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by Nega
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #2055177
Bleeeergh burrlp feeerp
Nox (M|Espeon); Heeey nox Judas missed you X3
Nox (M|Espeon): Hey, sorry I wasn’t on much, I bet he did.
Emily (F Maid Gardvoir); Oh your viral?
Nox (M|Espeon); off course mine flareon missed his sweet espeon *Heart*
Nox (M|Espeon): Heh... Well, I’m back.
Nox (M|Espeon); Gives him a kiss on his cheeks nuzzling aiganst him purring happily that he is back.
Nox (M|Espeon): Blushes and nuzzles back purring as well.
Nox (M|Espeon); Judas wraps a paw around him as he gives him a nice tight huh."Where have you been? i have been missing you *Heart* I kept you home clean while your gone" He blushes a little bit giving his cheeks a little kiss
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox just blushed more. "Heh... Just went out you know... Thanks for keeping the home clean..." He kissed back not sure what else he could do.
Nox (M|Espeon); Blushes smiling happily he gotten a kiss back. Looking down a bit."Myaawr doesnt chance the fact i still missed you" nuzzling aiganst him. Snuggling aiganst him "Hmm wanna do something? · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox smiled a bit. "Yeah sorry about that... And sure, what do you feel like doing? I don’t mind."
Nox (M|Espeon); Smiles back at him licking his cheeks. Blushing a little bit."I was hoping for you too suggest something...maybe go out a nice trip? " *Mind: like a date..*
Nox (M|Espeon): "A trip? Sure, that sounds like a wonderful thing to do!" Nox smiled and looked around. "Perhaps the lake... It does look nice at this time..."
Nox (M|Espeon); eeps a little bit. gasping a little bit as he wants go too a lake."Ah.. fine.. dont make me s-swim tho."
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox looked at him and laughed a bit. "I won’t, I hate swimming myself, gets my fur wet... We can just sit at the side and eat a few berries."
Nox (M|Espeon); /me giggles a little bit back. smiling a little nervouse."I cant swim.a smart guy like you should know why" Licking his cheeks feeling exitented about thier little date
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox blushed more and laughed a little. "Heh... Yeah.. I-I’m not that smart though... Come on, it isn’t far." He began walking slowly towards the lake.
Nox (M|Espeon); Follows him in his foot steps walking behide him gives him a little look at those pink buttcheeks making him bite his lips a little bit. Sqeeuling inside like a school girl. out off sheer enjoyment. Holding the basket for the berries in his maw.
Nox (M|Espeon); prepare the picknick cloth already waiting for nox too sit next too him.
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox walked over and sat by him looking over the lake. "See? You don’t have to swim for it to be nice."
Nox (M|Espeon); Holds his head aiganst his shoulder looking at the shimmering lake at moonlight/sunlight. Smiling feeling happy they spend thier time together. His blushing a little bit more red. and nods "It isnt nearly as beutifull as you are. · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox blushed deeply at this and smiled a little. "Aw... Thanks... But, I think I’d say you were more beautiful then me..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Eeps a little bit as his flattery backfires. Blushing even more red."Nya..your the pretty one." Sniffling in the basket for a rawst berry.
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox smiled at him and looked back at the lake sighing a little. "This place is wonderful, don’t you think?"
Nox (M|Espeon); Shakes his head in disagreement."It scares me..i dont like the water. other then that. i find the shimmering moonlight gorgeus" Scooting a little closer to nox as he place his paw on his. Trying to hold hands.(wich is a move)
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox’s eyes widened as he felt the paw on his own, he looked down and blushed as he saw it. He looked back at Judas and gulped. "I... U-Uh..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Snuggles aiganst him as he sits next too him holding the espeons paw.llooking at him with a curious smile "Something the matter nox · ?"
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox shook his head. "No... Not at all... Just a bit... Er.. Surprised that’s all..." He smiled back hoping his blush was fading.
Nox (M|Espeon); Smiles a little bit. chuckling a little bit."Oh i am Sorry nox" rubbing his cheek a little bit. gentle stroking it."’Tehehe your now all red." staring at the moonlit lake and couldnt stop wondering what the future holds for this.. couple?
