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About a girl whos never loved and thinks she finds the one but he ends up being a killer |
CHAPTER 1 “Somebody help me! Please help!” she screamed while running down Main St. “Anybody! Help me!” Chelsea was running as fast as she could, her bare feet scraping against the pavement as she ran. She had been running for well over ten minutes which was usually nothing to her considering she runs at least 5 miles every day. But this wasnt one of her routine runs. This time she was running for her life. Lets go back to the very beggining. Chelsea was a 16 year old girl from a small town in Illinois. Growing up, her town only had about five-hundred people in it so everyone knew everything about everyone. Her mom liked to consider it a town that still lived in the 70’s even though the year was 2007. Everyone knew everybody and everyone got along. You could leave your door wide open at night and not have to worry about someone breaking in. The only thing youd have to worry about were critters. There wasnt a lot of businesses in this town considering there wasnt a lot of people. There was no fancy restaurants, no malls, none of the big businesses you would find in a city. Most of the businesses were in the town square. There was a small mom and pop market run by Mary and Todd Jhonston. It didnt have a very large selection but it had enough. Mary and Todd lived on a farm where they grew fruits and veggies so all the produce in the market was always fresh which was important to people around here because since the recession has started, a lot of people couldnt keep their farms going so fresh produce was becoming a commmodity. Other than the market, the only other facilities were a bar, a bank, and the school house. Chelsea had lived here her whole life and always dreamed about moving to the city. She lived with just her mom. She had no siblings and her real dad left before she was born which didnt bother her at all because her mom did a pletny good job at rasing her. Her and her mom lived in a 2 bedroom one story house with a garage. It wasnt much but it was all they needed. Living in a small town, you could say her selection of guys was quite small and being 17 and not having had a boyfriend yet was driving her crazy. She wasnt ugly by any means in her opinion. She was about 5’7” and she had bright blue eyes with long dirty blonde hair. She had an athletic build but didnt lack any in the womanly features department. She was big on living a healthy lifestyle. When the rooster crowed which was the crack of dawn, shed wake up and go for a 5 mile run, come home and take a shower and than see what the day brought. At night she would go for another 5 mile run and then come home take a shower and go to bed. This was her routine every day and shed done it since she learned how to run. She was also a vegatarian. She thought it was cruel to kill an animal and couldnt understand why people did it. Other than that you could say that she was a typical 16 year old. She wanted to meet mr. right and get married and have kids and a dog. She wanted to live in a 2 story white house with a nice green lawn and a white pickett fence. Yeah she thought it was a little cliche but thats what she wanted. She had never been in love and was dying to know what it was like. She always talked to her mom about what its like and would ask question after question about all of her mothers love stories. She had heard them all several times but she never got tired of them. She would do anything to fall in love but she knew as long as she stayed in this town, she had very little chance of finding it. CHAPTER 2 Chelsea also had a good head on her shoulders. She knew what she wanted to do with her life and was heading in the right direction towards it. She sat in the front of all her classes, and took pages and pages of notes. Her theory wass you can never be too safe when it comes to taking notes. She would spend hours upon hours studying for big tests which payed off because she always got strait A’s on her report card and all of her teachers had only good things to say about her. She didnt necessarily like all her classes but she still did well in them. Her favorite class was math hands down. She was just so good at it and never struggled with it. It was late April which was her favorite time of the year because her birthday was coming up. Her birthday was April 20th which was during spring break and it was only a week away. She was going to be 17 years old. Only one more year and she could move out of this town and move to the city. She had never even been to the city but still couldnt wait to go. It was 2:30 in the afternoon which meant school got out. Chelsea didnt have much friends so she just kept to herself and payed attention to her academics. She went to her locker and put her backpack and walked out. She usually took her bookbag home but it was a friday and spring break was next week so her teachers didnt give out any homework. She started walking home which was only about a 5 minute walk. As she was walking down the school sidewalk she was watching several couples kissing and saying goodbye to each other which made her sad and a little jealous. All she wanted was someone to love her and care about her. Was that too much to ask for? she thought to herself. She looked away and just kept walking. Several minutes later she got home. Her moms car was in the driveway which she thought was strange because its only 2:40 and her mom didnt usually get home until 5. She opened the screen door and walked in. She took her shoes off at the door then went into the kitchen to get a drink when she saw her mom sitting at the table with an envolope in front of her. “Chelsea please sit down, i need to talk to you about something.” her mom said as she got a drink. “Whats wrong?” she replied. “Just sit down please.” Chelsea grabbed her glass of water and sat down. “Mom, youre scaring me. Whats wrong?” Chelsea said with a scared tone of voice. “Your birthday is coming up in less than a week.” “Yeah I know. Dont worry, you dont need to get me anything.” She replied. Her mom was defintiely struggling with money. Her work cut her hours and she was barely making ends meet so she had very little extra money to spend. Chelsea understood this and was absolutely fine with not getting a present because she knew how hard her mom worked. Her mom started “I know but i wanted to. Youre growing up and before i know it youll be moving out.” “Aww mom, youre going to make me cry.” she replied. Her mom smiled and slid the envolope across the table to Chelsea. “Whats this?” she asked. “Just open it.” her mom replied with a smile. Chelsea picked up the envolope and opened it. She took out the contents and was speechless. CHAPTER 3 “Well...What do you think?” Her mom asked. “I...I...I dont know what to say. This is the best birthday present ever. Thank you so much!” she exclaimed as she ran over to her mom and gave her a big hug with tears in her eyes. In the envolope were two tickets to O’Hare airport in Chicago. She couldnt believe it. Her dream came true. Shes going to the city. “Thats not all though sweetheart.” her mom stated. “What? Really?” Chelsea said with a giant smile on her face. Her mom went into her room and came out with a present wrapped in pink wrapping paper which is what her favorite color was. Theyt both sat down at the table and her mom handed her the present. “Open it.” she said. Chelsea already had a small smile on her face still because of the tickets but when she unwrapped her gift her smisle went from ear to ear. “OMG! OMG! OMG! THANYOU SO MUCH MOM! OMG!” She yelled nearly deafening her mom. Under the giftwrap was a new touch screen phone. She had never had a phone because her mom couldnt afford it so this was huge for her. “Were going to be in the city, so we need a way to keep in touch and youre old enough that you should have your own phone. Just becareful with who you give your number out to. Promise?” “Of course. Yes i promise.” “Good, now go pack your bags, we leave tomorrow morning bright and early.” |