quickly, perhaps, they plunged into the abyss together, falling into a chasm of delight, holding each other as if afraid to let go.

"Stay the night, Stella," he asked and too overcome to speak, she nodded her head against him and cried tears of joy.

The following evening, Stella returned home, and for the next week, they spent long sessions on the phone, expressing their love for each other.

Disaster exploded out of the blue on the following Saturday evening. They had arranged to meet at a club they visited often. Drew was there talking to one of the bouncers when the door was wrenched open and Stella stormed in, her face contorted with rage and green fire erupting from her eyes.

"You bastard," she screamed in Drew's face. "You rotten liar. How come I've only just found out you're engaged?"

"Bullshit," was his terse but perhaps unwise reply when, out of the blue, Stella swung hard with her right hand and delivered a stinging slap to the side of his face.

"Whoa, just wait a minute. Where the hell did you get such an idea?"

"Oh going to play the innocent, are you, you cheating pig?"

"You okay, Drew?" the bouncer enquired?

"Yeah, no worries, mate. Just a little local disagreement."

"Disagreement my arse, you sonofabitch."

"Have you met my mother?"

"I don't have to listen to your stupid jokes, Drew Baxter. So much for saying you love me. I'm out of here and I won't have anything more to do with you."

"Just a minute, miss lawyer. I thought it was innocent until proven guilty. So where is your evidence?"

"Evidence!!" she screamed. "What is this, then?" Pulling a photo out of her bag, she thrust it in his face.

It showed Drew in the enthusiastic embrace of a young woman clearly wearing an engagement ring. Unexpectedly, Drew burst out laughing.

"I knew the photo had been taken, but I've never seen it. Stella, will you please just give me five minutes and I think we can clear this up." So saying, Drew dashed across the room to a table where two people, one heavily pregnant, were sitting talking.

"Hi Daisy," he said, addressing the pregnant woman. "Hi Jerry," he smiled at her husband. "Would you both do me a big favour, please? My friend over there who is looking as if she would like to disembowel me, thinks Daisy and I are engaged. Someone has given her a photo taken when you told me in highly enthusiastic tones about your engagement to Jerry."

"Oh boy, major crisis," said Daisy, but struggling to her feet, waddled over to Stella.

Stella met her with an incandescent glare, but Daisy was immune. "Hi, I'm Daisy Colless, and this is my husband Jerry. Drew and I had a bit of a fling a few years ago, but we've stayed friends, and Drew was even one of Jerry's groomsmen at our wedding. Drew's a great guy, but we've never been engaged."

Daisy watched as Stella's face crumpled and tears ran down her face. She looked from Daisy to the photograph, to Drew, as the truth slowly dawned. "Drew, I'm so ... I'm so very sorry for hitting you and for what I said. I ... Please ... Just let me ..." And she turned and ran from the club.

For the next fortnight, Drew churned over a painful mixture of emotions. At first he tried to characterize Stella as a jealous, spiteful bitch. But he quickly realized that horse wouldn’t run, even under the whip. As the pretence of aversion dimmed and dispersed, love started to rekindle through the fog of negative emotions. Drew recognized he couldn’t simply wait for Stella to react; he had to take the initiative.

On a cold, wet Saturday afternoon, Drew arrived at Stella’s unit with an armful of flowers, a bottle of her favorite wine—and something else, something special. Stella gasped in surprise and stammered, “Drew … I didn’t expect … what are you doing here? ... what do you want? … I don’t know …,” and burst into tears.

Drew moved to take her in his arms and she shook with emotion as her tension eased. His mouth moved over hers, radiating love and compassion, and Stella responded in a mixture of hunger and hope.

“Oh Drew, I’ve dreamed of this, but despair became a barrier when I remembered how badly I’d treated you. Now here you are with flowers, wine and open arms, but … but … oh god, can this really be true?”

“I have one more thing for you, Stella,” and he pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket. “I don’t claim to be the world’s greatest poet, but this is for you and only you.”


Your eyes weave magic in my heart,
they captivate my soul.
Enchantment spreads to every part,
and makes my being whole.

Your voice breathes fire in delight;
sensations flood my mind.
I feel a heat both pure and bright,
a treasure sweet and kind.

Your touch paints rainbows at my core,
and adds to my desire.
I want and need you more and more,
driving my passion higher.

Your kiss destroys my will to fight,
to keep my needs at bay.
Why fight a thing that is so bright;
illuminates each day.

My Stella’s beauty shines clear through,
an incandescent blaze.
A partner, friend and lover, to
be with me all my days.

Drew Baxter

Stella read through his words, absorbing each one, before she turned to him with tears in her eyes. “Drew, I’ve experienced disdain, indifference, derision and scorn, and I know what they look like. But love is the opposite. You’ve woken something in me I’ve never known before. I love you so much and I need to be with you to feed from it, to make myself whole, and to be there for you however and whenever you need me. Drew, you’ve taught my heart to sing.”

He wrapped her in his arms as she willingly molded herself into his body. Drew knew this was where he belonged, where she belonged. The kiss was long, sweet and momentous and he knew he was home. So, in one word, he was able to encompass all meaning, all purpose.


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