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox only felt his cheeks burn more at this. "Eheh... I... Er... D-Don’t be sorry... You have nothing to be sorry about..." He said following the others gaze.
Nox (M|Espeon); Gives him a quick kiss on his lips nuzzling aiganst him looking into his cute eyes."Its okay i am nervouse too." Slowyl trying too holds his paw aigan trying too enjoy this romantic trip together,
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox gasped a little and this time moved his paw back against his, looking back into the others eyes. "Um... Y-You look amazing in the moonlight..." He said feeling a bit awkward and nervous.
Nox (M|Espeon); Smiles a little bit. Feeling flattered."Hmm your so pretty in the moonlight even prettier then a umbreon." Smiling happily at him blushing a little bit."Dont worry i am a little shy too. lets just only our night together. · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox smiled and nodded. "Okay... S-Sorry... This is kinda new to me..." He blushed as he looked away still a bit nervous.
Nox (M|Espeon); looks a little confused. Smiling at him "Huh? Thats a little hard too believe. How can a pretty lad like you never had any dates?" His cheeks was flustered red. his poor heart bonking nearly out off his chest. It was clear judas liked nox he doesnt have too read his mind for that.
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox’s blush came back quickly. "Um... W-Well I guess no one wanted to date me... I-I’m pretty quiet..." He shuffled his paws around awkwardly. "Apart fro · m you..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Nuzzles aiganst him. He couldnt figure out why nox was so nervouse."You mean pretty cute." Giggling a little bit guilty off fallen for the charms off nox."What can i say. i would be a crime not too. · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox hesitated before nuzzling him back. "I doubt it would be that bad... I’m just one little cat in this world... There must be so many people better then me..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Nuzzles back at him purring a bit Nuzzling aiganst those soft red cheeks."You one out off thousand. you like a Diamond, pretty and quiet." Smiling at him. looking at his soft pink fur."There might be a millions off espeons out there. but there is only one you. i wouldnt want it any differently"
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox thought his face would have gone redder if it could. "The same goes for you... I’ve never seen anyone as perfect as you..." He sighed happily and smiled.
Nox (M|Espeon); Judas Chuckles a little bit t it "Me? perfect? i doubt that. but argueing whos the prettier will get us nowhere *Heart*" Smiling pick up a berry giving one too nox aswell "We.. even live together for a long time.. · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox smiled and nodded before taking the berry and eating it slowly. "Mm... S-So... What now then...?" He asked unsure what to do.
Nox (M|Espeon); Blushes a little bit shruggin a little bit."I dunno. this mine first date." Nibbling at his berries taking a little longer hoping this moment last longer."I.. um.. W-w-w · ould."
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox looked at him. "Y-You would what...?" He asked it was his first date as well and he wasn’t sure what to do, overthinking everything.
Nox (M|Espeon); Shakes his head."I-its n-nothing." trembling a little bit. getting bit nervouse. but looking at nox just made him feel safe and fuzzy."You know.. i bet this isnt our last date. · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox blushed but smiled and shook his head. "I... I doubt this is... I would love to go on another date with you..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Eeps a little bit. he doesnt want go too forward with nox. placing his paw on his chest try too feel his heart."I would love it too. C-cutey.. · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox gulped a little and looked down, his heartbeat was fairly fast and he was unsure what to do next but blush at being called cute.
Nox (M|Espeon); Takes a deep breath trying too calm his mind off his dirty thoughs too play nox. Feeling unsure what todo he zips running home only too return with a treasure chest with a busted lock."I found this. i wanted too give you it as a present" inside was a sun ribbon
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox looked at it with a smile. "Thank you Judas..." He looked inside at the ribbon and took it out. "Wow... Now I feel guilty that I don’t have anything for you..." He lowered his ears feeling guilty.
Nox (M|Espeon); ""You already have something for me. You *Heart* " nibbling a little at his ears. nuzzling a little bit. eeping little bit as he keeps getting some naughty ideas..
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox blushed at the nibbling and nuzzling and he nuzzled back slowly. "Well, if that’s enough for you then okay..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Couldnt help but rub his tights a little bit shaking a little bit."Ah.. I C can Think off a way too pay me back." He gaps a little shaking a little nervously..
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox looked at him and tilted his head. "Hmm? What is it? I don’t mind, anything to pay you back..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Gives his butt a little sqeeuze Blushing even redder."Well we could.. try this. c-cutey" licking his cheeks feeling nervouses as hell.
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox blushed deeply at the squeeze and looked at him with a nervous smile. "W-Well, we could..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Nuzzles a little bit giving his pucker a naughty little lick rubbing a little bit aiganst his shaft."Hmm.. it would be a lovely ending for our sweet little date *Heart* afther all lovers should make love no" And kisses him on the lips "Well.. if you ready.. i am no psychic but i know you want it too, · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox blushed more and gulped, but he nodded with a small smile. "I-I suppose so... Yes... I’m ready..."
Nox (M|Espeon); slowly leans over him pushing him on his back so he can see his face kissing him on his sweet lips. gently tipping it inside."You tell me if you want too stop my sweetie · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox bit his lip and nodded. "O-Okay... I will..." He kissed him back and blushed deeply.
Nox (M|Espeon); Pressing his shaft a little bit deepering giving him a few slow thrust while holding on too the kiss Nuzzling him up. Going a little faster. "Ah..you even amazing at this.. · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox was moaning a little now. "N-No... You’re better..." He smiled a bit before biting his lip at the next thrust.
Nox (M|Espeon); Thrusts a little bit harder carefully not too harm the espeon. as he slowly speed up Moaning in pleasure loving every last second off this.
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox gasped and felt his own member throbbing a little making him blush more, he continued to moan, loving the feeling inside of him.
Nox (M|Espeon); Seeing his shaft trobbing he gotten a little closer rubbing the rod aiganst his belly. trying too reach it with his paws. sadly doesnt have hands too rub it with. As his thurst slowly becomes harder and faster Moaning louder. his breathing gotten a little heavier as his mind gotten a little fuzzy from all the enjoyment.
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox whimpered a little as he got harder but remained smiling, not complaining. He groaned a little as he felt his own shaft receiving some pleasure.
Nox (M|Espeon); As soon as he saw him whimper he gotten a little slower.Rubbing his paw aiganst his shaft. obvoisly having trouble giving him a hand job with no hands.trying too reach it with his tail instead. Mewling a little in pleasure. He never knew this..was called love *Heart*
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox moaned more as he tried to relax, trying to please Judas more. His own member was throbbing a bit from the pleasure it received, he didn’t mind that it wasn’t much.
Nox (M|Espeon); Moans a little bit pushing his rod a little deeper inside his tight butt. Coiling his paws around him sqeeuzing his belly aignast his shaft. With every thrust he gives the cats peen a rub aswell."Ah...ah..ccc · lose.."
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox moaned more as his member was rubbed as well. "Oh... S-Same...!" He looked at him and smiled a bit before biting his lip.
Nox (M|Espeon); Kiss him Blushing as he gives one final row off thrust going in much harder and faster letting out a cute mix of moaning and meowing ""NYAAAA!" And shoots his load out. his cheeks became red as a ruby.
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox blushed deeply as well at the sudden warmth inside of him and his own shaft started to shoot his own load over himself. "Ah...! Th-That was wonderful...!"
Nox (M|Espeon); /me lowers his head down waiting for the cum too drool out licking it clean. tickling his belly as he cleans up nox cum briefly putting his shaft in his maw trying too clean it a little up. Nodding in agreement."Hhhm I.. I... i..love you noxy · "
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox looked at him and sucked his shaft clean before taking it out of his mouth. "I... I love you too..."
Nox (M|Espeon); Gives him a kiss on his lips as his blushing go a little toned down. He felt warm in fuzzy his heart was freaking out hearing those sweet words. He snuggled him up close "We should go home *Heart*"
Nox (M|Espeon): Nox nodded with a smile. "Yeah, alright, I suppose we should." He got up and smiled giving him another kiss.
Nox (M|Espeon); With that the first date was a succeds. The flareon couldnt believe nox felt the same way he did. Snuggling aiganst him on their way home. it was their start as a couple."I might be a fire type but you burn with more passion then me" as the night closes in he lays down on nox bed laying at the edge off the bed so nox has more room.
© Copyright 2015 Nega (negastared at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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